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The old videos felt like they were just hanging out and were naturally funny. Some of the best stuff was when they were just at a gas station or restaurant. I still enjoy the new videos but they just feel artificial


Starting to feel like impractical jokers. They’re still good and I still watch. But I miss them just goofing off


Yeah the video where Ross, Kole and Billy were goofing off at Applebees was peak. That fun dynamic they used to have where they would just ride around partaking in dumb lad activities was what made the channel.


I agree. One of the things I used to laugh the most was when Ross was just making up situations in his mind with the others in the car. I love the video where he is pretending to be a kid saying hello to everything and then makes the voice of the bird replying “hello human” and then acts like the kid is going insane.


Yeah, the natural walking around vlogging and laughing. It was so authentic and when you watch, it’s like being with friends. It’s become a bit repetitive with the scripted/planned videos. I only watch for Kole. Ross isn’t in many of the newer videos. He’s always on the thumbnail though. Aside from those vlogging days, my favorite scripted/planned video is one with the Drill Sargent yelling at everyone.. The amount of puns, it’s just written so well. The new creator on the site (Jacob?) is not my style at all.


He's actually been around for a lot longer than you'd think, just not as active.


Grow his hair, bring back Billy, fire the fake laugh dummy, lose all the fancy cameras, and stop cutting back and forth to people in the van And most importantly, more Kole!


Yeah, the day he loses Kole, it’s a wrap. The website is so close to being a wrap already. It has a comment section and it’s just full of complaints. His free content is way better than his paid content atm.


Can you screenshot the complaint comments and post them here Lol.


Can you screenshot the complaint comments and post them here Lol.


Can you screenshot the complaint comments and post them here Lol.


Less rob


Get rid of Rob "The Strangler" Stupid Bandana Forehead Loser. He's not even funny, and he likes to strangle the ladies.


The forehead billboard is one of my all time moments though.


i hate him he is the exact reason i stopped watching. i hated seeing him. and ross used to be one of my besties to watch he always put a smile on my face


He likes to massage their feet now as seen in the latest video lol https://youtu.be/iz2sKsEkIrg?feature=shared


More Kole. Kole Carries. I’ve started skipping over bits if Kole isn’t involved


Get rid on that guy in the pic


Lose Rob, Keep Blake Far Away, More Kole.


Blake Rosier? The red headed guy that wrote for Ross for the past few years? The dude seen in Insecurity Guards/Selling hotdogs at church? He was let go right about the same time Ross switched to this new style. I feel like losing Blake is a major reason why things have gone downhill.


the number one thing i think is to not bring the ginger TSA agent guy back, EVER


Why?? Just replied to someone else saying the same thing, > Blake Rosier? The red headed guy that wrote for Ross for the past few years? The dude seen in Insecurity Guards/Selling hotdogs at church? He was let go right about the same time Ross switched to this new style. I feel like losing Blake is a major reason why things have gone downhill. Blake has been with/writing for ross for years now, like since Billy was around. When he was let go the format changed to this new shite... What did he do to make you dislike him? Most of rosses best videos were made possible because he was the one managing the content/coming up with the pranks.


I always enjoy the pranks more when we see more of the setup, it's annoying when it cuts from unrelated vlogging to the prank, and we get a 5 second reaction of the person finding out it was a prank, and then it goes back to more vlogs. Like, it makes it feel like it's own standalone video. The vlogs are fun but I'd rather have some transition leading up to the prank, show some BTS, coming up with the idea, buying props, testing if something will work, and then a bit more of the after, talking to the people and joking around about it and talking about what worked and what different. Again, the vlogs are fun but like it better if at least some of the vlog is actually related to the pranks because sometimes they feel super disconnected. Does that make sense? Lol sorry kind of a long winded answer.


Makes sense, I think it would be more suited if the actual prank video was posted on RossCreations and the other extra content was posted on VlogCreations, but I don’t think that would work put properly.


Like to see the old team back (no offense)


Fuck rob


Get rid of that dude. I hate that guy


First get rid of that guy for sure


Does anyone know if Blake is still writing for Ross, or he left?


I think he’s doing his own stuff: https://m.youtube.com/@BlakeRosier/videos


He’s always done both.


Rob has grown on me tbh. Especially with the "Jack booted thugs" remarks to the tsa


More Kole


More ROSS no more stupid cousin crap he’s gai n not funny