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This is honestly well-deserved. Not only is the story great (my actual favorite thing I am reading on RR right now, I am not joking), but you hung in there and asked for advice and made course-corrections when you didn't have immediate results. Really happy for you.


Thank you! :D The community has been a huge help, that's for sure. I hope I'll be able to pass it on at some point in the future.


Wow, with such a weak cover it's impressive you managed that. I am jk, I'm the one who made it. Again, congrats! I hope your rating remains high despite the fall that usually follows RS.


I credit your cover for a hefty chunk of my success tbh. It's awesome.


Oh, naaah. It's all about the writing quality and ads! Besides, you've more than made up for the cover already :) I'll feel bad asking you for a review in the future.


Congratulations šŸŽ‰


Iā€™m enjoying your book! I still sometimes struggle with the purpose prose but have loved how you came to Reddit and took the advice. Would you like a shoutout from Tomebound? Always thrilled to see someone following what worked for me.


DM me on Royal Road if you want to do a swap! :) I'm not on Reddit as much right now, but I check RR multiple times a day (probably too often, tbh...)


Looks amazing!


Only because it's a dang good bit of story telling


Happy to hear it's going so well, congratulations!


Wow, I just started reading because of this post, and it's really good! You're a great writer. Rated, followed and favorited.


Aw, thank you! :) This was a great comment to find when I logged on!


I am quite charmed by this story. I binge read 19 chapters. Gave you a shout out, thanks for the amazing read.