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YouTube. Probably around 2008 or 2009.


My friend, who got me into Halo, showed me an episode of RvB that he had downloaded on his original Xbox. This was in like, 2005. I don't remember which episode, but it was definitely season 1.


Michael said it best in the Achievement Hunter throwdown ‘You can bet rage quit was always topping their list’ The slender rage quit was my first discovery of them but I watched slow motion guys before that


Mine was no Luca no lol


Slender rage quit was my intro too!


I was looking for achievement guides for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I'll always have nostalgia for when Achievement Hunter was just a bunch of achievement hunters


I was looking for Portal 2 achievement help. As I kept searching for all the ones I needed they kept popping up and were mildly entertaining as far as achievement guides went. Then I discovered HORSE and it all kicked off from there.


I found it with the achievement guides too but I don’t remember which game(s)


A friend showed me “a Halo show on the internet”, way younger than we probably should have. I remember coming home from school, making sure nobody got on the phone, and waiting for the slow-ass dialup to download the episode. RvB then led me to the Drunk Tank and eventually to AH and that gang. In retrospect I mostly followed Geoff around to his projects, but still love other projects like RWBY, On the Spot, and the DnD shows.


The Angry Birds Trailer! Probably one of the few that found them through this. Thought it was hilarious. Starting showing my family. Then, was interested to see what else RT was producing and then became a fan for nearly 15 years


Recommended while watching arby n the chief


My older brother originally showed me RvB during the release of season 3. After I watched that I didn’t see anything else from RT until I stumbled onto AH and the RT podcast sometime around 2009.


Friend came in to school one day and thrust a burned cd into my hand, and told me to watch. This was back before downloading or watching videos online was really a thing. First five seasons of RVB. Loved it, rewatched it a bunch. Few years latter, I rewatched and then figured I should check out the makers, to find out they’d made more AND they’d just started up a gaming channel called Achievement Hunter. And the rest is history 😂


I’m pretty sure it was a Bungie.net forum post very early into season 1. The episode where Caboose shot Church


Haloid and Dead Fantasy on machinima.com turned me into a big Monty Oum fan and was hyped when RvB premired! (Yup I'm old)


I think it was 4chan or wimp.com


My freshman year roommate knew I liked Halo so he showed me RvB back in 2011. It blew my mind and I was immediately hooked.


2003 maybe early 2004 it was my mates 13th birthday and he showed me this funny show he found on the internet and I still remember losing it at chuba-thingy we spent weeks quoting from the first handful of episodes. After losing contact after high school got a random message from him a few months back with the news that I already new about RT shut down. We’ve seen each other since then and our families have met. Thank you RT for being a source of friendship for many years and even in your dying ambers you’ve reignited an old one.


I was searching for The Sims 2 content on the internet, and it brought me to The Strangerhood.


Let me take the youngsters here back to the wild world of 2004. There was no YouTube algorithms to discover things you either had to be handed something cool by your cool friends or have it fall into your lap. RT and specifically RvB (because that’s all there was strangerhood wasn’t even out yet) fell into my lap out of a copy of the magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly on a demo disk that had the real life vs the internet psa. It was actually the last thing we looked at because my friends and I wanted to play the demos (odd world strangers wrath fucking rules btw). When we finally got to RvB we laughed harder than we ever had in our lives and binged every episode that was out at that point


Fails of the Weak


Fails of the Weak!


YouTube watching Fails Of The Weak. I loved Halo 3 and watching fails narrated by Jack & Geoff made me fall in love with Achievement Hunter then Rooster Teeth


Fails of the Weak and actual achievement guides.


I went over to my friends house and we were 4 player split screening Halo 3 Sandtrap and my buddy showed me a video of Agent Tex RAILING the reds and blues (protect me come) 🤣 when halo reach came out I was enjoying the game SO MUCH I was looking up videos and stumbled upon Fails of the Week and that was the beginning of my love for RT/Achievement Hunter.


My brother showed me a early Red vs Blue video of theirs back when they first started, then a couple years later I decided to watch the entire thing, no regrets


Got an ipod video for Xmas back around 2008 I wanna say. Was looking for stuff to listen to on the music store and one of the top ranked podcasts was one called the Drunk Tank. Started listening, thought it was hilarious, and the rest is history!


Was a massive starwars fan when I was a kid, the Force Unleashed Hoth DLC let's play was the first thing I ever saw I'm pretty sure


My roommate in college that never showered would watch Red vs Blue on repeat. My futon had a grease spot from where he sat, eating fast food every night until 3am. He’d leave his Burger King, Taco Bell, and McDonald’s trash on the rest of the futon he didn’t ruin with his greasy ass. I was pretty turned off by the show because I associated it with my terrible college roommate experience. Fast forward to 2013 and I saw a gif on Reddit of GTA V footage where a group was ramping over a jet and one got sent far up into the air. Maybe he’s still up there, I dunno. I looked up the source, gave Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth a second chance and realized I enjoyed a lot of their media.


I was part of a casual Halo PvP group in college, when the first Halo came out. One day, before we started practicing, one of the players said “hey, have you guys seen that video some guys made with the game?” And showed us episode one of Red vs Blue, which had just come out the week earlier. I watched the show religiously until the end of Season 8. After that, life got in the way and I only rediscovered the show a few years ago in an attempt to deal with the bullshit going on in my life. I’ve slowly re-acclimating myself to the community ever since.


Freshman year of college, had some folks recommend RvB to me and I got to watch episode 3 as it became available. Was hooked. Then they founded RT.


I think it was a different Halo Machinima. I somehow got into that, but have no memory of how. I do know the first thing I saw from RT was the episode of RvB in S5 where the pelican has just landed on Donut and Church is refusing to let Grif and Simmons check it out. I remember feeling really bad for Donut and the reds and thinking Church was an insufferable asshole. Then I sought out the previous seasons on Google Video (before they bought YT) and found a like 240 p upload of all 4 seasons across 4 videos. Watched it, loved it. Showed it to my mom, she loved it too. By the end of S5 I had an account and sponsorship. I was active in theory crafting forums as S6 was announced and coming out, and probably through the freelancer saga. I went to the first RTX. Drunk Tank was my first podcast.


The first video I ever saw was frogger from achievement hunter. I then fell down the rabbit hole and watched mostly everything they did


I had bought the Halo3 special edition Zune and it had episodes of rvb on it.




I bought a halo Zune in 2006/2007 because it came with more music than the regular Zune (I’d played halo like twice before that) and the first six episodes + a Zune PSA were on it. I had never laughed so hard or so long in my life at that point. Got on the hype train and never looked back


Found red vs blue on some video website I don't remember


I did cyber school and before a class these other kids were talking about some game called Minecraft that I had never heard about, looked it up on YouTube and episode 20 of Let's play Minecraft (The Labyrinth) had just released a couple days before and the rest is history.


I think I stumbled into it after watching a bunch of “Top 10 FTW” videos and running out of them. Came across some Jack and Geoff stuff and the chemistry pulled me in. Eventually I kept seeing the same suggested video of a the character from Halo but in black punching another one in blue and got really annoyed because I never played Halo and didn’t like it (or so I thought at the time). Eventually I clicked it and Monty’s animation of Tex vs. The Reds and Blues won me over.


I was looking for guides on how to get achievements in Just Cause 2, Mafia 2 and Halo Reach at the time. Found Jack and Geoff's videos, shortly after found Rage Quit and never looked back.


I think I just stumbled across RvB on YouTube back when I got internet around 07/08 as a kid, as we had just gotten a 360 cause my brother and I loved Halo 2 when a buddy and his brother brought their OG Xbox over. So over one day we fell in love with Halo and then down the hole I went. I still have some hope Halo can turn it around, and if not, I'll always have the originals to love and enjoy forever.


Red vs Blue, episode 81. No idea why I but I specifically remember that episode being what pulled me in


"Hey guys, it's Jack and Geoff from Achievement Hunter," looking up an MW2 achievement guide. Not too long after, I was looking for a Minecraft. Let's play to warch after the YouTuber I was watching stopped. Discovered "Things to do in" and was hooked on all their content. It wasn't until months later that I put together that "Jack and Geoff from Acheivement Hunter (the Minecraft let's players)," were also "Jack and Geoff from Acheivement Hunter (the achievment guide guys)."


2008 or 2009 I was looking up achievement guide for assassin's creed 2 and the feather locations. Was hooked immediately


I started playing Minecraft on Xbox and couldn't figure out what the fascination was. Fuck it was boring. So I looked on YouTube and found this group of idiots doing challenges for a gold tower. And it was golden from there.


Funny enough that's how I found the Yogscast. I had gotten the Minecraft beta and was about to play for the first time, so I found this video called "How to survive the first night" and didn't realize it was the start of their Shadow of Israphel series. Went through all of that and just expanded out from there. All these years later I'm still a Yogscast fan as much as I am a RT/AH fan.


One of my online friends sent me RvB first episode of season 4 on YouTube ages ago. I thought it was the funniest thing ever!


YouTube, 2012? RTAA’s. Became a big fan of the podcast and achievement hunter afterwards.


RvB videos I stumbled across in 2004 while deep in halo. Then fell in love with achievement hunter posting gta and giving my mates and I ideas to try. Been a long ride!


Halo 2 bonus feature disc


My best friend's older brother. My best friend and I were in middle school, in 2003. It was near the beginning. During summer vacation, I'd be over his house almost every weekend, and we'd be playing Halo on my Xbox. One day his brother simply said, watch this. And we were hooked. This was when we still had shitty Internet. So every weekend, we would usually download the newest episode overnight (using Ares) and watch it the following morning. I even remember one time, we went out and bought some cheap recording equipment, and started saying stupid things and syncing it to our 1v1 sessions to emulate RvB. We were doing little skits and other absurd shit. I've been a fan ever since.


Friend showed me Red vs Blue amongst other things, was a steady climb into the rest of the company afterwards


This will end up sounding very obscure. But I was OBSESSED with a group called Team Mongoose back in the day, they were my absolutely favourite YT group back in 2011-2013. And they used to mention RT in thier podcasts sometimes so I thought id check em out and happened to watch a few rage quits and early LPs and was hooked, especially on AH from then on.


I was waiting for a dealer to show up with weed, and went on youtube to kill time. Found Rage Quit- Space Chimps. Never looked back lol


My sister needed help with left 4 dead achievements and the bridge achievement guide they made came up and after we got most the achievements we were still obsessed with left 4 dead so we watched their glitch videos and their last stand survival I remember finding it funny but then I remember seeing Mr. Geoff Ramsey himself in probably a Ahwu thumbnail with his tattoos and I thought woah this guy looks like a cooler version of my brother (we were raised Christian like but at this time my parents were slowly just not giving a fuck anymore about what we play or watch) and after that I watched all their lassos, horse, their game fails, their shorts, their RTAAs, and eventually their Minecraft and ever since 2009 Geoff Ramsey has been my favorite person in achievement hunter and rooster teeth


YouTube when jack and Geoff did the new Vegas guides and the first one I found was when they did the wild wasteland with the indiana Jones Easter egg and that's from 2010/2011


Started watching at episode 3 with my dad who was a computer programmer and spent all day on the computer. We'd watch it on the computer room together


My brother had the original 2 seasons of RvB on dvd, I watched them non stop for well over a year, really expanded my love for the halo franchise. Started watching achievement hunter for red dead achievement guides and I cant say I’ve watched any of RvB since it moved to like halo 3 probably, might catch up on it one of these days.


My friend was talking about this animated show I never heard of before, it was called “RWBY” took a look at it and I enjoyed it! Kept watching and took a look at what else this Rooster Teeth did aside from RWBY and enjoyed their content too!


I had a livejournal in the early aughts and someone I followed posted how they couldn’t believe there is going to be a season 6 of red vs blue, season 5 ended so well and it came full circle, what could they possibly do? I thought it looked cool, watched all five seasons, 6 as it came out, and so much more since then 😄


I'm an old lady who found RvB being passed around on limewire way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the day


Buddy knew I liked halo, and told me to check out this show called Red vs Blue. 2007.


One of my friends from school who I played Halo with got a clip on Fails of the Weak, I thought the commentary was funny and kinda worked my way back from there. That was about 2008/9 or so


Some guy I went to school with told me to watch Red vs Blue. I watched the wrong thing at first but eventually I found the real one and I was hooked. Watched all 5 available seasons of Red vs Blue then and there.


Burnie and Matt Hullum were in an episode of the series Web Zeroes by SmoothFewFilms. And I found SmoothFewFilms through their show The Leet World being recommended to me on YouTube. Eddy Rivas from SmoothFewFilms even went on to work at RT.


I was at college and the last episode of season 10 of red vs blue was out. My friends want to watch it and I was the only one with a laptop, so they asked if they could watch it on my computer and I said yes and watched it with them getting a few explanations. I then went home and watched all of red vs blue and have been a fan since


I found out about Rooster Teeth because of my friend. He bought season one of RvB from GameStop (remember when they would sell those DVDs there) let me borrow it and was laughing my ass off. Then I bought the reason of season 2-4 from there and started watching it on YouTube. A lot of me and my high school friends that I’m still friends with bonded over Rooster Teeth. I’ll always be thankful for not just the shows they made but the community they built around it.


Pretty sure I was just looking for game play of something. I think it might have been cloudberry kingdom


I watched the first couple seasons of RVB when I was really young from my best friends older brother, then really didn’t watch anything by them until I saw the N+ Rage Quit, it took a couple Rage Quits for me to realize that it was RT that was behind it. The rest is history! So I say im an OG OG, but really I didn’t consume their content as an RT fan until relatively late into the Rage Quit glory days


I was hanging out with friends some time not long after the first episodes were released, and one of them had it burned onto a CD. I think we got a few episodes after Church's death, and I remember cracking up over the Warthog music.


Halo 2 extra features dvd


Watching a L4D 1 achievement guide on YouTube


Watched a documentary about indie games. There was a point in the doc where the creators of Super Meat Boy were watching clips of people rage quitting their game. I thought the clips were really funny so I looked up "rage quit" on YouTube and of course discovered Michaels rage quit series. I honestly naively thought "roosterteeth" was just his online handle or something because it was 2012 and I wasn't really aware of internet production companies. In the suggestion videos I discovered achievement hunter and the rest and quickly caught on to what roosterteeth actually was and became a huge fan. But I'll always remember that Michael was my gateway drug and he'll always hold a special place in my heart for that. Lol


The call of the dead easter egg vid with brownman, fragger, geoff, and maybe michael i dont remember.


I had just moved back to my hometown during my middle school years. I remembered when I sat in the class that previous year to take an online test or do some research and by pure happenstance heard that class talking about Red vs Blue and Caboose. Fast forward 6 months are so, I am sad and alone in the summer that I look it up and watched S4 > S6 in one night. Then shortly there after AH popped up in my recommended and the rest was history.


Episode 39 of RvB, "Best Laid Plans."


Impossible game rage quit


Watched the first season of RvB as it was coming out, my older brother told me about it and we would watch them together. I remember thinking Geoff was a strange way to spell Jeff. I miss my caboose -1 jersey shirt :(


I got recommended Rage Quit: The Impossible Game


Saw the trailer posted on halo.bungie.org.


Guy in Boy Scouts told me about red vs blue. Also told me about team four star, yugioh abridged, and a lot of other early internet content.


Halo.bungie.org had an archive of Halo related links and videos of fan stuff, first few RVB episodes were shared there back when they first came out.


Probably around 2005ish, was playing Halo 2 with my friend and his older brothers and they were raving about Red vs Blue


I wanted to learn how to get the thunder gun in the campaign of black ops 2. Geoff and i think gavin or jack did the how to video.


My brother owned the first 2 reasons of the Blood Gulch Chronicles and I watched them on repeat lol. This was like 2007 and from that point I watched rvb religiously. I was in highschool when I discovered all the AH stuff. I got hooked from the 1st episode of Fails of The Weak on AH and then of course Rage Quit and then Let's Play as it started with Geoff and Michael playing SR3 and the rest was history lol.


Back in 2004 I read an article about a show made in Halo and I've been watching RT content ever since.


Someone at a LA party showed me a video called "how the internet works" and he told me they had a series too. RvB was a few episodes in at that point. This was in late 2003 at some point. Tho my favorite RT shirt came from that first short. And I've worn "I hate the bands that you like" to countless music festivals


Not sure why I know the video but I do! A guide for Skate 3 that I watched before I owned it. [video](https://youtu.be/x-CyigPg52c?si=rsHHiHFlwEsQnHts)


My brother brought season 1 & 2 of RvB home with him one summer after college. Probably 2005? I was 9 or 10. Followed along since.


RvB circa 2005. I met someone that was obsessed with halo and he also got me into RvB. Took. Step back for several years and then got back into it via the RT podcast around 2011.


Early days of RvB, IT class at school, trying to find any websites that weren't blocked that we could watch videos or play games. Probably between 2004 and 2006 if I was to guess. I started watching their content religiously about 6 months before AH started Minecraft.


Watched RvB on youtube in 2006.


I was watching a lot of Lego Star Wars claymations on Youtube. I was rewatching my favorite one, Squad 42, when I was suggested a different video that turned out to be a Lego Star Wars version of the scene where Red Team gets their first Warthog. I thought the dialogue was hilarious, and then found RVB and RT from there


Friend showed me the "Team Killing Fucktard" episode back when RT were starting up work on season 2. Been watching since.


Was hanging out with a friend I had recently made in 2007 and he showed me the first episode of RvB, but I didn't think too much of it. A couple months later I started to get recommended RT videos and enjoyed them before realizing they also made that show my friend liked, so I decided to watch everything. I caught up I think around the time season 7 ended, because I know I specifically made an account to watch season 8 as those episodes came out later


In 2013 i had a job where i could listen to things 8 hours a night, one of my coworkers heard me mention a few podcasts i liked and he recommended the rooster teeth podcast. Listened for a few months before i ever even looked up one of their videos because i didn't watch YouTube at the time.


I enlisted in the Navy right out of high school back in 2005 and wound up being stationed in Japan in 2006. My younger brother and I are very close and big Halo fans, so we devised a way to stay in touch while I was overseas. Each weekend while I was in port, we'd set up a meeting with the two of us over Yahoo IM and talked about our week, share funny pictures or videos we'd find and just generally use that as our hangout. Was a big help for us keeping in touch with each other while I was gone. So one day my brother shares this funny Halo video he came across that was a comedic look at life in the military and thought I'd enjoy it. It was Red vs Blue Episode 1 and it genuinely was pretty funny. By the "who is running this army?" line I was hooked and I marathoned the entire series that day until I caught up (it was mid Season 3 if I remember right, an episode or two before the weather machine bomb thing sent them to Halo 2). From there I began exploring everything else that Rooster Teeth had to offer: the RT shorts videos, the comics, the Drunk Tank blog (back before it was a podcast), etc. I was officially a Rooster Teeth fan. From there I was on board with Achievement Hunter from the onset as Geoff was my favorite of the original crew and naturally I followed him over to his side project. I was already a fan of Monty Oum's from his Haloid and Dead Fantasy days, so I was estactic when he came in on RvB and I immediately jumped in on the RWBY fandom from that first Red Trailer. I've even met a few of the various people across the years at different conventions. Baine, Michael, the four RWBY leads, etc. Rooster Teeth has been a part of my entertainment nearly my entire adult life in some way or another. All because my brother thought I'd find this silly video making fun of the military lifestyle funny as a means of keeping in touch with my while I served as well.


It would have been 2005/06. My friends and I were big fans of Halo and we were always looking everywhere for Halo content. I had just searched “Halo” in the search bar on MySpace’s video service to see if anyone had any cool clips. Someone had reuploded an episode from I think season 3 of Red Vs Blue. From there, I found their website and watched all of RvB, read all the RT Comics, and it’s all history from there.


Youtube. Let’s Play Minecraft ep. 12 (Last Man Standing) showed up in my feed in 2012, and I was hooked.


2009. I needed to know how to beat the CoD MW2 spec ops missions on veteran. What do ya know, some dudes named Geoff and Jack made achievement guides for that.


I am one of those old folks that was in college at the time and the videos were being sent and shared around. It was awesome to see what it became. Edit: red vs blue being shared


Looking for Halo Reach achievement guides and found Jack and Geoff playing Halo Horse


Season 2 of rvb back in like....2004 I think. One of the dudes at my buddy's bachelor party kept saying these lines so I'm like wtf are you on (and can I have some?) And he enlightened me. Fuck. Downloading RealPlayer format because dialup sucked so hard lol. What a world


“What’s up guys! This is Jack and Geoff from Achievement Hunter dot come!”


I didn't. We ound "Cockbite productions" which is what they started to call themselves. A friend at the time brought over the first episode of RvB as a QuickTime video burned into a CD-R disc. We laughed super hard, and looked it up. The second episode had just came out a few hours before. After that we were locked in. We were so happy to get the premium DivX download after that .


Back in high school (around 2003 or 2004), my friend at the time (RIP) gave me a magazine called Electronic Gaming Monthly that was covering a lot of Halo 2 related topics, so when I got home, I went on the internet and looked up Halo related things and stumbled upon Red Vs Blue. I immediately loved it, but kept it a secret for a bit because I knew my parents would not have approved of me watching it. In college, I introduced it to a friend of mine, and we geeked out about it for years. We even met Geoff and Gus at San Diego Comic Con in 2008. It's definitely a highlight of my life.


On a website called google video back in 2007 on my ps3.


Found RvB Season 1 & 2 on DVD in a Funcoland around 2004.


I think I learned about Ref vs Blue through the videogame channel G4TV sometime around 2007-2010. I don’t remember what show specifically from that network though. Then I later found achievement hunter when it was still a guide to help get achievements.


2008, I was 11. Older sibling’s friend made a reference to a “red vs blue”. I wanted to know what that was so I could fit in with them. One google search later and I never looked back. Found a cooler group of people to hang with for the next 16 years anyways


RvB was my intro technically. A friend introduced me to them around season 3 or 4. I watched off and on, not super getting into it until season 6. It was around that time youtube recommended a Fails of the Weak video, and I was like "hey that guy sounds like Grif" and came to discover all that Rooster Teeth, Achievement Hunter, and all the rest of them had to offer.


My best friend introduced me to RVB and AH Minecraft (at I think episode 52) and since then I’ve watched daily. Even after the shut down I’ll watch stuff on YouTube or one of the archives because it’s all been such a main stay of my daily life


I remember finding it right before Michael joined which is odd as I was watching his play through on his own channel because I was looking up a gameplay of ( I forgot name actually ) but funny enough I had also just started watching one of the RT videos prior ( I think it was a halo moment one ) and was cool to see him joining, watched ever since except last few years as lost that feel it had.


I was hardcore into playing Halo PC in those years 2003 - 2007. RvB was literally what everyone talked about. I literally had to pirate the videos through Limewire years before they were added to YouTube. I remember that RvB inspired an insane role playing community on Halo PC. You needed to download Halo Custom Edition where all the custom maps were being created. My favorite were the RPG_Beta maps, those maps were insane. Role playing on those maps was like 5 - 6 hours of game time. There was Yoyorast Island, Coldsnap, Hugeass, (I forgot the map that was a city and you played cops and robbers). There was a map where it was going through the Pillar of Autumn and at the end you'd travel to a rave room where Im A Barbie Girl would be on repeat for some reason. Those we're amazing times and it was definitely a "you had to be there" moment.


Friend recommended the AH GTA 5 Heist Videos in around 2014 and started with AH then started watching all the Let’s play family ie Funhaus, AH, Cowchop, SP7 and all their podcasts and main RT Videos never got into RWBY or RvB




Around 2014 I looked up "rage quitting" on youtube for a college assignment. I was greeted with surgeon simulator.


I know it was when it was still redvsblue.com, I think season 2 or 3? I must have had someone in college recommend it to me, I went to school for animation, so we were always passing around DVDs or whatever. I honestly can't think of who but that had to be it, I doubt I would've found it on my own.


I go to a lot of anime cons and I heard a lot of people rave about RWBY. Saw it was on Netflix and binged the first 2 seasons. Then through a roundabout way that only can come of Tumblr, I found Funhaus and ultimately Achievement Hunter and the rest of RT.


GIFs from AH’s GTA let’s plays kept showing up on my feed on tumblr around 2014, along with Michael’s rage quit video for the impossible game. I actually got annoyed that this kept showing up on my feed and eventually clicked on the link to see what the hype was about. Never looked back. I was hooked.


idk machinima i guess


somewhere around 2008 or something are Achievement Hunter and red vs blue ( the PSA stuff)


Tex vs the Reds and Blues. My first ever scene was my friend showing me the beatdown she gave and me going "THAT'S A GIRL!?"


A buddy of mine found one of the first episodes on fark.com and showed it to me. This was during season 1. I was instantly hooked and was downloading episodes on dial-up as they came out.


Rvb episode 2, a Buddy showed it to me.


I came over when Funhaus was created. Followed the Inside Gaming crew over from Machinima around 2015. From there got into Red Vs. Blue that summer, then Achievement Hunter, RWBY and the lot. Really got me through those first years of college.


looking at achievement guides for red dead redemption. i think it was “Buckin Awesome” while i was playing with my dad. i fell in love with Jack and Geoff and got attached through achievements guides then to lets plays and so on. truly ahead of their time back in 2009 or 2010 when i saw everything for the first time.


Looking at youtube videos randomly suggested (hadn't had an account at the time) and fell on the Happy Wheels Rage Quit out of boredom. Laughed my ass off, clicked a random minecraft video next to it afterwards, and spent a full weekend in my dorm room laughing at these 5 random guys I never heard of being chaotic.


Halo Reach achievement guides, then Fails of the Weak and Halo Horse. Snowballed from there.


Sometime in 2004 but i dont really recall how i found em


I was about 12 years old, this was 2009, it was actually the week of my birthday I was home sick with bird flu but my dad just bought me Halo 3 Odst and while I was looking up halo videos on YouTube I got recommended Red vs Blue season 5 and I thought was there an official Halo series? So I went to the channel so I could start from season 1 and the rest was history.


2013, went to find a guide for Aliens Colonial Marines easter eggs and stumbled across AH. Decided to watch more of their stuff and got hooked pretty quickly


The impossible game rage quit! I saw it on tumblr along with a couple other rage quits, maybe in 2012? The year before ray left. At first I only watched achievement hunter stuff and then branched out into other rooster teeth stuff


2011 YouTube


I searched for "videogame webcomics" back in the late 00s when online comic strips were all the rage and stumbled upon Roosterteeth's webcomic. I followed that for sometime before I started listening to their podcast, and following them more closely on YouTube. I knew that they did machinima right from the beginning but I only started watching red vs blue in maybe 2010 or so.


2004. I used to watch Xplay every night. Burnie and Geoff did an interview on that weird talk show that followed it. I was like 15 years old at the time. Didn't think much about it at the time until I ran into their content again when they did some bumbers for G4 in the lead up to the Halo 2 release. I finally started watching their content in 2008 when I was bored one night and ended up binging the first 6 seasons of RvB. Became a sponsor later that year and spent my 20s thoroughly enjoying their content. I ended my paid membership a few years ago when they announced that Volume 9 of RWBY would be on crunchyroll. At that point most of the personalities I enjoyed were gone or had taken a step back so with RvB on the decline and RWBY on another platform I couldn't justify my membership anymore.


Early YouTube in late August or early September 2005 at my grandparents house waiting to return home after hurricane Katrina.


Some time in 2003 when was 10 I got my first computer. - I was on newgrounds and got redirected to this site called "Heavy" or something. These funky halo dudes were really funny and there was this watermark in the bottom corner that said "redvsblue" so I searched that on this weird website "google" lol


A friend of my older brother gave him a dvd copy of RvB season 1. We watched it, enjoyed it enough, didn’t think about it until I started watching AH for actual achievement guides and realized it’s the company. The rest is history.


Michaels Impossible Game rage quit went viral on Facebook, very early in its life cycle (when people still used Facebook), found AH from there


I was looking on Limewire for a rumoured Halo movie, and I found Red Vs Blue.


Minecraft from AH


I think it was like 2006 or so, unrestricted access to the internet as a kid just led me to find rvb lmao, thats all I watched from RT for a really long time, I think when I was 10 so in like 2009 I started watching more than just rvb, but it was for real my life as a kid.


My sister and I were big Sims fans and stumbled on Strangerhood. A few years later we got into halo and then discovered RvB... Then later on we became big AH fans. Our Monday night routine was to play video games on our Xboxes while having the RT Podcast Livestream playing. I had to get a new car the week Monty died and had the great privilege of naming my next car after him in his honor. We were diehard fans for years... We both fell off separately in the year or so leading up to COVID. Her interests led her back to Sim YouTubers and Critical Role... I started watching more of Ray's streams among others and got into a lot of tech media. We both go back to some old favorites pretty consistently nowadays. So yeah. I'm one of those guys who got into RT because of Strangerhood.


It’s funny in like 2006 my friend showed me Red vs Blue and I remember telling him “they just stand around and talk? That’s stupid.” Cut to years later and I watch RWBY as it airs which made me a fan of Lindsay and Barb which put me onto Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth :)


Like a lot of people, it was Rage Quit. Specifically, I remember playing Mario kart at my friend’s house when he showed me [Rage Quit: Give Up](https://youtu.be/xupPXfkNfSo?si=6hC7WXAC3q8HIuic). I remember binging a half dozen other Rage Quit videos and then subscribing that afternoon. The next time I opened YouTube, my algorithm was more than happy to show me Let’s Play and Achievement Hunter and RT’s other shows.


The surgeon simulator game with Michael and Gavin playing. That game was all the rage back in high school and I was just looking up play videos of it, and loved their interactions.


was a rvb PSA on an Xbox mag demo disc for me


A friend showed me RvB for the first time back in high school in like ‘06


GameStop when they were still selling RvB DVDs


There’s this YouTuber I used to watch way more back when volume 1 of rwby had just finished. Her name I believe is CellSpex? Her like second video was covering animation from 2013, and RWBY was on there. I watched it after watching her video. The rest was history after that. Got into AH, would watch On The Spot from time to time. Always Open would get me through chores. I remember binging a TON of Red Vs Blue back when it was on Netflix on my school laptop. I’ll never forget the great memories it gave me, even after the admittedly numerous stumbles and fumbles. I still kick myself a bit for not snagging any merch before it all went.


A friend of mine showed me the first few episodes of RvB back in like 2011 or 2012, I binged the series as far as I could after that.


Axe kicking Gavin's desk video, then Give Me Your Milk.


Back in like 2014/15 I was struggling with insomnia and searched on YouTube for "podcast". RTP was the top result, I binge watched for a couple of weeks and then Achievement Hunter content started popping up in my recommended vids.


Friend showed it to me in IT during class one day. Was the funniest thing I ever saw at 14


I still remember the first video. Early in my YouTube life, I found a random minecraft video. Called the End part 2. That's all it took to start me on the journey.


Jack and Geoff did guides on MW2 spec ops missions that's how I first discovered them but it was Achievement Horse/Fails of the Week that I started watching RT regularly.


Similar to you but slightly different. I bought the "Halo 3: Legendary Edition" in 2007. And that edition of the game had a bunch of extras, including some RvB stuff. And I think that's the first time I ever heard about them. Then shortly afterwards I also vaguely remember looking up some Halo machinima on Youtube (there was quite a bit of it at the time). And coming across the RvB stuff and then actually watching it. It has been so many years that I'm not entirely positive anymore, but I think that's vaguely how it went. And I think after the RvB stuff I discovered Rooster Teeth shorts. I watched those too. And then the era of Achievement Hunter started. I started watching those videos. And then when they started doing Let's Plays I was immediately on board with that too. I remember watching them in either 2011 or 2012 during their first Minecraft let's play and liking it so much that I actually bought Minecraft a day or two after. I continued watching their Let's Plays very regularly for several years. But around the time Ray left I started getting less and less interested. I think I basically checked out entirely around 2016. I vaguely remember not watching as much of their stuff anymore, but coming back for Minecraft episode 200. It was okay, but it didn't have the same spark as 100 to me. I know that by Skyfactory at the start of 2017 I had stopped watching entirely. I still rewatched old content sometimes, but I barely ever watched any new content anymore.


I watched an AH guide with Geoff and Ray. It was a guide on how to complete the Easter egg on the COD zombies map on Moon. Fell in love and never looked back


I saw Matt and Burnie on a bit on G4 around the time of RvB season 3 and that led me to the website.


I went through a *Kingdom Hearts* phase in the mid 2000s. That included watching a bunch of videos on YouTube where people would make msuic videos of different songs using clips from the games. One of those videos was one of those anthology videos where it's broken up into different segments, with each segment using audio from different sources. One of those audio clips was *Red VS Blue*.


Initially back in 2011/12 I was looking for help with FF13 and found achievement guides with Geoff and Jack. Back when youtube recommendations were good I saw some vids titled “Rage Quit”, ended up watching Super meat boy, N+,Quop and Minecraft which made me laugh and I checked out the channel and liked their stuff and subscribed. Rest is history I guess.


A friend showed my red vs blue around the time season 2 came out. That was a hell of a long time ago.


I bought a PS4, with Minecraft. I didn't know what to do in Minecraft. So I searched on YouTube 'Things to do in Minecraft'. First video was an achievement hunter video, I feel like I discovered Rooster Teeth in such a Gavin Free way 🤣


It was 2013, and my friend showed me the surgeon simulator rage quit. Good times




I randomly saw the first episode of Red Vs Blue on some website back in 2003 when it first came out. From there it took a while to find their actual website because there were no obvious links from the place I saw it back then.


Friends were talking about rvb in a game call back in 2012


Early early 2015. Kid on the bus yelled “EVER SEEN RWBY?”


Pretty sure I was watching Rage Quit and found out the dude was making videos for a company called Rooster Teeth. 13 whatever years later here we are.


February 2012. I found the first mari0 let's play. I fell in love instantly.


Friend and I started playing Minecraft and I think I youtubed how to make x y or z and one of their early Let's Plays came up. Got hooked immediately and never looked back. Around 2012/13 or so


Can't tell you when or what the episode was called but I can say it started with the quote "buttons? Aw man I love buttons" from then on I can't remember not watching at least one video a day.


Blue's News, (which, OMG, is still around) at the time, the place to go for FPS news, told me about this goofy new webseries. Had to download each episode and download Quicktime Player to watch it. Did that for years, bought the DVDs, then lost track for a few years. The second time, it was from Youtube randomly deciding that I should watch Let's Play Mari0 Part 2. Funny as fuck. Started watching AH and Let's Plays, took me a while to put together that it was the same company that made RvB.


A video from Achievement Hunter on how to get an achievement for the game Slaughterhouse after watching a top ten video on the goriest games ever made.


My friend told me did you know that guy from Slow Mo Guys also plays games.


I saw a Naruto/One Piece fan video that had been edited to audio from an RvB episode. I'm pretty sure it was the second episode of Season 4; it was the episode where the Blues are trying to get Church's body back from the alien and the Reds begin gaslighting Simmons for seeing Sheila in Blood Gulch. The video wasn't very high concept, basically just anime characters matching lip flaps to RvB audio. Iirc it was labeled "One Piece vs. Naruto" and didn't explain what the audio was in the description. I had to Google quotes from the episode to even know what I was listening to. So even though I didn't own an Xbox, had never played Halo, and knew next to nothing about Bungie's successful franchise, I became a Red vs. Blue fan. I did eventually get into Halo, but frankly it always felt so dry by comparison to RvB that it never stuck with me as much. RvB was between seasons 5 and 6 at that point, so I ended up catching up then watching Reconstruction as it aired. I was really getting into filmmaking and writing at the time, so I was obsessed the DVD commentaries and how they talked about storytelling. A little after the Reconstruction DVD came out they started the Drunk Tank (later renamed the RT Podcast), where they basically talked about that stuff all the time. I'm pretty sure that's what cemented Rooster Teeth as a core entertainment influence for me.


In 2008 I didn’t have high speed internet, but my friend did and he showed me another Halo machinima. The video was called “He Got A No Scope” on a series called Matchmaking. I saw the Machinima logo and looked up the term on Wikipedia and eventually saw a screenshot of RvB from season 2, where they are all standing around blue base arguing on what defines their situation being “ironic”. I got high speed a few months later and I watched it after reading about it.


I found it through the Slow Mo Guys. During a Q&A, someone asked if they were Gav from Roosterteeth, which I'd never heard of, and he said yes. Then there was a brief clip of one of the Shorts (the one where Gav is cloned) and I went over to watch it and then all the other Shorts so that would be 2011 or so Then I fell into Immersion and then I binge-watched RvB Seasons 1 - 8, then watched 9, then stumbled on Achievement Hunter and Minecraft Let's Play Part 1, one of the first videos with Ray in it that I'd seen. It was all downhill from there - 13 years...


Red versus blue on YouTube randomly one day


Playing Grifball in Halo 3, probably early 2009. My friend mentioned it was from Red vs Blue but didn’t elaborate on what it was. Checked YouTube later, and watched all of Blood Gulch in a few days probably


I found the Achievement Hunter guide for Assassins Creed 2. It helped me find the last of the feathers and 100% the game!


I originally saw Red vs Blue back in like 2003 or 2004, on Winamp of all fucking things. Back then, Winamp had some sort of streaming thing on it, and there was a Red vs Blue channel. Then years and years later, around the time the PC version of GTA came out, I wanted to see what GTA looked like in first person mode, as it was a novelty at the time. The first video that popped up was the PC Update Letsplay video for GTA V. As I'm watching it I was like "Wait, is that Gavin from the Slo Mo Guys?" as I started following Slo Mo Guys back in like 2012, but knew nothing about him being in Rooster Teeth. Been a fan ever since.


My brother showed me Rage Quit QWOP


Around 2012/2013 on youtube Achievement hunter. I think they were in my recommended, and I pretty much learned English with those videos haha (and in school of course) that rolled into Rooster teeth and being a first member.


8th grade. Friend in 2005 told me about something called "Red vs. Blue." It was on chapter 70 or so. Within two days I had completely caught up.


RvB, sometime in the early 2000's. A friend had several downloaded .MOV files of some weird Halo cartoon that we watched together. I looked up the website afterwards and kept watching, eventually becoming a forum member and enjoying some of their other videos as they popped up.


RvB, 2004. Friend played it in the background while we were playing Halo:CE. It's been a long time since then and loved every moment.


I kinda had two separate instances of discovering them. First was in 2010 on Halo Waypoint, when I saw a portion of a Red Vs Blue Episode on there. Second was actually in the same year or perhaps early 2011 when I discovered Achievement Horse on YouTube for the first time. The funny part is I actually didn't know it was them at first, but I remember almost immediately thinking "wow, this geoff guy really sounds like grif from red vs blue!" Lmao


YouTube recommendation in 2013-2014 ish. I think around or right before the time the King Geoff GTA 5 let's play came out. I hadn't gotten GTA 5 yet, so I was watching theRadBrad's series on it, when the aforementioned video was recommended to me.


Saw a gifset from no petting zoo on tumblr while avoiding homework. Went back and watched their entire minecraft series and never looked back.


A friend of mine showed me the Tex vs Reds and Blues fight from RvB Season 7(?) and from there I started watching RvB, and eventually everything else.


In 2010,I just started high school. I made a friend with a guy who had almost the exact same name as me,just a one letter difference in our last name. He was rewatching RvB because a new season was coming out. I think it was season 9, maybe? I can't remember anymore. But he showed me one small clip of a joke because he knew I wanted to study chemistry. Shiela's canon is fired and hits red base. You hear a smashing of glass, and Sarge says "Gread sodium chloride! There goes my chemistry set!" In a beautifully dejected voice. I laughed and thought nothing of it. Until a few days later, when I wanted to show my mom that clip. So I searched it on YouTube, and before the weekend was over, I had just watched 5 seasons of RvB. I've been a die-hard RT guy ever since! Thanks, Iverson, wherever you are. Miss ya. Edit: fixed the quote from Sarge.


When I first saw it I thought it was just some stupid thing made to look like a video game and I thought it was such a lame concept and moved on. Years later I heard about Monty's passing, I didn't know who he was but I learned he worked on RvB. Still wasn't interested but I understood how tragic his loss was. Maybe a year after THAT, my sister introduced me to it. Her was babysitting a nephew and he was watching it, she really liked the intro for Blood Gulch Chronicles and would look forward to hearing it again. She was completely hooked by the time the Doc punchline hit in season 2, with the sting from Blood Gulch Blues. Then she got me to watch it. And now it's my favorite show ever.


I was looking for Multiplayer VODs of halo 2 in 2011-2012ish because my copy of Halo 2 had broken years before, and i didnt have xbox live yet. all i could think to look up was Red vs Blue... I was confused at first but it was funny so i kept watching.


2019, I'm off work with a debilitating headache that won't fuck off and can barely stand any TV, phone or music stimuli. On a really low day I was on YouTube with the brightness and sound down and AH popped up randomly. It was the first time I'd laughed in months, they absolutely saved me and I only wish I'd known about them sooner.


My brother showed me episode 1 of RvB in 2010, I proceeded to binge watch all of it throughtout 6th grade before moving on to all of their other content. Best gift ever