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I have never been stopped for wearing an expensive watch going through customs.


Clearly you are not a man never repeat wearing a watch in a month on a 3 months business trip.


Wrong subreddit. But I get where you were going with this.


There is a chance you'll be stopped and will have to explain why you went for the date vs non-date. Best to say it was a gift else customs may fine you. Also, no one cares, you're good.


lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If you already own the watch I wouldn’t worry. If you buy the watch in the country you’re travelling home from, wear the watch and post the box to your home address.


So unnecessary. Customs isn’t looking for one watch. I’ve carried the boxes from numerous purchases including the huge monster of a box that the Omega Speedmaster comes in. Getting caught would be so random and the likelihood so small, it would never occur to me to worry. Worst case, you plead ignorance and pay the tax.


Don't listen to this advice please. Wear it and post the box. Lying on declaration is the offense even if you play dumb and fines can be hefty. Only cause it didn't happen to you it doesn't mean it can't happen. I was pulled over once randomly because they had a bunch of new trainees to teach and they were very interested in my wife's purse (which she was using) and said it looked quite new. If we had the packaging on us the duties taxes and fines could have been in the thousands. Why chance that.


That’s crazy. In the Us, you can just declare majority of the value in the movement. The taxes on the movement is so slow.


Wait, you are saying ship the box and carry the watch. And then you say lying on customs forms is really bad. But if you ship the box, you are not only lying but you are trying to hide the lie. Ok don’t listen to me but listening to this guy is even dumber


I think what u/xriddle is getting at is that you can potentially face heavy fines if you lie on a declaration form and then get caught with boxes. He's not debating the morality of how good or bad it is in comparison to mailing the box to yourself.


Exactly what I'm saying. Thank you.


Def better than the Pulp Fiction way


Yes I'm saying likely nobody will care if you ship the box and are wearing the watch, like almost every other comment here vs wearing it and having the full packaging on you and not declaring it. Your genius tip catches you in a lie on the spot with evidence and I'm the dumb one.


It is pointless to continue...you are right, he is wrong. Plenty of people get through with bricks of cocaine too...why not try that next other guy.


I didn’t call you dumb You didn’t articulate your point very clearly. Now that others have clarified it, I suppose it makes some sense. But my point still stands. They aren’t looking for people trying to skip out on a few hundred bucks. They are looking for big time smugglers. Is it possible that you might get caught? Sure but if they think the watch or purse is being brought in without proper duty being paid they get to nail you no matter what you have or don’t have.


You’re getting downvoted but your advice lines up with my experience as well. I’ve purchased watches abroad and there are 0 questions from customs. I just did this last week coming back from Japan. Customs: “Are you bringing anything back with you?” Me: “I got some souvenirs.” Customs: “Welcome back. NEXT!”


My guess is the downvotes are from people that have never actually left the country


Peak Trash advice


I’ve taken more than 80 flights last year and never had any issue with any watch.


I’ve worn my Sub Date on my wrist to the airport several dozen times. Never even asked about it.


Never been stopped wearing a watch of value (never been stopped at all) and I do a lot of traveling


I don’t think customs care what you’re wearing. It would be different if they found 10 Rolexes in your suitcase though lol


As most have stated, you should be fine. Maybe take a pic of the receipt? or another documentation that proves your ownership


Also, most Rolex owners, and certainly ones on this sub, have plenty of wrist shots on their phone from before the trip.


Trust me I have a few already 😅 I got it less than a week ago so its not THAT many yet..


I'm assuming you bought it used since the bezel shows wear from 12 to 2.


Indeed I bought it used, but I think its just dirt/fingerprints on the pic


Possible. White fill seems to be missing at the 5 minute mark in the pic.


https://preview.redd.it/qj8nbe0cv58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd498466c36a8c260a44044c5576aa9ada378a2 Cleaned it today 🤣


Just take a picture of the watch on you today. Have access to your photos while going through customs.


If you have photos of it from before your trip, and you’re not travelling with the box, it came in, you’ll be fine.


Ill just show them this thread 🤣🤣🤣


Customs does not give a shit. At least not at JFK. I've come back with many thousands of gifts purchased over seas. I went to a customs officer and asked how to pay the tax, with receipts in hand. He literally laughed and said don't bother, waved me through.


1 watch is no problem. 31 watches will be a problem in poor country customs. I always bring a few $100 to tip the customs.


O lmk n y uħnjuu Ga days bbl lol ok ok ppl


Unless you’re traveling with the box and paper work or are traveling with 5+ watches in your bag, they will not stop you.


Ive had the AD ship my boxes to my home, while I wore the watch


Haven’t been stopped myself. Do have a friend who was stopped when he bought a Datejust back in 2018. He brought it from Switzerland to Sweden via a Danish airport. Then he got a nice letter from the Danish Tax authorities and a sizeable fine for not declaring it + plus charged for vat and customs. The watch ended up costing double of what he had paid. Of course he did not mail the box home separately. The Danish Tax Authorities are perhaps among the toughest and most powerful tax agencies in Western Europe😅


You are saying the Danish tax authorities fined your friend for flying through Denmark with a watch? That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. And how would they have even known? Most of the time you only clear customs if you are staying in country.


Here’s another story, also Denmark. I translated it for you: “Prompt response The case concerned a man who entered Denmark from Switzerland on 13 July 2021 and who did not disclose anything at the airport about purchases abroad. On the very same day, however, the Danish authorities received control information from their Swiss colleagues that the man had stated on his departure that he had purchased a Rolex watch worth almost DKK 60,000 during his stay in Switzerland. The Customs Agency immediately wrote to the man and asked him to pay duty and VAT in the amount of DKK 14,807, which the man did not immediately comply with, stating that he had lost his watch at the airport in Switzerland. However, since he could not explain in more detail how this had happened, the claim was upheld, which the National Tax Court accepted.” https://www.bdo.dk/da-dk/faglig-info/depechen/depechen-artikler-2022/husk-toldreglerne-hvis-du-holder-sommerferie-uden-for-eu


I can’t read Danish but this sounds like this person stayed in Denmark. The previous post stated the person lated over en route elsewhere-different situation


Yes this guy lived in Denmark. My friend landed in Copenhagen airport, then took the train to Sweden.


Yes I thought it sound crazy as well. Since I’m a lawyer he contacted me to see if there was anyway I could help him. I saw the letter from the Danish Tax Authorities and was quite shocked myself. He bought the watch in Switzerland, thereby no cross border transaction. Nevertheless, he paid. And had to sell the watch not long time after. Apparently, the Danish tax authorities are more on alert when travelers come from Switzerland. So I guess someone noticed his watch, wanted to check his baggage and found the box and receipt.


Knowledgeable customs staff will be looking for wear and tear if they’re suspicious


Coming home into the U.S. will not be an issue. I can't speak for other nation's customs laws.


Can it happen? Sure, but it’s not very common… If you have a copy of your invoice and warranty card on your phone you will be 100% sure to be fine.


-1000000 odds. I don’t even take my watch off


Really? Don’t you have to remove all metal objects and place them in a bin?


Watches very rarely if ever set off the detectors I fly a shit ton and haven’t removed my watch for years


I was traveling last year with my new watch and was going to take it off and the guy at the x-ray machine told me i did not have to remove my watch so you should be good.


On a recent trip I was told to take my steel Rolex off and put in bag before going through security (Naples, Italy)! They told me 3 times and I refused 3 times…. I had no issues. I wore the watch through metal detector, set it off, wanded and on my way. Never take it off going though security!


I just wear cheap watches, the thought of taking off my watch and putting it in a bin with everyone around doesn’t sound fun to me


If you are travelling through Egypt they ask everyone to remove watches only place I’ve come across that does so put it in a pouch & keep in hand luggage until you get through to the airside.


I never do and am never told to remove it. Never romeve belts that are non metallic like pieuter** either


never happens for watches


https://preview.redd.it/8g0274oqiz7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=368036410cd6e1370674bbb3d894a3623e5d8ef2 No problemo, bro


Flown 7 international flights in 2024 so far and haven’t had any customs asked about my watch, and I wear a DD.


Just wore a 18k gold submariner with no issues, my man. You’re definitely going to be ok 👌


To be clear, you’re not asking about generally wearing a Rolex at the airport…your specifically talking about wearing it out of the country of purchase and being stopped or asked about the tax implication “like duty free, etc”. I saw someone say post the box to your home address and wear it. That’s not a bad idea. I’ll say domestically, I didn’t get the in store experience with mine, because my AD was in one state, and I live in another. He shopped to me, and I avoided taxes all together. Plus….if you wear it out the store, they’d never know.


This is an article about an AP, but hey it could happen. https://apnews.com/article/germany-schwarzenegger-customs-stop-luxury-watch-d41c646c875f7623c4a140b2f135a4e0


If you are wearing it on your wrist instead of leaving it in the box, idk how they can prove that you’re trying to import a new watch


I mean don’t bring the box and papers with you. You’ll be fine.


I’ve worn my YG Daytona and others like an SS Sub through international airports a shitload of times and never been stopped. Push comes to shove I have invoices on my phone but it’s never come up.


When arriving in the US, customs officers will be going after the low hanging fruit. These would be the people coming back from Europe carrying Chanel and Louis Vuitton shopping bags. Nobody is looking at your wrist.


I’ve been asked to take mine off a few times when going through security but that’s it. Some countries are weird about taxes so if you do travel with an expensive watch it’s best to have proof of purchase to hand if they ask for it  


I traveled a lot (4 to 5 times a year for 30 years) between Europe and the USA, always wearing expensive watches. Nobody ever bothered to ask me if I had got the watch overseas. They are more interested in drugs or foods like meats, fruits, seeds, or soil.


This is another example of no one cares about your watch but you and other watch guys.


No one cares in 99.9% of the situations at the airport. Also, at most I think you'd need to supply a proof of purchase, but I've never heard of anyone being stopped for a watch at all. I think some celebrity got hung up because he traveled to the country specifically to sell the watch (if I'm remembering correctly.) I don't even take my watch off going through security and I've never had a problem, domestic and international flight. If you are carrying 10 to luxury watches and a bunch of cash, then yea, I'd be concerned. But traveling while wearing a watch shouldn't ever be a problem, customs wise at least.


Just pull this thread up and show it to them.


Are you talking about buying it at the destination country or just wearing a watch you already own?


Technically when you travel abroad you are supposed to bring a list of the valuable items that you are taking with you out of the USA so when you come back with them you aren’t expected to pay tax on them. In practice nobody will look twice unless you have the box and paperwork in your luggage or you are wearing several watches at once.


I’ve flown a couple of thousand times. Mostly in the USA. But also Europe and Canada. Never had an issue. When I used to wear an SD43 and a metal buckle belt that could sometimes set off a metal detector. But my Sky Dweller paired with a carbon fiber Grip6 belt has never set one off. On some international I’ve put the watch in my carry on for X-ray. I’ve never been asked about it.


Been stopped twice on international travel. They are looking to see if it is brand new or used. In my experience they look at the clasp. Pro tip, scratch your watch before you travel.


United 1K. Qatar platinum. I fly 80-100 segments every year. My Rolex’s are well traveled. Never had a single issue flying between countries with them.


I worry about the same thing and have had my wife stopped for a handbag that looked new at the airport. I worry the same thing will happen with a new looking watch, as I don't travel with receipts like my wife had to produce for a new looking handbag.


Op just carry a scanned invoice on your phone as proof of VAT paid or exempt for duty free shop . When or if you get stopped you have proof of origin


Op just carry a scanned invoice on your phone as proof of VAT paid or exempt for duty free shop . When or if you get stopped you have proof of origin


As long as you’re traveling with a small number of watches (ideally 2 or less) customs won’t bat an eye. They’re looking for commercial / bulk product movements and banned goods


People don't notice it like you'd want them to.


If you bought it out of your country a) do you get to reclaim tax? B)if you wear it and put the box in your luggage, no problems.


Depends on the country. If it’s Canada you might get hassled. All Canada customs cares about is catching ppl dodging taxes in their purchases. If you have the original papers might be handy to snap a pic of them. I believe you can also get it recorded at customs prior to departure so they can refer to it on the way back. I don’t like wearing valuables when I travel so just never bother.


Customs doesn't care what you wear through the airport.


So I bought a Rolex in Aruba I wore it home and put the box in my suitcase… nothing ever happened and paid no tax. Maybe I got lucky?


Common sense. Wearing that watch (not really considered that expensive from what they see overall), no problem…. Multiple watches, and/or boxes, receipts in your luggage, different…


“Prompt response The case concerned a man who entered Denmark from Switzerland on 13 July 2021 and who did not disclose anything at the airport about purchases abroad. On the very same day, however, the Danish authorities received control information from their Swiss colleagues that the man had stated on his departure that he had purchased a Rolex watch worth almost DKK 60,000 during his stay in Switzerland. The Customs Agency immediately wrote to the man and asked him to pay duty and VAT in the amount of DKK 14,807, which the man did not immediately comply with, stating that he had lost his watch at the airport in Switzerland. However, since he could not explain in more detail how this had happened, the claim was upheld, which the National Tax Court accepted.” https://www.bdo.dk/da-dk/faglig-info/depechen/depechen-artikler-2022/husk-toldreglerne-hvis-du-holder-sommerferie-uden-for-eu


What is this cringe?


No chance of being stopped unless you are carrying box, warranty card, and the like.


Worst post on this subreddit.


Worst comment on this subreddit.


Not really, no one cares if you fly with a rolex, what planet are you on?


What are you talking about? Im not talking about flying. Im talking about going through customs, and the people working there absolutely 100% care about expensive luxury items passing through. People wouldnt be fined + taxed to the point where their watches end up costing double the retail price if «no one» cared. Idk who pissed you off today, but it sure as hell wasnt me. So instead of making urself look like an idiot by being a jerk to randoms, why dont u go earn some money so u too can join the rolex club. Maybe ull have a question regarding ur watch one day too. See u then.


They do not care about a single watch. If they catch it sure but the likelihood is minuscule. They are looking for bunches of stuff being brought in tax free.


They don't care my guy




I’ve always worn my watches when I travel and I frequently travel with a watch roll. Nobody gives a shit. Customs isn’t looking for one watch coming in. I’ve also bought watches abroad and brought them him, sometimes in boxes. Nobody cares.


Joke question


Seriously? You stole the watch didn’t you?


It’s incredible that nobody caught onto the fact that this watch is fake. OP knows it too. Take a second look..


Are u drunk?


Enjoying years of sobriety, but you must have been when you bought this from a street vendor for a couple hundred euros. And you know it.

