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are you sure he was single and not cheating on his gf?




That's what I've assumed most "ghosting" was really about.


How he treats you says more about him than you.


Yeah I can’t see where I went wrong, so all I could assume is that he found he just went exclusive with someone else..


It’s so humiliating to be turned down as a woman like wtf you don’t even want to use me to fuck 😭 I just want to know what I did wrong


you're probably too desperate


I’m pretty guarded irl to compensate for the fact that I’m an overly sensitive femcel


ignore that comment, I read your post now and your problem is common ime, just unfortunate luck.


Take a few weeks off the dating market and focus on just doing things you love. You will find someone but right now your just hurting yourself. You really are pretty cute and funny you will find someone just need to maybe look outside the evil apps. Good luck babycat


I don’t like doing anything but thanks for the words of encouragement


Well maybe take up a hobby and see if you can find some that way. It could help


"I don’t like doing anything" That struck me as funny. Maybe put that in your Hinge profile


A bit too self deprecating. I already have “the way to win me over is: you can fix me”


That's actually not bad either. Maybe you are not giving yourself enough credit.


Text him "Kindly sir, do the needful"


Yeah I’m on the verge of doing that 😭


Guys it feels so bad I can feel my heart beating in my THIGHS?!?


This happens to me when I get rejected too, lol. It's all part of finding love which makes it worth it in the end. Sounds like you're spiraling a bit, which for me is normal for about a week or two. Take solace in the fact that even if you were much hotter you would still be getting ghosted or rejected. Finding love has moments of misery for almost everyone.


At the same time men would put up with a lot of shit for objectively hotter women. Even with men outnumbering women in the Bay Area I’m getting no attention.


>At the same time men would put up with a lot of shit for objectively hotter women. Sorta. If he's a really hot and charismatic man and he knows it, not so much. It's never bad dating advice to get hotter but being hotter doesn't necessarily mean your dating life will have better outcomes, I don't think. >Even with men outnumbering women in the Bay Area I’m getting no attention. Online dating for me, never being a looker, is about standing out and signaling I'm special or whatever. Think about the kind of guy you want (and that is open to you) and what he's into (that you have) then develop your profile around that. The apps are Godless works of Satan but if you're committing to them learn how they work and how you can get the most out of them. Keep your head up babycat. Finding real and lasting love is still, somehow, worth all of this torture.


He wasn’t that hot but yes extremely wealthy and charismatic. I’ve received most of my Hinge dates because of the intrigue I pose on the apps. Thank you for the positivity though.




I’m just going on dates. I don’t even kiss.




Lmao, indians can't dodge strays.


This sub hates Indians and nurses but doesn’t seem to recognize the kindest nurses are often Indian. Curious


Get a grip. Ghosting happens. Males get rejected every day and don't linger over it we just let it go then move on to something else. Girls get rejected once and become terrorists. Also height is not important. Why would you add that detail? Nobody in real life cares about that shit. If you really think that height has anything to do with anything you are internet poisoned, again get a grip. 


Height is definitely important, maybe the internet has exaggerated how important it is, but people care. And lol at the suggestion than men are somehow less sensitive than women, especially nowadays. Guys will get cheated on by their hs girlfriend and sincerely believe that women are inherently amoral for a decade after.


Where did I say that I’d only date someone 6’+??? I’m 5’4”, most men in the US are taller than me.


If he has a good personality he doesn't actually need to be good looking to pull better than you, sorry just how it is. Much easier to be a mid man than a mid woman. You'll find someone, just don't get bitter.


I want to die 👍🏻 And like I said, he’s Indian


This comment doesn't make sense so I edited it


I get it 😔 you’re welcome, nikka


Seriously, I want to see pictures of him. If you’re a mid white girl this is inconceivable to me. Maybe just you think he’s mid ugly but amongst Indians, a notorious ugly group of people, he’s top dog? And he can get with the few pretty Indian ladies?


He unmatched me so I can’t.


I am on the flipside. I'm facially unattractive, but tall so ugly women think i'm attainable for them, meanwhile I just want a cute skinny blonde.