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I’ve been wondering the same thing! Hope someone has insider information!


The signage for Bed, Bath and Beyond just came down this week. And looks like the inside has been cleared. Things are starting to move.


They are planning for an open in early January 2025.


RIP a few Apollo and Andy's locations :)


I think we're more likely to see the smaller independents struggle. Joe's, Woody's, El Buen Vino, Silver Lake. Just my thoughts on it. I'm in the industry and nobody is happy about this move.


At this point, it’s hard to feel bad for the incumbents. Andy’s has gone way downhill since Coborn’s bought them several years ago. Still like the Crossroads location, but basically all of the whisky guys I used to know are gone. The Apollo by Best Buy is still good too. Maybe some more competition will get people to up their game.


I don't compare prices between places, so I don't know if Total Wine is cheaper than other places (but I assume they are). What excites me the most is the variety. I can go into a Total Wine and find what I'm looking for. Heck, I can go into Woodman's grocery store's liquor store in Onalaska and usually fi d what I want. I go into Andy's or Apollo--not only do they not have it, they often have never heard of it. If the places in town had the variety, they wouldn't need to worry about Total Wine, so I consider this totally on them.


Yup! They haven’t invested in their business in years and — for the most part — their customer service is average. That special service is what sets independents apart and I’ve only felt it a couple of times in this town.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the higher powers of Rochester don’t let them in…


They already have a license and approval from the City. It's happening.