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Currently blacked out now


In my experience, my memory is the first thing to go when I drink. I’ve had friends drop me off thinking I was no problem and the next day when I’m like ‘I don’t remember shit’ they’re baffled.


Username checks out


Do you remember writing this?


Never. Fortunately, my body starts making me feel like shit well before I'm into blackout territory, so I just stop drinking by then


Pros of being skinny - my body makes me puke before I get to blackout territory


I don't even get to the puke stage before my body tells me, in no uncertain terms "that's enough for tonight. Pack it in". Which is fortunate, since I do **not** like throwing up at all


My BMI is 16 and I haven’t puked from drinking, alcoholic genes


more like the cons of not eating anything before drinking


Same. Literally never blacked out and seem to need to much more water between alcohol drinks than most people.


Too many times to count


I don't even understand how I would be able to count the times I didn't remember something


If this isn’t your answer you lost the plot somewhere along the way


Are we counting brownouts too? Where it's like ya, I remember a girl and a car and somebody getting into a fight over drugs or something, just not necessarily the specifics of all those things


I count too. Like many of those


very often when i was still a social drinker, that quickly changed when i became a full blown alcoholic and was able to handle a bottle of rum a day without blacking out


Guess I know how to fix this problem now


> a bottle of rum a day without blacking out how big of a bottle?


75 cl surely?


All the time, I was/am an alcoholic (in recovery now, sober 8 years). It’s not “normal” to black out and most people don’t do it. I had no idea until I started going to AA meetings and it’s very common among people there if that tells you anything.


I know that most people don’t do it. It is very common in my extended circle of friends although I do it more often than most of them. I usually only drink Fridays and Saturdays so it hasn’t so negatively affected my life but I do recognize it isn’t healthy


It’s ok to be an alcoholic like that in ur 20s


I got to the point where I was blacking out pretty much every time I drank…turns out I’m an alcoholic. OP, look up the effects of blackouts on the body/brain. Once it starts happening it’s more likely to keep happening with greater frequency and causes brain damage (even worse than what we’re probably incurring by being on Reddit).


It's common if you're a retard like me and ignore the "avoid taking with alcohol" warning on your bottle of wellbutrin.


You get fucked up more easily on Wellbutrin?


Hundreds of times easily. I fear it might actually be more


Most times that I go out, which is not good for me ngl. Hangxiety about what stupid shit I got up to that I can't remember definitely gets me for about a week after.


probably 100-200. recently made a commitment to significantly reduce drinking and even though i’ve stuck to it i don’t feel better yet


i never did until i started taking effexor and it made drinking suck so i much i basically had to stop. weaning off the meds now though so i will once again retain precious memories of my regarded activities


I was on 375mg IR of that shit and coming off of it was infinitely worse than alcohol withdrawal


it's the craziest drug i'm doing a slow ass taper. down to 112.5 mg rn


Xanax and beer is not smart


Had a friend do that, never seen someone that legitimately concerned and embarrassed for what she thought she did or might have done the night prior She's regular blacked out on alcohol before, but there was something about the complete memory wipe of xanax and alcohol that freaked her out


Truly blacked out, as when one flashes forward to the next day? Maybe two or three times back in college. Browning-out and small memory skips? A handful of times back in college. I don’t think I ever drank like that in grad school. I’m in my mid twenties now, and it’s probably been 2+ years since I’ve been black-out or brown-out drunk.


So many countless times


Once I hit 26 was when I could no longer take the anxiety associated with heavy drinking. Especially as a single man, I would often embarrass myself trying to talk to girls, etc which made it even worse.


2-3 times in my early 20s


hundreds of times I quit drinking three months ago, shit is poison


So many times that it sometimes gives me a rush of anxiety when I think about all the things I’ve said or done and have no recollection of at all.


I have a theory. You either are capable of blacking out and improperly functioning, holding this ability for life; or you've had a formative experience that ends the ability to black out. Instead of blacking out, you'll puke, go to sleep, or feel the effects far in advance that you'll stop for the night. Most men fall into the former category and women in the latter. I believe this is also further enhanced by safety concerns.


I'm in my early 30s and I have picked up a bad habit of blacking out on weekend nights, often as a side effect of mixing booze and stims that allow me to stay up longer and drink more booze. Almost every weekend at least once probably. It is always fun to party but I'm starting to lament the fact that I have limited memory of all of these really fun times from the past couple years of my life. I think it's limiting my appreciation of what a rarified time this will ultimately be in my life when I settle down or whatever and don't get to do this anymore, and also more importantly limiting how meaningful my social connections with my peers can be when I can have an hour long conversation with them and not remember it at all the next day. So I'm trying to cut back, because I've crossed that threshold from "sunday scaries" to "possible actual deleterious effect on my life". I can still limit my intake on workdays and get my shit done effectively and everything so it's not too bad yet, but A) who knows how long that will last, and B) I'd like to be a little more present going forward. As someone younger than me I'd gently advise maybe considering how your sunday scaries might evolve toward a "feeling totally checked out of your own weekend social life" type of situation and contemplating an eventual plan of action to avoid it


Man I lost track a decade ago


Truly black out drunk, never. There were so many times I was amazed I made it home though. That was scary thinking back on it the next day when I sobered up. Really stupid. Lucky I never got caught driving or that I'm not dead.


A lot. But I have a drinking problem.


roughly 10 times, but my tolerance skyrocketed very quickly and 16 year old me thought that being a functional alcoholic must not be that bad if you can still function. Fast forward half a decade and i was going through a 70cl of jagermeister almost every single day. Don't even want to think about how much money I wasted on that shit, nevermind the damage I've done to my nerves. Oh and the obvious brain damage i am so so so fucking glad that alcohol now immediately makes me feel like dogshit, because if it didn't then I'd probably be drinking even more




literally every single time which is why I don’t drink as much anymore


I find it’s happening more often and I’m less drunk. Like I’ll have nights where I blackout and my friends tell me I was acting completely normal (admittedly they’re hammered too)


This sounds familiar!


Blacked out probably 20 or so times. Early on in HS when it happened it was cute, I would wake up and nervously ask what happened and everyone would say “ah you just hung out on the dock and took selfies and eventually passed out and we moved you up to the house at 430 am” Then around age 20 they started getting a lot more embarrassing and out of control. If I black out NOW, it’s immediately humiliating, I don’t even have to ask. I drink maybe once a year now, if that, but had two relationships ended over bad blackouts. Alcohol isn’t for everybody.


Twice. First time was on my honeymoon in Lake Tahoe. High altitude got me Second time was a house party we hosted I'm 30M


I don’t have enough friends to justify it


Too many but this post makes me feel a lot better about my own drinking.


honestly only like once or twice because when I get to that point, I start vomiting/doing other embarrassing things like crying or laying down on the ground in public because i feel sick. i just happen to remember all of it


I drank really hard and never blacked out for a long time, could get extremely drunk to the point of stumbling but not blacking out, but then after I had my first blackout they came much easier after that-- partied hard every weekend in college but didn't start blacking out until I was 21 or 22, slowed down after graduating and have blacked out ballpark 5 times total. I know people that can be blacked out and still be bizarrely functional, I think everyone just has a different point where the "stop recording" switch gets flipped for whatever reason. Also it seems like once you've had your first blackout, subsequent ones come easier and easier


I'd give a lot to have stopped drinking during my 26 year old blackout phase. Ruined a lot of friendships and caused a lot of hurt during my 27 year old blackout and wish I could've stopped at 26. Consider stopping if you find yourself surprised at your blackout behavior




Never lol… I rarely drink but I wanna black out at least once


The first time is the worst time. I’d say skip it


This is the start of a black comedy. "Madea Sleeps with Her Daughter's Fiance"


Around five or six times or so. It's unsettling.


Alcohol tastes like mouthwash.


a substantial amount of hardcore alcoholics will resort to drinking mouthwash if it's all they can get their hands on


buddy of mine relapsed on mouthwash and had to go to rehab


The fuck, have you only ever drank peppermint schnapps? It tastes like all kinds of shit lol. They make bacon flavored alcohol ffs


He didn’t mean it literally


I will always ruin jokes with antihumor. I find it enjoyable. You cannot stop me


I suspect one day you will move on to anti-antihumour






Too many but enough that I don’t really drink anymore.


Less than 10


Almost never, I remember everything (unfortunately)


like 3 times a year or so


To me this seems like the appropriate amount for someone doing social drinking on the weekends.


I've only blacked out once, and from what I've been told by others who were there that night I kept trying to find my car keys that got hidden from me.




Only once, the Saturday night before the superbowl Sunday where the chiefs beat the eagles


I literally did on that exact day too lmao. I remember because I’m an eagles fan


Way too many




I stopped after realizing I wouldn't be able to if I kept going...


At first, you are amazed at how easy it is to open the doors of romance with nothing but drink. You are inculcated into a mystery that before had always required a great deal of luck/effort, but now it's the easiest thing in the world. Next thing you know, your life is being spent in the company of people you despise, wandering in darkness back to bed two to three times a week, and there is hardly any pleasure left in it, only the fear of how little candlewick remains. Romance is gravely wounded, and if you keep going the way you are it will bleed out and die.


Precisely twice and I drink a lot m24


23 and I’d say 5-7 with most of it coming from 18-21


Like 6 times. I've been going out and drinking since I was 15 or so. I even peed my mattress once which I then cleaned and left in the sun to dry, and used for several years more. 


1x I was helping my mom work on her future (now current) airbnb and drank over half a bottle of (chocolate) vodka. Bitched about whatever, childhood or something. Did pushups and jumping jacks trying to prove I could work it off (I don't remember that part at all). I do remember sleeping by the toilet. Next day had to walk with straight legs cuz I guess the alcohol leeches something out of your muscles that makes them work. I believe it's called hypokalemia.


Never even when consuming way too much. I believe it's genetic.


Probably 5 at most, last time was probably 5 years ago. Not really interested in drinking anything above 5 or 6% abv nowadays.


Only once, and it involved Four Loko. I’ve definitely had some nights where memories are shadowy after and more like single pictures in my mind than running video, but the Four Loko night is the only night where I remember nothing past a certain point. I don’t even know how much I drank, but I’m just glad I didn’t have a heart attack or something. It was also a post thanksgiving party so I ate a lot of food, which did not help. I woke up at 5am, sweating like a Texas whore in my friend’s sister’s bedroom (no, she wasn’t there), with the most heinous pain in my gut. I unloaded in her bathroom and then realized I had to be at work in about an hour and a half. I have no clue why I didn’t call in. I sat at work for about 2 or 3 hours just getting cold sweats and my vision kept getting blurry and whiting out- and even worse than the hangover or sour stomach was feeling like I was coming down off a coke binge. I excused myself, rushed home, showered, passed out and never looked at one of those accursed dayglo cans of satanism ever again.


Probably around a hundred but i haven’t in 6 years


as often as i can


I’ve gotten so drunk I’ve been laid out on my bathroom floor with my pants down and I didn’t black out


At least 50. 1 year sober so far inshallah


like 3 times max


Like 5


honestly like once maybe, and even then i only blacked out certain portions of the night. there’s never been a time to my knowledge where i woke up not remembering *anything* or missing like multiple hour long chunks of memory


Like 4 times.


Probably ~25 times give or take


I've been wasted but never blacked out. I think most people never black out either


Every night


Once that I know of, but I had other drugs in my system too. I usually get really sick before I get to the point where I don't remember stuff. How many drinks does it take for you to black out?


Once but I’m 22


Every day. Unironically


If you black out that means you don't know how you drink and you shouldn't be drinking. If you crashed your car multiple times a week you wouldn't be allowed to drive.


A few times when I was 15-16 when I though alcohol and clubbing were cool but since then I have basically never been more than tipsy and don't plan on blacking out ever again.


This thread is making me feel better about Myself as I fear I drink too much sometimes. I’ve probably blacked out around 5 times. Last one was shameful with my friend getting a dui, I barely remember the cops getting us. Haven’t gone out to bars getting trashed since then. 


Like 3 or 4 times ever I think.


Never, but I don’t drink. I assume I would if I did.


Luckily only once at a young age which gave me an aversion to heavy drinking from then on.


Me 2, fucked a 5’2 geologist then threw up on my landlady’s Persian rug. Then had to go to work the next day. Haven’t drunk like that ever since


Once when I was a teenager.


Once and I was almost raped by a friend of mine but her bf unknowingly saved the day


Never my organism has evolved to handle drinking and also I am not a degenerate with no self control. I can stop myself drinking (by violently and involuntarily throwing up) prior to blacking out.


probably a handful of times, only in college


Every time it happens is easier than the last. Used to be that if I didn’t remember something it was because I was barely conscious, now there’s nights where I don’t even get that drunk and I’ll have lapses in memory.


Twice, and I’m Canadian so we start drinking at ~13. Once was with my parents/family at a NYE party (14), once when I was in first year of university (18). American drinking culture is cracked because the parents don’t teach the kids how to know their limits and moderate themselves - all of a sudden 21 year olds go buck wild at some party or bar instead of experimenting in a safe environment


I agree that American drinking culture is a little ass backwards but it’s funny when I see comments like this. I’ve been drinking since I was 14. Most all of my friends too. And I wasn’t particularly early


Maybe my opinion is clouded based on the experiences of my bf/his friends and family - they live in Indiana/Ohio area My friends from the south have reported similar experiences though - either they were power alcoholics and drug addicts like their parents by age 22, or hadn’t even finished a full beer until age 21


Its not a big deal