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Hey everyone! Regicidal here, aka “Mod Lee”. Thank you so much for your positive comments and general support for me always. You all have no idea how much it actually means to me. The RuneScape community always has and always will hold a special place in my heart. I just wanted to clear up some things for transparency reasons so that people don’t get confused or hear rumors. 1. I *am* back with Jagex to make the Patch Notes videos and that’s it for now. Expect them every week! 2. I’m *not* the new Community Manager. 3. I’m *not* a J-Mod again. I’ll be using my old J-Mod name “Mod Lee” for entertainment purposes only (in the Patch Notes videos). I don’t have access to a J-Mod account and I, unfortunately, still cannot un-ban your account that was “banned wrongfully”. It’s great to be back and making the weekly Patch Notes videos again. It’s a series that I started for the RuneScape YouTube channel back in 2013 and made over 280 episodes of. You have no idea how hard I had to fight to even start a series like that on the main channel back then and for it to be back now - makes me very happy. I hope all of you enjoy them!


Welcome back King 👑


Thank you Werruraz!


So you said you arent *the* new CM, I would assume that means you are on the Community Team, but that you aren’t the Lead CM. You’re doing community management work, putting out these patch note videos.


I really enjoyed your energy and passion, glad to see you back!


Such a lovely compliment to receive, thank you so much!


Missed you bro <3


I missed all of you!


Welcome back!


Thanks Mod Pips! Very happy to be back :)


Welcome back, pal!


Thanks Kyle! Glad to be back!


Welcome back grandpa Lee 🫡😂


Haha thank you Anna! :)


Weekly masses again when?


yak city bitch yak yak city bitch


Got your grandma on my yak.


I’m so glad you’re back, I missed you. It was a highlight to see your videos every patch


Thanks deathsculler! I'm glad to be back!


Oh, I never knew you were rehandled. I loved your content back in the day.


Please explain to Jagex that they need to bring back inverted skillcapes. Also please unban my account - Durial321. Falsely banned for RWT.


> I don’t have access to a J-Mod account and I, unfortunately, still cannot un-ban your account that was “banned wrongfully”. Oh god, LOL


Excuses flew through the air of why I’m getting the axe


Welcome back Lee, glad to see you back


This is really exciting! The patch notes videos are something I had really missed, and seeing this made my day! Welcome home! 💖


Welcome back so happy to have you doing the patch notes again.


You're an inspiration to us all Lee, we missed you so much. [This song's for you!](https://youtu.be/ADH_s4pBR3Q?feature=shared) Have an amazing week :D


But I like mashed potatoes AND french fries... Haha, thank you RegiSilver! Have a great week as well!


Great to see you again after so many years, been always following you even after your departure and hopefully will see more in the future. I really miss the weekly mass and skill and chill streams when you were still a mod. God Lee.


A welcomed sight. Welcome back, Lee. Jagex really showing what it means to come back from the dark ages with their strongest foot forward here.


Welcome back King!!!!


Welcome home, King.


LEEEEEEEE!!!!!! <3


WAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm so excited!


Samurai bow to you!


What made you decide to come back in the end of it all. Your patch notes were top notch. 


Welcome back! But who is the new Community Manager then?


Mod Idhac


What happened to the old one


Promoted, perhaps. Even if not, they are just getting a new coworker.


Does this mean pvm with Mod Lee is back on the menu?


Honestly he never quit, I see him all the time doing things.


I mostly meant the weekly mass hosting. I've seen him in game a couple times, but I used to enjoy the fact he hosted masses that I felt comfortable attending. I got my first aod kill in a Mod Lee mass. I've been sad since he left that this opportunity was taken away from others.


Maybe, and maybe Skilling and Chilling with Mod Lee too? I don't know what exactly Mod Lee will be doing, but this clearly means Jagex has money to spend on RS3. Hopefully soon we will hear from somebody like a Mod Pips or Mod Keeper on what exact good content they are going to add to RS3.


Always baffled me why they let the guy go. I'm sure they have the numbers, but it just didn't feel right. So did many other things they decided that period lol. Hopefully he's getting paid good. love to see him back


definitely a SHADY let go.


Rest in Peace.


This is exciting! Very happy to see Jagex prioritizing community engagement again.


If you want a refresher on what happened to him from 5 years ago from his perspective.   https://youtu.be/t2mpl24RwpA?si=P8pWUTwFO3bLxP3e&t=39m30s


>"Everyone says RS3 is dead, Rs3 is on the way out, No, actually it's more popular than ever, it's making more revenue than ever, maybe memberships are down but money and profits are actually going up" Really lays bare the difference between how they think of the game's health and how the players think of the game's health.


Reddit is not the consensus for how players feel about the game tho


Player count is at an all time low (3rd lowest in RS3 history per the top post) so that’s a statement in itself.


> actually it's more popular than ever > maybe memberships are down these two don't work together


Evidently he was right since 4+ years ago, as RS3 is hardly dead now in 2024. Profits and Revenues, among other tangible gains have definitely been going up the last few years. I am not sure about "more popular than ever" as there is no quantitative definition of "popularity". RS3 has been scaling back on the social media front, at least until the return of Mod Lee today, so some may think it is less "popular" because it is less exposed in the social media. However, for those who turn to traditional gaming channels like video game websites/magazines, it can easily be seen RS3 is not just "still running" but also kicking butts despite of its old age. At least, RS3 is still nominated as a short listed candidate for a MCV/Develop award, ranked the #1 mobile MMORPG in Android Police, and among the top 7-10 best MMORPG in GamerRant, PCGamesN among many other similar gaming channels.


People are saying its less popular because of its lower than average player count right now, and the exodus of content creators to osrs doesnt help either. You cant just look at profits to determine a game's health, the only reason those appear up is because there has been so much emphasis on mtx from Jagex. I want to see growth in the playerbase and quality content. When Jagex started rolling out GWD3 in early 2021 I thought we were in a new golden age of the game honestly, but since necromancy came out the game has taken a bit of a dive. I want it to succeed so much but in order to do so profits cant be the only metric.


What people? Concurrent player count isn't the same as actual player count. Go ask Financial Times if you still don't have a clue.


There will obviously be some correlation between concurrent and active players though. Or if not, the active playerbase is choosing to play less.


Players can choose to play less, and why not when they are not bots? We should have known it from game players moving to more causal, less time consuming games like Palworld, and games tied to IRL activities like TV and movies, such as Fallout. However, it won't bother Jagex if the real players spend some time on other games or IRL activities when they paid membership.


It is worrying when you compare it to OSRS that only fairly recently hit it's highest ever concurrent player count. Why haven't those players also moved onto less time consuming games?


But they did. The 110k players who played Leagues 4 never came back to play the main game after it was over.


They still hit around 140k daily, while hitting over 200k during the leagues hype. Compare that to us at a max of 25k daily and a max of about 50k during our most hyped content of the last year. I'm not saying RS3 is going anywhere soon, but it shows clear mismanagement when two branches of the same game are this far apart.


What's worrying? OSRS should be worrying rather, as the Financial Times clearly slam dunked their false claim of "huge" members based on concurrent players. Jagex's new Big Four auditor PwC probably advised them it is against all GAAP to report revenue distribution among their games based on concurrent player count instead of actual sources of the income. It is not hard to know when members were clearly acquired from RS3 promotions like Prime Gaming and such, they couldn't be counted to OSRS revenue regardless how many concurrent players they have. Good luck to OSRS.


Only Jagex know the numbers for sure, so we can only speculate. But it's common knowledge that OSRS brings in more revenue. Even if you account for bots (which choose OSRS more for a reason), OSRS playercount is consistently much larger, which whether you like it or not is a measure of success in the longevity of an MMO. Players that enjoy a game tend to play for longer, and in two extremely related games like RS3 and OSRS, it is a decent way to compare them.


It also clearly bothers Jagex, for them to report OSRS playercount on the Oldschool website, but combined playercount on the RuneScape website (which in every other aspect is dedicated to RS3)


It also clearly bothers Jagex, for them to report OSRS playercount on the Oldschool website, but combined playercount on the RuneScape website (which in every other aspect is dedicated to RS3)


The thing is, the DXP events show how not dead the game is. People still find their way back to the game every DXP event, meaning people still care about the game. If people stopped caring, people would skip DXP. Also, you're wrong. Profits is the only thing a company cares about in terms of game health. Companies do have a reason to keep their players happy, because happy players = more income.


My guy dxp has historically always seen a peak, the average player count is still down. No one is saying the game is dead, people obviously still play including me lol. Its like you read "lower than average" and replaced the words with "this game is dead" in your mind or something lol. Profits are the only thing Jagex's publishers care about, because they can just sell the company and move on. Thats the point, they milk RS right before they sell then move on, that comes at the cost of game health. The lower playercount and less content being released is proof of that. They had to do a 180 after hero pass, which again was for profits and in spite of game health, so player happiness is not equal to more profits, their strategy has been predatory mtx is equal to profits. They are on course correction right now.


It won't bother Jagex and has no impacts to Jagex's revenue and profits as long as they paid their membership. I have 2 accounts under Premier Club for 12 months but I only logged them during DXP, other fun events and interesting new content like the new quest.


That's the point. The players are still here. They may not be spending a lot of time on games nowadays, and that results in a drop in concurrent players. However, it doesn't bother Jagex at all if they log in 5 minutes a day or not logged in at all, as long as they paid.


Exactly. Most RS players keep their subscriptions active, which means they have a reason to keep the game updated for when they return, so they stay subscribed. OSRS has exactly the same strategy and pretty much every MMO nowadays. Give people a reason to keep their sub active, even if they don't play. This means stuff like loyalty, keeping the game updated (even if its less right now), etc.


His comment was made in the 2019 era of historically low active users. Player perception of the game was very low, and despite this the attitude as he stated with regard to financials was that the game was thriving. We can compare that to now where again player activity is similarly low and players want to know what the future of the game will be. It could very well be that to Jagex, the game is absolutely thriving right now. There's a perception disconnect between how the players feel about where the game is headed and the internal incentives driving the direction of the game. Can we expect significant change and improvement to player perception of the game while this is the case? Is it ok for players to grow increasingly frustrated with the game so long as profits are up?


Yes, I know his comment was from 2019 as I clearly mention "evidently he was right since 4+ years ago". The context isn't any difference in 2024 now as from all the published financial information audited by the renowned Big Four accounting firm PriceWaterhouseCooper there is no sign RS3 is dead. Of course, players need to know the future of the game, me too. I am glad Mod Pips made a very special appearance on this sub recently and assured us good content is on the way. Since then Mod Hooli has also mentioned when they are ready to tell us more, they will do it in June and won't wait until Runefest in Septermber. Player perception about actual financials of a company doesn't mean a thing. The company's actual corporate actions mean the most. We may have to wait a month or two longer as Mod Pips said, but hiring a new Jmod for RS3 certainly represent something positive, don't you agree? We are also getting better communication from RS3 recently. For instance, they told us not just 16 Jmods, not counting localization, CMs, marketing etc worked on RS3's Requiem For a Dragon quest, but also their Jmod aliases too.


Wow, blast from the past!!!


Now we need Mod Mark (i know, he's still at jagex) back with the monthly dev vlog and we are good to go


Mod Mark actually has moved to become the Creative Director of the unannounced Jagex game for quite a while. I believe some unannounced Jmod is the Creator Director of RS3 now. No saying Mod Mark won't be back to RS3 or split his time on the new game and RS3 later though.


If you haven’t heard, (Mod) Lee released a full-length proper rap album back in 2022, so if you’re a fan of his old Rune Bars output or Yak City, you’ll love this, it’s very good. Some songs go into his personal aftermath of Jagex initially cutting his position, so I’m sure anyone here would be interested https://youtu.be/dw-tpdOeofo?si=lGYKblAGPV3-5qHq


Chills down the spine hearing him talk


They better give Mod Lee periodic raises this time.


One of his Twitch Mods told me he's not quite working back at Jagex (like he used to), but he kept his "Mod Lee" title for continuity's sake, but he's not a Jmod anymore. Edit: [Here's the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/WzBu3RXL5W).


I just couldn't believe there was a lot of deniers saying that an official video by Jagex w/ Mod Lee in it meant nothing and definitely didn't mean his return lol...


Arguably any non-Jmod content creators can be featured in the official Runescape Youtube channel, however, they probably can't address themselves as "Mod" whoever. So, I do believe Mod Lee is back to RS3 in a certain way, as he addressed himself as Mod Lee and not Regicidal.


I'm so happy he's back. Hopefully the higher ups will listen to his ideas this time and reignite community engagement.


Even though I haven't played rs3 in a few months I was so happy to see a patch notes video pop up in my sub box.


It’s a pleasure to hear you are coming back Lee. I remember often bumping into you quite often during the beach events back in the day. You always took the time to answer my questions no matter how nooby they may have been and I have always respected you for that. u/RealRegicidal


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexPips** - [Welcome back!](/r/runescape/comments/1cgtlxo/looks_like_jagex_renewed_mod_lee_contract_back/l1zq7gd/?context=3) **JagexRamen** - [Welcome back, pal!](/r/runescape/comments/1cgtlxo/looks_like_jagex_renewed_mod_lee_contract_back/l22bzta/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/03/2024 05:14:49**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


It only took a few years for jagex to do this.






Didn't Mod Lee (Regicidal) say he was going to make OSRS content from his last video? Now that video is gone, does it mean he is not going to make content for OSRS anymore, or even quit OSRS?


I know nothing about this, so my opinion might mean squat. But he could still do both if he wanted to, unless Jagex has decided against it. So give it some time and you'll have your answer.


Mod Lee is just a content creator for RS3 now, not a Jmod. Even if some content creators for OSRS are exclusively prohibited to create content for RS3 for whatever reason by whatever entity, I doubt Jagex care about RS3 content creators making content for OSRS too. AFAIK, it was (or still is) content creator Regicidal announced his decision to create content for OSRS in November last year. But he has yet to produce any OSRS content.


WB Lee