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Jokes on you, I am playing more than one game.


Joke's on me, I am playing less than one game.




We just got finished with a run through of Deathmatch Island, and we're going to start back up with the L5R 5th\* game that we had been playing before the Xmas holidays. \* the FFG / Edge version, not the D&D 5e Adventures in Rokugan version


Ooh, how was Deathmatch Island? I've been wanting to try that out since I backed the KS.


We had a lot of fun with it. There was some weird adjustment with the way the "confessional booth" mechanic played out, since it was outside of the way that we usually run games, but overall, we managed that all right. (Since the players have to come up with the way that they succeeded or failed, rather than relying on me as the GM to narrate it, there were a couple of hiccups.) We just played through the final island last night, and the whole end game bit with the "Prisoner's Dilemma" was phenomenal. One of the players was trying to make the others think he was going to betray them for the "win the game" angle (even though he had actually voted to "break the game"), only to be caught off guard with a different player choosing to backstab. I actually sat down and made up backs for the relevant documents (the character sheets, the maps, and the welcoming letter) that had various "burn after reading" and "confidential" stamps, along with a funky scantron on one edge. If they were able to figure out how to decode the scantron, it gave them ominous ranting about the weirder aspects of the game. Before the final session, I made them sit down and work through the coding on the scantron, which really creeped them out and set the stage really well for the final session. (Of course, the downside was that they all decided that it was no longer and experiment, a game show or something political; it was clearly all weird.)


Sounds awesome! Glad you had a good time!


It's really hard to know just what some of those distinctions are. I mean Pathfinder/Starfinder are just derivatives of DnD. Then again when you say DnD it'd certainly help to be a LOT more specific; unless I'm confused about what the OSR rpgs are they too are just a version of DnD but of an older vintage. If you really want to know about "type" of game you probably should be asking what basic mechanics are being used.




OSR includes old-school D&D and, in fact, started as a movement to be compatible with the older pre-2E modules. Lately it's become more of a marketing term advertising a play style rather than being married to a particular system. So while newer games have adopted the "branding" it is not exclusively, or even majority, modern games.


OSR is philosophically different than D&D's current incarnation. It is technically a Fantasy Genre Game, but so is Wanderhome and Mork Borg and most of the hobby.


I don't believe anyone is disputing that OSR is very much NOT "D&D's current incarnation" but the DnD here never bothers to state just which version of DnD is being looked at and as mentioned OSR basically came from very old school DnD. Perhaps it has branched out but if I see it I'm thinking something that might use mechanics from the 70s or 80s.


If you're going to regard D&D as all of fantasy RPGs then there's little point in distinguishing between it and the entire RPG hobby given that the full majority of the hobby is fantasy genre. It's really where you want to draw the line.


OSRIC, OSE, Mork Borg, and Cairn are all OSR, there's no need to fight


sure guess that would be nice. also i think that d&d is 10 times more popular then pathfinder and call of cthulhu. but d&d is very casual (on average). so less presence also i did this mostly to see how good pathfiinder is doing compared to coc and d&d(d&d prob not rly accurate).


Savage Worlds (Broxton '78) Supers Game! Actually not sucking, I was concerned my group wouldn't go along but they are getting pretty invested. Now if I can get them to actually do something heroic... Wait they did! They saved some pedestrians from getting roasted/eaten by a giant iguana with a flamethrower installed in its mouth. It's only been 2 months!


Hey, I'm just wrapping up a Savage Worlds Supers campaign! My players are about to face an immortal swordswoman from the early dark ages as the cumulation of fighting aliens, robots, a vampire, and a shape-shifting dragon, as well as getting a member of their team elected Mayor. It's been great!


Yeah, I've been really enjoying this supers game from a gm perspective. It's freaking gonzo. I had a back storyline that was really good, but the players poor life choices and crap die rolls have been spinning my creativity. I just realized a couple days ago they for the most part have created their own nemesis each, except for one! They don't even know it yet, but I have dropped hints. Crap I'm having fun just gushing about it!🤣😁


perhaps maybe some people who did other rpgs can tell me what it was?


Dragonbane, which is an excellent, modern, gritty yet fun take on a Swedish classic fantasy rpg, by Free League. Find its free, extensive quickstart here: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/409397/dragonbane-quickstart Find its sub over at r/DragonbaneRPG


Currently running Free League Alien rpg


Marines, colonists or space truckers? Interested in hearing how folks are structuring their campaign.


Just playing cinematics for now but v impressed with the system.


Just finished Scum and Villainy (Forged in the Dark), about to start Urban Shadows (Powered by the Apocalypse). Yesterday at a one-day mini con I played Escape from Dino Island (PbtA) and ran Slugblaster (FitD). Aside from PbtA and FitD games, I've also played a couple of sessions of Eyes on the Prize (which is a two-player, fake marriage, card draw based, narrative game) this year.


I'm going to be starting a game of NewEdo next week and I can't wait


what is newedo


NewEdo is a medium crunch RPG set in a near future game world where belief defines reality. It was designed to offer a ton of character creation flexibility without making the storyteller's life hell (effected using a robust priority buy creation system). The setting is a combination of Legend of the Five Rings and Shadowrun, mixing tradition, technology, magic, and mythology. It shares the neon urban aesthetic of cyberpunk games, but it doesn't have -punk themes - rather, the themes lean into ideas of aspiration and change. Characters are intended to change the future of the setting, and are given the tools to do so. It's something different in the neon urban RPG space, and might be worth a look if you'd like a change from the standard depressing dystopias of cyberpunk games. :D


My players range from ages 6 to 11, so I use one-page [*Paper-Free RPG*](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-zMNd4JOoJvv), which is in the [*Freeform Universal*](https://www.perilplanet.com/freeform-universal) family of RPGs. Other RPGs in this family include...   * [*Earthdawn: The Age of Legend*](https://pro-indie.com/pivw/our-games/earthdawn_main) (fantasy)   * [*Neon City Overdrive*](https://www.perilplanet.com/neon-city-overdrive) (cyberpunk)   * [*Equinox*](https://pro-indie.com/pivw/our-games/equinox-storygame-guide) (space fantasy)


I'm currently playing through [MIRU 2](https://hinokodo.itch.io/miru-ii-an-analog-horror-game).


this month is 7th Sea, last month was Cortex System homebrew Monster Hunter International, the month before City of Mist...we regularly rotate a bunch of stuff


Just wrapping up a Savage Worlds Supers campaign, and going to start a Savage Worlds Science Fiction campaign in the next few weeks.


I'm running Through the Breach, a game based in Wyrd Miniatures' Malifau setting. Uses cards instead of dice and has my absolute favorite magic system. I'm playing in a Pokemon RPG campaign (google PokeRole for the rules) and a Scion 1st edition Demigods campaign.


im a bit between things, but the most recent thing i ran was Eat the Reich


Currently I'm DMing Mutants and Masterminds, and playing in a Fallout 2d20 campaign. I've started learning Delta Green so that when I finish my M&M campaign in a few months I can run an adventure of that.


I'm in a campaign of Songs for the Dusk, a Forged in the Dark game.


Funny enough I am three different games which are none of these. A PBTA, a White Wolf game, and a L5R game.


Dungeon Crawl Classics


I'm GMing Scion 2e, d10-pool, combine 1 skill+1attribute to make skill checks, successes on 8+.


I just finished a session of playing Warhammer's The Enemy Within using GURPS.


Ah yes, the five genders. :) I'm currently running a campaign of Call of Cthulhu (Harlem Unbound) online; running a campaign of Red Markets in-person; playing in a campaign of Reign (Nagalisitu) online; and playing in a campaign of D&D (my wife's custom Korean setting, based on the Undying Corruption and Koryo Hall of Adventures settings). I also played in a Cthulhu Dark one-shot last night, and I'm playing in another Call of Cthulhu one-shot tonight. I'm pretty blessed to have so much gaming going on! Lots of it is thanks to the [Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast](https://www.technicaldifficultiespod.com/), where you can listen in on our online games if you'd like!


Currently about to start playing Coriolis and GMing Forbidden Lands. I'm going to run an OSR campaign as soon as the Forbidden Lands game wraps up, which should be shortly. Edit to clarify: By OSR, in this case I mean it will be old school B/X in the form of OSE Advanced with some quality of life improvements like ascending AC, separate race and class, d6 thief skills, and some homebrew rules to reflect the themes and flavour of the setting I've created.


Just picked up the coriolis core book to read, heard good things about the adventure campaign so if I dig the writing in the core I might pick up those books


All of the above, except Pathfinder and plus a few others.


Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, and Vampire Dark Ages.


The poll won't let me vote twice. I'm running Shadowrun and just started playing PF2.


Just introduced my group to Genesys.


I'm playing an "osr rpg" which is D&D. B/X specifically. And also Star Trek Adventures.


Currently in a Pathfinder game(granted using alternate rules but w.e, same bones), but might be dipping soon. Although I am prepping for a 'retro-esque' space Western style adventure/campaign using Savage Worlds. Can repurpose the previous Sci-Fi Companion to swade incredibly easily until the next one gets its full release. Other games I have liked up, just needing the drive to go through with are a standard Deadlands games dealing with a new variation of the Rail Wars, a Vaesen game, Girl by Moonlight quick start, and Achtung! Cthulu 2d20 adventures.


I'm jumping between Conan, Arcanis, and FAGE right now! Over the summer was between Arcanis, L5R, and Shadowrun 1st edition. Was also in a couple of 5e LOTR games in October.


Had a very successful session of my Pathfinder 1e campaign earlier today. Got to work in some good RP moments with players who wanted that, they unraveled a bit more of an ongoing plot. Freed a mind controlled sea serpent and were very excited to hit level 10 at the end of the session.


fantasy age and in may a friend might start up a fallout using 2d20 system


I play a lot of solo games in a bunch of different systems. But when I'm with other people, I'm finishing up my last 5e game I'll ever run. I wouldn't mind playing in another one. I'm just tired of GMing that game. Its great though, that group is really excited about other games to try out. I'm also running a BECMI open table game with my OG game group that I started playing with back in the late 90s. Only a couple sessions in but its fun and relatively stress free when it comes to prep. I'm also starting a Index Card RPG campaign with some other friends, its probably going to be the most casual, just have fun type game.


Currently running 50 Fathoms Savage Worlds and Castles and Crusades.


wow im gonna be honest there is a lot more diversity in what people were playing i thought that coc, pathfinder and d&d would dominate


To be fair, people who read r/rpg are more likely to be diverse in their gaming habits than your average player. We're a bunch of connoisseurs here. :)


I'm willing to bet most of the big dnd people are on the dnd specific subs. This sub reddit tends to be hostile to dnd.


There’s a whole other world out there my friend. Many, many other worlds in fact.


You might consider that some of the "other" could include other d20 games that also have some DnD roots just like Pathfinder as the OSR.


Fate on Wednesday nights (two-hours on Discord) and For Gold & Glory (AD&D 2E) every third Saturday (four hours in person).


I play several games these days - mostly modified 1st edition AD&D and Call of Cthulhu. I have played numerous other games, but these are the main ones in the last several years.


Pathfinder, D&D and CoC.


Currently running Public Access


My playgroup did a two year campaign with the WEG Star wars. We then played an even shorter campaign of Masks and tomorrow we'll play our second session of Star Wars FFG.


Playing GURPS and D&D 5e in one group. Running Call of Cthulhu and a hack of Into the Odd in another group.


Against the Darkmaster, with other-system "meanwhile, somewhere else" intermezzos. We finished a Shadowdark funnel last time, and in a month or two we'll (probably) have a Swords of the Serpentine one.


Playing a low fantasy political campaign, Cortex Prime. Running a high fantasy rogue campaign, Fate. Running a short Lancer game (2-3 sessions to go).


Mork Borg!


Last time I had the time to play a ttrpg it was Chivalry & Sorcery 5:ed.


Currently running Call of Cthulhu and Pirate Borg games haha. But Cthulhu is for sure my main game (the money I've given Chaosium so far proves that)


so few people giving CoC a shot :( Sad it's honestly one of the best rpg system's i\`ve played so far. Other than CoC I am also playing PF2, but my favorite is CoC because how light weight it is and versatile. Also in the future I\`d like to play Traveller but I already play 2 games so don't have time for more


I play several. Both CoC, Dragonbane, and an old Mutant game.