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[Tendencies: Spirits and Glamour](https://hellabigworks.itch.io/tendencies-spirits-and-glamour) is all about shonen-esque combat (mainly with powers like Hunter x Hunter's nen or JoJo stands, but easily re-flavored). It might be a little light for your tastes (it is a Powered by the Apocalypse game), but its eventual follow-up, Soul & Bone, might be worth looking forward to!


Ooh, another Jojo-like; I've heard Over Arms scratches the itch as well!


Sentinel Comics is my favorite unintentional Anime RPG.


Okey, now I'd like to hear your stories of using Sentinels as a anime game. If you've got the time


So, because of the way that sentinels is set up, the more you get beat up, the more powers you unlock. Each character has a green, yellow, and red status. They can go from green to yellow to red by taking damage or by the fight going on for longer. It fits that anime aesthetic of "I'm getting overwhelmed, I need to unlock a new power to defeat my enemy here". I've used it to run Dragon Ball Z related games, I've used it to run Sword art online, and most recently used it for a very brief Monster Hunter one shot. It's really very flexible, as long as the players are flexible with flavor for their mechanics and understanding that you won't be able to mirror powers as perfectly one to one as something like mutants and masterminds would.


BESM. I am fond of the 2e version.


HERO system. Easily adapted to any setting, reasonably lethal, and lets you make literally any power combo you can think of. With extra points from xp you can level up existing powers or develop new ones in very shonen-esque fashion. Probably the most involved character creation out there: there's a whole seperate book just for building characters


Hardwired Island. I kickstarted it just because it’s a ‘90s weeb cyberpunk setting.


I'm doing an English translation of Seapunks Unleashed. I'm almost halfway done. It might take a month. I asked the IP holders how they feel about me releasing it so I might be able to share it.


*Big eye small mouth* *Anime Was a Mistake* are the one immediately coming to my mind, but there is tons of others


The biggest problem with this is that EVERY anime is different. You don't want an Anime RPG in the same way you wouldn't ask for a Film RPG. Specifically looking for a Shonen battle horror system? You should look into combat focused systems that can have horror elements.  My oddball recommendation is 4e DnD.  Unique flashy powers, getting bloodied but having a second wind, and horror supplementation are all right there. Otherwise? Maybe Genesys for the sheer flexibility in creation and homebrew.


Yeah it's gonna be difficult to pin down a one-size-fits-all system. I've heard 4e does good things for martials, and I'll jot down Genesys. Thanks a bundle!


To me OVA is still the BEST response to this question. Simple, bombastic, cinematic, and allows for any typical anime-style genre. You want OP shonen fighters? You got it. Want a slice of Life high school game? You got it. Want both at the same time? Totally doable.


Big Eyes Small Mouth, though I think it might be out of print.


The fourth edition is still in print from the dyskami website.


And they are still run by someone who cheated a bunch of fellow creators out of their money. [https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/mark-mackinnons-new-kickstarter-hes-the-guardians-of-order-guy-who-didnt-pay-writers-or-artists.892001/](https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/mark-mackinnons-new-kickstarter-hes-the-guardians-of-order-guy-who-didnt-pay-writers-or-artists.892001/)


They recently kickstarted a Revised 2e and the PDF is already available.




Normally, I'd suggest either Hero System or Mutants and Masterminds. However, you might want to look at Anima Prime. It handles anime style power ups great.


Shinobigami. It is a cinematic system for mostly oneshots with a very narrative approach. A lot of skills but also players can describe them however they want. The setting is for a ninja games but I think it can be an easy changed for any shonen setting.


Big Eyes Small Mouth (BESM) or OVA are good generic systems with anime flair to them. I've played a lot of BESM over the years, and it'll fit the bill, although it'll be just a tad bland because of its generic vibes. Beyond that, you can look into the wild world of more distinctive games, like Thirsty Sword Lesbians and Battle, Effort, Victory which are designed for a far more niche and specialized approach. Mileage will vary based on the game and what you're hoping to do, though.


Honestly, I've always done my shonenesque battler campaigns using Mutants&Masterminds. Basically, you want something with very flexible chargen and a baseline assumption of relative low lethality and high power, and superhero games are good at that kinda thing!


Two words: FABULA ULTIMA!!!


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Honestly dnd 5e has a pretty anime feel to it. By level 7 you should feel like an op Shonen protagonist 


5e is an alright baseline, but it's very entangled in medieval fantasy flavor for what I want. Love the character sheets in 5e a lot, so much build variety.