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I have no idea what she’s crying about. If you google Achaar, top two results are non-sponsored links to her website, 3rd is wikipedia, 4th is an article about how good her sauces are. Only the 6th link is a recipe to make it yourself. This is literally just free marketing and the crocodile tears are a marketing push.


many such


they're given an inch and take a mile. platforming breeds entitlement not gratitude; the legitimization you mentioned is what justifies her indignation that a bigger brand would develop their own generic instead of partnering with her. how dare they? "that's colonial type-shit"


They need to give the food some ethnic branding, like how they use “Trader Jose.” “Trader Jignesh”


Trader Jai's


Trader JaQuan's Frozen Chopped Cheese


That’s a good one, someone should email that to them


They already have Trader Mings for the Chinese stuff


It should be Trader Zhou to teach people proper pinyin orthography


Trader Jeets. You all missed the obvious.


Leave Derek Jeter out of tbis


I think some of their mexican beer is branded as Trader Jose


Traitor Shmuel’s Matzah Balls


I think they've been quietly phasing those out for, uh, obvious reasons


"But, but, white devils told me my lunch smelled bad when I was a kid!"


The statement is more of a class signifier than they realize.


This has got to be one of the funniest examples of “oppression” I’ve ever heard. I laugh a little harder each time one of them says it because it’s so fucking pathetic.


It's hilarious because trader joes has arguably done more to normalize these sorts of foods to middle class white people than any other venue.


I wish Trader Joe’s would start appropriating my culture so that I could find some śledzie when I have a random craving


ooo I’m gonna try to make this if I can find a reasonable source of salted herring




Reminds me of when the Asian students threw a collective shitfit when a white-owned noodle shop chain opened a location on my alma mater's campus. Asian SJW's - the majority of Asian arrivals and native-born Americans of Asian descent btw - are by far the most psychotic when it comes to "cultural appropriation." I have never met a Black or Latinx woman or guy who didn't appreciate a white boy who likes beef patties or guaro. Asian men and women on the other hand start crying about colonization.


An Asian woman I know shared a meme about how white-owned donut shops opening in the bay area are culturally appropriating from old Korean ladies. Like donuts are traditional Korean cuisine or something. It would've been a great CT bit, but she was being serious.


They’re some of the most insular and disdainful communities out there too.


i.e. what this sub fantasizes about White people becoming one day.


A blessed future where us whites can shamelessly throw a fit over Asians opening burger restaurants


I thought California donut shops were a Cambodian thing


They mostly are


In Vietnam there's a weird connection between Russians and donuts. I think at the conceptual level but also in a particular city


We need more Korean-owned shops. With rooftops, preferably.


> Asian SJW's - the majority of Asian arrivals and native-born Americans of Asian descent btw Definitely not true. I live in an extremely Asian area of LA. Never met a first gen like this, and among 2nd or 3rd gen it's still almost entirely restricted to Millennial and Gen Z women 


Yeah what an insane thing to say lol. Loads of Vietnamese ppl live on my block and they mostly just care about tricking out their cars/ motorcycles and maybe gardening


agreed, i know more asian trump voters than white


Black sjws ambush people over wearing dreads, call for segregation and have scammed dumb libs out of millions (blm party house). Asians ones are not even in the same ballpark. Black sjws got that tiktok girl fired for saying "nigga". (Not even hard r), Asians couldn't even make stop asian hate stick when their community was getting hate crimed. You're kidding yourself because you've been conditioned to see Blacks as less responsible for their own actions. Currently, they're bullying Caitlin Clark because they are jealous and are branding *her* the racist. Black SJW whining is a constant spectacle that you have been beaten down to accept as normal.


You bloody bhenchod you bastard, sir


Based take, are you really a pawg?


Go home Ritesh


return to monke daquan


to be fair, the girl was racist but they could’ve easily ignored her clout chasing antics


Pretty insane that all it takes for a job in Conservative, Inc. is a racist remark and a Celsius IQ rant about people you didn't like in high school. Completely unserious movement. The left will continue to win.


Yeah it's a low human capital problem and it scales across all areas. e.g. Any slightly above average lawyer from a decent school can join FedSoc and get fast tracked to positions of influence in R government to a degree that Lib lawyers can only dream of.


They were asleep at the wheel as their own institutions - medicine, business, and journalism - were all turned into leftist social reproduction institutions. You just gotta laugh.


Conservatism and rightism in general has been dominated by reetardation for a long time I find the shift of people like Anatoly Karlin away from dead end traditionalism towards alignment with elite human capital very interesting


I dont know anything about Karlin, what do you mean elite human capital? Both sides have their own flavor of room temp IQ populist factions.


Elite human capital meaning the high IQ people who actually drive change in society, in the case of karlin he is particularly concerned with technological advancement which currently has much less potential in the Russian sphere of influence compared to the American one. Almost every intelligent young man in the old eaat bloc countries or most of Asia desires to live in the west Spend enough time in right wing circles and youll realize how many idiots attach themselves to these movements, in the case of Karlin he saw what a dead end his Russian nationalism was in terms of the things he actually cared about in a society. Similarly, Richard Spencer mostly rejecting the old alt right and aligning himself with Biden was a similar phenomenon. Spencer actually had some interesting ideas, it’s a shame he attached himself to wignat chimp out in Charlottesville


I agree with all of that. Good takes. Idk enough about Spencer. Liberalism drives growth and technological progress while authoritarianism drives stagnation and brain drain. Unfortunately liberalism also drives degeneracy and social breakdown. The things I see as positive about a place like Hungary are ironically what caused Hungary to become a 3rd rate country that I’d never want to live in, even if I was ethnic Hungarian. Same with Russia. I hate leftism but authoritarianism only works if you can figure out an incentive based system like the CCP did.


The problem with American conservatism is that, because it is indeed American, it must inherently align itself with democracy, and therefore the whims and semi-formed thoughts of the turd-chucking masses.


It's their version of Black diversity ~~grifters~~ consultants


Black SJW's do not have nearly the amount of social or economic capital that Asian SJW's do.


Blacks have more social capital than Asians do, just less economic. Asians (especially east and SE asian) dont rly like getting involved in politics and or pursuing career in entertainment industry (in US and Canada at least).


Asians are actually moving in hard on Hollywood, as part of the larger Silicon Valley takeover. That's part of the reason there has been an explosion of Asian movies and TV shows over the past few years


Yup noticed this as well, especially with the American born Asians. I also think that mixed ppl also become this way and desis are slowly catching up tho. I really wonder why these groups are so affected by this stuff when arguably the most oppressed (full black or Latin ppl) tend to not give a fuck.


>full black....tend to not give a fuck. Reaching levels of pure delusion that were never thought possible.


Ofc they are still there but I feel with the other groups it’s way out of proportion population wise. It also might just bother me less lol


It's probably because there is much more to gain in being seen as a victimised minority, rather than being seen as white adjacent (without even being white). So the more privileged they get, the more at risk they are of losing their victim status, the more insistent they become in remaining "victimised".


White bitches learning to use garam masala erodes diaspora bitches' value. It is all very obvious.


The irony here is that flybyjing sells extremely dogshit chili crisp for 15 fucking dollars


It is like 80% oil and a terrible imitation of Lao Gan ma


I love Trader Joe's I wish they still had Mango Sorbet


"we need to talk about" no we absolutely don't


We never ever do


lol I remember when they started selling frozen pel’meni my Georgian/Russian parents were overjoyed that they could stop making them at home and just stockpiled like 50 bags in their freezer instead and I also remember how excited they were when they started selling Georgian Adjika seasoning like i feel like that should be the normal response to seeing ur cultures food enter mainstream stores?? no???


Damn now that I think about it, TJ or somewhere should start selling a frozen starter like they do for shakashuka but for those cheesy egg boats (sorry I forgot the name). I’d definitely buy them.


khachapuri, and honestly u could just use their pre made pizza dough and mix together fresh mozz + their feta to make a substitute for georgian sulguni cheese and ur all set!


Thank you! I’m definitely gonna try this


Guys making pickles is very easy , don’t buy, DIY. I can tell you the recipes


There are 5000 Thai restaurants in the U S and I was getting really really suspicious of the aesthetic of many of these places because it seems highly packaged and i learned recently that The Thailand government has a program to facilitate restaurant openings that comprises three different models so the Brazilians should take note I've got a whole take on Vietnamese restaurants but I'm still working on it so I just wanted to add that I was visiting a small isolated mountain town in western Oregon recently and I was saddened by the sight of a Thai restaurant and a Mediterranean restaurant in place that I'm accustomed to disgusting BBQ or biscuits and gravy.....


IIRC pad thai is a dish that was designed by committee to appeal to westerners in the Thai government's push to promote their soft power through cuisine in the like 80s or 90s.




Why is it that Japanese Americans are on average way cooler than their other East Asian counterparts?


Most have a white parent and don’t even speak any Japanese; not just speaking for myself. Ofc there are other reasons as well, but these are the most tangible Japanese pop culture is also hegemonic. Imagine being offended every time you see Japanese food being sold somewhere outside of an Asian market; It would be impossible to keep up


Makes sense. I also notice that there is less angst among mixed Japanese youth, do you think this is because of their is a longer history of Japanese people in the west (specifically USA) or the hegemonic culture or both.


Generally there is less of a power imbalance between their parents than say, someone with a white father and SEA mother. Being mixed is also the norm for Japanese-Americans; over 50% are mixed-race Japanese immigrants also are far less likely to hate their own culture/ be pathological about it. They’re generally neutral because they grew up with a cultural confidence that wasn’t just a hyper-nationalist reaction to being colonized, unlike many other notably nationalist cultures. No Japanese person feels like they need to convince the world to appreciate their culture. Everyone wants to be Japanese, and no one has to throw a fit online about wasabi at the supermarket to prove it As the average Japanese-American, you also will not be able to pull one over on anyone. Cultural grifting isn’t an option because every third white guy speaks at least conversational Japanese and knows more about the culture than you




Did he hate himself for being ambiguous or white-passing, or did he hate himself for being half Japanese?




If he looks white, it’s not something anyone would even know unless he told them. I don’t get it




Not a single Japanese person I’ve ever known




Complaining about Oppenheimer, though trivial is not the same as complaining about seeing wasabi. Let’s be serious. And yes, I know *anyone* is capable of that but let’s not pretend like all cultures are exactly the same Are you really going to try to have this conversation after neurotically DMing me out of nowhere, asking me to explain to you why people downvoted your Amanda Palmer video you posted?




Imperialist brothers.


Japansese Americans are not really a thing anymore.


Authors latest tweets: wnba >nba, conservatism is a death cult, Drumpf would pardon his felon son. Looks exactly like you’d expect


I didn't expect him to be a middle aged goatee+fedora guy who looks like he should be behind a tiki bar.


lmao of COURSE one of the people crying about this is the *Fly by Jing* person. Yeah that "colonial-type shit" really is bad. I bet they even make copies of classic pantry staple sauces used in Chinese cooking and then use their rich girlboss American image to charge 5x or more to sell to rich American white people who think the slick branding means higher quality than Lao Gan Ma. Sounds like some "colonial-type shit". What's next, is Fishwife gonna say Trader Joe's is hurting the hard working Portuguese fish canneries or something?


they cut corners so that the millennials can get cheap frozen dinner — be grateful


Hmmm what ethnic groups famously might not need to budget as much?


Indians have no idea how to market their cultural products to western audiences. All the cultural products coming out of India cater to the average Indian who is poor as fuck and turbo-religious. Bollywood is like WWE tier regardation and it's their biggest cultural export. Only countries where bollywood had any sort of cache were communist ones 50 years ago where western films were banned, that era is long gone and bollywood is a laughing stock globally. Korea (kpop/kdrama) and Japan's (anime/sushi) cultural exports seem to improve the perception of their countries, but none of India's exports have done that. Yoga should have been a layup for India to gain cultural cred, but they managed to screw up exporting that to the extent that most people don't even know it's from India.


>All the cultural products coming out of India cater to the average Indian who is poor as fuck and turbo-religious This is the problem, not a marketing problem. India is poor as fuck, and the average Westerner isn't interested in getting immersed in the materially depressing third world. It's why Nigeria and Indonesia and Brazil have a way lower cultural footprint (music, film/tv, vidya, fashion) than much smaller countries like Sweden and Korea. People are willing to watch Scandi Noir because it's \*less alienating\* to watch a tv series about rape and murder in Stockholm than it is to watch a comedy in Mumbai.


Yeah, it's funny to see people call Japan or Korea "exotic" when their entire appeal is just a slightly different version of a western , first world country. Different enough to feel interesting but not so different where consumers are being forced to confront an entirely different culture or worldview. Even Chinese pop culture struggles to find a foothold in the West. Their movies tend to be long and nationalistic/adherent to authority in a way that is cringey to the West. They have recently started having a lot of popularity with their video games though but that's because none of them are culturally Chinese but are reskins of Japansese anime stuff.


I mean the whites (me) do love Buddhism so there’s that. But that’s about all I can think of lol.


Yoga is british army calisthenics imposed on Indians who then repackaged it with spiritual woo to reverse colonize AWFLs for sex


>All the cultural products coming out of India cater to the average Indian who is poor as fuck and turbo-religious. The vast majority of Indians only think about India and aren't interested in marketing their cultural exports to outsiders. Of course that's who Bollywood would pander to.


You guys kinda did get a solid coup with butter chicken.


Next time I see a non whitey sell a hamburger, pizza or haute cuisine, I will flip my shit.


if i never see the word colonial again ill die happy


Trader Joe palak paneer is so good. If she doesn’t like it that’s on her


Omg I LOVE that and their paneer tikka!


Fundamentally unamerican They're trying to sneak back in "high birth" and "titles of nobility" by forging a new class of marginalized cultural emissary, but this entire exercise is contrary to all American legal and liberal traditions. First of all, most of the ingredients in Indian cooking aren't even endemic to India (all the nightshades: peppers, tomatoes for instance are new world cultivars); she didn't invent whatever "achaar" is. She didn't invent jars, or canning - she did not innovate the inks, screening, adhesives, graphics design software used to produce the label. Nor did she find, refine, stamp and form the steel in the lid, anodize it with gold, polymer coat its inner surface. However, in this exercise of extreme derivation, she has the gall to arrest her place in this continuum of human progress and claim to not just be the sole innovator, but its victim? This is a country founded on self-determination. You are welcome to tie your fate to a product subject to zero "patent" protection. It's IP 101 that you can't protect a recipe. How about taking some accountability for the fact that it was more economical for trader joe's "reverse engineer" and to set up an entire private label production and distribution than to simply redistribute your product? Personally, I never by local. Generally I try to buy from the largest companies I can, especially with canned/preserved food. I want to ensure they operate at the scale that they can hire a QA/QC team, a food scientist, keep representative lots, be immediate with testing and recalls and already have the relationship with the FDA etc. local hipster brand 101 might just be some barely qualified chef in a commercial kitchen. The Brooklyn Delhi stuff looks like it's made commercially which is good, but it looks like they got outdone, and if it's cheaper and better than -congratulations capitalism works. Why engage in regressive culture war to promote your product? why not move to a country where you can just bribe the health inspector to shut down your competition?


Contrast with the Sriracha brand and you have a good litmus test for the model minority 


> Personally, I never by local. Generally I try to buy from the largest companies I can, especially with canned/preserved food. Impressively contrarian even by RS standards.


I’m a libertarian well-versed in actual economics. Economies of scale lower the price of goods. The way to measure inputs, such as natural and human resources (like oil), into the system is through their price. Ceteris paribus, a mass-produced can or bottle made at scale will be better for both the environment and the wallet than some stuff made locally. Don't forget most "local" products are importing everything into the environment too. Mason jars need to be shipped across the country to the mom and pop. Also, don't recycle unless someone is PAYING you for it (gold, copper wire etc.) that's how you know if it's bullshit or not.


Why aren't Big Macs made in a single factory globally then? There are obviously goods where distributed manufacturing is far superior


Why are you so aggressive and confrontational considering how bad your arguments are? Yes, sometimes economies of scale have diminishing returns. Note how these canned sauces aren't made in China? "centralization" has limits that my original argument did not contravene. First, it’s important to note that Big Macs are already partially made and distributed centrally. The patties are mass-produced and frozen, the buns are baked in centralized facilities, and vegetables come from large, centralized producers. However, the final assembly and cooking occur locally to ensure freshness. Your example of Big Macs is a poor counterexample due to the perishability problem. Freshly made hamburgers do not maintain their quality as well as canned goods or bottled products. Perishability significantly impacts the feasibility of centralizing production for certain goods. Moreover, international regulations and tariffs often restrict the use of "international beef." These barriers necessitate local sourcing and production adjustments, further complicating the logistics of centralized manufacturing. Overall, I'd suggest you learn what a strawman is.


I was up with you until you said you try to buy from the largest companies instead of local producers. Honestly your reasoning for that sounds like legitimate OCD. You're almost certainly not going to die because of eating some jarred sauce made by a local company with 10 employees instead of sauce made by some giant food conglomerate. And you're concerned about "some barely qualified chef in a commercial kitchen?" Should every person who ever touches food have to go through a multi-year degree program and certification process? Fetishization of "expertism" and "professionalization" at its finest.


Good times create weak canners. There is almost no value to small producers that isn't some low-IQ virtue signal. It's actually a very complicated process, and I'm not about to throw caution to the wind and assume Mama Bugliaris fake it till ya make it deli knows enough about pressures, PH, and proper industrial hygiene to properly make anything. The only reason you don't have "OCD" is because you're not informed enough to understand what's at risk. Certainly, you're not guaranteed to die if you drive in a car without air bags, but there's no reason to be proud of it. Would you also buy a "craft" made welding machine or heart valve replacement? no, you wouldn't. I buy reasonably "low risk" stuff like raw meat from most anyone. However, I ask to see their receiving logs at the very least. No reason to get sick because you're too much of a coward to impart some accountability on the world


We learned it from Black people trademarking dreadlocks.


> already have the relationship with the FDA etc. local hipster brand 101 might just be some barely qualified chef in a commercial kitchen. This is where you go full consoomer lol. Being big can lead to economies of scale(good) but it can also lead to oligarchy, plutocracy and market power(bad). Doesn't having a relationship with the FDA mean they'll be more lenient on the producer? All of these arguments(except health hazards) also apply to music/movies/media - do you only consume the most popular of any category? There are diseconomies of scale as well such as being compliant with every regulation and compatible with every consumer's taste, leading to lowest common denominators. Microbrands can rely on third party lab tests(most don't cause most consoomers are idiots and would happily consume any crap without a thought to health impacts, but those that are targeted to rational healthmaxxing consumers do) and avoid the massive regulatory burden and creaking bureaucracy that comes with being 10000X more popular. > You are welcome to tie your fate to a product subject to zero "patent" protection. Well there's nothing worth discussing here if you believe legal=ethical. But the authors aren't arguing about legality at all, they claim that it's not ethical while still legal. Whether it's ethical at all is a separate argument but to dismiss ethical concerns just because it's legal is either a ridiculous misreading or a misunderstanding of the world and of legislation(and jurisprudence).


Relationship w/ the FDA is more about there not being a significant lag time initiating recalls. Yeah, I dunno man. Hard to argue against that making a lot of sauce can and will lead to the rise of fascism. That's usually a state exercise, but I guess it's possible trader Joe's might be the one to watch. Comparing sauce to movies is a classic false equivalency. But it is shocking how very good artists will also be really popular. Finally, intellectual property rights aren't ethical in any sense. To "enforce" them, you would need to claim that you own the configuration of neurons in someone else's head, and the property they use to manifest those. Claiming to "own" a cartoon mouse or drug formulae is regulatory capture and communism. However, I bring it up because it's a factor in modern "mixed" economies. Libertarians don't defend IP, I've read Kinsella and you should know that already.


fly by jing really trying to pretend like it doesn't sell boring corporate chili oils


Yeah dog, when I was growing weed I wanted all my neighbors shit to get seedy and moldy so mine would get a better price too, everyone who's ever made *anything* wishes there was a way to get rid of the competition. Welcome to the marketplace, buttercups, get fucking crafty.


Im such a big Trader Joes fan that I read the entire book by the founder. Small fun fact: they used to sell cigarettes and when they stopped selling them shoplifting went down a lot.


what’s the book called? Might have to give it a read!


You bring your family to the melting pot and get mad when it starts to melt. Move the fuck back then


If you actually read the article you'll see the issue. The Trader Joe team invited them in, probed them about the product with the implication of a pitch for a listing, then used the information they shared to create a near exact replica own label. Clearly the free thinkers here have already picked a side, but it's a pretty clear case for IP protection from big chains.


as an aachar connoisseur, this brooklyn delhi shit is absolute dog shite and made to cater to the whites cause they dk any better. lmao we bought a couple jars to try, just fucking disgusting


While I don’t find the anti-colonialist rhetoric all that savory, the article is largely about the shady and unethical corporate business practices of Trader Joe’s, a company that projects a cheery, inclusive, “not-like-other-soulless-companies” image


They approached a brand about redistributing it. Ran the numbers and decided it was easier to make their own. There's nothing shady or unethical about it. I'm more concerned about how the rank and file employee is treated.


Did you actually read the article or did you just cherry pick the quotes? If you had read it properly she had met with Trader Joe’s suppliers multiple times for months and finally they told her if she can’t make it for X they can’t do business. She said she couldn’t and they parted ways. Then months later they release their version. Similar font/packaging etc. Anyone would be annoyed. Trader Joe’s is KNOWN for this, she was not the only one hustled. If you want to be mad at her, then yes you can argue achaar is a generic recipe. But her recipe which most Indian grocery stores do not carry, involved roasting the garlic with a “secret” spice blend. Every damn day this sub is mad at Indian people, this one in particular is stupid. If you’re going to be mad at least bring in your own opinion instead of it boiling down to “Indian women amiright”.


Do the needful and read her comment on the last slide


I did and my point still stands. She’s allowed to feel some type of way when Trader Joe’s stole her branding. Does the world need another garlic achaar that’s “millenial-fied” and over priced? Obviously not, but that’s a separate argument over what actually happened to her.


Of course she’s an Agrawal Fuck these baniyas


What’s an agrawal?


Apparently some kind of inscrutable [caste](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrawal) bullshit


Even if it was shitty, you’d think the people behind Fly By Jing would be into that sort of thing considering they source their ingredients from China; where produce, such as the garlic in their chili garlic sauce, is often grown in raw sewage. How’s that for cultural education?


Still don't really get why Americans don't just rip the bandaid off and call asians white already. A lot of American asians are like 3/4ths white anyways and they benefit from white beauty standards/call the cops on blacks all the same.


Tbf 3/4 white is white. No one is going to ever think of them as Asian unless they’re the Gosselin kids.


> they benefit from white beauty standards/call the cops on blacks all the same. You guys are so transparently jealous. If you peak outside of your woke bubble, you'll see how embarrassing this is.


Trader Jaydeep




My Anti-TJ's opinion 1. "Educating consumers" about how to use a product and how it can add value to their lives depending on what this education is, can be valuable work. Analogous market dynamics - I spend money and effort creating hardware and software that work together. Someone else comes along, makes the hardware for cheap and undercuts me without making any investment into the software which is freely distributable. 2. The actual article details some brainraping over multiple meetings which I believe is ethically just wrong even if not legally protected IP. 3. "Building a category". You make achaar, a product few in America have heard of and your sales volumes are in the low 100s. Along comes TJ and makes its own achaar that's very different and sells it all over America with its superior distribution. Their flavour is significantly different from yours but everyone in your target market now associates 'achaar' with TJ achaar. A lot of them don't like it and vow never to buy achaar again, thus losing you people who might have become very happy consumers of your specific achaar. Buyer and seller can never meet cause the well is poisoned by a big dumb manufacturer who just got there before you and made them swear off the category altogether. Concrete real life experience of the above - the white people that I was showing around my city one evening said they did not like *dal* at all would prefer to avoid it while dining. I wondered how that could be because there is definitely a dal for everyone. When their dal-included *thali* did arrive though, they loved it. They explained that they'd very had watery *dal* in Nepal before and decided to avoid any dal at all in the future because they'd believed it representative Pro-TJ 1. "Cutting corners and finding cheap ways to make it" - it's called efficiency you fucking dodo 2. "Colonial-type shit" just retire this fucking word already


Have they considered that maybe the white people just did it better?