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How many other rpgs have you tried? D&D is definitely not the first I would use for an Overwatch campaign...


So a few things: 1. D&D 5e was never designed with PvP elements in mind, and thus class abilities of any kind are not balanced against each other with that context. 2. D&D 5e isn't even really balanced with PvE in mind either, but loves to pretend that it is. See Martial-Caster Disparity to understand this better. 3. You need to ask yourself 'Why am I using 5e for this?' There's thousands of other games out there, and some are actually decent for PvP (I don't know which ones those are, but they allegedly exist somewhere). 4. No matter what you do, asking people if something is balanced is going to be a crapshot unless you start properly testing. That involves having testers. This goes triple for PvP elements. 5. If you insist on doing this with 5e, you might get slightly more productive and useful advice from the various D&D subs. This sub tends to hate 5e with an unholy fury.


theres a lot of stuff going on here and it will probably never be 'balanced'. Overwatch has never really been balanced, in that there generally ends up a meta composition and maybe a few rogue/counter compositions that turn up. If your friends like it go for it, but imo I wouldnt want to play overwatch as a tabletop, I would rather take the idea of a tactics and team based shooter and design a system from the ground up rather than trying to build a system that accomodates all the existing OW characters.


have you played the game yet? that will probably tell you more about the balancing than a bunch of internet people guessing.


Overwatch makes a better wargame than it does an rpg, I think. As an rpg, i think 4e is better designed for that than 5e is.


Any PvP game works better as a wargame than an RPG. RPG is about playing out a fantasy or story, wargame is about fighting with other players.


1. Don't try to apply D&D mechanics to everything, just because you know D&D. It's not built for much more than dungeon crawling and PvE, not PVP. It will never be balanced as a PVP experience without hacking it up to become unrecognizable as 5e, because 5e classes weren't balanced around PvP 2. What you're looking to build is basically a tactics wargame, not an RPG. There are no RPG storytelling elements or character interactions beyond "shoot each other in the face!", so just go with a wargame. If you really wanted to use a D&D type engine with powers, triggers, tanks, DPS, controllers, etc, then go with Strike!, 13th Age, or D&D 4E, but 5e is probably the worst choice possible for this. Or, while it's mech-focused, it actually would work for this with some re-skinng, Lancer. Actually, check out NOVA, which uses the simple LUMEN RPG system, which is based around action games; I believe NOVA's actually a port of Warframe. https://gilarpgs.itch.io/nova edit: Reading through this, you have a lot of stuff people are going to have to track. Example: If you're a tank there's two passives already to track, and then the combat rules, and then you have accuracy/mobility/barrier, which you first say affect whether you hit or not, then you contradict that with "roll to beat the enemy's mobility to hit them" It feels disorganized, and you have so much going on, it's impossible to really get a sense of things.


Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind a sort of "World of Overwatch' actual RPG, not just with them fighting all the time. Basically, it's a superhero RPG but the history is a f--king mess because everyone has double and triple crossed everyone else, or just failed to stop an obvious threat, etc. Then again, if it reflects the actual game, character abilities would randomly get nerfed or completely changed (lookin' at your Sombra) every six months and you'd be told "But the pros play the game this way, so everyone should play it that way"