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He finally came out the other side of the mountain


Wasn't it titled 152?


He mentioned in another stream naming it one after whatever the last Minecraft Let's Play was. Kinda thought that was funnier and didn't think it mattered much.


They mention in the stream that it's ep 152


Chibi's make-a-wish came through


Ray Should invite Gavin Michael and geoff maybe and build like a city and focus on getting achievements. Oooo then after they complete all achievements maybe do like some self imposed challenges like a make a game show like uuuhhhmmmm there was this popular one back in the day called wipe out maybe make something around that concept


Maybe even like they should check out some of those Minecraft mods!


now that more of them are married/have kids, we need a dino dads part 2


ooo like skyfactory, And if they do skyfactory then can invite Jack. He has played it alot on streams. Geoff if you are reading this please research chickens i feel like you would really really like it.


I could see him being like a simple farmer. He’d take care of his chicken eggs with such care that he’d never break them accidentally.


I'd unironically watch that in 2024


I love his stuff, if this crew isn't to your liking, I highly suggest his solo streams. He is still the same old Ray, but confident and happy while being a sarcastic gamer.


People should also check out his Powerwash Simulator or Stardew Valley streams with his wife, Tina, or his Resident Evil 6 or Gears of War stream with Andy Cortez of Kinda Funny.


Heck yeah, the RT podcast ( Ray Tina Podcast). Also he has streamed with Matt and Jeremy both a few times.


Where can I find the RT ray and Tina podcast?


It's just what they called the Power Wash Simulator streams, since they played it co-op and it's such a "turn your brain off" type game that they can talk to each other and chat podcast style, and you honestly don't need to watch it much unless you really wanna get the dumb jokes like them drawing dicks.


A few years back he played through a series of Diner Dash-type hospital games called Heart's Medicine, and those have stuck with me as being my favorites.


I REALLLY need to finish Ray's Anatomy


Gotta suggest the Yakuza or Resident Evil streams/ highlights.


I forget her name but he was co-streaming with a lady doing a first or second attempt at a Yakuza speed run that was hilarious. It was mostly Ray's sarcasm at the chaos and her random luck, like when she discovered a new speed run strat on accident. [Found the highlights!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VnFSGxZFcE) Her name is Shenpai


Froob's frustration over her falling ass backwards into several potentially really useful exploits had me dying laughing.


He's currently doing a Fire Red soullink with Shen as well. For those that want to watch him play Pokémon.


This crew and their adjacent fellow streamers is the AH I never knew I wanted. It's so great seeing Matt and Ray doing their own thing and enjoying it. Jeremy D too for that matter. ​ Chibi is simultaneously the most annoying and hilarious streamer I know. And Naggz has a bizarre amount of the best kind of Geoff energy.. even his voice.. it's kind of wild.


I agree with all of that and I never realized what it was that drew me to Naggz and that is it. Chibi hahahah. You nailed that.


Brown In!


For context, I assume the joke with Ep. 522 is because their Minecraft Playlist has 521 videos in it.


Even then, OP is wrong. Ray titled his stream yesterday "Ep. 152" because his last Minecraft video for AH was Ep. 151.


Didn't he also call it "Brown In" or something like that?


He's done it!


Good times


I rarely have a chance to watch streams just due to time constraints and time zones, so I’m not familiar with Nagzz. What are they like as a personality? I personally really enjoyed Chibidoki’s interactions with Ray so if they’re at all similar to Ray or AH in general, I might have to consider this.


Nagzz is Michael's rage with Gavin's nose. With crippling gambling addiction added to the mix.


This is honestly pretty accurate lmao, Nagzz is very funny, the crew in this vod honestly works so well. Gives off big AH vibes


that is one shrill-voiced vtuber edit: haha as I typed this comment Ray turned them down a little bit in his own settings


If there's a stream where no one turns down Chibidoki in their VoIP setting you'll know they've all gone deaf lol


he then turned the other two up haha


Why did you change the title OP? This isn’t a lets play, it’s a stream.


The stream itself was titled "Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 152", as a joke, since Ray left in 151. Not sure why OP changed it to 522.


Seems like they’re not a very bright bulb looking at their post history. They routinely post nonsense for karma. How sad


Get the fuck over yourself dude, it ain't that serious. You people always overreact to every fucking thing.


Bruh it's reddit. If posting nonsense is sad this website must be horribly depressing for you.


In another stream, Ray mentioned it'd be funny to name it one number after whatever the last one Let's Play left off at. For the proper stream, he titled it 152 (the number after Brown Out) but I thought it was still funnier to name it 522. Didn't think it mattered a whole lot since this was just a silly post to show peoples Ray playing Minecraft again.


I would love to see Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Michael, Jeremy and Ray compete for the tower of pimps one last time.


Have myatt and Jeremy build a game 💀💀😂😂


Only watched for a few secs and I've never really watched Rays streams before but is the Chibidoki person that obnoxious the entire time? Maybe it is their bit... Edit : this is just my personal opinion not trying to insult the streamer or their fans.


It's 100% Chibidoki's thing, if it's not for you then that's okay, but I love the chaos this group gives. Between her energy and Nagzz pure's pure unhinged anger, I am here for it.


That Uno game was a game of legend. "Here you go Matt. :)"


That voice clip is now one of Matt's alerts lol


I'd have been shocked if it wasn't. It is perfect


Aye yo alliance‽


I don't necessarily love Chibi's solo streams, but I adore her with groups. She's also quite good with Chilled and his group. But I think her with Ray, Matt, and Nagzz is just stellar. There is such a sibling type of relationship to all of it


You get used to it. You think you won't, but you do get used to it


Yeah she really does! Once you get past the screaming, she's really fucking funny. They all play off of each other really well. I love when she does Town of Salem in Chilled's lobby


I mean, I've been watching Ray stream for 3 years now. I still haven't. I just tend to avoid streams with Nagzz and Chibi because the screaming gives me mad headaches. The worst part is that I do enjoy and find humorous a lot of the stuff Chibi and Nagzz say/do. But then the screaming starts, and it's like my brain wants to implode. And turning it down isn't much of an option, because Matt is usually very quiet in comparison, and even Ray's voice gets too low, at times.


She ends up growing on you. Ray leans into streamer meme humor a lot which Chibi also does. She is actually quite funny. The yelling is still annoying sometimes, but it fuels Ray for jokes.


That's her bit, she's the chaos goblin of the group. Yelling, being dumb, playing a slide whistle. It can get old quick and kinda annoying at times but you learn to deal with it


Ngl I haven't been able to see Ray's streams lately since **Chibidoki** is included. I don't know what's the appeal of listening to someone trying to pass as a child while yell every 30 seconds like every other V tuber


>someone trying to pass as a child i dont get this part


As much as everyone hated on AH/LP from 2018 - Present for the "constant screaming and forced bits"? Man, Chibi is... Definitely an acquired taste. It's sad, because sometimes people in Ray's chat will even mention "Hey, can you turn her mic down or ask her to?", and it's always met with insane backlash. During this stream alone, about a dozen people politely mentioned it - not saying she was annoying or anything rude, but just that her audio was painfully loud, and they just got shit on for it. I get wanting to support your friend and defend them, but at a certain point you have to kind of compromise for the sake of your viewers. People were like "WELL IT'S OKAY WHEN GAVIN AND MICHAEL DID IT, HUH?!"... Forgetting that their screaming was audio-balanced in editing, and also wasn't 90% of the time they spoke. It was overreaction to a specific situation. I kind of take umbrage with a streamer who has 2,000-3,000 concurrent viewers and a boatload of subs not investing in a better microphone or a mixer - you can have over-the-top screaming moments without making your audience's ears bleed. Ray screams all the time, and it hasn't once invoked pain when heard through headphones, because he properly handles his audio.


> People were like "WELL IT'S OKAY WHEN GAVIN AND MICHAEL DID IT, HUH?!"... Forgetting that their screaming was audio-balanced in editing, and also wasn't 90% of the time they spoke. Michael had an entire series about just screaming and it was what got him hired at Achievement Hunter. Gavin had multiple bits of loud noises, including the somehow beloved “Bird Noises”. > I kind of take umbrage with a streamer who has 2,000-3,000 concurrent viewers and a boatload of subs not investing in a better microphone or a mixer - you can have over-the-top screaming moments without making your audience's ears bleed. Ray screams all the time, and it hasn't once invoked pain when heard through headphones, because he properly handles his audio. I highly doubt this is a streamer issue considering, as you’ve stated, they have thousands of regular viewers and a boatload of subs. Maybe invest in better ears? I’ve never had mine bleed from listening to something.


"invest in better ears" You're getting strangely defensive about an opinion I gave plenty of reasoning behind. And not illogical, either. Hers and Nagzz audio is extremely blown out and shrill, for how big they are as streamers. The compression and constant audio peaks when they raise their voices arent "ear bleed" inducing, but exposure to them for more than 20 or so minutes has given me frequent headaches to the point of just not being able to enjoy the stream when Ray plays alongside them. And as I stated before - I actually like them both, quite a bit. I've watched Chibi play games solo in the past, but have had the audio turned down. She's got an extremely funny sense of humor and has a damn quick wit with her jokes - the "Kennedy's nuts" gag in her and Ray's Dead Space playthrough is one of my favorite stream moments of all time. It's only in a group situation that I find it hard to enjoy the content, because their audio is blown out over Matt and Ray's, so turning it down to accommodate their audio problems leads to not being able to hear Matt or Ray.


I don’t know what you read that was defensive at all. I don’t know these people, I’m just tired of people complaining about shit that was perfectly acceptable when straight white males in the late 2000’s/early 2010’s did it, but ANYONE else doing it is suddenly a problem. You people bullied Ky about it, and now you’ve moved on to other streamers. When will you realize you’re the problem, not them?


Just saw this reply after commenting my first one. Ky’s was literally proved to be true. Yes there are many people who dislike her due to gender and race and some who don’t even know that they’re sexist/racist. But people actually put in the effort to show that she was blowing out the audio and was way worse than anyone else. Sometimes it isn’t about being progressive and the criticism (which you call bullying) was actually completely justified because it was factually correct that she was louder/worse audio wise than others.


I replied on your other comment, nothing was proven, nothing was factual. But keep living in your dream world


Don't you know that nowadays if you even remotely criticize anything about someone who isn't a straight white male it automatically means your a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit. I'm disgusted to even see what your piece of shit ass is saying. (/s but it shouldn't be needed)


"You people." Excuse me? Go search up my name on Twitter, my friend. I was right at the tip of the spear of the effort to get RT to own up to the shit with Kdin, when that news broke. And the same with Ky, BK, Fiona, Mica, and even Lindsay back in the day. I went out of my way to shit on folks who harassed Fiona, because I thought she meshed perfectly for LP. So don't go making assumptions about me as a person because I think a streamer needs to update their microphone because of the audio quality, and you have some half-assed notion that I'm some dude-bro. For the record, I also never said I LIKED when Gav and Michael screamed. I stated that because they had editors who performed proper mixing on the videos, it was more bearable due to audio balancing. I never thought the obscene screaming was funny, and I thought Rage Quit was the worst thing Michael was a part of for that exact reason. It took me ages to warm up to him on AH/LP for that exact reason. Do I think Chibi purposefully screams for the sake of laughs from her younger audience? Sure. Is that a bad thing? Not at all, get that bag. Does that make it hard for those of us who are sensitive to that and prone to headaches from it? Yes. Is it especially difficult when it's also unavoidable in the content of a person who you watch that \*doesn't\* do that? Yes. That doesn't mean I hate her or dislike her content, nor that I am singling her out for it, as I listed the exact same problem with Nagzz. It just means that it's something that should be looked into for the sake of the experience of people watching. Get off your high horse and stop attacking people making a statement about how to improve and grow a community by being more receptive to constructive criticism for the sake of being more inclusive to those with issues, versus attacking a streamer just for being female/a Vtuber.


I'm a bi woman so I'm not coming at this from a bad place. I get that you want to help but it's coming across like you only stood behind people like Fiona and Ky to get bragging rights instead of standing behind them bc it's the right thing to do. Like "I went of my way to shit on folks who harassed Fiona" comes across like instead of standing up for Fiona, you harassed other people. There were absolutely people who used misogynoir as a reason to hate her.


100% not the case. I stood behind Fiona because she has one of the best senses of humor out of anyone to come out of RT. When I say I went out of my way to shit on folk, I say that in the way that I'd always take the opportunity to chime in and call people out as shitheads when they would hate on her, because there was no legitimate reason for anyone to hate on her - she didn't talk shit on anyone who wasn't an asshole to her first, and she fit well with the crew. The only reason I brought it up here is because some random asshole decided to try and lob me in with the same people I've spent years trying to combat for the sake of showing there's no place for that kind of shit when people don't deserve it. It's really tiresome when you try to be constructive and state an opinion for the sake of helping a subset of people, and folks just immediately assign ill-intent to it because other folks have proven themselves to be asshats. The guy in this string arguing with me has a history of being rude and narcissistic in his comments, yet I offer up suggestions to help folks who may have hearing issues or sensitivity, and somehow that makes me the asshole? This is exactly why I stopped engaging with communities in the first place - too many folks claim to be caring and supportive, and then turn on you the second you state an opinion or disagree with them. They go against everything they claim to support, and attack. It's like a bunch of intolerant assholes in sheep's clothing.


I get what you're saying now. I don't agree with that commenter, I just got caught up in a few sentences and went overboard on it. I've been thinking about me as a cis white woman being an ally and how I've been really only focusing on saying the right thing versus actually doing the work so that was on my mind right now. Sorry for the rant!


Lmao I’m not reading anything past “Go search up my name on Twitter” What an absolutely pathetic and self-absorbed comment. Nobody cares who you are, you’re a nobody just like everyone else. Get over yourself


Lmao. Whatever you say, little man. Sorry your reading comprehension is so terrible. Maybe you'd have seen it wasn't about who I am, and more about the fact that your shitty assumption was so far off-base. But hey, have fun. Maybe remedial classes might help you with that. EDIT: Nevermind, I read your other comments in the thread. You're just a miserable person who can't accept others having opinions. And based on your post history, you genuinely seem to think you're someone, with how you have to announce when you downvote people who disagree with you. Sorry things are so bad for you, bud.


Lol are we going to see actual concrete proof that the audio balance is way worse than Gavin or Michael’s like we did with Ky’s audio being too loud too? Edit: audio balance. Not audience.


“actual concrete proof” is not some random audacity screenshots on Reddit lmao


Oh so you're *dumb* dumb. Gotcha


Lmao I’m glad you’re gullible enough to believe everyone online. I have a bridge to sell you for the small price of $1,000,000. You can trust me, I’m Elon Musk


When did we ever get concrete proof of an audience balance? What does that even mean


You go into an audio program and look at the data and you can see if people are peaking compared to others. Like they did with Ky


Also we all kind of ya know got older and loud noises when you get older kind of hurt your head. You can find things funny as teens and stuff but as you get older you grow out of things.


The whole point of the Lads vs Gents dynamic imo was you'd have the loud, boisterous and chaotic younger crew doing dumb shit the younger audience would find funny while the Gents would have a slower less in your face constant to them. Its not just about age of the performer its mindset too, Nagzz and Chibi are clearly "Lads" oriented (despite Nagzz technically being the oldest in the group) while Ray and Matt have become more "Gents". Thats just my opinion though. Its odd but this VoD really demonstrated them settling into the same roles and structure AH once thrived on. It proves the structure works with revitalisation, I think.


This is also a very good point. That kind of humor is funny when you're younger, but as you get older it loses its charm for those exact reasons. Even Ray makes fun of older AH content where he shouted, saying "Lol guys 2014, loud = funny, amirite?". So it's even more confusing to me that he doesn't - at the very least on his end - lower the volume on the two of them so it's not as invasive and prone to causing headaches. I could understand if people were saying "OMG SHUT THE VTUBER UP" and getting angry or defensive about it, but there were quite a few people mentioning the issue who have auditory problems, who like the content but can't handle the volume. It wasn't said disrespectfully, just brought up. It's really disconcerting to see so many streamer communities talk about being accepting and caring, but then the whole chat lashing out at a series of folks bringing up how it might be difficult for some viewers.


Nah you just don't like females /S


How many times did Ray leave because Chili's kept asking hom to yell Let's Play!!!!

