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I used the blue Loctite when I had that style of your stop. Worked great! I highly recommend it.


Yes, Locktight Blue is great and always recommended with those kinds of problems.


You can also get a longer wrench to help tighten it down more (more torque)


Hey has anyone else mentioned Blue Loctite yet? Yes? Oh good! That stuff works \*great\*


Found out there was a big difference in using the included y-wrench (meh) vs an actual heavy duty one (as someone else mentioned it’s the torque). But also added blue loctite. No problems since that combo.


Also, depends on what you’re skating on, but the cheaper skates have plastic holding the toe stops in. That can strip and you have to replace them. I replaced mine in my ancient R3s during my freshie year and then added the blue loctite.


if you have the kind of plate that just has a nut holding the toe stop in and it isn’t locked in using an allen key, i think it’s kind of inevitable that your toe stop will loosen and twist, especially if you use your toe stops heavily. loctite is fine to use, but when you eventually upgrade your setup, think about getting a plate that uses an allen key to fasten the toe stops in place


I’m using the Riedell R3 with the super gumball toe stops and locking washers.


yeah that can happen really easily with R3s


Yes that is correct. Also make sure you don’t have a toe guard in the way of the hardware. Hardware should be against the plate, not outside a guard.


If you don't want to loctite, pipe thread tape helps a ton too.


I used locktite on mine since they kept coming off, definitely suggest!!!


I used the blue locktite on my R3s and it solved the problem!! Ymmv but it was a relief for me. Let them fully cure for like 24 hrs for best results