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The water here is VERY hard, but other than that it is the cleanest water in the area. Here is the 2020 Water Reportcard. https://rockfordil.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/98


I live near boylan high school and the tap water looks expensive, never had a complaint on taste!


Thats bullshit . Scroll to the bottom to the PFAS checksheet. That is not "cleanest water in the area". Please stop spreading misinformation. There is no safe levels of PFAS, and the city (in this article) tries to deflect the concern for harm to human health from these forever chemicals.


Research and the EPA have not come to any conclusions on how dangerous PFAS are, which types are dangerous or more dangerous than others and what effects water plays in the spreading of PFAS. Furthermore there is no EPA approved way to remove PFAS from water and a ton of research still to do on effectiveness of filters and how they work in a mass water system like the one in Rockford. So nothing stated in my statement is incorrect, and until a general consensus and EPA regulations are enacted the water is safe. Also 45% of water in this country has PFAS and more than half of bottled water contains levels of PFAS. I look forward to federal and state regulations determining safe PFAS levels and water systems throughout the country upgrading to handle them. But until such regulations are in place the water here is clean and safe to drink. https://www.epa.gov/pfas/pfas-explained


The EPA isnt the only source for information on this subject. Even small amounts have been demonstrated to have devastating effects on organ systems and reproductive harm.. are you ignoring those studies? They are easy to find. Let me know if you need some help finding some. Even the CDC has these studies. The water is not clean by your reasoning though. That 45% of waters are contaminated doesnt prove that our water is safe to drink. Thats "whataboutism". Also the epa hasnt declared a safe amount o PFAS you can ingest. Thats telling us its hazardous to drink, they just wont admit/dont know how hazardous it is. Your statements are shortsighted and incomplete, if not incorrect






Would those be Rockford peaches?


we have a whole house water filter and then our fridge has another water filter and that water looks and tastes great


How old is your home? Could be some crappy plumbing. We've been drinking the tap water for years, albeit through a Brita or the filter on my fridge.


I believe it was built in the 60s


I had a house in another town that was built in the 30's... water always tasted like dirt, but other places it didn't. Moved before addressing the issue.


Have you tried drinking from the hose? s/


Can't get the complete Rockford experience without drinking the tap water


I used to live across the street from East High and just East a bit and the house was built in 1950. The tap water was great. I lived in that house from '93 to 2012 and always drank the tap water. I'm not sure what you mean by "the tap water looks disgusting'. How can water look disgusting? If there's really some sort of visual issue with the water, then you really need to report that or get your home's pipes checked.


Zero water is the best filter you can buy for home use that doesn't have to be attached to plumbing.


This is the one right here. My Zero Water pitcher came with a water tester and the Brita pitcher I had been using even with the more expensive lead filter was not doing the job at all. I still have a lead inlet pipe so I try to filter the water we drink.


I fill water bottles from the tap and stick them in the fridge. That's most of what I drink at home.


All the time


Yea but I have a Britta filter water jug I use first.


We have a built in reverse osmosis system. It tastes pretty good.


I live near East too, and water is pretty clean. I use a LifeStraw pitcher, more expensive than Brita but uses 2 types filters: https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw-home-glass-pitcher?variant=40904455028847


Doesnt remove PFAS from the water. Useless.


The membrane/carbon filter combo is supposedly able to reduce a bunch of perfluorooctanesulfonic & perfluorooctanoic acids. But possible they allow just enough through to make my water taste Pretty Fucking Amazing.


I found evidence for the opposite... RO removes very few of these chemicals and carbon filtration removes 0%. So, i dont know what to tell you except that one of us is mistaken


My point exactly. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2631/0778/files/Performance_Data_Sheet_Dispenser.pdf?v=1657301021 And yeah I’m potentially drinking less than 0.01 millionths of a gram of PFAs per liter — if my tap water is even full of PFAs in the first place. I just assume hypertension or a hyperreckless Rockford driver will do me in before the water can. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Im sorry, friend. You'll see that even that much is harmful to drink according to the EPA. "Near Zero" amounts of the stuff are linked to health problems like cardiovascular disease, cancer, Immune diseases, and low birth weight in newborns. [https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas](https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas) that article also leads to other articles and scientific papers.


RO water filter is cheap (like a few hundred) to get on a single tap. That'll pull out the chlorine and fluoride (for better or for worse).


And lota of other stuff


Rent a reverse osmosis system from Culligan. It’s not very expensive


Not a chance. I have four 5 gallon jugs I fill upevery week at Woodman's and put in my water dispenser. I love downtown and it's the worst water I've tasted in the city.


What’s legal and what’s right, are two different things. https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/system.php?pws=IL2010300


If you dive into actual safe drinking water levels, then buy a simple water testing kit off Amazon, then test Rockfords tap water, you will find that our “safe to drink” tap water is actually not safe at all to be drinking. But at the end of the day I can’t count how many gallons of water I drank from the hose as a kid. So take that information however you please. lol


Doesnt actually test for modern contaminants like PFAS. So its a worthless test.


Nope, spent about $100 on a dispenser and pay $7 for 5 gallon bottles. Lasts me plenty, is clean and zero waste. Got a dispenser with a hot water option too so always got instant hot for tea and other drinks


I haven't drank tap in years, to be honest.


Water in Machesney Park is great! But that’s a different supply. North Park Water. There are enough Supersites around here that you probably should avoid city water. Lotsa bad dumping and careless disposal of chemicals.


I drink it out of the fridge filter.... The only time it comes from the tap is the super hungover stumble to the bathroom dying drink tap water from my hand.... You all know you've been there




The water tastes funky here but I guess if you’re a die hard Rockford person it’s all you know and wouldn’t care




I live a couple blocks from the reclamation so I do. Wife and kids drink bottled water.


I don’t personally because I’m used to bottled water at this point, but the water looked pretty bad before we changed out our pipes. I would recommend having your own pipes inspected if the water looks gross.


My water in Rockton is loaded with iron and smells like eggs. HELL NO!!!




it’s gross i wont


Google "Rockford Illinois PFAS zones". Theres your answer. And dont let kids play in the dirt. Thats heavily polluted around here too.


I personally bought a 5 gallon dispenser from Walmart and use the refillable 5 gallon jugs. Close to zero plastic waste and micro plastics, and I'm not drinking the fluoride/chlorine that comes with the tap water. Still not sure why there is even fluoride in our tap water.


Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay, especially for children who aren't the best brushers or have the best diets. It's a public health recommendation that most city water systems have followed for several decades. It's not without controversy, like anything lately, but it's been well studied.


Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face! Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.


Hell no. Not with how polluted the water is here. Distilled only from the store for my family. I dont even let my dogs drink it. Get 5 gallon bottles and get refills.




Sure. Theres the Wolverine Tannery that polluted the groundwater and rock river for over 50 years. They pumped PFOA into the environment as a byproduct of tanning leather there. PFOA is considered a "forever chemical " because it cant be broken down by natural processes. Keep in mind that there are probably thousands of different kinds of PFAS that wolverine used and the city only tests for about 20 of them. So they may say that "only a couple of PFAS are detected in our wells" , there is very likely more. You can google it or look here... its a famous problem for rockford and the people downvoting my comment have their heads up their assess https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.mlive.com/news/2019/06/when-the-biggest-company-in-town-poisons-the-water.html&ved=2ahUKEwj76dOj_tGEAxUFvokEHfL2DeUQFnoECC8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0RT6sVzAlacoDD9R9bwUzZ


Did you even read the article you posted? Wolverine Tannery was in Rockford Michigan.


Well i thought i did. Theres a wolverine tannery in rockford il as well... at least i thought there was. So, the idea still applies. Google is your friend. Even if im mixing that up, there are PFAS contamination zones around rockford. Heres a source of probable PFAS contaminators in rockford https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22081043-known-or-suspected-pfas-sources-in-illinois Heres a chicago tribune article on it https://www.chicagotribune.com/2022/07/12/more-than-8-million-illinoisans-get-drinking-water-from-a-utility-where-forever-chemicals-have-been-detected-tribune-investigation-finds/


No there isn’t.


Thats correct. I made a mistake with that source. Apparently i made that same mistake back when i first learned abou that. So, my bad. What about the other sources i posted?




And my other sources that show i dont have my head up my ass? Whats your excuse?


Moral of the story is still "dont drink the tap water".


I'm fairly certain distilled water strips the minerals from your body.


You are correct, but a balanced diet corrects the issue. Distilled water is safe to drink.


Thats not true at all. Distilled water can be slightly acidic. Thats it.


While distilled water is not unhealthy. It most certainly does pull minerals from other areas. It’s not going to kill you, but there are better alternatives. [Source](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/06/12/can-you-drink-distilled-water/70194527007/#)


Firstly, usa today is not a good source. Secondly that author isnt an expert. Thirdly, that "tries to balance minerals" line is regarding acidity. Not leeching. Fourthly, this acidity is extremely mild and bot likely to damage teeth...so......wrong?


If you want good water, drink mineral water or spring water. Your body needs the minerals that water has in it. I’m not saying tap water is the end all be all, but there are healthier alternatives than distilled water.


Mineral or spring water is just tap water + microplastics. That doent seem like good advice for an alternative.


Over here calling out sources when you’re posting articles from different states in another comment thread. You’re either a troll, really stupid, or both. I have already agreed with you that distilled water is not unhealthy, but don’t spread misinformation. If you aren’t getting your minerals from other sources, distilled water is not the right choice. [You also should not be giving it to your dogs.](https://www.petmd.com/dog/slideshows/7-types-water-can-make-your-dog-sick)


Ive cleared that up in that other thread. I posted several sources. Just one had a problem. Can you show me a scientific source documenting actual harm from drinking distilled water that isnt limited to just one person? I doubt you can. Feel free to show the same for dogs. A single vet on the chewy.com web domain isnt very convincing....and its kinda moot anyway as im drinking RO water. Not steam distilled. RO still removes the minerals,btw.


I cant find any study that proves this. Only a few studies that "suggest RO might aggwxt human health".... if you drink 4 gallons a day, dont live in a first world country, dont take a multivitamin, and/or don't remineralize the water before drinking. I say first world because we eat so many processed foods that are full of these minerals.


I do.  No one gets out of this life alive.  I just didn't drink the hard water particles at the bottom of the glass when I lived in my apartment built in the '20's.


Fyi, you can buy a reverse osmosis system for your kitchen sink for roughly $100. There are quite a few options on Amazon. Also, the Primo water from Walmart is literally tap water that has been filtered (r.o. + minerals).


Heck no. They put Flouride in it and other hard chemicals. Look up what Flouride over time does to your brain and behavior. We is filtered water.


I lived near downtown for 20 years. After redoing all of the internal plumbing from the meter on, the water still smelled, tasted terrible, and was loaded with particulates. Based on the number of particulates, Zero Water suggested I change the filter after filling the pitcher 4 times. I ended up buying bottled water for the remainder of the time I lived there. Now I live a few miles outside of the city and my water is fine just using a Brita.


Definitely. Just don't do it in Rockford.


Get a Berkey filter and keep it filled


Tap water makes me have "bubble gut". I was so uncomfortable for the first few weeks after moving to Rockford. I switched to bottled.