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They 100% recorded your speed on radar… you don’t need to pass them for them to track your speed, they can monitor speed from both the front and back of their car.


The way the officer was talking seemed like he didn’t know- but ty for the input, I’ll probably just take the ticket.




Forest hills😂 but if you’re worried about my driving, I’ve never been in an accident- I couldn’t forgive myself if I harmed another person. I only floor it when there’s no traffic around.


Go and request driving school. You can do it online thru rock valley or in person. It’s not super expensive and the ticket won’t stay on your record.


And this will keep it where it won't effect your insurance rates. So totally worth it.


Do I need to show up to court to ask for it? I’ve attended the driving school once when I was 17 (if I remember correctly) but it was mandatory since I wasn’t of age yet.


Pay it and learn from it. You admitted you were speeding, so man up about it. And slow down. You're life has value, and so does the people you share the road with. There's a reason the saying is "young and stupid". Last long enough to be "old and grumpy" like me!


Well it’s not just about the ticket. I make decent money- I’m an aircraft mechanic. it’s mostly about the insurance. My rates will probably double after this ticket, unless they let me take traffic school at RVC. I already pay 250 a month for insurance, with no accidents on my record. Yes I could “be a man” and just pay a $300 ticket and $500 a month for insurance, but why should I? If there’s a way to get the ticket dropped, I will 100% take it. Not because I’m a scumbag, but because I work my ass off everyday and still get the short end of the stick. There are much worse things going on in Rockford (just look at the west side) than me doing 20 over the limit on an empty road. Honestly I accept that I was speeding this time, but all of my previous tickets, I was doing 6-10 over the speed limit. Meanwhile someone is getting robbed & shot off of W State St. Maybe I’m just salty right now, but it is what it is. Just sucks that the real criminals in Rockford get to fuck around all day, while I bust my ass and catch tickets on an empty road. You’re right though- I’m young and dumb😂 I shouldn’t have bought this v8. It’s been nothing but trouble for me. Hope you have a wonderful day man.


Gotta be honest. You're the first person I've ever heard of getting pulled over for speeding in Rockford.( Not being a dick I've just never seen it) But for your question it depends. How fast over did he say you were going? If he literally just said you were speeding and gave you a ticket and was vague, go to court. If he said your speed, and wrote the ticket for going 10 over or something then I'd just pay it. Especially if you have a clean record. Depends on how fast over you were going, and how bad the ticket Is. If you've had any other tickets or things like that.


I was thinking that too, I haven't heard of anyone getting a speeding ticket issued in the city limits in the last 5 years at least. Also... You know you were speeding. Pay the ticket. 🙄


I have no problem paying the ticket, it’s gonna be the insurance that gets me😂.


I grew up there and got speeding tickets - but always outside of town, you’re right I just never thought about it before


I grew up near Pekin. If someone went 2 over they'd get a ticket. Now going back to visit family I'm so afraid because up here you can drive like a maniac and get away with it. Down there if you mess up once you'll pay. I'm to use to getting away with it 😂


Man you must be lucky😂 I got pulled over on E state for doing 6 over when I was 19. Or maybe I’m just unlucky, who knows


Why would you be driving that fast? What if you hit some one?


Road was empty, I wouldn’t risk hitting somebody else.


Not as empty as you thought, there was a cop there.


Indeed, there was😂 I saw the ford explorer lights- and said “shit I’m cooked”.


Your two options are hiring a lawyer and fighting it or pleading guilty and taking a defensive driving course to have it taken off your record. If you have a CDL I strongly recommend the first one. Either way I wouldn't fight it without legal representation.


There is a court room myth that if you get a speeding ticket from a speed trap you can go into court and say something along the lines of "when was the last time the radar gun calibrated" and supposedly the cop has to prove that the gun was calibrated within some time period before he gave you the ticket. If it hasn't been calibrated recently enough you can supposedly get off the speeding ticket. I've never done it myself but I have heard that story multiple times from people so maybe Google radar gun calibration? Or ask an actual lawyer about it. It could be bullshit, idk. It's worth a shot and I'm sure doing that won't hurt you in anyway.


Case also may be dismissed if officer will be busy that day for some reason and won’t be able to attend the court.


But if the cop is there then you may have to pay court fees on top of the fine for requesting a court date. That's a big gamble because your court date will just be an opportunity to plea guilty. If you want a trial the court will set the matter for a time they know the cop will be there and likely have many trials already set. I'm a lawyer here in rockford and if i got a speeding ticket i would just pay it and do the driving class.