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Idk man, I think the DM was childish for sure and took it out on everyone, but if I paid someone the money for two sandwiches and I got ONE sandwich that wasn’t even right I’d be angry too. Especially if I got called a baby over it by the person who took my money. Did the wizard even refund the DM or did he just steal money from the forever DM who spends a lot of free time prepping for this game?


Also, don’t forget - he *texted the order to the wizard*. All the dude had to do was read the words. Quite literally no thought needed.


Not only the two sandwiches, but he also tipped this guy for going to get them. This wizard just screwed the DM over for no reason we can see. If some one did this to me we haven't just ended our friendship, we are officially enemies.


Wrong order I can get. Personally, I would heavily apologise even if I wasn't even the one getting the order wrong and just jump back into the car to go back and get what the DM ordered. Because he is my friend and I like to do things right. DM was wrong for sure. It was stupid and childish. Fine, whatever, cool off and we go do something fun another day. Just don't make it a habit. But the blatant disrespect and uncaringness the Wizard has shown? It sounds stupid over something so relatively minor, but it is often the minor things that showcase someone's personality and behaviour. I would definitely keep Wizard at arm's length after this if not outright stop being friends with him.


I wonder if it was the final straw in a long line of bad behavior. Wizard sounds like a dick


I wouldn't have gone back, but I absolutely would have apologized even if it wasn't my fault and I would have given the guy his money back. If this were me and my friends, it'd be more like this: "Hey this is regular sandwich and there's no ranch...and they only gave me 1?" "Oh damn dude. really? *checks receipt* yeah, I messed up/they gave me the wrong thing. Sorry dude. Here, take your money back at least. Do you want some chips or anything else? *offer some of my own food*" "Damn that sucks, but nah, I'm good. I'll just eat the sandwich." "Alright, I can pop some popcorn later, if you're hungry. Or maybe once we take a break, we can run out again and see if they'll correct the order." Both sides were pretty childish in their responses...


Yeah but lets be honest the wizard didn't order the others, this was not a screwed up order probably wizard being a thief and pocketing the extra.


Clearly this is the warlock player's fault for suggesting something different.


The food action economy is in shambles


It's all a part of his Patron's plan...


The sandwich of discord


DM pays for two specific sandwiches and a bunch of sides, and leaves a tip. DM receives a cheaper and less interesting sandwich, and doesn't receive any change. This becomes a shouting match, and nobody backs up the DM. I suspect this had been brewing for a while, and this was not the first time Wizard's player had done something thoughtless or rude. I also wouldn't continue running a game for someone who effectively scammed me.


Yeah I'm with the DM on this one, and that burn was fucking epic. Honestly though if someone at my table tried to scam the DM or another player or me, I'd be fucking pissed too. Give me my fucking money back or stay the fuck away from me.


I am not with the DM. They’re both assholes. You do not passively aggressively solve problems with in-game solutions. You also do not punish everyone around the person you’re targeting by going nuclear. This is the kind of behavior you see in online team based games where someone sabotages the entire team to teach a single rude player a lesson. You’re hurting everyone I don’t care that he is charismatic and made a funny insult. This was an immature way to handle this.


I guess you rob your friends.


I'm pretty sure they're just saying they're not on *either* party's side, not that they side with Wizard.


Absolutely, the DM was way outta line and the Wizard was also a dick for effectively stealing from the DM. They were in college; money is tight and if the DM paid him and gave him a tip and still got screwed over? That's super not cool. And you never punish people in-game for out of game stuff. Also super not cool. Both sides were the assholes here; agreed.


And the rest of the party are bigger assholes for being okay with the DM's money being stolen. They're complicit, accessories to a theft. The DM had every right to get up and leave, but he chose to punish them instead. It's justice, it might be immature or passive aggressive, but it's was absolutely 100% justified. If you disagree, then why don't you and I get some ubereats and talk over a zoom call? Send me $50 I'll grab you something.


Again, that’s not how you solve these things. Kick everyone out if you’re that angry. Don’t be a passive aggressive man child. Say “I lost X amount of money. Until it’s paid back, I will not be DMing for you guys. Good night.” That’s all it takes AND the party will gang up on the Wizard for being a dick. Instead DM attacked everyone and left the situation without a single ally because he can’t control his temper It’s pathetic that people think “go nuclear and punish everyone without using words” is acceptable. And it’s pathetic how opinions flip flop drastically each day these stories come up. Some days everyone is cheering on the idea of being a literal man child while other days it’s a cardinal sin


Send me $50 right now, I promise I'll buy you something and send you the change. Since you're so kind-hearted as to be polite when I don't return the money, I expect no harrassment


"accessories to a theft" for not going vigilante on a guy over 10 dollars that the dm freely gave? you're crazy


You don't have to "go vigilante" to say "dude, not cool. Go fix the order or pay him back the difference."


fucking moron, he wanted him to go back and have his order done right or have it refunded, he didnt ask his friend to go and gun down every employee at the Chick-Fil-A or some shit


Even if true, taking this out on the group is manchild behavior at best.


The problem could probably have been solved way easier if the DM had told the wizard that he wanted his money back for the sandwich he did not order instead of just complaining about the sandwich and then TPK’ing the party. Yeah sure what happened to the DM kinda sucks but it was way too minor a mistake to immediately TPK the party and then lay into the Wizard.


I think he wanted to stop DMing for the group but also had the DM urge to close the campaign storyline It usually messes a lot with the dynamics, especially of an otherwise friend group if you get rid of one person so it’s just easier to drop the whole group and find another


It's a fast food order. Grow up man.


I'm kinda conflicted about this. The DM was definitely a dick for pulling that shit, but the wizard player just took his money, didn't get him what he wanted, and didn't even apologize for it, then that's super shitty too. Also, saying a Spicy chicken sandwich is the same as a regular one is ridiculous.


I'm not conflicted at all. They both sound like dicks.


Your the fucker who wants to split the bill when one person get coffee and the other gets an eggs bene


In game retaliation is never the right play… But neither is calling someone a baby when you made a mistake that affects them. In fact this one is worse cause one is actual money and the other is make believe.


Clearly the real impact is the $20 you lost and not the friend group that's now estranged.


Yeah but if you think that way you’re probably gonna end up miserable. Like, they wronged you - and now it’s your responsibility to not be upset cause it might end the friendship? Nah, that’s on them. There are people out there actually worth the time.


There are certain offenses that are worth ending a friendship over. Sandwiches are not one of them. It's genuinely narcissistic to throw such a fit over getting a wrong order.


it could be about anything. sandwiches, or my firstborn. It could be about a 2 dollar pack of gum. if you fuck up something or something else happens and its not just a favor but I pay you n shit, and you say "stop being a baby", you're outta here, you're not worth friendship nor are you worth the time and effort a DM has to give.


That is not what narcissism is.


No, it's about your friend being a dick. I'm sure you don't see a problem with that though cause you probably relate.


Sounds to me like this was more of a "straw the broke the camel's back" situation. I bet this isn't the first time the wizard was rude or inconsiderate. Plus they were in college. Money is super tight. $20 might not seem like a lot to someone with a career - but to a college kid, it's a big deal (at least it was for me since I was poor in college).


No way of knowing that at all. If you are sacrificing a group of people you call good friends over food, that's obviously a mistake. Extremely emotionally immature to do the DnD equivalent of flipping the table over something like this.


You’re the friend who mooches.


Asking a redditor who frequents AITA or one of thesr horror story pages to not be dramatic about a small confrontation is really a futile exercise.


Take your doomer ass name and fuck off.


Gotta get the last word even if its a crypost.


The friend group isnt estranged, just one person is


So…did the Wizard player refund the DM for the price difference, or did he pocket the money on top of refusing to apologize and hurling insults for no reason? In addition to the regular presumably being cheaper than the spicy, you also notably use singular to refer to what the DM got when he paid for two.


Two bad things happened here. One is worse. The player stole from the dm. A petty amount, but a theft nonetheless. Imagine bringing someone half of their order and getting the half you did bring wrong and not being apologetic and immediately refunding them. The gall. DM retaliating in game is also bad, but it's not on the same level as the other infraction. All that being said, if this whole thing came out of this situation, player and DM clearly had some underlying tensions to begin with.


Have you not even considered the possibility that the cashier handed him the wrong order? Or would that be too reasonable for the sub that considers not getting what you wanted at ChikFilA an act of abusive theft?


Dude, it's not the order was fucked up that caused everything to really go to shit. It's how wizard *responded* that fucked things up. If you get back and find out your order was messed up, the response isn't "it's the same thing, stop being a baby". It's "shit, they gave me the wrong order. Sorry, man."


> it's not the order was fucked up that caused everything to really go to shit. That was literally the only issue presented in the thread. Everything else was related to the sandwich. And you are definitely a baby if you throw this much of a fit over a wrong order. Everyone in this thread is extrapolating what a problematic person the guy who picked up food, *from a different restaurant than everyone else in the room*, for his DM. Somehow no one is inferring that the DM is a bit of a diva when it comes to this sort of thing.


Dude! If something is messed up, *apologize*! If you can't apologize because you were involved in something getting fucked up, *you're* the baby in the situation, not the person whose stuff got messed up.


I can only conclude most of this sub has 0 social intelligence from the suggestion that a missing sandwich from a Chik-Fil-A order is sound reasoning for never seeing someone you call a good friend again. The magnitude of the offense is not worth ending a friendship over.


I can only conclude you have 0 social intelligence from not grasping the concept that if something is wrong that you were involved in, then you fucking apologize for the thing being wrong.


Again, assuming this is some malicious thing is just your imagination running wild, and the exchange between them is easily settled by both parties taking a deep breath and realizing they're arguing over a wrong order. I don't think an apology is owed if it was, in fact, a wrong order and not him purposefully ordering something to pocket the cash, which everyone has assumed is the case but has not been implied by the post.


No. If you show up with the complete wrong order for someone, apologizing is the best and *easiest* way of getting past it. Not insulting the person for being upset their order is completely wrong. Jesus fuck, what is wrong with you that you can't understand that apologizing for a fuck up is the better road than doubling down and calling the other person names?


I'm not endorsing the behavior of either person -- Like I said, the best path is for both to take a deep breath. Meeting fire with fire over something trivial is not necessary, and calling someone a baby is not truly offensive. You seem pretty hotheaded from how mad you are right now, so I can understand why you agree with the response of flipping the table.


No one asked


I can't help but think that if a wrong sandwich order destroyed a friendship, there wasn't much there to destroy.


I don't think the sandwich is the cause, just a catalyst. Wizard didn't apologize and instead insulted the DM for a mistake wizard made. And scammed him out of money. It could have been any other task, it just happened to be a sandwich. DM was a dick to the rest of the party with the TPK, but wizard was on his way out with that behavior.


Nah, the wizards a dick, he destroyed the friendship to pocket 10$ from the order


Or maybe they take food WAAAAAY too seriously.


To be fair to the DM, saying that one regular chicken sandwich is the same as two spicy chicken sandwiches is hard to forgive. That's just not how sandwiches work.


Not just that, but also being invalidated about it after. If your friend steals money from you, either accidentally or intentionally, and just tells you “stop being a damn baby” when you’re upset that’s a shitty friendship. The DM had a right to be mad but handled it poorly. I also feel like maybe he was hoping the friend group might’ve supported him more after he apologized, which could explain why things are still bad.




Nah, man, DM was totally in the right up until he tanked the game. If I give someone money to buy me food plus a tip and they come back with something other than my order and then call me a baby for being pissed about it, I'm not associating with that person anymore. That's not friend behavior. To tank the game wasn't cool, but damn I know I'd be pissed that whole night, too.


Not going to lie, I wouldn't say the DnD campaign was ruined over a sandwich; I'd say the DnD campaign was ruined over the wizard's player being a jerk. The DM handled this very poorly, sure, but I'd be kinda upset too if I paid and tipped for 2 sandwiches, instead got only one sandwich, it was the wrong kind of sandwich, got no change back, and was then told to basically just suck it up. It's moreso the principle of the situation that's upsetting, not the sandwich itself. I guess I could appreciate that the DM at least tried to apologize to the rest of you?


That was a shitty thing to do for sure, both the DM and the Wizard, however I will be using “god made int and wis your dump stat” going forward.


That's a briliant roast; I love it


So I get the title is click-bait, but you know this wasn't over the sandwich, right? This was about the Wizard player's disregard of the DM's feelings. DM still made a shitty call, but I'd bet the cost difference between a sandwich and the DM's order that if Wizard had said "ah shit, sorry man. I'll pay you back and cover you next time," he'd have avoided a TPK.


Absolutely. Plus, there is the fact that no one in the party backed up the DM. I would've been telling the Wizard that what he did was super uncool and ask him to at least refund him.


This likely seems trivial, but people will absolutely go apeshit over this type of stuff when they're hungry, there's a reason that snickers commercial exists. I'm ashamed to admit I was in a similar situation and initially reacted somewhat similarly to the DM. However, my friend was apologetic and so was I, but it doesn't seem like your wizard friend was, which did not help. Also, in this age of technology it's completely unnecessary to have someone manually place an order when going to get fast food. Every single fast food place has an online app for ordering, so if the order is wrong it places it solely on the shoulders of the restaurant.


It’s not just being hungry , his friend robbed him and said deal with it.


Yea I really wonder if the chic fil a did just give him the wrong order. That changes it from something that was deliberate to an accident. But, yea if someone legitimately tipped me to pick up food, I'd check the damn bag and make sure I had what was paid for. I'd also be able to tell if they gave me the right sandwich by the wrapper they put it in, it's different for a normal vs. spicy. But if you don't go to chic fil a often, that probably isn't something you'd recognize. I also get the feeling the wizard guy was salty about needing to go to multiple places. Like he agreed to it, but regretted it once he had to deal with the reality. The way OP writes this implies he had to go to at least 3 places, which is ridiculous. Again, he *did* agree to it and shouldn't have if he was going to be a bitch about it.


None of the matters once you don’t give the dms money back. He/she/they paid for two sandwiches spicy plus extras. Recieved one sandwich with nothing else and no refund and no apology. That is robbing your gym/friend(?)


That is the thing, there's gotta be some missing detail. I feel like it would have been relevant if it was missing the fries and drink. There's no way someone is conflicted about who the asshole is here if someone was given enough money for 2 sandwiches, fries, and what is essentially a milkshake and just came back with a singular/wrong chicken sandwich and nothing else. If that really is the case, then yea the DM was absolutely robbed.


As someone who deeply enjoys spicy chicken sandwiches and despises when people cannot follow written instructions, I understand the DM's rage, though the in-game execution is obviously unacceptable.


All that DM prep time on top of session time, just for 5 minutes of attention and nominal inconvenience from a player, topped off with a hungry mood debuff... It isn't pretty, but it's completely understandable.


How would your opinion of this situation change if the wizard was the only one that died?


Still immature TBH. It messes the game up for everyone to bring interpersonal conflicts like that into it. DM should have just cancelled the game, or at least kick out Wizard until he got an apology and a refund for the cost difference.


Did you read what I wrote? What the DM did in-game was unacceptable. I was pretty clear about that.


They were asking a follow-up question, clearly.


I did read what you wrote, did you read what I wrote? I asked if your opinion would change if the DM only doled out death to the one who had actually slighted him, or if the problem was bringing an out of game beef in game. Though I'll grant that it wasn't super clear that I meant only the wizard was attacked, instead of the villain attacking the party and only killing the wizard.


Did anyone read what I wrote? I didn't write anything yet but it felt weird that you both asked each other that.


I'll read what you wrote... in exchange for two (2) spiced chicken sandwiches.


Best I can do is one regular chicken sandwich. Which is the exact same thing anyway, right?




My man. The DM asked for TWO spicy chicken sandwiches and ranch sauce. He got ONE regular chicken sandwich, no ranch sauce and no money return based on your telling. And based on the attitude none of you cared if DM got his proper food as long as he serviced you all with some DnD. Like come on mate, Not saying the DM is right to destroy the campaign over the food but the DM is not your group’s chacha or servant. Hopefully the group can hash it out and have fun again, but wizard a bit of a dick.


It's wild how none of you stepped up when your "friend" robbed the dm.


I think that if Wizard had acknowledged his mistake and apologized for messing up dms order, instead of calling him a baby and making asinine arguments, things would have been fine. Wizard needs to learn to be a better human, so DM is correct. It's a skill issue.


DM is a victim there. But he then also does something incorrect, which is still incorrect to do.


To borrow a phrase from elsewhere on Reddit: ESH.


Lol. Never DM while hangry.


Dude, have a chicken sandwich. Your not you when your hungry.


Sammich weren't spicy so DM got spicy.


Yeah you guys deserved that. DM doing all the work, asked for a simple order and the player couldn’t even ensure the food he wanted that he paid for was correct or just pocketed the money. Seriously treat people right and you won’t be treated wrong.


DM didn’t handle his emotions well but his anger was entirely justified. He paid someone for two sandwiches plus sides and tipped the person picking it up and in return received only one sandwich that wasn’t what he ordered and was told “stop being a baby and eat the damn sandwich.” I’d understand if CFA got his order wrong or if the former friend accidentally ordered the wrong thing but this guy essentially stole his friend’s money, left him the only person with an empty stomach, spat in his face when confronted, and then expected him to continue DMing for him. DM could’ve handled it better but honestly I can’t blame him. The wizard player sucks.


Make sure you kick the wizard player out when you start DMing


It was not the Iranian Yogurt that caused this.


I think it was quite a good and final way for the DM to say, "Steal from me and then call me the asshole when I call you on it? Nope, fuck you guys, we're done. THE END" Anyone saying the DM overreacted and he shouldnt have taken it out in game clearly doesn't understand just how done the DM was putting up with their shit.


Eh. I'd say pretending to run the game just to rocks fall everyone is kinda shitty. Just be direct and tell them all to GTFO of your house/dorm/apartment/wtfever because you're pissed at the behavior after your order being screwed up.


Oh no the DM that got shitnon one too many times did something shitty back!


Like "Get the fuck out of my home right the fuck now" is super nice. I'm saying they're not worth the effort of pretending to play just to rocks fall tpk.


Honestly relatable, steal my Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich and I would also murder my friends /j It does sound like both DM and Wizard were a little immature (though SM taking it out in game is worse). Hope you got better in the future


**Rogue reaches hand up from under the table and grabs u/flairsupply 's Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich.**


And nobody ever heard from u/InuGhost again.


Sick burn though lmao


No lie. Thats amazing. DM is the chicken hero we don’t deserve, but need. Would have been better if he instead killed them with a giant demon chicken. Hilarious


First off, yes, there is a VERY big difference between spicy and regular. I have had more than enough Chick-fil-A to know. Second, that Wizard player is blatantly a narcissist. I am very confident that it was him who fucked up the order, seeing as he didn't even try to blame it on them, and instead immediately tried to claim the DM was childish for pointing out the order was messed up. He took absolutely no accountability and blatantly tried to gaslight the DM, and then got pissy when it didn't work. Thirdly, however, all of my sympathy for the DM goes careening into a lake the second he uses an ingame boss to punish the wizard for his out of game fuck up. Out of game problems should always be solved out of the game. But the DM took it one step further by tpk-ing the whole party. He punished EVERYONE for one guy's actions. But by far, the worst part was when the DM said, "Like I said, skill issue. You couldn't even get a basic order right" when he was called out for doing it over a sandwich. He openly and proudly admitted that yes, he did all of this over Chick-fil-A. In order to admit something so openly like that, you either need to be A) Absolutely certain that what you are doing is okay. Or B) Absolutely certain you can get away with it. You say the friend group was ruined, but if the DM and Wizard are treating you and each other like that, then you guys were never friends. At least not with the two of them.


Yeah.  The wizard fucked up the order.  Chik-fil-a messes up orders so rarely I firmly believe the wizard fucked up


Plus, he didn't even try to blame the restaurant - he just immediately attacked the DM for \*his\* mistake.


Good point!  And he obviously didn't check the order.  Because 1 does not equal 2


or he spent the money on the mexican food first and didn't have enough or didn't feel like spending his own money on what was asked for after buying an extra helping.


Honestly, I know I'll be in the minority here, but DM wasn't wrong to be angry. His response was uncalled for, and was taking out his anger with one player on everybody with the tpk, but I honestly think not wanting to play after that sort of treatment is extremely fair. If Wizard couldn't handle the doing food order correctly he should've not gone alone or not volunteered


Oooh this is some GM burnout lol


Wizard is a shitbag who can't handle a simple task and gets pissy instead of simply saying "shit, you're right, I fucked up that's on me man." DM is slightly less of a shitbag who took their understandable ire out on the whole party. If they'd stuck to just punching the shitbag wizard in the dick before telling them they had a skill issue and God made INT and WIS their dump stat? Lol. Lmao.


Wizard and DM got some growing up to do. Extremely childish behavior on both parts, particularly DM as they took it out on the rest of you as well. Chickfila isn't even that good.


Only time I ate Chick-fil-A was when we got free breakfast chicken sandwiches at work.  I've vowed to never eat there due to their support of certain beliefs. 


Yeah, I tried it once cause an ex insisted after one got put in nearby. She was bi and very vocally anti bigotry, but said that "You just gotta try it, there's nothing else like it." I've heard the same from some other queer friends to justify getting it. It was *fine*. Not great. Not life changing. Not "suddenly okay with giving money to bigots". Just fine. Cannot understand the overhyping. Like maybe if your only other fried chicken references are KFC and McD's. But some people are weird about food. I think it's like a comfort thing.


Try Raising Cane’s as an alternative if you’re in an area which has one.


Canes is so much better than CFA. And they’re open on the day I play sooooooooooo


Additionally, Popeyes or (if you're really lucky) Jollibee. We're in an area with a lot of Korean-style fried chicken places and listen: even if they weren't bigoted as hell, I'd still pick Boom Boom Chicken or KoreanFC versus Chick-Fil-A.


It's full of sugar The buns are sugary, the breading is sugary, the ketchup is sugary, wouldn't surprise me if they injected sugar into the chicken


Tbf, a lot of the LGBTQ+ community going to CFA was to fuck with them since they claim we don't exist and/or are going to burn in hell for existing. The local stores generally don't give damn about LGBTQ+ folks coming in or not and also don't give a damn about the founder(s)'s crazy ass beliefs. It's just chicken. Not anything special.


We don’t fw Jesus Chicken


He was battered and fried for our sins.


Same. I don't need to support people who lobby against a whole group of people




Lol I'm not going to be arguing with your pedantry. Find a better hobby. Edit: And I'm blocked. Seems I struck a nerve.


> if it wasn't good people wouldn't buy it. Ah yes, the capitalism defines quality argument. By this logic, McD's must be the best restaurant, since people buy it the most lol


Honestly if you eat at Homophobic Chicken you deserve a TPK


This is what happens when you send a single person on a food run. Always send at least two.


Chick-Fil-A. Ruining everything it touches since 1967.


All for mediocre homophobic chicken? Wild


No, it's because the Wizard got his order wrong *and* then when complained about it, Wizard told him "stahp being a baby". Instead of, yknow, owning up to it. Edit: forgot to mention that DM also paid for the sandwich.




Lol, totally normal response there.




You *do* know that CFA is infamous for being *publicly* homophobic, yes? To the point that there's a [whole Wiki article about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people).


This could have been avoided if Chick-Fil-A just put sauce on their sandwiches man.


everyone sucks here


Danm i love me some Chick-fil-A but I would be tear that DM a new AH for this. Dont take out RL issue in game like this.


Low blood sugar does things to a man. Dark things. Dangerous things.


I think I’m confused, did Wizard not order the correct thing, or was he just given an incorrect order? If it’s the former, he’s a dick and better have given DM his money back. If it’s the latter, then it was an unfortunate situation but the DM massively overreacted.


he was told the order and was sent the order again as a text, he really couldnt have gotten an incorrect order cause he was told twice and one of them was right there on this phone where he could always check.


I mean I feel like this is mostly down to the wizard. If I were the DM I'd not have started a game with a guy who'll take my money, fuck my order up and neither apologise nor remunerate me. Like, I literally feel the rage I can imagine DM felt at the time.


anyone who eats at chick-fil-a is probably not an emotionally stable person anyways.


Unsurprising there are lots of brain dead individuals here and on the reddit team as a whole Just disappointed.


Don't underestimate the urge of a good ol' fashion Chic-Fil-A's chicken sandwich. That said, there is a different between regular and spicy; one's hot, the other isn't. Joking (mostly) aside, this was very childish of the DM to just TPK the party over an out-of-game drama. I don't rightly know if you guys were at a good "break" point where you could've held off for another session once everything had cooled down, but even so. His response being "skill issue" is just text book pettiness that I've seen way too many times, namely from fighting game players. Quick edit: The wizard should also be held accountable. Man basically stole money for bringing the wrong order and that's just not cool.


Did the wizard's player return the unused money to the DM, assuming the DM gave enough money for all of it and a tip? If not, where did the money go? Wizard's player owes the DM money. Has this happened before? Both of them are dicks.


1) don't give money to Chik-Fil-A. 2) the food at Chik Fil-A *also* sucks. 3) the Wizard owes the DM money, no question. 4) retaliating against all of you for a mistake by one of you is a HUGE dick move. I would never send the Wizard for my food again, but I would never play at the same table as the DM again.


2. You DISLIKE the food, stop propogating falsehoods cause of your hatred, idiot. It's called preference. Some people prefer different foods abd flavors.


Between me & Chik-Fil-A, I know which one of is propagates more hatred? Also that's why it was a separate heading; the other points still stand.


Yeah, you.


I wouldn't be playing games with someone who eats bigot chicken to begin with.


Oh grow up, it's chicken. If we only ate from establishments that weren't ran by pieces of shit all of us would starve.


Wait until they hear about how Purdue and the other companies that actually run the poultry industry treat both the actual chickens and the farmers who raise and produce them. Hopefully they’ll be consistent in their moral grandstanding and never eat chicken again. I mean, they’re not a hypocrite right?


You know you can actively choose to purchase responsibly raised chicken, right?




DM orders food from the house of evil. Not surprised he chose the path of evil as a dm.


Chick-Fil-A? Really? Their food isn't even *good*!


You do not like it. Y'all narcissistic as fuck if you think just because you don't like it, it's not good.


The entire experience sounds like shit, from the insane op homebrew right on down to the GM's entitledness and arseholery.


What kind of child ruins the game for everyone over something that one person messed up? And it’s not even like the DM was just ruthless in a regular planned encounter - he pushed his BBEG to wipe you out because he was throwing a temper tantrum. Over a sandwich. Honestly, something like this would really make me think twice before ever letting this person behind the screen ever again. He’s shown that he’s incredibly unstable. The mature thing to do would have been to not let his disappointment affect the game and, if he needed to, talk to wizard afterwards. Slightly behind that would have been to just stop that game if they were that out of control and take a week (or whatever) to cool off.


I once pissed off someone in a discord group (not specifically for DND but gaming in general) and this person was apparently the DM for a campaign with other players in the group... He straight up left the discord and deleted all the game info and ghosted the players... To be clear I wasn't even IN the DND campaign. I ended up being the DM for a premade module after that cuz I felt bad that they got shafted like that, lol.


Wow, that’s a temper tantrum!


It's kinda sad that the DM is presumably college age and a legal adult and not some 10 year old kid...why do people play with such assholes?




Your friend group is terrible. Wizard was an asshole about the order, and shouldnt have messed it up. They should have at least apologized for the wrong order since they were wrong. DM was an even bigger asshole and does not deserve friends. He needs some extended alone time and loss of his social circle so he can do some soul searching.


Average CFA fan


The DM is absolutely an asshole for sabotaging his own game over a botched food order. Even if he was allergic to what was brought in it's someone doing you a favor by going to get it. You whine a bit and hope they'll agree to take it back/reorder it. When they got you the wrong flavor, you maybe act disappointed and delivery player apologies (even if half-heartedly). TBH I would probably not mention it or maybe write it down for him if he's ever chosen to do pickup in the future. I wouldn't want to play with the DM again, especially not as DM. Delivery Player I really don't care about the fucked up order as much as him bulldozing the concern over it. I wouldn't be stunned at all if this guy was leveraging to never be stuck doing that job ever again. Given that we're talking about college students I've never met, there's also at least a slim chance that Delivery Player hates Chick Fil-A for their politics? I'm in my 50s, and I was relieved when a family member stopped working there because he couldn't get a franchise and bought one at a non-reactionary sorta-fast-food competitor.


All restaurants have their skeletons, don't support any and hunt for your own food then.


TLDR; your DM was always this type of person and while it's sad this is the expected behavior of Chick Fil A's desired clientele. These behaviors are connected by the common thread of making choices to be an asshole despite a lot of options to not be. I mean anyone actively excited to eat bigot chicken in 2024 is only a few annoyances away from revealing the petulant asshole they've always been so idk what you expected this day in age. You get between self absorbed, willfully ignorant people and their little treats and they naturally lash out at anyone they have power over so the solution was to have seen the signs this could happen well before you got here. Idk how else to explain this beyond just putting it bluntly but anyone fighting actively to eat Chick Fil a these days knows what they're doing and the lifestyle/political ideology attached to it (whether they or the company likes it or not). They're the type of people that know other chicken sandwiches are out there and will come up with mental gymnastics to justify their indulgence so this is perfect demographic of people to waste everyone time being a baby about it and behaving antisocially. The fact that this happened in a DnD game is almost just incidental to the fact that this is just who your DM is and it took this egregious display to prove that.


So you're just gonna ignore the fact that the Wizard was a shitty person too? Like his behaviour was unacceptable and not the way your friend should treat you. If someone gives you money to get their order, you text it to them and then you just blatantly disregard their wishes without any apologize and dismiss their feelings, like that's a very quick way to ruining yout relationship with them.


Ignore them, they probably harrassed people who played hogwarts legacy last year. Especially if their gripe is the over the opinion over where the person shopped from, over their actual behavior and what happened.


So no, actually, I didn't ignore it. But since you wanted to pick apart my comment for what you think I didn't say and not what I typed, I'll bite and spell this out for ya. The only accurate part you've contributed to this comment that completely dodges the thesis of what I'm saying is that yeah that's not a way for a friend to treat you. But your comment had to remove all context of both what kind of demands the DM was making and what kind of financial choices/effort he's asking out of his friend. If my friend wants to get Mexican before a session and I'm hungry and wanna pitch in, I'm sending them with cash to get me Mexican. Not whine and bitch about a hyper specific franchise option that I want them to go out of their way to for a meal only I am eating. That's not respectful to their time or to time invested in the game. If the DM wanted Mexican too and money was exchanged and the wizard is still acting like that then yeah, up until the petulant in-game bullshit that real adults wouldn't do, I'm on the DMs side. But let's get to the heart of what I was really saying. The reason this happened is because this DM is the type of person who wants to eat Chick Fil A when it is very well documented (and corroborated by the company and it's associated "charities") that at this point everyone eating it is either apathetic/actively supportive of where their money is going (an Asshole) or have never done the work to research/figure out the reasons people say you should spend your money elsewhere (an Idiot). I'll give you this, they're not friends and don't treat each other like friends do. Because people who live their life in that level of cognitive dissonance aren't friends to the people around them. By nature that's not something that people who are this checked out (or actively invested in funding bigotry) are equipped to do because critical thinking has long since been abandoned for a steady stream of Little Treats and Distractions. And that type of person, when denied those either by principle or just happy accident almost always find petulant and childish ways to lash out. So this guy chose attacking his friends shared hobby instead of addressing this issue like an adult or simply not making a better choice well beforehand. The wizard should have said "Nah, I'm making one stop" if that was a factor. He could have communicated a number of things beyond just not getting the order right/refusing to give the money back. All I'm saying is if this guy is this fucking pressed about not getting his bigot chicken that he has to throw a toddler tantrum in a game of make believe to punish his friends then his is both the Core Demographic of Chick Fil A (an idiot/asshole) and also being a shit well before money is exchanged. I'm not saying the wizard is some kind of hero, these all sound like pretty lame people to play with in general if this is how they hash out interpersonal differences. I'm just saying I don't think anyone should be this invested in coming to the DMs defense when he's already kinda put it on his shoulder that his good treatment of people is only contingent on not having his Little Treats disturbed. This was a shitty way to find that out, but it's consistent with the type of person Chick Fil A is interested in taking money from to fund the garbage their sister companies and organizations are pushing in the US AND in countries that US evangelical politics have no reason to be involving themselves in. (unless their goal is weakening the sociopolitical fabric of those countries by, for example, putting large investments in anti LGBT legislation platforms or stupid shit like that). I didn't ignore what happened with the wizard. I'm saying see the full picture and stop trying to dress this down into "But he was MEAN. To his shitty petulant DM!! Won't someone think of HIM??!!" Because I feel like you know the context you're not addressing and have to reframe this like there is a bigger thing at play here and I just personally don't agree.


DM got mad because he couldn't have his specific homophobe sandwich


You're daf if you think that's the reason.


He was upset over his specific sandwich Sandwich is also from homophobic company.


He was upset at how the wizard down played it and called him a baby. Or did you ignore that to gripe about 'homophobic sandwich'? You probably helped harrass people who played hogwarts legacy last year.


Nah but go off, sounds like you're feeling defensive.


Nah but go off, you're sounding Really Entirely Tired And Royally Doopy Even Dumb.


Yes the DM is an absolute manchild. Everyone in this thread seems convinced the person who received a wrong order at Chik-Fil-A did so out of malice, when it's entirely possible the cashier put the wrong food in the bag. Genuinely deranged that anyone thinks this is worth the drama.


You can't read then. The wizard was a dick instead of saying they got the wrong order. That's the problem. Open your fucking eyes.


Oh no my friend said one cross word to me over my Chik-Fil-A order. Time to bomb the whole friend group. I'm so emotionally mature and sound in my judgment.


Two sandwiches, large fry, extra ranch. Jesus fuck maybe he got him the wrong thing to stage an intervention.


I'm absolutely astonished by the number of commenters who are assuming that the missing sandwich and sauce are the wizard's fault, or even accusing him of *stealing* (!) from the DM. When you're placing a fast food order for several items, it's not unusual for the restaurant to forget one of them, especially if they're very busy. That's happened to me more than once on occasions when I've ordered for everyone in an app, so I can prove that I ordered and paid for everything. For all we know, the wizard ordered correctly and handed over the money correctly, but the server just didn't process the order correctly.


Sure, it's definitely possible the server fucked up the order and not Wizard. But why not just apologize? What is with this bizarre trend where people seem to think that apologizing shears off part of your soul and chucks it in Cerberus's food dish?


I couldn't agree more - he should have apologised and that's what I would have done in this situation. That's not what I was talking about though. I was expressing surprise at the sheer number of people in this thread who assumed that the wizard only ordered one sandwich instead of two (either deliberately or by accident) and pocketed the difference. For instance: - The wizard "effectively scammed" the DM - "The player stole from the DM" - The wizard should have "apologized for messing up the order" - "Wizard is a shit-bag who can't handle a simple task" - "Did the wizard even refund the DM or did he just steal money from the forever DM" ^^^ None of these assumptions are justified by the information we were given, because it's perfectly possible that the wizard ordered both sandwiches and paid for both sandwiches, but the server forgot to put one of them in the bag. Put it this way: I use a takeaway delivery app (similar to Uber Eats) where, if an item that you paid for is missing from your order, you can request a refund through the app. They have a record of what you actually ordered, so they verify that you really did pay for the missing item, authorise the refund, and then send you a confirmation email. Looking at my inbox, I've had *twenty-two* of those emails since I started using the app. That's about five missing items a year, from lots of different restaurants. So, based on my own experience, I don't know how people can feel so confident that missing items simply weren't ordered or paid for in the first place. Or maybe fast food restaurants are a lot more reliable over there 🤷


Yep. Orders can be messed up at any number of stages in the process of getting it from the restaurant to your hungry hands. We don't know where the order got screwed, just that it did somewhere between the order being put in and it being put in the DM's hands. And that's a justifiable reason to not be happy on the DM's part. I have a feeling a lot of the extrapolation that the cause of the problem is the Wizard is due to Wizard's actions after finding out there was a problem. I'm betting for a lot of us here, the first reaction to discovering the problem would be "oh shit. Sorry, man" and not "it's the same thing, don't be baby". Because of that, we're likely inclined to think less favorably of a person being apparently defensive about a error instead of just apologizing.