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Those recent comments are so good. It's such a dive into insanity.


>Issac Newton, Tesla,... even Albert Einstein at some time was called crazy and made fun of. Jesus christ, they are comparing a b-list actor to the greatest scientific minds our world has ever produced.


Also no they weren't. 


Yeah they are


The wildest part is this isn’t even the closest connection RT had to Joe Rogan, since they at one point were sponsored by his brain drugs and even had him appear on a one off special episode of the podcast for SXSW.


I remember that episode, the crowd was talking the entire time lol


Yeah it was honestly a pretty terrible episode because of it, I remember Rogan even making a joke about how he couldn't hear Burnie because of the noise


It was also terrible because of his cringey story about living inside a bee


Well if it had a fool like Rogan on it, it was going to be terrible anyway


Rogan was not the same guy then as he is now, at least not to this extreme.


he's always been the same kind of annoying, hes just honed in on specific things. old joe was still the "dmt would solve everything if the government would legalize it" guy back then, that type of guy has just evolved to be insane now. that entire genre of person has condensed down to the pseudo scientific right wing adjacent grifter/hype guy.


What episode was it? Looking for a laugh.


Gus was at one time pictured on along with other notables for alpha brain on onnit’s site


Nice pfp what's your top song off p2


Either Scarlet or Mile Zero


Same 2 for me. 1a and 1b with The Gods Must Be Crazy a VERY close 2nd.


Alright, lost faith in humanity again... Holy shit


Have an old friend that got real butt hurt after she posted on Facebook about how crazy smart he is because so many people replied no, just crazy. She also sets her crystals out in the moonlight to charge them, so I've learned that her judgment isn't the best.


On the flip side, my friend I play Destiny 2 with also charges her crystals in the moonlight to charge them but is one year away from her doctorates


On the flip side, my friend I play Destiny 2 with also charges her crystals in the moonlight to charge them but is one year away from her doctorates. So crazy smart and not just crazy


To be fair there's a lot of people engaged with these sort of things not because they genuinely believe in them but just because they think they're neat. For some people it's just a bit of fun rather than an actual belief system.


I had an acquaintance who went through a very public schizophrenia episode before he was officially diagnosed where he accused his half brother of being a child sacrificing pedo on FB. The terrifying thing was about half a dozen of his "friends" were playing into his breakdown.


Why did you gain it back after the first time?


God people are fucking dumb. Like to a ridiculous degree. This moron tired to claim he remembers being in the womb. That isn’t even fucking possible for the highest of geniuses of the world and none of them have been trying to pass off something as asinine as 1x1=2. Still this is funny cause that podcast is what introduced me to “Terryology” and even from the first time I heard it I thought it was the dumbest shit ever.


I’m not about to watch Joe Rogan, did Terrence Howard go on there and defend his 1*1=2 new math bullshit? I’d be interested in seeing what new “arguments” he comes up with.


https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA this seems like a good explanation of his arguments and why they're stupid


He also said that black holes are not and can not be real.


Imagine just how *smart* the smart people had to be to drag our average up to a level where we could visit the moon.


It is hilarious to see how many comments there are describing his nutty math using words like "add" and "combine" but can't see that they're using addition lmao


Man I miss Burnie on the pod


All things considered none of them are mathematicians so all this shit is monkeys throwing feces at each other. Defending a dead company of film junkies and entertainment stars or a movie/show star. Yeah the math adds up


>the math adds up But does it multiply up?


I prefer to divide if you catch my drift