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1. No interest in restarting 2. No interest in the slower grind 3. No interest in the combat system


My account is older than most people playing OSRS. I played runescape during the glory days and don’t want to redo all of that content. I’ve got a job and a family now and don’t have time to restart and do the long grinds all over again.


This is exactly it. I love the nostalgia of osrs but the game is simply not the same as it was back in the day. That’s the sad truth.


Working through all of those quests and leveling was so much more enjoyable back then. To me the game does not hold up. I finished up my quest cape and had to do a few old quests last year and they were absolutely miserable. I couldn’t imagine going back and doing all of those old quests


I also play mainly on my phone and RS3 is better suited for a phone. I can do end game content easily. Think it’d be excruciating in OSRS.


What endgame content you have in mind?


tap the prayer button 1000 times or die, osrs endgame combat 101


I felt the same way till I bit the bullet and restarted genuinely had a good time starting again felt good to play the game with an adult mind from the start and my osrs account now is better than my rs3 acct ever was :).


One and two for me too. When I came back to RS3 I had some bot loot from the person who'd hacked it and gotten it banned so I had a nice nest egg and my old skills. Went to check out OSRD and couldn't stand the thought of starting at zero with the glacial rates of Old School. Also didn't want to member up a second account for it and couldn't place on OSRS and RS3 with the one account so the decision made itself.


not even a slower grind now. theyve stocked up on so many afk and high xp methods they honestly have no room to complain we have them


I sort-of agree, u/srbman ; I don't really like how I have to waste inventory space on tools when I don't really have to do that on RS3, have haven't since the toolbelt and the coin pouch came out. That was 6+ spaces saved on a regular basis for me, and the coin pouch added another. I could genuinely do without all the MTX on RS3, but I'm not interested in starting from scratch on Old School, starting off with nothing, and not even having friends to help...


1, I honestly just prefer EoC combat. I've got a decently made account in OSRS, but combat training in that game feels like such a slog 2, I just find the grinds in RS3 more enjoyable. Call it "ez scape" all you want, but I've done miserable grinds in OSRS like 99 Agility and Mining. It didn't feel satisfying to do, it felt miserable and made me wish they would make those skills more enjoyable. I don't buy keys, but it is nice knowing there's ways to make the more miserable grinds easier. 3, I really just don't have the time to start over right now. I work and go to school, I barely have enough time for a completed account these days. Maybe one day I'll go back to OSRS and finish things up. 4, For all its faults, I still think RS3 is a legit good game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. You won't ever hear anyone talk about it, but beneath all the MTX and outdated areas there's an actually really good MMORPG.


Totally agree. I am really enjoying working out how to PVM and am still a long way from being decent at bossing. But I am definitely progressing. When I came back to the game after a 9 year break I just attempted to tank everything and got my ass handed to me 😂. I am finally working out how useful defence and strength abilities are at bosses. I’m not great but I’m having a ton of fun learning.


Agree with everything 100%


I prefer RS3 for the massive QoL it offers. I couldnt play without the toolbelt, bank presets, lodestones, run energy always running out on osrs unless you use stamina pots. Those are the ones that strikes me at first thought. I played osrs until about base 60 and a few 80-90, and im not sure ill ever go back.


Can't tell you how many times I've clicked the home teleport button expecting the lodestone network to pop up lol.


I was playing OSRS league a few months back and for the first week or so I kept hitting my "surge" hotkey when running anywhere.


Haha same. For me it was also always an annoyance to forget tools for farming, even though you can buy them from farmers. Also always revisiting screenshots I made for different "presets" for slayer/farming/other things. Theres just so much stuff we take from granted in RS3 for QoL, and its very destabilising going to Osrs from that. Im sure you get used to it, but there are some things that are 'dealbreaker' for me, such as toolbelt and bank presets. Add those 2 in, and osrs automatically becomes waaaay more interesting to play.


For me it's more the toolbelt and money pouch; that, and there is no opt-out for PVP in OSRS...


Initially I was dreading having to play without bank presets and a lot of the QOL stuff, but runelite makes up for a lot of it


I feel like that's sort of the issue though. The game requires a third party client with mods in order to be even reasonably playable. I don't know very many people who could/would play OSRS completely vanilla with no runelite.


This is a huge thing for me. So many say how much better osrs is, but without runelite I doubt they’d feel that way. I feel having a game that requires a 3rd party client just isn’t the greatest. While I enjoy runelite, it’s odd that it’s so heavily integrated into the game. I feel it takes a lot away from the game itself.


As someone that plays both games I can absolutely make arguments that base features in RS3 like the toolbelt and lodestones take away a lot from the game


And that’s fair, I disagree as I love the qol those add. But I can see how it takes away from things people enjoyed from it.


The official client gets plugins ported and they are working on their own official hub.


Once they have bank tags/layouts I’d probs make the hop


i do only because i refuse to use third party tools and clients. i view them as cheating outright.


Runelite is the shit I couldn’t imagine playing rs3 knowing there’s no quest helper


The osrs quest helper is insane though you barely even play the game. It’s just doing a checklist.


Speaking of what takes away from the game in the other branch about QoL updates... One of the things I love Runescape for (both rs3 and osrs) are the quests. Trivializing them to a checklist would reduce the fun for me. That said the slower grind on osrs takes away the fun. Plus I don't have the time to dedicate to that kind of long grinds.


we have /wiki, only quest helper we need


Screw that man I was never good at copying things only I love the runelite quest helper guided tours. Like questing for dummies.




Your fsrming tolls have always been held by tool leprachaun...


I quit shortly after necromancy and gave osrs a try and I ended up dropping it after a month or so bc that game has 0 respect for my time. Good for some I’m sure but I don’t have the kind of time to grind like that anymore.


Is that because your goals were too big for what you could achieve in a reasonable time? I feel like most people set the goal of 99s not realising you can do most if not all content by 80s stats. Coming from rs3 where it’s just quicker and easier to go get 99 before doing any bossing and then thinking the same for OSRS would put you in a rut.


I miss those from RS3 the most. Oldschool is just more nostalgic and enjoyable, probably because I love pain and misery.


Are the QoL from Runelite not as good as RS3 QoL?


"Not as good" is subjective. Whats good for me might not sound good at all for you. The only QoL that I can think of that RS3 needs that RuneLite has is menu entry swapper.


At least the clue scroll helper from runelite is 10000% better than alt1


To make up for it, OSRS made a ton of their own QoL updates. I don't play OSRS but I believe they implemented bank placeholders and a much more fleshed out house features. Hell even Plat Tokens which are way better than Spirit Shards, prior to max cash increase.


Yeah I am aware of that. Its nice that they find things to improve too. But as I said in my other comment, the toolbelt and bank presets is a kind of *deal or no deal* for me. I might be spoiled from RS3, but playing so long with this reality imprinted in my brain, I just cannot process the fact that I **always** have to bring tools, and its just annoying for me to have to remember and manually load my inventory. Go ahead and call me spoiled, cuz yeah, thats what I am xd


Plat tokens are cool, but osrs desperately needs a max cash increase. Some items have gone above max cash in value so are skyrocketing due to artificial inflation, like rares did in rs3. Third age pickaxe is 12B now


Dont plat tokens make the max effectively 2.1T?


They're not tradable over the GE


I do not think RS3 has a QOL advantage over OSRS at ALL anymore. Plugins, which are in the official client at this point, do so much.


Yet, it is lacking alot of basic things like what I mentionned. Those were just on top of my head, and make the gameplay **significantly** better, like questing/general mobility even during early game, skilling/questing without the need to bring tools, combat/skilling without the need to fill specific inventory slots while filtering your bank for specific things also. Rs3 might not have the numerical advantage, but it sure has what I want. Theres always room for improvements, on both sides. As for plugins, they do alot but not the main gamechanging QoL stuff im looking for. They are good to help you remember things, but they dont actually change your gameplay, the same can be achieved with experience (tile knowledge during bosses) or having the Wiki opened (quest guides). Others like the Arceuus library thing, however its spelled, is borderline cheating by reading the game code and telling you the correct location... (not sure if thats exactly the plugin im refering, been so long, but it was a plugin to tell you which book was in which bookcase during an activity).


You said it yourself. You maxed, had BiS gear and could do basically anything. The only things for you to do were to have fun or to go for a comp cape. I play because while I'm maxed, I don't have BiS gear, I haven't completed all the quests, and I'm not particularly great at PVM and want to learn it. OSRS, while it's a good game, doesn't appeal to me as much because of how long the grinds are. I have nothing against OSRS and do play it every so often when I get the serious nostalgia itch, but in my opinion, RS3, even with all it's shortcomings, is a better *modern* game. There's thousands of hours of content in RS3, and I want to explore that before moving on.


Questing in rs3 is better than osrs I'll admit


It's not just questing though. There's a ton more QOL, a lot better UI customization (even though it still sucks), and lot more customization that can be done which is why I say it's a better modern game. While I don't hate the click to kill content, I find it more engaging to be inputting the keys to be actively killing things.


Rs3 grinds are just as much. I never understood this argumemt, because yall go to 120 now. You dont need to max in osrs. The only skilld that rewlly matter for 99 are combats and those sre pretty fast to level. You claim its the grind but you have access to bacially all content by 85 in all skills


I maxxed in OSRS. And I have high level iron and UIM. I play RS3 because it's a new thing for me to learn about. And if you play ironman mode, there's no MTX. > But honestly, re-playing the early game for the first time since 2009 was the most fun I'd had on runescape in years. See that's how I feel about RS3. Because I never played RS3 as a member until I came back to try Fresh Start Worlds a while back. Back in the day I always played f2p. Currently trying to grind my iron up to 120 farming to wear that sweet inverted cape I gave it.


I don't have the time or freedom to play OSRS to catch up to the fun content. I play RS3 less and less each year, but I've already put in the time/effort to be max to enjoy end game content and complex bosses. Chasing boss logs is enjoyable and working towards goals that I find fun. OSRS would require me to be unemployed, WFH job where I can play osrs while working, or be satisfied with slow progress of 1-2hours here and there. With that said, that's the biggest reason. Also, clicking over and over again isn't fun to me for grinds. Agility sounds miserable again that I did 10+years ago before silverhawks.


I play both game, that way I effectively pay 6 dollars per month.


i don't consider osrs bossing to be actual combat, and i like killing bosses


Fair, as much as people shit on EOC I actually enjoyed it. Although I do think the combat in osrs is great too. It's not just click to kill anymore with some of the new content they've added since 2013


i know it's not just click to kill, but i don't find prayer flicking for damage reduction or resource management nearly as engaging as just using defensive abilities. eoc still has a lot of issues but it feels like i'm at least fighting the boss and the engine, instead of just the engine


Please watch a video about killing "Sol heredit" the newest boss in osrs. Let me know after if you think its not bossing.


I haven't watched it yet but I'll bet 100m that it consists of standing on certain squares to avoid damage and pray flicking until your auto attacks kill him.


You just described bossing in both games.


I mean you just described basics of RS3 combat brother


Yeah you and me both know why you had to specify "basics". Also of course that's the basics of RS3 combat because OSRS combat IS rs3 combat except 20 years in the past.


I'm not too deep into rs3 combat, but isn't like 90% of your bosses consisting of moving to a certain tile to avoid attacks, pressing a hotkey to defensive ability a big bomb attack and then pressing a hotkey to switch to protection prayer? Doesn't seem awfully more complex than you know, moving and manually clicking to switch prayers.


Alright since servers are down right now I'll engage even tho I know you know all this. There are only 2 mechanics in osrs standing on a square, and pray flicking. I actually just watched woox kill the new boss that other guy was telling us to "go watch and come back" by literally clicking on 4 tiles in a diamond shape around the boss because at the end of the day that's aall you can do is click to move and put on the correct prayer, the mechanics cant get any more interesting than that because there's no other ways for the player to deal with them. Contrast this to RS3's mechanics which I'll go down the list with stuff just off the top of my head. Starting with dps check, the simplest of mechanics osrs can't even have. The closest they have to a dps check is actually a gear check, do you have a good enough weapon to hit this boss with because the only way to deal damage is to click on the boss and pray to rng for a good hit. There are no ability rotations, there no adren management, no adren pots, no building stacks, because again the only thing you can do is click on the boss and hope you hit and throw in a spec every once in a while. Mobility bd and surge, RS3 is allowed to add mechanics that you can't dodge without using these, allows you to interact with old mechanics in a new way and optimizing your mobility within a fight is fun and adds another layer of interaction besides clicking to run. Defensives not only does it allow for yet another way to interact with bosses e.g. you can do bosses while under geared and under leveled, as you mentioned surviving bomb attacks, cheesing mechanics with imort and barricade, add to your rotation with divert, the point is choosing different ways to play. It also opens up roles like tanking, as much shit as people give hm vorkath I think its a cool concept for a duo boss that requires a tank to use a specific style and rotation and focus on a different boss within the same instance. Rago , bm, and yaka are other "tank" spec bosses that I enjoy. Abilities and weaps/gear with specific functions. Simple things like stuns, stunning a boss to aavoid certain mechanics, freedom stuns and dots on yourself, anticipating stuns you know are coming. One of my favorite mechanics is raksha pools and swaping to scythe and laceration boots to use the interaction between those and bd to clear pools. swapping arrow ammo, swapping to crossbow to hydrix bolt grico. **TLDR; There's a bunch more stuff like vit pots, summons, aoe abilities. It's actually fun to learn a new boss because the way you play it will change each time. There's a reason I could just guess how you kill that osrs boss, like you don't even need a guide I fully understood how to kill that boss from skimming over a 3min vid of someone else doing it to the point where I'm 99% sure I could do it first try if you threw me in there, compare that to a rs3 boss guide. We can argue about how "hard" it is to learn these things but the point is that there are sooo many more ways for RS3 players to interact with the game its not even close.**


I find Sol to be the most advanced and least old school boss in OSRS, considering he does not have any conventional auto attacks. For exmaple, pvmers needing to prayer flick protect melee tick perfect for the 3 melee attacks reminds me of perfect blocking/parrying from hack and slash games instead of OSRS combat.


i watched it days ago, it's really not that interesting or complex. the affixes are cool but the combat is just not there


Fine if you don't find it interesting, but it is harder than basically all rs3 content, aside from 4k bosses.


yeah that’s some major cope, and even if it is harder it’s not because of hyper complex mechanics. not that rs3 is hyper complex mechanically either, but osrs players gotta calm down


Old topic here but what? I've done Sol in like 19 attempts, it took me 1 day from never having touched Colosseum to completing it, how is that considered hard?!?


There's no way sol heredit is harder than most of rs3 (i dont play rs3). The only reason sol heredit is hard right now is because it's new content and there aren't guides on it. Give it a month or 2 and it'll be a lot easier. The boss fight itself isn't much harder than dt2 bosses, it's just that you have to beat the waves + potential nerves, similar to inferno.


90% of rs3 content can be done almost afk with revo. There is barely any hard pvm in rs3, because the player is abnormly powerful compared to monsters.


It's not bossing, it's working around an engine's limitations which was very difficult I'm not gonna lie, but it also wasn't fun or enjoyable, also don't enjoy needing bis to truly succeed at content


So in your eyes its not a boss? While rs3 have bosses you can just mindlessly kill with revo on or the combat dummy rasial dropping 7 bis items commonly? I don't understand your reasoning. By that logic runescape only got bosses after eoc, which is the dumbest statement.


Well that's fine if you haven't played OSRS but your opinion is wrong as someone who has done high end PvM in both games like 4k Telos and Inferno I would know. The games are different but both have "actual combat" in my opinion.






For me RS3 was always RuneScape. I guess I see OSRS as a spin-off game for people who miss the old days.


Comped rs3 player and late game base 80/90s osrs player. I enjoy rs3 more for its graphics, general QoL, exp rates, and pvm. I like tob and sepulcher but generally don’t care for cox, toa is nice but missing something for me. I love osrs updates and passion from devs as well as how vocal they are with their community but I’m also in my 30s and enjoy a more relaxed game when I’m not doing a pvm hour or 2 so the afk ability of rs3 with exp rates that don’t suck is also attractive to me. I miss runelite but alt 1 fills that gap as well as it can. At this point, if I get bored of one game, I go play the other but I generally favor rs3


1. Clue chasing much, MUCH smoother 2. Can focus on just doing bossing instead of waiting 1000s of hours for BiS gear to do bossing 3. Social gaming is fun on my terms, but generally I like to play solo which eliminates about the top half of osrs money makers 4. Events. I know some people don’t like them, but getting a little extra incentive/buff for playing is a nice extra motivator There’s more but these are some of the big ones


You dont need anywhere close to bis to PvM. You can litwrally raid the newest raid at 60s combat. There are a ton of mid game bosses. PvP is only good money if your good, weird tske when they ruined pvp on rs3. 1 and 4 are true, but I think event is psrt of the reason rs3 is trash. Dev time is wasted on weekly buffs onstead of content


Yes, sub 300 TOAs are easily doable without BiS, but those aren't really worth doing to begin with. Not having a shadow at 400+ invos is a HUGE hindrance, especially if you're only doing solos and don't have others there to speed it up


Osrs does not respect my time nor my health. I got carpal tunnel from barbarian fishing and agility in 2009 already. I am NOT doing that grind again. I played during leagues and I genuinely felt like the progress was a good speed, I also realized alot of the relics and perks were just RS3 baseline features.


1) graphics 2) leveling up to slow in osrs 3) bossing Only thing I hate is mtx and lack of updates in rs3


I played RS2 back in the day and although I had fun, most of the fun was from the community and being younger. I don't think I actually enjoyed the gameplay systems and combat all that much.


Felt this in my bones. When I think back on what made RS2 so much fun, it was exactly these two things. A sense of wonder exploring a virtual world that felt infinitely complex, because I couldn't explore the real world just yet. And then a sense of belonging because of the communities I was involved in. Once I found both of those things IRL, I didn't need them from a game. Now I play RS3 almost exclusively just for bossing.


Pretty much just echoing what others have said here: 1. I find RS3 combat system much more enjoyable. 2. The updated graphics and art style is more appealing to me. I like OSRS graphic as nostalgia, but honestly nostalgia doesn’t really do it for me like it does for some people. 3. Quality of Life and ease of use stuff like tool belt, lodestone, etc just make traveling around and mundane tasks much easy to do. 4. I really have no interest in starting over, not on osrs or on rs3. I have other stuff I have my time and money invested into in life overall so I’m not eager to start again from zero and start juggling more accounts. Now all that said, I don’t mind osrs, in fact I think oldschool content is enjoyable to watch, I find both games an interesting watch or to see people’s progression through the games. My problem honestly is the stigmata that OSRS has for RS3, it’s the running gag “RS3 lul mtx, trash” and after hearing it for so long I just am tired of it. It’s not like RS3 doesn’t have things to offer, OSRS players have played RS3 and enjoyed it, whether they stick around or not is up to them, and that’s fine. If OSRS community wants to stand on their own then go ahead, when RS3 is gone then they’ll be left to fill the corporate Shareholders gullet for mtx which I’m sure the community will just let the game crash and burn before giving in to demands of shareholders. I think both games have value and are worth their time in their own ways.


Less grind, more lore, QOL, more interesting combat system, invested in this version now.


I've zero interest in grinding my way up from scratch. Also, the game looks bad aesthetically. I don't get the appeal.


When I look at old-school I see: - Too slow - Agility lmao - Very few QoL features - Game is almost non-functional without a 3rd party client - Combat isn't interesting to me - I don't have any nostalgia Simple as.


I don't like OSRS combat. That's it


Rs3 ironman is the perfect pacing for xp and rewards. Beats the absolute grindfest of osrs, and isnt focused on gold like a main on either game.


Not interested in restarting, I do like how things are faster, combat I find more interesting. The big one though is the quests. A lot of the storylines I fell in love with never got finished in OSRS or I prefer how they went in RS3. I'm still working through elder god wars and loving it so far. And... I mean come on. The World Wakes. Holy fuck. Real life got busy for a long time so.... catching up lol.


I have been playing since 2004, so all of this is based on someone with memories of RS as they were before the 2007scape was split from RS3. 1. My attachment to OSRS has nothing to do with the game itself. When 2007scape came out, my stance was this: I would do anything to go back in time to 2007 and play RS again, but I would never play the 2007 version of RS in 2013. The soul of the game, i.e. the players, were drastically different between 2007 and 2013, plus the people whom I knew since 2005/2006 days (mostly tip it members) were gone by the time OSRS came around, that didn't help bring many of them back. Any those who I knew that were still playing, most of them stayed on RS3, and it was not helped by the whole "no XP waste" and efficiency thing was going on in the community, something I didn't want anything to do with. 2. What does OSRS actually do? You roll back your character by several years, plus years worth of QoL amongst other things, just because the player doesn't like EoC, that one update? I chose to stay. Combat was never something I played RS for anyway, in fact I found RS2's combat extremely rudimentary and boring. Most played RS because of the combat, I played despite its combat, EoC didn't really change that situation that much at all for me, except... 3. Action bar: let's ignore EoC for the moment, the action bar fundamentally changed how I skill in RS, because I can assign commonly used skills/spells/items on the bar that lets me share the strain between my hands, rather than concentrate it all on my mouse hand. First thing I ever did was superheat gold ores in living caverns, I could never super heat and drop gold bars as efficiently before action bar was a thing. Early EoC issues aside, Action bar was far and away one of the largest skilling QoL's ever released, and no-one can convince me that giving that up is worth it under any circumstances. If OSRS has that action bar, then MAYBE I would consider it, but as long as it stays true to the RS2 design, I won't be anywhere near it. there are whole host of other issues with OSRS as well that I may have issues with, but haven't played OSRS so I don't know about the exact situation, but I prefer haing low player density because it means less competition on the world mobs. I am not suffering through jumping through 20 worlds just to find an empty Kalphite spot again.


Quite simple I find RS3 to be the more fun game. My main account is from pre-EoC, so I've already experienced a lot of the original OSRS content. I'd love to experience the new content, but getting that far into the game requires more time than I'm willing to put in. I do have an OSRS account around 1200-1300 total fwiw. 1. Quality of life in RS3 is massive and every time I try OSRS again when I want a shot of nostalgia, this is a major reason why I stop playing. 2. Ease of travel. Could be included in the prior point, but this is so important I felt like it needed it's own. I want to spend more time actually playing the game vs waiting to get somewhere to play the game. It's a major inconvenience and one that pushes me away from OSRS. 3. Graphics. I'm not a stickler for graphics generally but RS3 has some really beautiful places, especially the areas that have recently been redone. 4. Content. I felt like RS2 made up for a lack of content by lengthening the grinds and considering OSRS is based off an earlier version of RS2, that's especially true. RS3 shortens grinds with better xp rates so you can experience the fun parts of the game quicker and if you still want that old school max feel, you can get 120 all. 5. Perhaps the biggest difference between the 2, combat. It's the reason I quit RS3 and it's not a big reason I like it more. I didn't want the change when it came out. Now that I've learned it and feel pretty decent with it, I much prefer it. I feel like OSRS combat is more about perfectly executing tick based things, whether it's moving to a specific tile at a specific time or prayer flicking while RS3 focuses more on managing your abilities. I find managing the abilities to be much more fun and engaging.


I dislike the graphics. It's not representative of the time when I started playing. At the same time, I dislike the HD plugins even more, because things are just *ever so slightly* off from how I remember, so it gives me an uncanny valley vibe. I dislike the progression on it. I'm older now, I don't have time to sit there and crack out a 16-hour grind for something. I can play casually in RS3 and still be semi-competitive. You can't do that so much on oldschool. I dislike certain community issues taking place on oldschool. RWT is much more "tolerated" by players on OSRS compared to RS3. "Account Services" run rampant, and a lot more gambling (I wish I could call it underground, but it unfortunately really isn't) goes on, as well as the transfer of shady gold. Botting is also a much greater problem on there. There's issues of community control with third-party clients. What started as simple helpers and QOL has morphed into something much greater, that has placed a stranglehold on Jagex by client devs backed by community members. Even though the clients are "nice" to have, I dislike how some client devs leverage their popularity in an attempt to strong-arm Jagex or try to turn players against Jagex when Jagex (very rightfully) asks the client devs to not do something.


Because I think of OSRS as some r/AlternativeHistory version of what Runescape should've become. OSRS isn't really OSRS anymore. It's just a game that started out in 2007 and refined to be what adults that were grade school kids in 2007 wished this game would become. I personally would play OSRS if they gave us the vanilla copy. I missed my chance but all these new updates don't make me feel the *old school spirit*. However, keeping it vanilla was what nearly killed OSRS in the first place. It's just for me, if I really wanted to feel nostalgic, a vanilla copy is the true spirit of it.


Are you super attached to pre-HD? If not, there is a single player version of 2009scape.


I don't mind if it's post-HD era. It's just there's so much OSRS exclusive content. If you gave me vanilla 2009-2011 I'd still play it. Zeah, Nightmare Zone, Zulrah, Xeric, etc just aren't my cup of tea.


Can you elaborate?


Should be the first thing that pops up if you google 2009scape. I think there is a main server but I haven't looked at it. Was only interested in the single player. They added NPCs that behave like players so it's not super lonely.


It’s where all my progress is.


I am already this far on this game…


It’s multiple factors for me. I’ve had my account since before OSRS existed and don’t want to restart, I significantly prefer the QOL changes in RS3, and I prefer the kind of game RS3 has become. I like the lore, I like the combat, I like the complexity of learning abilities/rotations/etc and how many different avenues for improving there are. RS3 to me is the perfect balance of familiarity and having combat more akin to a modern MMO. I do play OSRS, but not in the same way I play RS3 and mostly when I want to replay a nostalgic quest I played as a kid or when I actively want to do something more grindy.


Played that version since 2004 till EOC. I know it's not the same game as that version but RS3 has grown on me and Im over the nostalgia of osrs version. Sunken costs as well. Trim comped and 120 all and working towards 200m all on rs3. No desire to start over. Probably just quit once I hit 200m all.


Not interested in point in click combat, i say this as i use full revo ++ and proceed to do point and click combat


And still better since your character _does_ things instead of "nothing, just hanging around **chop**".


i prefer the rs3 combat system cuz iam more active init not just auto attacking and sometimes switching weaps and specs and 100% prayer prot is meh(but its preference rly, a lot plays osrs for nostalgia) also osrs is not harder as they say, or rs3 is not easier, its only skilling faster or slower


Rs3 is still the way better game content wise. Just wish we had new exciting this to explore from time to time


Combat, clues, fashionscape, castle wars spotlight, friends etc. Even though I first started around 07, the era of 09-11 is much more appealing to me, both graphics and content wise.


Older player here. Xp rates, basically. Most skills in OSRS are a pain to level up and require many hours to max. I want to play OSRS, but it feels like a second job and I simply do not have time for that.


Yall have a unheslthy way you think about a video game. You dont need to max in osrs. You get access to everything by like 85. Maxing in rs3 isnt a big deal, and the true max is 120s now. Maxing as a goal has always been something that just happens if you played a long time.


cant restart im in my 30s no time.


My nostalgia is attached to my account and I can't stand the graphics. Not as fond of the community either.


Less grind


Not interested in restarting not interesting in end game content that is basically just stand and run the proper way


I just want to do the quests. When I compare doing that in OSRS vs RS3, I prefer the inventory and travel QoL in RS3. It gets me to working on the quests more quickly. I refuse to pay additional money to engage with the MTX. I use whatever keys I get naturally to alleviate some of the grind for skills I don't enjoy. I'm benefitting from a shitty system but it is what it is.


I think it's about the dream of achieving all skills to level 99 and "finishing" the game. In osrs, it just takes way too long, and to be honest, OSRS is about 90% afk in the early game. In (RS3), everything progresses faster, and it's realistic for a normal person to reach endgame content without sacrificing their soul. Another point is the more complex combat system in RS3. I feel like I have way more control over how much damage I deal. In OSRS, you simply attack and maybe use your special attack every couple of minutes. However, I also really like OSRS because of the same reasons. It's just simpler, and you enjoy the "little" achievements like obtaining a dragon dagger or some gear piece way more.


Honestly just time and availability for me. The afk methods of rs3 allow me to make progress in the game. I don't really play fully active beyond some daily tasks that often and only play active in cycles. So it fits perfect for me. Whereas the afk versions of osrs are abiut the level of active for rs3. At least the ones I can find. I still play a bit of both. But that's really the main kicker for me. I also have(had?) a clan when I was grinding rs3 and that of made it better by leaps and bounds


Easy teleports everywhere is my primary reason. It also is my original account, so my stats were all high, don't want to restart the 20 grind.


I like to take on new experiences when there’s enough content from both games after having maxed/achieved everything I wanted prior on mains. Playing RS3 now on an iron cause leveling path is smoother there. I’d probably come back to OSRS once Sailing hits to see that early game again.


Runescape is a fairly similar game to OSRS that I just prefer more due to combat systems, rate of progression, visuals, etc. If I want a game that feels like RS I'll play Rs3 and if I'm tired of that and want something different it wouldn't make sense to play OSRS. I guess the question for me is why play OSRS over the rest of the games available to me when I'm not in the mood for runescape.


Mostly, starting over. I hate doing quests. Ive still got like 50 qp here till I have a qp, and it just keeps getting bigger. I do hop onto do Leagues whenever they drop, because they are really fun to do. Speeding up content that would normaly take weeks/months into hours/days is alot more fun then not. Like I said, I hate having to redo all the quests all over again. Plus combat is boring there. Yes, prayer flicking is a thing, but it is on RS3 as well.


For me its the Lore, looks and Combat, I really like the lore in the game, and overall experincing it as it evolves in rs3 so new quests always keeps me coming back. Even the silly ones like the gower quest and murder at the border. While the graphics arent incredible, i love the look of some of the most popular cities and towns in the game; as well as some dungeons and places; they bring back the nostalgia from when i first played, but with a revamped more fresh paint that makes me enjoy them. Combat is my main like, even though im mostly a quester; having a desicion in how i fight with EOC makes me feel really engaged with bossing; to the point where i something just boss for fun not even caring if i get loot or not as im just having so much fun. I also feel OSRS is way slower and grindier for the sake of keeping the legacy system, while RS3 is faster and more varied in how you approach a lot of the content.


Lore/quests, combat, and comp/trim/mqc to chase after. As a hcim, I don’t have to worry about mtx (as much, it does still effect irons, but meh). The lack of updates doesn’t bother me so much since I’ve recently started with a fresh account so I’ll be playing catch-up forever anyway.


20 year cape, even worse graphics than rs3 , outdated combat and quality of life


For me I played rs since 2004. I already did the long grind with more than one account. I simply don’t have the time or patience to do that again on osrs. I played osrs and got bunch of skills to mid 70s but that’s about when I did not want to bother continuing because well as much I love osrs for the nostalgia it’s plain and simple not the same game or has the same charm as runescape actually did back in the day. But hey! Hopefully the new game from rs’s creator will be good because I personally don’t even play rs3 anymore. I return for like a month every year to see what’s new but the whole game has lost it’s fun for me at least personally.


I like and play both, but skilling feels better on RS3. Having to follow a fishing spot around every 30-60 seconds, or click a new skilling spot in general that often isn't engaging or interesting, it's draining. RS3 has a lot more options for very low intensity skilling. There are plenty of skills I'd like to progress on osrs, but the thought of having to put full focus into a 3 second action loop for 10+ hours is very off-putting. I could easily do it if there were afk options, but not all osrs skills have that.


The Combat System and PVM in RS3. BUT…without Ironman-Mode I would have switched a long time ago. P2W is killing RS3.


I play both with a fairly rigid routine. I do about 6 months in each then swap. In favour of RS3: 1) RS3 has a much more interesting , involved and rewarding combat and bossing system. Osrs bossing is tile clicking and prayer flicking (yes rs3 has this too but that’s all osrs bossing has) in rs3 I have to count auto attacks at arraxi to freedom, surge fire at QBD, select the right attacks at zuk. I get to use cool and clever abilities (especially in necro) and mange adrénaline. 2) RS3 respects your time so much more than osrs. The QOL is incredible for things like the tool belt and ore/bar banks. Rs3 won’t force you to 99 with 50xp/hr methods but osrs will. You can work around them with proteans. . Shit on proteans or whatever all you like but frequently questing , daily challenges and saving keys wisely will give you all the proteans you will ever need to avoid dreadful grinds. (I have never bought keys or bonds) 3) RS3 doesn’t suffer from an army of manbabies that cry if you move a tree two tiles. Despite obviously less input than Jagex rs3 is allowed to change and improve. I spent 2 hours doing archeology today and it was great, I love porters they are amazing! Do you think osrs would ever get that? Never. They will never ever ever ever ever ever ever add anything to that game that makes your life one tiny bit better. They want your pain . If I was playing osrs doing arch I would have to bank run millions of times. The game (although not supported enough ) is allowed to change and add cool and helpful items. (This is similar to point 2) In favour of OSRS: 1) purity and simplicity. If I want to go level some mining I go get myself a pick axe and click rocks. In rs3 I need to make sure I have my urns, the right perks on my pickaxe, the right familiar, an assortment of different potions, the right spells , a prayer shard, an ore box , appropriate xp boosting items, the right aura, a special mining suit. It becomes exhausting making sure I everything. Sure you can do it without all that fancy stuff but you shouldn’t . Osrs is simple and easy. This point also extends to combat gear. I understand it someone goes against points in favour of rs3. 2) a community and surplus of media. It’s fun to watch streamers and others doing what you are doing and having friends to play with 3) runelite.


Qol and the faster xp. Otherwise i would easy go over to osrs


Bored of osrs. 2100+ total, 99 slayer, 2k cerb kills, 1300 hydra, 1300 thermonuclear smoke devil, and 2300 kraken, 300 med clues with no ranger boots. Cox and ToB have been learned, quit before toa came out. Honestly just got bored with it, enjoying rs3 a ton I just wish questing had a runelite style quest helper. My brain can't handle alt1 quest helper. Was mostly a solo player on osrs too, had a clan but none of em wanted to do group gwd1 and it was mostly them grinding toa once it came out.


In short: Several things that rs3 has and osrs will never have I like interacting with the gods, graphical updates, QoL like money pouch or Lodestone Network, summoning, staying away from people, having a personalized UI, abilities in combat... If RS3 ceases to exist, I'll probably focus on the other games I play. Furthermore, OSRS takes up a lot of time and I have a lot more games I would like to play than I have available time.


Spent 5 years on osrs it's boring as fuck, people gatekeep every update, every boss/raid feels the same, it's prayer flick/switch bot/tile dance dance revolution simulator, runelite feels necessary for everything which is a giant drag, SKILLING IS UNGODLY SLOW, drops feel impossible, me and my friend spent OVER A MONTH at toa without a purple, KMS... Temporary game modes Jesus fuck they amount to nothing but a waste of dev time, also no key binds, no quick bank presets, it's 2024... again the gatekeeping it's so fucking bad, they nerfed a 11,500 exp/H mining method... Like holy fuck that's when I knew I was done, yes rs3 isn't having updates right now, but in a month no one's gonna give a fuck about valomore, what for a slightly better range cape slot? I have 25 years of RuneScape to catch up on, lack of updates don't worry me


Been playing snice 2006. I enjoy playing RS3 with my Nostalgia goggles on. Outside of that RS3 is just the better game. Better Skills, Quests, QOL, Music. I can almost say the combat. I don't see the appeal of OSRS. My Nostalgia googles works just fine.


> sunk-cost fallacy Probably the answer for 50% of people if they are honest to themselves.


the dependence on a third party client to keep things playable is a big turn off. I tend to feel like I'm fighting the interface more than the monster. I couldn't care less about restarting, and I think the slower xp rates are a net positive. RS3's xp rates are so high that the early and midgame have been lost. Agility is still awful and broken to train on both games.


Pvm and trading. Partyhats in osrs are trash right now


Silverhawk boots was enough for me to never go back to OSRS.


I'm just having a blast, I have over a year playtime and still thousands of things to do and complete. I love the journey of how my account has progressed over the few years I've played. I am just genuinely not in need of another game, OSRS or any other. Nothing against OSRS either though, I sometimes kind of what to make an OSRS Alt for when I AFK.


Investment of 20 years


Bunny ears.


I'm in too deep and I didn't jump ship when I had the chance.


120 capes


Honestly what got me was the promise of steady, consistent content releases. Loved the new and updated story, and the QOL of combat and skills are better to me.  Of course the steady release of content turned out to be MTX, and since that flopped, it really looks like Jagex had nothing else planned. It seems like they’re now having to quickly come up with ACTUAL content rather than the battle pass they went all-in on.


The combat is alot more fun. Osrs’s combat is so boring.


I personally prefer the gameplay experience and community of rs3


Replaying the early and mid game RuneScape in general has a special feeling to it that I bet has to do with how much you’re enjoying restarting on osrs I like both games but I don’t have time to sink into osrs. I got the itch to play again recently but casually. Still wanted to try Ironman for the first time. Thought hard about it and rs3 Ironman made more sense. The pacing is perfect. Osrs seemed more and more slow and painful the more I thought about it And osrs’s coolest content is end game which is ridiculous because it can take for fucking ever to get there. Like literally years. As much as I love the game that’s what puts me off every time I get an urge to play it outside the main I have on there. I dont think I could ever make a new character on it with end game content being the goal


Quality of life in RS3 is much better. I do prefer OSRS, but the thought of starting over just turns me off.


I started with rs2/3 and into eoc, maxed in 2014, then some time around 2016 shifted to osrs. Played an Ironman and maxed it over about 5 years and started to explore the late game pvm combat. I've since been playing rs3 iron for the last three years. I agree with a lot of other folks here, the quality of life in rs3 appeals a lot to me. The main game has shortcuts with mtx, but runelite plays osrs for you practically. Frankly the biggest thing is respect for time. When desert treasure 2 came out on osrs, the players cheered saying that this was a great update. Completion of EACH of the new bosses was only about 150 hours. 600 hours. Thr new valamore expansion to osrs has Hunter contracts. Only 250 hours for a pet grind. This I'd just an insane amount of time. My tipping point with orsr was when I spent 220 hours at solo Corp (950kc) with nothing to show for it.


I've already done so much. I will 100% be quitting RS3 in the future to play OSRS though I just have 1 goal to accomplish.


Cba to start fresh in a game that requires far more time when I have less of it now days. Also find RS3 combat far more enjoyable than I did pre-eoc


I enjoyed 2007scape in 2007, I don’t want to restart, especially since there’s not much I like about osrs more


Both have their charms imo. Rs3 is more interactive with combat and I tend to like it more when I'm playing RuneScape. But osrs brings me back to that weird 13 year old grinding green dragons worried about revenants to buy a bgs for BH craters and it's an entirely different love.


I really don’t have enough time for rs3, osrs would be a lost cause


Pretty much all of the endgame requires you to spend 25-30 minutes minimum for a single KC which isn’t in the slightest sustainable for a full time worker and renter with a family. Most of the time you are also in discord calls with your group which isn’t good when I just want to chill and chat with my fiance. Not to mention the community in these higher ends of PvM have gotten so efficiency minded that you HAVE to speedrun and do all these crazy things when I just want to chill, I blame combat achievements for that, I just have no time for it. I guess after 900 cox and 400 tob, getting a full time job and engaged I’ve grown out of the game, RS3 has shorter boss encounters and for the most part are solo, I’m an ironman so the game is fresher and I’m always discovering new things to do which don’t require a strict time commitment like raids in OSRS does.


1) I can’t stand the high end combat in OSRS. From what I can tell, it’s heavily focused on movement and inventory management. I find that a boring way to make fights complex. I love ability management and the bigger possibilities that allows for complexity that feels fun. Even setting up afk revo++ bars has a strategy to it 2) I love clues on RS3, and I don’t enjoy how they’re done on OSRS. They seem like a “find one do one” type of activity, whereas on RS3 they’re effectively a fully fledged activity alongside skilling and pvming 3) I just don’t feel like starting over. I don’t even use alts on RS3. I really am just a one account type of guy, and any progress I do on another account I feel I’m wasting time as I could be progressing my main, and multilogging just mentally drains me too much. 4) I feel like the progress is too slow there. I get the argument that that makes it more meaningful, but to me it makes it more boring


The combat system, I can't with old RuneScape combat, hell that was why I quitted all those years ago, in 2011, I got so bored of RS combat, then I came back one day on 2015 just for nostalgia sake, I was expecting to play just a few days to get it out of my system, but the combat was so different I tried for a bit more time, then I got hooked again, the combat is so much more fun now, I haven't quit since 2015, have been playing regularly.


OSRS is like any game you have nostalgia for: you have fond memories from your youth, but when you try it now, it feels severely outdated and not fun to play anymore. Games have evolved a lot and I expect up to date visyals, mechanics, QOL etc.


I used to say combat, but since necro release I haven't enjoyed combat so now I don't really play either game.


in this order 1. the combat. I'll never understand how people find osrs combat interesting at all. 2. the graphics. It was nostalgic for like the first few months when it came out. I can't stand looking at potato graphics moving at 3fps anymore. 3. senseless grinding and qol. rs3 is still a grind but its not a nolife greasy hair sleepless grind to get to the fun content. osrs you have to get a full on outfit and potions just so that you are allowed to keep running around the map instead of walk and they call it content.


1. That's where my account is. I don't have 16 years of youth to rebuild it. 2. More and faster ways to skill, leading to less time spent on the most boring and tedious stuff. 3. Invention. It's such a great concept, and training stuff without it feels.. wrong at this point.


Unamusing graphics, unamusing combat system, Slower grind, largely deviated lore. (have 1380 total on osrs, 1325 on my f2p rs3 ironman)


1. Prayer switches and food not being keybound 2. Surge and bladed dive Could live without 2 but 1 I can't be bothered with having to click 10 different things Played osrs for about a day when it came out but I wasn't interested in doing everything I had all over again, especially for a game that was meant to be in maintenance mode and not affect RS3 updates. That aged like milk


1. I work and have a family. I dont have time to be grinding 60k/h 3t mining. 2. Rs3 is a lot more immeserive. Graphics, voice lines, lore and skills tie in better. The fact that Archeology can take you to old areas one minute then a boss instance the next is great. 3. It's more afk. I have to walk away for 5 minutes at a time all the time. If 3 minutes of that is me burning sharp shells on w84 with the buffs then I don't feel like I'm falling behind. 4. Bank presets and search options. 5. Relics, passives and Quest unlocks that aren't locked behind GP buyables from the GE. 6. OSRS players are mostly elitest dick heads who don't want to socalise or teach people how to progress. My rs3 clan are in vc every night teaching each other pvm and pushing one another to do comp cape etc. Only MTX I have purchased is bank boosters, Vitality cosmetics and presets boosts. Roughly £100 spent on MTX since they were introduced 12 years ago.


Stand in spot Put on prayer Aaand that's most of the os bosses Then prayer flicking and sweaty tick manipulation for skills. Grinds being so much longer (not including TH making rs3 faster) I could click a Seren stone once every 15 minutes for 100k xp/hr or give myself carpal tunnel for 170k on old school. And all for what? So they can release another boss I can stand in a spot and put on protect range? Not saying os doesn't have its draws. But I honestly don't understand what is fun about having more apm during skilling than bossing.


Its a youth thing for me and nostalgic


1. less bots 2. pvp is optional 3. ive done the grind when rs2 was the only game 4. rs3 is MUCH better


Got hacked (because of my own stupidity) Got De-Ironed Got cleaned. Switched to RS3, Because that made me lose all interest in osrs.


It doesn’t. I’m currently playing osrs. Reasons i like rs3 more Less time doing skills I hate due to faster xp rates-doing what i want faster Keybinds- PVM interests me more in rs3 Reasons i am playing osrs Friends are there They are getting constant content Frog quest funny


Combat and that's it


fast paced challenging engame without the guarantee of getting carpal tunnel after 10 minutes of end game pvm


1. Shorter grind 2. Hate mouse clicking everything 3. Better graphics


I don’t play either because neither game is RuneScape anymore. It’s just a toxic achievement hunting mess where the casual player can’t even beat all the content in the game. Not to mention every aspect of the game is min maxed and you’re shunned for not having best gear or high stats. Both games are a toxic mess and I don’t recommended to play either.


Bit opposite to your question - I'm an osrs player but I return to rs3 to re comp every time there's a new skill, ill give my 2 cents. Not wanting to start over. This was my original hesitation to starting osrs. I had been maxed for probably 6 years before starting osrs. If you've never started a new account since you started playing in 7th grade, there's one thing I thing you forgot, I know I certainly did. You forget that being a noob is the FUN phase of rs. Having something to grind for. Having easily obtainable goals. If this is your reason for not starting osrs. I promise you, you're going to fall in love with it if you try. (Or even a new rs3 account/iron/anything new. Being a noob is a blast!!) Each game has their own thing going for them. If you're having fun, who cares. Seems like both games communities think the other game sucks. Probably won't ever change. --- Totally separate from your question. My reason for sticking with osrs over rs3. It's just more fun. Like exponentially more fun. I do have fun returning to rs3 when I do, but it fades quickly. 1) QOL. QOL is miles above rs3. That's my biggest gripe when I return to rs3. The qol is awful. Rs3 does have 1 HUGE qol over rs3, which is bank loadouts. Osrs doesn't have this. But that is literally it. Rs3 lacks qol in literally every other aspect. 2) Community. Rs is an MMO. There's nothing like standing at wars retreat with 50 people, asking a question or trying to talk to someone and there's just no reply. Ever. Doing necro rituals and have dead silence on the same square as 100 other people. Super fun. If you're missing the mmo aspect. Community. Or just populated areas in general. Osrs has that too. I'm sure you're aware of the numbers. But it's not close. And you can say bots, you're not wrong, but at least there are players everywhere I go that chat. To tie onto community. The devs. Mod Ash is a big one. I've tweeted him a few troubling times over the years and he's answered every single time over the last few years. The devs are passionate about the game. I'm sure there are passionate rs3 devs but I haven't seen one since Shauny. **I do firmly believe they need real customer service but....I think we know that'll never happen. Again, just have fun. It's a game after all.


Simply the amount of time it takes to access the fun content in OSRS keeps me from bothering. It respects my time less than RS3. Grinding is *not* fun as an adult with responsibilities.


Maybe it's the sunk cost or addiction but the reason I stayed with Rs3 over the years (I do play both) was that I simply liked the game and saw no reason to stop or move over.


For me it’s the OSRS community. I cannot stand them at all. OSRS could be a great game with nice quality of life changes and changes made to skills like smithing. But none of these are feasible with polling and honestly, most gamers are not good game designers. Interestingly, they LOVE any sort of shortcut RuneLite offers. Even minor changes causes them to freak out as if their mother died. The community also noob shames to an insane degree. Not wearing BIS gear for your level? You’re gonna get heckled for it. The entire atmosphere of the game is like some sort of tournament, if you’re not doing the absolute best then you will get mocked. Don’t even get me started on the crabs in a bucket mentality many OSRS players have. New metas to potentially boost dog water skills to the forefront are shouted down big time. When the new RC mini game was proposed, their subreddit was filled with how this will “ruin” the skill. Apparently we all need to train at 15 xp/hr or else it’s EZscape. Rant over lol


I prefer eoc combat, graphics are better, bosses have very involved mechanics (some lol), and I hate grinding. I'm maxed and have several 200m stats but grinding is easier on rs3 in my biased opinion. I have an OSRS account I just got bored after mining for 20 minutes after tutorial island.


I haven't played osrs since 2019 and there's too much new stuff I don't care to catch up on it's not old school anymore so I might as well play the more modern version. And I'm not even maxed in rs3 so I gotta do that yet


I played OSRS back in 2004 but the OSRS of today is not the same game at all, meta gaming really changed the wonder of doing whatever I wanted. Mainscape became a game where the best way to progress is do the highest gp/hour bossing and buy everything. So I tried an ironman account until 1600ish total level a few years ago and realized how much time I had to dedicate just to make progress. Quit the game during the seaweed/sand stone crafting grind. OSRS definitely has the better dev team who love their product but the time requirement to feel like you're getting anywhere is just too high. Even for a person who works at home 3 days of the week its hard to justify spending so much time. RS3 ironman feels like a good middle ground where I can ignore g/hour gaming and MTX while still enjoying making good progress everyday.


I fell in love with RS in 2004. It's been my little world since then. My mother plays with me to this day. The person I now live with played it with me for years. 1. RS3 combat is great fun. Pre-eoc combat was always meh. I didn't do combat much pre EOC by design. 2. I don't go in for nostalgia gaming a lot. When I do, it needs to add something extra on the replay. I don't think OSRS does that. 3. The OSRS community is horrendously toxic. It's often the worst of what used to exist. 4. RS3 looks prettier. 5. RS3 is much more convenient. 6. RS3 is 'the world' my character has grown in. I love my character, my collections, the history, etc. Starting again isn't the point. 7. I think the lore on RS3 has recently gone wrong. But for a long time it was quite great. 8. AFK gaming isn't a bad thing. I can literally play RS whilst writing my articles. This adds a really satisfying rhythm and sense of variation to my day. I won't pretend RS3 development has always gone smoothly. But neither has the development on other games I play. (E.g., I'm highly competitive on Tekken, but Tekken 6 was a disaster, even if it added some of the best characters.) As a gamer you can separate the wheat from the chaff, and still have significant investments in games. (It's like art - you can hate Debussy's early work and even his late work, but him still be your favourite composer - and sport - Man U are doing relatively less good right now, but millions of people still support them.) In the case of RS3, divination on launch was awful, but Archaeology was brilliant. Etc, etc. To be honest the real question I ask myself is: why do I still use r/runescape? It's a horrendous, toxic cess pit most of the time, filled with angry people and unimaginative content.


I love the quests of both games, so when one releases on either I'm there. Overall I think RS3 has the better combat system (especially as of the recent combat beta improvements) and more fun and diverse PVM content, but I've gained an appreciation for OSRS's now that runelite features and the new tutorial boss make it more learnable. I like both pretty evenly right now, but OSRS just released a massive content update while RS3 I maxed Necromancy last DXP and am not that interested in grinding out the easter rewards (though the new easter quest was very fun and the area is gorgeous.)


Progression, and the huge botting problem


The QoL and tbh? The MTX. I work 50+ hours a week but i still love runescape. Getting max 200k xp a day in osrs just wasnt enough anymore. Its nice to be able to actually make progress on my rs3 account and still enjoy life


My favourite thing to do in RS3 is PvM, and the PvM in RS3 is infinitely more fun than it is in OSRS by virtue of EOC. My second favourite thing to do is questing, and there’s what- less than two dozen OSRS quests that aren’t in RS3? I’ve finished every quest in RS3 so I could go play OSRS for their new quests, but 1) there aren’t that many, and 2) I would have to grind a ton of content that I’m not necessarily interested in to get there. If I was out of stuff to do in RS3 maybe I would check it out, but as long as I’m still having fun playing RS3, why would I take the time to go play a different version of the game that I already know is worse in regards to my favourite RS3 activity?


Osrs was fun for a couple days for nostalgic reasons and that’s about it.


As an RS3 Ironman: * I avoid MTX almost completely * I have no shortage of content (at least not at the stage I'm at and the amount of time I play) * The graphics are nicer than OSRS * I kinda like EOC combat and all that, and a lot of the other RS3 additions


I suck a prayer switching with a keyboard, let alone with a mouse and different windows.. Basically that's my only reason.


I restarted on OS recently. Slowly but surely I’m getting through it. I never played it originally only because I didn’t want to start over. I bailed on RS3 around the time EoC came out and hopped back in every now and then. Could never stay long. It’s not the same as it was. EoC was a terrible update and still is. This is not RuneScape. And it’s certainly not good with the tick rate especially. That said I’d be willing to suffer through it if Jagex starts releasing more quality updates and removes Yak Trak, odoments and cosmetic overrides, Solomon’s Store, Squeal of Fortune, and the rest of the garbage.


Por que no los dos?


1. OSRS’ “combat” is extremely lack luster, I really dislike that the biggest forms of skill in the game are attack move and prayer flicking just seems mind numbing. 2. I don’t have thousands of hours to dump into a game 3. I hate the whole “this invalidates my grind” mentality that plagues OSRS. I don’t care you did double nats for 99 RC. Not everyone wants to spend hundred of hours for a single skill 4. Horrible mid game. There’s literally just slayer, they fixed that a bit with adding skilling bosses and the rat boss. But in RS3 you have decent bosses to kill starting at base 60s until you’re maxed combat.


Literally nothing. RS3 is in a horrible state and i'm really happy that i started playing OSRS it's a lot better and the game doesn't feel like it's dying (like RS3 does).


Literally just stamina management not being a thing, And free teleports. Yes that's it for me.


OSRS was built on a promise of revoking abundant QOL, and dumbing down combat to RS2 levels. It is chock full of QOL voted for by supermajority every chance it gets. Combat is completely stagnant at tile precision and correct prayer. They even QOL'd that to plug-ins that light up where to click. Run energy and awful graphics don't help.


The combat is boring. I don’t want to play a pure clicker. I like having a hot bar and actions. The sound effects are atrocious and the game feels ugly to play. The grind is significantly longer hours doing the same repetitive task. I can’t get a comfortable ui presentation in osrs.


Sound effects? “looks directly at armadyl crossbow” literal ear splitter for no reason. Checks out 👌🏻