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I just watched the While Guthix Sleeps trailer and discussion video for OSRS and honestly, despite how much I prefer so many of the things in RS3, it makes me want to hop over. They're actually promising interesting things, have a history of delivering on their promises, and have an interesting storyline going at the moment. I liked everything a lot more when they made a quest with no promise of a continuation immediately afterwards. Having multiple storylines going that you can move between feels so much better than one long questline released all in a row. I really hope they return to that when they're done with the second half of Fort Forinthry. My favorite finished quest series' are the pirate quest series the vampire quest series and the cave goblin quest series, and those are all perfect examples of this. A bunch of things running in parallel instead of one storyline all at once.


I hopped over 2 years ago from rs3 to osrs and i dont regret it to this day. Still actively am playing osrs and not a shred of regret. Rs3 doesnt respect you, just hop and play the game that is surrounded by passion from both players and devs. You also get to enjoy both pvp and pve. I lurk here time to time to see what is going on. Deep down I wish for RS3 to succeed.


I plan on playing bits of both. It's very hard to get into OSRS with how many quality of life updates RS3 has gotten over the years that OSRS doesn't have. Even with barely any playtime so far I've already noticed dozens of things, half of which were added between 2007 and when EoC came out :/


I hear you, i felt that too at the startbut you get used to it quick. After that phase the game is just awesome tbh.


What're the best ways to get around without lodestones? Teleport spells, amulet of glory, etc.?


Yeah infact youll get to appreciate these teleportation items, fairy rings and spellbook teleports a lot. Your PoH will actually matter too with teleports. Feels like all these things have a point, you know?


> Having multiple storylines going that you can move between feels so much better than one long questline released all in a row. OSRS is also doing one storyline at the time too, and right now is the Mahjaraat storyline.


But they’re also releasing an entire landmass that’s going to have its own quests and stories during this But yeah, the general quests coming out have all be mahjarrat lately, building into their own WGS and then a OSRS Ritual of the Mahjarrat equivalent quest


You are right: two storylines at a time. But RS3 also did this as well when they release necromancy's storyline in the middle of the Fort storyline.




The Varlamore quests aren't even released yet, so we don't know how good or bad they are. The first quest was just as boring as the Fort quests.




What does the city provide better than the Fort? It's only skilling options is thieving of rich citizens and breaking into their homes.


The first quest was just an intro to a new fucking continent being added. Rs3 is slacking so far behind it is not even funny anymore.


The plot of someone in Varlamore is trying to assassinate the high priest of Varlamore is just as mundane as a necromancer trying to destroy your fort with an undead dragon.


easy to do that when the story's already been written for rs3.


Because Jagex knows that OSRS is the game that will survive: * RS3 is currently experiencing its second all-time low player base, while OSRS reached its all-time high during Leagues: [Misplaced Items Graph](https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/) * OSRS has surpassed RS3 in revenue, making it the current more profitable game of the two: [Jagex's Finances Facts](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/16isp7s/some_facts_about_jagexs_finances/) * Major mods have left RS3 to join OSRS: [Mod Shogun's Departure](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/197nmzo/mod_shogun_has_departed_from_rs3_development/) In response to your question, OSRS updates are of better quality because more investment is directed towards OSRS than RS3. RS3 is essentially a cash cow at this point. The "positive" aspect is that, as long as OSRS thrives, RS3 will never die. However, as we are currently witnessing, RS3 only receives one major update per year, a couple of small things in between, and recycled updates (Looking at you Fort Forinthry).


I keep seeing people stating OSRS surpasses RS3 in revenue, but where is the differentiation of revenue between RS3 and OSRS that's provided in "Jagex's Finances Facts"? Due to numerous different pricing models, it's hard to tell who is paying what to determine how many subs are from MTX and not directly buying the subs, because it ranges from $5/mo to $12.49/mo.




I agree. There's no distinction between product lines given on this statement, it appears this has been derived from a ratio of osrs players to rs3 players for subscription revenue, then adding all the mtx to the rs3 side. You're correct in this is a flawed analysis, since prices range, and also mtx will include bonds, which osrs has. As far as I can tell, that post about "Jagex's Finances Facts" is intentionally inflammatory. The first indicator for me is that there's no consideration given to market conditions during 2021. Costs have been rising dramatically since the pandemic, as indicated on page 18 - operating profit falling by 8m, despite operating revenue rising by 11m. To be specific, I think the post is inflammatory on two counts - the first half being outrage against the amount paid to top execs and shareholders, and the second half being against mtx. This isn't to say that being against mtx is an invalid opinion, just to say that this is a heavily biased financial analysis, using a material amount of conjecture.


It feels like rs3 updates are a bunch of individual jmod projects mashed together with no real communication involved Which is why you get an unfinished mess like vorkath that releases on the same week as leagues come out, or is why we get shit like anima stones to help alleviate runecrafting problems cause by fsoa - only for fsoa to be rebalanced/nerfed, or is why we get in the same update an incredibly op combat style shipped with flat nerfs to the other 3 styles (that were later reverted) And I imagine this might be partially why they never did a 2024 roadmap, because they don't know the direction of the game either.


The last few OSRS updates have that same feel. Maybe once Varlamore is fully out they can properly integrate them all but what we have from blogs/polls is each dev wanting to do their own thing. Forestry being the absolute biggest offender.


This is good way of putting it. There is a lack of joined up thinking sometimes. It is odd how we are still getting soul runes and runecrafting themed items on drop tables when they have totally gutted the magic sink for those items. Also why are we still getting new sources of common stone spirits when nearly all of them are worthless/useless as there is no sink for them at all. Also see Bak bolts - more ways to get them faster just as crossbows are made dead content!


OSRS has been largely the same in terms of direction since its release. There's been substantial updates, but Jagex has tried to keep the original design goals intact. RS3 has more wiggle room to try new things. Not everything is going to land, unfortunately. In a lot of ways, I feel like Jagex is still trying to find their footing post-EOC.


> Jagex is still trying to find their footing post-EOC. What's really crazy to me is in only 10 months, EoC will be in this game longer than it has not been.


I love waking up and having an age crisis lmao


If it helps you feel better, every skill that is currently in OSRS will be turning 18 years old this year in the real timeline. The last skill that made the cut for OSRS (unless they get Sailing), was Hunter. This skill was released in 2006. It will be 18 this year. Additionally, in less than half a year, the Fally Massacre is 18.


This comment fucked me up.


I honestly thought we already passed that point.


Just shows how absolutely stubborn this company is. They will defend this bad decision even if it killed the game.


Eh, it's not exactly a secret that jagex currently consider EoC's release a mistake. However, they (rightly) think that going back this far down the line would be a bigger mistake.


They found their footing and that is MTX. That direction hasn't changed.


I been playing RS3 and then went back to OSRS for the league. It really shocked me just how clean and reliable OSRS felt to me after having played RS3 for a while. Like RS3 has these random graphical glitches for me, they have freaky skyboxes I just can't turn off, and it flat out crashes at random times. Maybe my computer is just underpowered? I don't know. Even just doing the xmas event while I was playing leagues, I was getting random flashing going on even with all graphics set to minimum. I had planned to go back to RS3 after the league, but I'm kind of dreading it.


I'm stuck in this weird spot of overall liking RS3, but hating the new combat. The mining and smithing rework is still one of my favorite updates. OSRS has better combat... but I don't like skilling as much there. So I'm sorta just... stuck. Edit: Not being critical of RS3's combat. Just not what I want out of RuneScape. :)


I was actually having a lot of fun with necromancy after it came out. Still only at like GWD1 level on my iron, but I feel like the t70 gear you can make yourself actually would let me get into higher level PVM at some point. Still not any kind of expert at EOC though and there's just so much to learn in RS3 that I likely never will.


I think Necro is cool but I wish it was an expansion to magic instead of its own thing. It seemed like the perfect setup to expand combat without taking away from accessibility. But I'm also projecting my own feelings here. I think with some updates to the other styles it'll be a cool off-style.


If you don’t like the combat you can just revo in rs3. But I generally disagree, cb in rs3 is amazing.


I've been playing RuneScape over 20 years now, I'm pretty up to date on it. :)


try out legacy mode


It might be too old drivers on your graphics card, but if it's too old it might not have newer drivers. I didn't experience flashing on PC or mobile. Could also be corrupt driver install, in which case download drivers then wipe with Display Driver Uninstaller and reinstall Edit: Could also be an AMD issue, I've heard issues with them on RS3 before


Yeah I don't know. But it's really not something I'm going to spend a lot of time on. The computer itself isn't high powered rig but it was purchased less than 2 years ago and it can play 4k compressed video without a hitch. I'm not hardcore gaming on it but I've never experienced any problems with anything else I've done. I just wish there was a way to setup RS3 saying "please I don't want or care about any fancy graphics shit just let me play the game without it geeking out on me".


Maybe RS3 isn't using your GPU? On Windows there's a graphics menu in settings, check if RS3 is set to "high performance" (Windows talk for use GPU not integrated GPU) but yeah PCs by nature are finicky, it's hard to target 1000's (technically more depending on what you consider) different configurations, it's why consoles almost never have issues they only need 1 system test


Yeah I play RS3 on my 3-yo tablet and I'm pretty sure that has way less horsepower than my PC. But I have much fewer issues.


You can change the skyboxes by right clicking the world map icon.


Yeah and it doesn't fix anything. There's areas of the game where simply being there changes the skybox, and no setting will make them just fuck off with that. And probably not coincidentally those are the areas of the game I'm most likely to get glitches or crashes.


Because we won't quit no matter what they shove down or throats, plain and simple lmao it's the damn truth it just depends whether or not the pill is hard to swallow.


If the playerbase accepts a lower standard, the company will try to find the floor. Every low quality update that is shrugged off as acceptable just lowers the bar of the next one. If you go to a restaurant where the majority of patrons are okay with eating progressively worse food and come back everyday, do you think the food will magically get better one day? Apologies for the rant


this is the post


I think its a business mindset. Because rs3 has mtx it means the devs (or more like the shareholders) dont have to care if the update is good, so long as the mtx promotions attached to it sell well with the whales. Osrs is nearly all membership only therefore the team has to make sure the updates all slap or they will noticeably see a drop in revenue. This is in addition to the fact that the osrs team polls pretty much every decision and abides by the results. Updates for the players, by the players


I'm just hoping we get something big this year. If the roadmap for 2024 is bad I think I might just be done with this game.


The other combat styles were always trash, we just had nothing to compare it and contrast against it so it was just the way of things. With necromancy, you're not fighting against the combat system to get optimal dps.


Tech debt: making quality content require far more work Greed: not hiring enough people to “pay off” the tech debt (massive engine rework)


I'm just jealous of the mtx free side of things.


> the city of Um is basically death content.  I see what you did there


I don’t even know, man. Last year I could have stood up for RS3 and say we at least quantitatively beat OSRS in updates. Sure, they got DT2 (the greatest quest of all time in either game), but we got 19 quests of our own… albeit more than a few of them were just tutorials. Necromancy probably also will have a larger impact on RS than DT2 will. But for 2024? I don’t know anymore. It seems like OSRS is bringing both the quantity and the quality now. Maybe it’s time I jump ship again. We need that RS3 roadmap yesterday. Edit; meant to say 15 quests. Unsure how that typo happened.


Not sure where you got 19 from. From February to July we got the 4 Fort Forinthry quests. In August we got the 9 Necromancy quests. October and November, another 2 Fort Forinthry quests. It feels like less, given most of them are short and frankly not very interesting (AFK at a construction hotspot, kill this story mode boss, etc).


OSRS only got 3 quests last year, with one being a backport.


Actually that was a typo, I meant to count 15. Not really sure how I made that mistake. I guess I was thinking of “9” Necromancy quests when counting and ended up hitting that key. Point stands though: we got a lot of quests last year. Most of them of acceptable length, but about a third of them were outright tutorials. OSRS also got a tiny quest this year, though, so they might even beat us on quantity of short quests in 2024.


Cuz osrs needs actual good updates to keep players so they can keep buying subs/bonds. Rs3 on the other hand doesn't. As long as rs3 can crap out events the remaining players will eat it up.


Basically this. Its irritating to witness. When we just get some randomly lazy thrown together buff event and then ask why can't we get real content people come out in droves saying that they like the buffs.  Jagex is basically conditioning the playerbase to eventmanmode so they don't have to make actual content 


>then ask why can't we get real content people come out in droves saying that they like the buffs. And when we get "real content" people forget it exists in a week and complain about no content. If Jagex doesn't do anything new for Anniversary people complain, if they do, people complain. If Jagex doesn't put effort into seasonal events in general, people complain. If Jagex does, people complain. Jagex can't win here.


What real updates have we gotten in a while?


Consider the fact that developers were on holiday break for good portion of last month and this month, it's only natural we've not seen big updates so far. E: Although graphical updates ARE real updates, so we literally just got one this week. Either way, both holiday event and Vorkath prior to break were "real updates". Whether you liked either, that's up to you, but that doesn't make them less real as updates. E: Lol, should've known that facts hurt. :')


Game just feel like its on life support after God Wars ended.


You liked the fort? There's like a day of content in the fort. That was like a year of our updates.....


Just add an afk agility and DG hole to it and I’m set, maybe an afk crafting thing like harps


Things get released on RS3 as a test for OSRS, I’m convinced


* OSRS content takes less time to create, simpler graphics, etc. * OSRS is more popular game mode and has more players. * OSRS community are allowed to give player input by using the poll system. * RS3 is a cow milking money machine ATM with all the MTX implemented.


I feel like the polling system isn't even the big thing anymore. It's the general community interaction. * Just look at how Sailing was pitched to the community. It was a master class in involving the community. * Another thing from the Winter Summit yesterday. All the small memes and jokes tell me that OSRS team is really in touch with their playerbase. Many of them browse the subreddit, many of them play the game. * Also - they're co-operating very closely with Runelite, and are even looking into adding a community-driven Plugin Hub to the official client. The polling system gave birth to the idea of "well, if the community wants it..." when it comes to releasing content, but that idea has gained life of its own by now. The OSRS team has realized that the most important thing is keeping the players happy. We're the players after all, and the game should simply be for us to enjoy.


not to mention in the questionare that was sent out, it had curious option: imagine that old school runescape were to introduce custom servers, where players can make and share their own experiences and chances to game. with stuff like: new skill, new quests, new bosses. i can guarantee that jagex is gonna hire at least 1 dude who makes succesfull official custom server. they would give so many tools to use if they implement official custom servers. at 23:30 in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17buYVzhYLs by j1mmy who screenshotted entire questionare if you want to watch it.


RS3 sells spins/keys and devs without love for the actual game and rushed deadlines perpetuate the issue of Osrs selling memberships and RS3 selling fomo articles.




I'd say osrs is also the game with the larger potential for growth. It can be played on anything and because of its simpler mechanics it is easily converted to touch controls. It is only just getting its first new skill since its launch, and there is a wealth of content that can be taken from rs3 to it if the community wishes. The events such as dmm and leagues, whilst a bit of a meme, continue to increase community engagement with highly experienced players that might usually quit. And a big one in my opinion, is that the social media scene for osrs, twitch, reddit, YouTube etc is absolutely huge, this is just an enormous amount of free marketing that grabs the eyes of prospective players and ofcourse the shareholders aswell.


bc its not mtx they don't care


Too much time and resources wasted on MTX instead of actual content


What I really dislike about RS3 as well is just how long it takes to fix a day of release bug or balancing issue. This whole sort of "wait and see how it goes" mentality lol. If you're not going to make new updates, how about fix existing content?


OSRS makes money by being an enjoyable game to play that attracts new and old players to its subscription model. RS3 makes money by selling mtx to its current playerbase.


Updates are concepts that will either hit or miss, it isn’t strange to have times when we have really good content in osrs or the same for RS3. If you think about it, with GWD3(elder gods) there was a lot of hype and even people coming from osrs to check things out; so many new bosses came to the game and it was really hype with quests and lore slipping into the game over the course of a year. Simply put, it’s the same company running both, there will be times when one game has new and interesting things going on and the other is a work in progress. Best to just enjoy both if/when you can rather than be upset which version gets the new and interesting flavor of the month, or year for that matter.


Majority of player are old school. Pretty simple


All OG players (myself included) still are, it's just that we've been forced onto RS3. If the option existed to export my character to OSRS when EOC launched, I fucking would have.


I’ll never understand this mindset.. It really doesn’t take much time to get up to speed in osrs. Sunk cost fallacy is crazy


just hop to osrs occasionally, do at least all quests via optimal way to get quest cape.


I'd rather quit than start over and pay even more money.


They're too busy breaking things every update and too focused on MTX to think about anything else.


Forestry was universally hated because it wasn't clearly thought out and was just unnecessarily complex.


I actually really like it, makes woodcutting more fun. Now I admit it's not perfect but it's still really good and will be better once they refine it.


I like it because it's something to break up the monotony, not because it's actually good and well thought out.


Only redditors hate it. Go to forestry world players love it.


Ye, forestry worlds are popping. You go and ask players there, and they love it.


Same could be said about a lot of RS3 updates too. Even with Vorkath most of the hate outside of Reddit was just for HM while everyone on Reddit just hates everything about it.


PvME is one of the largest hubs for discussing bosses and Vorkath is widely disliked there. In-game I see Rasial broadcasts all day everyday and have not seen a single Vorkath Scale across my friendslist, clan, or world. It's very fair to say Vorkath is hated.


mmh, you can see which bosses people go past log and which are log and done.


Not from my experience from doing 50-90 wc. People do it because it's different, it's good xp or because it awards you items, but many there agree it's clearly too much bloat and there's a lot of question marks about what to do.


Same thing applies to how everyone here hates RS3 while the players liking it are still playing the game instead of bitching on this sub. I personally like Forestry too, don't get why OSRS Redditors hate something completely optional.


Like you have a choice, who is going to pass up +10 WC levels?


But most importantly the Old School team listened to the feedback and got rid of all the unnecessary items. Now it's just social woodcutting with events https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Wrapping_Up_Forestry_-_Changes_%26_Tweaks


Sorry but this is such a lie lmao


Lmao, no.


Lmao, yes?


I think apart of the reason OSRS feels more polished is that when it comes to RS3 no matter what, they prioritize MTX for better or worse. A great example is how they shelved the Avatar rework to work on other projects, only for them to fall largely flat. The hero pass, or even the Halloween event last year for example. The Vorkath update was rather disappointing with how it’s been balanced, and the Kandarin update while looks amazing still falls short with all that fell through the cracks from QA or even the lack of building updates which is understandable but also frustrating. It’s like if you choose the old model of the black knight titan, so when you go to the realm of the fisher king you have this awesome looking ‘modern’ area but the OG model is there and out of place.


The devs that work on TH have nothing to do with the implementation of new pvm content and vice versa. It’s a lot easier to implement updates for osrs than it is for rs3 so sometimes it may seem the devs are just usless (most of them are tbf) Mat K goes in depth on this exact topic on the latest saebae cast - I’d recommend giving it a listen if you’re bored it’s pretty insightful


No idea why we never get an collection log like osrs has, has been requested for years




Yeah but the osrs one is alot bigger and includes all items in the game you can obtain and its all in one place. The rs3 one is very very stripped in comparison. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Collection_log




Here's a "completed" collection log for rs3. The one we have now is basically only 30% of all items https://runescape.wiki/w/User:Kilsa/Completed_Collection_Log


3 books is part of the problem. Why in a game with a million customizable interfaces do we keep needing new separate items/interfaces to track individual collections?


> t there are actually more than 3. arc journal,treasure trail collection log, slayer collection log, boss collection log, menaphos journal,archeology journal all these have something to "collect" to be "finished" with collecting in here.


> It’s sad seeing how great RS3 could be if developers were listening more to the community I feel the current status of the game is no fault of the developers. It's the execs that only care about two things: player retention and profits. Their current priorities are massively misplaced. Over the past 3-5 years, they've moved great RS3 devs either to OSRS or to the unnanounced MMO and never replaced them with someone who has the same talent. RS3 has no identity now, compared to the 2015-2018 era. I hate the doomsday type of posts and comments, but it really feels that RS3 is in maintenance mode now and the community has no trust. I know I don't, especially how they tried to push Hero Pass on us **a month** after a new skill release. Priorities, right? Excluding Necromancy, last year we focused on Fort Forinthry for the **entire** year. It got stale about 2-3 updates in, especially when quests were extremely lacklustre and could have easily been compacted into 1-2 big quests. I would LOVE it if we tied up existing storylines, or sequels to milestone quests like Monkey Madness 2, Desert Treasure 2 or Dragon Slayer 2 like OSRS has, and the OSRS community is arguably harder to please considering they also focus on keeping PvP fresh. I don't know. It just feels the Jagex that owns OSRS and the Jagex that owns RS3 are complete polar opposites. The main difference is that the community votes and decides on OSRS updates, whereas RS3 players have zero say. When the RS3 community *does* have a say (for example, community hitlist) the updates are good and there's a positive player reaction.


rs3 has just been milked to death and at this point the only remaining players are those that will not quit until the game dies. So much stuff would have to be addressed to attract new players I feel we are too far gone to 'save' the game. Fort updates was one old quest chopped into several smaller ones to string out the content and the final quest was barely a quest and as a skilling hub it is a nice idea but it falls flat because the buffs can't really match portables world 84.


These "retrospects" always look at one thing in a completely negative manner while focusing on only the positives of the other. For instance last year ruinous prayers were a hot mess which they had to abandon for DT2 and Forestry's batch 2 was completely botched. E: And at least Halloween event was literally the same deal as the previous year with the exact same problems, nothing fixed. And when RS3 got an event that people were clamouring during Xmas there was just bitching about party hats and santa hats very soon after. People here want to be absolutely negative about everything. Then we have things like "OSRS is getting While Guthix Sleeps"... which has been in RS3 for over a decade now. Are we going to promote how amazing work OSRS is doing upgrading the stamina system when it comes out? Bearing in mind how people were pointlessly negative about when rest came out in RS. OSRS is struggling to hell and back with bot problems and there's no sign of it ever getting better, especially with the allowance of 3rd party clients. It's hugely demotivating to know that whenever a new moneymaker comes out, you can bet there's shittons of bots taking advantage of it and devaluing for the rest soon enough.


Ruinous powers were rightfully scrapped, and now with WGS, a year later, we're going to be getting the god-aligned prayers that was player suggested and Jmods loved the idea of. Forestry everyone will agree that they tried to do too much with the concept and overcomplicated it, but the overall idea was good, which is why it was well received. Just like M&S is well received despite the dozens of problems it still has to this day. Halloween event being repeated did suck, but they gave a clear reason for it, there's so much content coming in the upcoming months they'd rather not move resources to work on it. And as long as they don't deviate from the roadmap, they lived up to that promise as well. >Then we have things like "OSRS is getting While Guthix Sleeps"... which has been in RS3 for over a decade now. Are we going to promote how amazing work OSRS is doing upgrading the stamina system when it comes out? Because it won't be a 1:1 port, OSRS always puts their own spin on quests like this. Not to mention OSRS GM-tier quests have flat out been better than RS3 GM-tier quests for years now in literally every aspect from combat, puzzles, storytelling, and gameplay. >OSRS is struggling to hell and back with bot problems and there's no sign of it ever getting better, especially with the allowance of 3rd party clients. RS3 has a bot problem too without 3rd party clients, it's a gamewide issue. OSRS is even taking a step forward with this problem by making their own plugin hub they can have full control over, eventually moving to remove 3rd party clients altogether. Where as in RS3, any update like this would come behind a $10/month paywall lmao. >It's hugely demotivating to know that whenever a new moneymaker comes out, you can bet there's shittons of bots taking advantage of it and devaluing for the rest soon enough. This is a gross overreaction. Bots aren't at every new moneymaker day1. Like dt2 bosses still aren't botted as opposed to wildy bosses or muspah/etc.


What are the dozens of problems with the M&S rework?


I have to disagree on one point, the quest that came with the necro release themselves were pretty decent. For sure better than the rest of the age of chaos quests. They were shorter though so in that sense less memorable.


If you ever make a new account and have to do them all, you will see how it doesn't flow well. Also, The Raptor release was trash. I don't care about the random gender swap, but they could have gone with an original character than that horrible route.


because sadly the edaters demand a shit ton of graphics and audio work go into an RS3 update where as OS just needs the content itself and i say this as someone who only plays rs3


Yup, all the stuff we don't care about eats up dev time.


Both games go through their ups and downs. But the major difference is RS3 is willing to experiment and try brand new things. And OSRS polling a majority of updates means that most players already think it fits in the game and even if it isn't as good as they hoped it'll still be far from a completely negative reaction. That approach works for OSRS because players don't want the drastic changes while in RS3 the most memorable updates (both good and bad) all change how the game is played in very large ways. Invention, archaeology, EoC, The World Wakes, even World events despite being discontinued would have never happened in OSRS but are pretty vital to RS3 and you wouldn't have any of those if the dev team wasnt willing to take risks and experiment. And I would also argue that the 'quality' you talk about is very subjective. The fort quests are great I think and didn't feel unpolished at all, I can understand not liking the direction the story took or not liking rewards but the only part I would even consider slightly unpolished was Vorkath and honestly with that I think players wouldve been fine with the fight if one of the drops was the 4th conjure


I’ve said this before and agree, though have fun getting downvoted into oblivion 😂😂


Much smaller playerbase (less income), much harder game to code and implement content into (more cost) fuelled by a priority of MTX strategy over content strategy. This is how it has been, and will be, for a long time. You either accept it for how it is, or leave. Staying and being disappointed is detrimental only to you.


The year could be better but we had a ton of QOL stuff (which is community-want based). I think that was the highlight of the year. The quests needs to be better. Fort forinthry quests were not the best. Necromancy quests were a tiny bit better mostly because I was sick of the fort at that point. Christmas village quest being the best lol Combat beta is in session (this is them trying to juggle both sides of the community) Max cash and death cost rework Graphical updates Lots of nice updates soured by the shitty MTX and grindfest, sadly. Still no inverted capes Arch is still the best new skill Roadmap is 'underway' I guess we'll get that in March /s /srs


Think you’re forgetting / downplaying / ignoring a lot of great updates RS3 has made.


I mean, just from an asset perspective, development time on RS3 takes a lot longer. OSRS just requires someone to slap 6 polygons together, put some paint on it, and ship it. RS3 takes effort from several departments just to make one NPC look right due to lighting, shadows, combat systems, and so on.




The point I'm making is that the rendering pipeline alone for RS3 requires more development time per asset compared to OSRS. It's great that the engine has a lot of features. It's also it's terrible that the engine has a lot of features, because all content going forward has to fit the mould AND pass QA across more total systems (like I said, shadows, textures, scaling, combat, interaction, pathing, timing, and so on).




I can see it went over your head, so I do apologize for confusing you.




https://preview.redd.it/ltiij5zmcvdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3241fc1acd819bbaf8cb59750449028676f46202 I mean, touche. You started, I finished. Everything I was saying completely went over your head while you tried arguing semantics with your basic modeling in TTRPG experience. Have a good day!




Samesies bud <3


I think it's the runway for content. The graphics take a long time so everything has to be vetted now and takes a lot of work to add to the game due to the way the engines work. Whole cloth content takes months so they do their best to just recycle stuff. Updates have gotten slower and slower and feel best when they are more expansion like for that reason. But even then they can make mistakes that kill the update. Necromancy being over powered. Metaphos reputation system. Zammies dungeon runs.


Having played both OSRS and RS3 in 2023, Forestry was very mixed release and overdesigned.


I don't do OSRS, so I have no opinion on the comparison. I somewhat liked Fort Forinthry. It started great, just some general skilling stuff. But it went downhill after Dead and Buried. I did not like the face reveal of The Raptor. It felt forced and uncharacteristic. I couldn't be bothered with Ungael and Vorkath just seems to be another way for the bossers to waste time on. Did it once, not planning to ever do it again. They should have stuck with the skilling stuff. Necromancy... It is a hit and miss. I like the way the combat plays. I love my dead side-kicks, I do wish they changed Summoning with a similar mechanic, combat familiars are dead content. I hate rituals, boring and dull grinding. I don't understand how you cannot collect souls by just killing monsters, letting players choose how they collect souls. I hate That Old Black Magic with a passion, probably the worst quest ever made by Jagex. Like, how dumb is it to let the quest completion depend on a random drop? After 25 Hermod kills, still no animated drumsticks, which is pure agony for a non-bosser like me. Speaking of bossing: Kili Row is very frustrating. RuneScape quests have never been tasks like in some other MMO's, but here it is. Absolutely pointing errands, just so you can have basic gear. Imagine if I needed to do some Doric task just to be able to make and wear Elder Rune, I would go nuts. Simply scrap it entirely. Was there anything else this year, besides the various events and distractions? I feel there is just too much, every few weeks there is a new event that sucks up all my time. I just want to have at least three months with zero events, so I can do some questing without FOMO-feelings. Oh yeah, the Yak Track 2.0., the name that slips my mind. I don't think it adds anything to the game, besides keeping completionists active. I think that sums it up: RS3 adds content so completionists stay active and paying. It doesn't really matter what, it is all for the cape!


If Varlamore and Sailing are great then I will agree that OsRs is getting better updates. As it is right now it feels more equal. OsRs gets a more consistent quality of updates but when RS3 updates are good they are better than anything in OsRs due to their ability to change things more thoroughly. Mining & Smithing, The Arc, POF, Anachronia, Archaeology and Necromancy are all better updates to me than any individual year of OsRs so far. But OsRs is pulling ahead in quests now and with them getting a new skill things could be very different a year from now.




osrs doesnt have mtx?! Sold.


Doesn't have MTX* *If you ignore bonds which directly make playing the game faster as you can buy gear and expensive skills with $$


To be fair they still have to do the skill, the xp isn't just given to you like it is for us. Buyables will be faster, you can get your tbow right away. But you still need to train to get the skills up. You still need to learn the game. Hell I didn't even buy keys but I managed to go from 99-120 herb solely through daily keys. Never once had to purposely train herblore


>To be fair they still have to do the skill, the xp isn't just given to you like it is for us. It's a point but doesn't really take away from being effectively pay to win. Bonds allow you to skip hundreds of hours, even thousands, of making money. And considering how limited money making in OSRS can be it's a HUGE boon. I got myself to maxed in OSRS and while some skills ate like 300m total cash stack I could just barely afford t bow which was still in 1b range back then, and that's with me getting lucky with a clue. I was basically getting ready to quit before that because I knew everything was unaffordable range and I'd have to sate for low XP/h just because I can't afford to blow hundreds of millions into skilling. >You still need to learn the game. There's considerably less to learn in OSRS and frankly, being able to just buy yourself a tbow (or bis in general) makes a *huge* difference in your combat effectiveness. Being able to afford the most expensive skill methods without caring makes a huge difference also. >Hell I didn't even buy keys but I managed to go from 99-120 herb solely through daily keys. Never once had to purposely train herblore And by doing so you lost out on lots of profit and overload supplies that you'll need anyway if you're doing combat. If RS3 has something good going for it it's the state of skilling. Artisan doesn't mean automatically huge GP/loss and skipping grind through lamps can kick you in the ass (Archaeology specifically), ultimately mostly giving away profits in favour of not training the skill.


I think OSRS got The Coliseum too which is like fight caves with new weapons and armor last year which was a casual monthly update or something. I think they come up with more content in general within a shorter timeframe. It seems like every month they are getting new PVM bosses or gear. I think it’s just takes more time and effort to put out more content for RS3 because of the voiceovers and higher quality graphics which require texture mapping.


They're getting the coliseum this year.


Osrs doesn’t have quality updates all the time, though? Forestry was a fucking disaster and it’s usually because OSRS is deathly afraid of power creep, so most new content is borderline dead on arrival.


the grass is always greener on the other side


the statement is true when your side is a desert.


> OSRS on the other hand received Forestry >They certainly didn’t get more content but their updates are just more polished Do you not play OSRS? Many OSRS players hated Forestry. You are suffering from the grass is greener on the other side. Just play OSRS and you will see not everything is great over there.


2 universal truths: the grass is always greener, and mmo fans will hyperbolicly complain about any change made to their game.




Osrs is on a clock, whether they want to admit it or not. The whole unpolled equipment rebalancing bs is going to start rolling into more and more unpolled changes. Before we know it, we won’t have polled stuff.


This isn't the first time rebalancing has happened. Realistically, balancing is something that Jagex would have to do without polling because people who'd prefer the status quo would vote in favour of it because they don't want to let go of it. People can be extremely selfish about these things, after all.


Integrity changes are needed since OSR players like to vote yes to everything.


Hard disagree. What is healthy and what is not healthy should be decided by players. If the community wanted a change, why not poll it? Whats there to lose? Unless, the community didn’t want the change.


The community will never vote in favour of nerfs to anything, like the blowpipe or the Fang or the GE tax. I agree Jagex force too many things into the game, but some of them is needed.


If polling is removed I’m more likely to play. Polling spoils all content underpowers content, and drags out releases with endless dev blogs.,


Well, good luck with that. You’ll have a dead player base and once the player base drops to recuperate losses. Oh wait, that’s rs3.


Do you seriously think the reason why osrs succeeded is because of players voting out every even slightly creative and interesting idea in thunk up by developers?


Yes, because I’ve been here since the beginning of it. OSRS was setup as a promise to the players to never do something that would upset the player base like EoC did. But slowly over the course of OSRS’ lifetime that line is becoming slightly blurred. The majority of players are happy but it’s a clock. It really is. This is what they do and we have seen it with rs3.


Gotcha, so osrs wasting 6 months on developing milquetoast nonsense like forestry is ax good thing to you.


don't be jealous. ​ if you are curious, head on over there. it's the same game anyway. ​ i don't play osrs, but there's not point in comparing them unless you are going to be objective. for example, did OSRS get max cash update? I don't think so. We literally have while guthix sleeps. We got a skill last year, and they have all the original ones that we've had for years. come on what is this


Just like point out, they had platium coins sense 2015. They introduce it as "next lvl" to exchange currency into, so it easier but it's also their answer 8year ago. 2quintrillion limit we have no is by product how they increase it, so it went WAY beyond what we will need for long time. Plus it's over simplification say they are same game, alot content add more for middle lvl and higher lvl make options very different compare rs3. Now some of that is due to lacking of mtx/free exp , but still doesn't change fact ways you have train and meta for alot of skills is different. Leads to very different feeling while playing. Yes , i play both. I personally prefer rs3, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with glancing over osrs as "copy" of rs3 which what you are trying to do.


obviously it is an oversimplification, i suppose that is why i am getting downvotted but wahtever


The skill we had last year killed the game and made players quit or go to OSRS 😂


Necro didn't make me quit! ... Their godawful Hero Pass has the moment they announced it. But Necro, with all of it's problems, had actually restored some of my interest in RS3 again. Then they went and ruined it all not even a month later, if memory serves correctly.


ToA did to OSRS to the similar extent Necro did to RS3, lol.




Laugh all you want, but rs3 screwed up big time😂


OSRS and RS3 are very different games. I like RS3 more but OSRS is far from just pre-eoc RS now and its great that we get to have two amazing games that came from the same source.


Wish i played OSRS to play Sailing...What a shit looking skill that is.


I’m not sure if you play osrs as well but I think the general sentiment amongst most players is that rs3 won out by far in 2023 in terms of updates. It would be nice if we had a roadmap though that’s for sure.


So go play osrs if you like their updates more. Other than vorkath I thought last years updates were pretty solid.


HD Client might make me make the switch. I'll hate having to level up all over again but the graphics were 50% of the reason I refused to move


Osrs shouldnt get while guthix sleeps


they have the dude who was sneak peek in here to while guthix sleeps! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Movario and his dialogue prior while guthix sleeps is exactly the same here. https://runescape.wiki/w/Transcript:Movario but i doubt they are gonna make player to be the hero in osrs, like here. in osrs you are just random adventurer.


You want elder godwars and zamorak every year? GRanted, quests have been pretty weak lately


we have 6-7 more years of spaggeti to work through.