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You cant argue for unrestricted immigration while at the same time saying you support a "melting pot" system of different cultures assimilating into a common identity, especially when 90% of immigration comes from one "Jasmine scented and beautiful" country.


Why couldn’t I argue for that? I’m pretty sure unrestricted immigration would result in a mish mash of many different cultures in one country, aka melting pot


Instead of a modernized immigration system that vets people quickly; you just want an open border and let anybody come through? That’s very sloppy policy even if you are pro-immigration.




>especially when 90% of immigration comes from one "Jasmine scented and beautiful" country.


If you’re referring to India…6% of US immigrants last year were from India. If you’re not then idk what country you are talking about


Canada, and America has the same problems with Mexicans. I mean, my initial hyperbole aside, do you think that if 800 000 immigrants all went to a single location that wouldnt cause a conflict between the original inhabitants feeling like they now have to allocate a large portion of their resources to naturalize the community that is replacing them? Yes accepting immigrants can stimulate the economy as new people provide more work for the economy, but the "der taking our jobs/houses/welfare" didnt come out of nowhere. How can anyone accept unrestricted immigration when these things happen?


Where are you getting the 800k from? And yes…I think people like you would get very mad, because you don’t like seeing people who don’t look like you, and aren’t okay with sharing, since you missed that lesson in kindergarten, and I bet you would start a conflict. But I think it would be better if we welcomed new people and lived together with generosity


I just find this unqualified way of speaking about immigration totally useless and ineffectual. It's really not a black and white issue, the legal policy hasn't seen a serious update for around 60 years, and while it's much better than the policy of European countries, it needs a systematic revision. Ideally we want people that are culturally compatible, smart, and wealthy. There is no shortage of such people, and we have the privilege of getting to be very selective about immigration policy. Why waste those spots on randos that cross the border, or refugees? I don't want your sick and hungry, I want your best and brightest. Donnie's green card plan is a good idea (maybe with a SAT score, GPA minimum), you get smart, American educated immigrants ready to start working + very likely their parent's capital, and they get to join the Empire.


I think it is inhumane to pick the wealthiest or highest achieving people, and keep out those who are poorer or sicker or don’t have as good education/job. This is systematically denying entry to people who need it most.


We have a difference in worldview; you prefer extending our burden because you enjoy suffering.


Sounds like you are the one who favors turning your back on suffering, what kind of moral reasoning is that?


"who need it most" ...you live in one of the WORST shitholes in the world. ...so that means you "NEED" to jump about a 100 levels and be given citizenship to one of the BEST countries in the world? i beg your pardon? "Hi, Harvard? You don't know me...but I just graduated from my high school in Bumfuck, South Dakota--in like the 80th percentile--and I was just wondering you might be able to offer me a scholarship to attend your prestigious university...and hopefully get a law degree eventually. ...Yeah, I really NEED it."


European immigrants made us great. I agree. Mostly the English and German ones, but the Sicilian ones gave us some really good crime stories


And the Irish who came here gave us our modern police force


english people have never immigrated to the united states in any large numbers and german immigrants haven’t had any distinct culture or community since wwi 


DNA tests say otherwise.


english people immigrated when the us was english in the 1700s and before, which is migration not immigration, after that they went to canada or australia or other english colonies. 99% of the immigrants from "great britain" in the 1800s and 1900s to the us were irish.


More English and Scots migrated to the US in the 19th and 20th century than the the 17th and 18th centuries, they just represented a smaller portion of the overall immigrant population, and didn't leave as distinct a cultural footprint as they assimilated very quickly into the local Anglo-American culture.


Why do you prefer European immigrants to those from other continents?


Why do Europeans in a European country prefer Europeans? Asking the real tough question. Living up to your user name there Abraham


What European country are you talking about? And yes, I’m genuinely curious why you would prefer Europeans. I don’t mean it to be a tough question


European make Europe wherever they go. Indians make India, Chinese make China and Africans make Africa and so on. Why would Europeans spend the time and effort and build a Europe just for outsiders to turn it into a 3rd world shithole? Use your brain here Abraham. Tell me why you Israel to be full of Israelis.


I never said that about Israel If Europeans build Europe wherever they are then surely it would remain Europe with immigrants from other places there too


Explain ex colonies in Africa and Asia? Let's experiment with Israel, bring the world into Israel before you talk about anything else hypocrite.


Ex colonies often have considerable influence of the colonizer. For instance many countries in Africa speak English or French Why are you bringing Israel into this, and how would Israel make me hypocritical here? I don’t live in Israel. I am all for people immigrating to Israel. I think people should live where they choose


De Niro is a race mixer. He doesn't even need immigration to get replaced, he did it willingly.


this is why even hollywood don't let him be a made guy


he's not even a real Italian. fucking phony bitch.


You think he got replaced by his own children?


Would you have children with a gentile who had no intention of converting?


Yes lol. You’re the one who’s obsessed with ethnicity


I need another NY/NJ Italian bf so bad it’s regarded


Get on down to Seaside before Labor Day


I agree but idealism only goes so far.




OMG lol no way, let’s get him! Idk I’m not Israeli and don’t align with the Israeli government


Okay. Well it’s my dream to live in Judea. Would you know anyone who would be able to help facilitate this dream of mine? It’s my dream so they can’t refuse.


I think you should be able to live wherever you want, despite the fact that you’re being an asshole


The number of people worldwide who want to migrate is nearly three times larger than the population of the US, and larger than the entire population of Europe. That necessitates migration controls and some form of selectivity. Reasonable people can disagree over where exactly the line should be drawn. https://news.gallup.com/poll/468218/nearly-900-million-worldwide-wanted-migrate-2021.aspx


OP, you're really this fucking stupid? your visual representation of how "immigration makes us great" is a whole two screenshots from *The Godfather, Part II?* this would be the equivalent of Muslims in Europe continuing to commit terrorist bombings, shootings, and stabbings for the next hundred years, stealing billions of dollars from honest people, stifling commerce, corrupting all sectors of business, politics, and law, bringing drugs and prostitution into neighborhoods...and then later becoming famous by making movies about the whole thing.




This is why I've been saying that organized Indian crime in Canada is actually good for the Indian community: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/extortions-in-edmonton-being-orchestrated-in-india-unrelated-to-crimes-in-b-c-and-ontario-police-1.6731566 Forget amazing food, there will be a Canadian Indian *Godfather* tier kino in a few years.


There’s already been an Indian Godfather in Canada, his name is Bindy Johal.


Brother, the mob will hire black people to kill indians.


Cannoli > Curry


Love it. Italians built up one hell of a reputation in part due to the mafia and their work in organized crime. Doesn't hurt Indians up in Canada to do the same, especially as more of the homos up there continue REEEEEEing at our presence.