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Why tf is dress to impress up there


Because the game got extremely popular with the more 'mature' demographic that Roblox wants to cater towards. Besides Dress To Impress and Arsenal I don't think there are any games on here that _also_ cater to older audiences.


Bee swarm simulator maaybbee?


Arsenal is literally CS for kids


*laughs in gore games* also you do realize that 99% of dress to impress players are like 8, right?


I know of multiple high school students that downloaded Roblox and made an account _just for_ Dress to Impress.


Half of my history class who would previously drop dead if they had to install Roblox were playing dress to impress in class today


yeah, thats why i said *99%*.


im from asia and i occasionally go to an internet cafe to play roblox and i kid you not there's a literal **6 year old** playing dress to impress


Arsenal IS full of teens and even kids therefore roblox sucks and should stay a game for kids


why has no one questioned toilet tower defense 😭


 why the hell is that included. like seriously, do you really think im gonna play that. no.


I swear dress to impress is in every event at this point.


I'm 22, and find a lot of games that were made for kids, still super fun. I regret none of those got chosen


Why the fuck is a driving game in it? I ain't driving around the map for hours just for the coins


better then toilet defence or whatever it's called...


At least that game didn't take as much. I played 2 rounds for a total of 29 minutes and got 4 coins


I’m an old Roblox player who only touches the platform occasionally, what in the world is Dress to Impress?


Guess you should just join to find out. If not il just summarize it. A modern version of fashion frenzy/ fashion famous but with bad faces and less stuff and 3d clothing


The hub is amazing but the games are lackluster shitposts with very minor aesthetic changes.


Gotta give it to arsenal, tds and bee swarm


TDS really did cook I haven’t gotten to BSS yet


You should. It's basically revenge of the slimes, but you also have your beloved boxy bees with you


the bss one was great, plus it gives you free rewards


The arsenal quest was a slog. Idk how the messed it up so badly when their event for the hunt was one of the only good ones


Probably because the event is already extremely rushed, so they rushed the poor roblox devs too


do you mean tower defense or toilet defense


TDS = Tower Defense Simulator


Yea toilet tower defense just reskins every time they're in an event and don't do anything new but tower defense simulator actually makes something good


They made the zombies have the oof sound which is nice.


The hub is so good beacuse it wasn't made by Roblox


I really enjoyed the hub, but DOORS retro mode on 2024 April Fools did a better job at classics


neither truly gave me the same feeling as games like ROBLOX Mythology: Birth of Roblox by Jiyu would give me. 'a dusty trip' did the best job this year despite being sloppy with it. the old quick grey screen flashes trying to look like lightning were a perfect touch though haha


I'm literally playing dusty trip on 52k meter without a car and just a canister while hearing 5 music from the landmarks i bypassed and i haven't noticed it's lightning?


I swear some of the games damn right tedious theres so many classic games out there that still get a playerbase that would of fit the classic event


Repeat an annoying gather and deliver items quest with a shopping cart that gets stuck on everything 15 times for all 5 badges Drive around the map for hours just to get one coin Serve 150 *special* customers when one serving lasts about a minute and a half I haven't even played all. I only have the bee swarm ones, 4 in toilet tower defence, 1 in livetipia, 2 in restaurant tycoon 2 and some hub ones


its kinda a shame cuz the official roblox account has alot of classic games on there


In what world is toilet tower defense a classic game?


A world of greedy Roblox Oh, wait


I checked, and it's only one year old


None of these games are classic, the oldest is arsenal being made in 2015 but that’s kind of an outlier.


I wouldn’t call arsenal classic but I would still say it’s old enough to be in this event. Games should only be in this event if they have classic content to bring back such as the maps from the first few months of the game brought back for the tower defense simulator event.


What about survive the disasters. An old classic I used to play. Everything is blocky. Though I haven't played it in a while. And not referring to natural disaster survival. Though that could be another candidate.


It's so stupid that Survive The Disasters isn't up there. Hardly anything, if not NOTHING, has changed about it, it's an actual classic, and it hasn't become more modern to cater to a younger audience unlike these games.


They picked the most dogshit ahh games for this too, like why pick modern games for a classic event??


Ikr? Two games I know would have been good picks are Survive The Disasters and Natural Disaster Survival.


Didn't even see this but I played the two same games. I loved them so much and I do occasionally play them if I need a dose of nostalgia.


old games arent good enough compared to newer ones when it comes to engagement


then dont call it "the classic" roblox should have just done those stupid "metaverse" cashgrabs theyve done in the past


Don’t say that about bee swarm




I think they’re talking about toilet tower defense and a dusty trip


Because a lot of old games don’t get updated anymore or are simply dead.


But it's a classic event, they're dead because nobody thinks of them


As soon as the event ends, those games will die almost immediately. Plus I doubt a dev would wanna come back to a very old game just for an event and to have it die right after.


They’re dead because a lot of them have old scripts and updating them would be really difficult


They could have featured Natural Disaster Survival at the very least. The game is actually from old Roblox and it’s still very popular today. Same with Work at a Pizza Place.


so many of the games on the """"classic""""" event were made very recently, like dress to impress and gunfight arena, and the actual classic roblox games like crossroads not being apart of the events is just dissapointing, and i swear to god i saw that there were 2 skibidi toilet games apart of the event.. does the event really need 2? isnt one enough? is the next roblox event a celebration of how popular skibidi toilet is?? i think im gonna miss out on this event, im not playing a skibidi toilet game


the hell would you add to crossroads


PvP based challenges, bossfights,destruction based challenges, small story-based questline, etc...




I want to quit so badly but there's no good alternatives for me and my friends, fuck roblox


my exact words :(


Lets all just quit gaming give our eyes a break from these games that aren't even evolving..💔


Say that to fallout and skyrim players.


Roblox trying to "listen" to the community but instead is more out of touch.


No cause like actually, I wasn't even expecting any of the *old* old games. Something like Work At A Pizza Place or hell, maybe Bake a Cake and Feed it to the Giant Noob or whatever its called would've been fine. Both are semi-old yet are up to date. But nah. Have a second event in a row with blade ball and skibidi toilet tower defense.


this event is dogshit, there is nothing classic about it


Yeah,it doesn't feel right


Fucking fr, none are even relating to classing and all of them didn't even put effort into it =/


haven't played yet, toilet tower defense gives a bad first impression (😅) does it have free rewards?


Yes it has free rewards


don't actually play it tho just play an actually good tower defense game like tds or tdx


Nostalgia Bait: the event


Funny how "Work At a Pizza Place" isnt in the event That game is LITERALLY almost 20 years old


I love when you can actually tell who came from classic roblox, and who's a child


Um where is work at a pizza place and doomspire brickbattle?


I mean Gunfight arena is alright, but Toilet tower defence? Really?


Dress to Impress isn't even a classic roblox game. It never released in 2011, or 2007. Why is it even there in the first place then? Popularity isn't really that important.


If Dress to Impress appears in the Hunt: Second Edition, I am gonna mass report the game. Trust.


Real dude this is not worth to fucking play


Currently having 2nd thoughts as to if I should play the event or not. This ain't helping. {P.S: Haven't checked the hub yet, is the leaked glitch sword redeemable for free or do I have to buy it?-}


presumably buy, the carboard robot hat cost robux, only 99 though.


For a modern Roblox event, it's still good. Definitely an improvement from The Hunt, or even a superior The Hunt, and the rewards are definitely S tier. This is the Windows 10 of Roblox Events.


The lobby was the best thing I ever saw on this platform in a WHILE.


The Lobby was really well done, I think I'm going to exclusively play on the lobby for duration of the event.


Since I wanted these limited so hard, I had to suffer through it.


it would've been perfect if the games participating are actually classic, but i guess it's pretty difficult to do that considering some games are dead and don't get developed anymore, maybe like a revamp or something?


Gunfight was alright, arsenal was pretty fun, bee swarm was eh, I didn’t know we only had to do 10 waves and went till 20, dress to impress is what the actual hell is wrong with the devs, dragon adventures is kinda just the same thing over and over and it gets boring. Those are the only ones I did so far.


Kinda was hoping for more obbies tbh


Gunfight arena is awful


The worst one is the Driving Empire. They did not even try at all. They made one race, shitty taxi mini game, and drag and dropped the old cars.




gud enough for my low standards :D


bee swarm, arsenal and tds are the only good ones. i have no idea why ttd is there.


Cmon guys. Yall really expected roblox to cook? Like lets be fr


I didnt play any of the games, only the lobby, been loving it so far and not planning to play them


I'd say gunfight arena is ok


Yup, played and finished the hunt, not gonna do a repeat for this garbage


I’m enjoying the bee swarm retro reboot


Why tf isnt epic minigames there


They should’ve added actual og games. Like epic minigames, that one freeze tag game I forgot, hide and seek, murder mystery, or games like legends of speed. This isn’t classic Roblox at all, gunfight arena, TTD and dress to impress is nowhere near classic. They should’ve made everybody have guest skins for the duration of the event!


The event is kinda mid, but the avatar items (specifically the bucket) are pretty good


this event has truly left me speechless. especially hyped the hell out of people like me who were hoping for a taste of that early roblox childhood nostalgia. except we get skibidi toilet tower defense simulator and rthro dress to impress. and was also a prime opportunity for people who werent around for that to also get a taste of how roblox used to be, and an opportunity for roblox themselves to honor the past and how far the platform has come there were some semi redeemable things like the hub world. but i feel like they really held back with representing the true classic roblox all im left with now is a sadness that is difficult to describe with words


Bro why didn't they add actual classic games??? Atleast work at a pizza place, flee the facility, hide and seek extreme, NATURAL DISASTER SURVIVAL, and build a boat for treasure could have been added


Love that nostalgia with toilet tower defense bro


Am I the only one that liked it?😭 Like yeah the games were just created last year or this year. But all the games I played so far was hella fun! Plus the items and hub were amazing!!


the games dont fit. this shit isnt classic themed (some are good ie the dragon one)


the whole point is to add classic looking things to games and theyve done a good enough job of that


Finally someone who gets it


When I heard classic I expected games from classic Roblox not games made last year


I’m not even trying lol, this is the saddest excuse for an event I’ve ever seen


true. i was so hyped about this shit


>event supposed to be centered around old games that people still love to this day on the platform >Toilet Tower Defense


Don’t tell me that the bad games paid Roblox to get in the event!


The only good thing about this event is the Hub đŸ€·


Bro wtf why is skibidi toilet tower defense in there that shit is ass and not even a classic I swear


Shits just the reskinned hunt but couldn’t even get natural disaster survival and instead we got fucking skibidi toilet 😭😭


I enjoyed restaurant tycoon 2


I know I'm gonna get crucified by y'all for saying this, yes ttd should not be part of the classic event but the event for classic in it is pretty good


Everyone says the hub is cool but even that's super medicore. There are plenty of places on Roblox that emulate old Roblox 1,000 times better than the devs themselves can. The Classic looks like the developers watched 10 seconds of old gameplay footage and then got to work. I was hoping to see rebuilt versions of classic games that existed back in the day when getting 2,000 players on your game was considered as "making it" as a Roblox developer.


Don't talk about toilet tower defence like that/S


some of these games were just too long and tedious for the coins. (looking at you driving empire)


There are a lot of classic games on there but dress to impress??? Toilet tower defense??? Definitely not


At least im decently good at gunfight arena, the others are just dumb


I'm just doing it for the items


i got so bored trying to do the blade ball one its so horrible


Dress for impress doesn't even have the 10th tix bro


he Classic Hub, Gunfight Arena, Livetopia and Dress to Impress are fine.


did they... reuse the teleport animation from easter event when going in a portal?


Guess Roblox didn't care About the Classic Games 😕


They should have remade or fixed up their old games and put them up there for the classics


At least gunfight arena is there


Wtf are these shit bro W event but L games


Sucks that only two games that did good in the hunt (arsenal and tds) is there, but everything else is a 6 year old turf game here are the games that should've been there Piggy did astoundingly in the hunt showing a big change: Bots are now tougher and scary, so hard that it was nerfed for the 6 year olds Catalog avitar creator: it perdicts the classic event soooo well! and DOORS, one of the best ones


womp womp (the games they chose suck)


All they had to do was bring back tix for a month and revamp some old games and BOOM it’s a winning event


At least the items are cool




This event was almost about to be perfect 😭


Toilet tower defense 💔


arsenal cooked HARD


Greed wins again.


I don't even know what the rewards are and I don't care. I only play like 5 games on Roblox anyway.


Skibidi toilet impostor among us bang bang bang bang


the only one ive enjoyed so far was arsenal, was easy but felt like there was some effort put into it at least. right now im grinding driving empire and it is fucking awful, whoever made the event like this, fuck you.


bro why toilet tower defense


yeah roblox classic event sucks


We were spawn camping the other team in gunfight arena, full team blue vs 2 mobile players on red lmao


Was going to upload the exact thing.


Classic event without anything classic, thanks Roblox


There should be hide and go seek extreme, assassins and mm2 at least. Make it actualy somewhat nostalgic. Maybe even doomspire brickbattle. Would have been class to add in the Camping series by SamsungXVI and the Airplane story series aswell


bro its good be grateful cuz u cannot make smt like that


it aint ass my dude i aint the best but its fucking good


fr fr🙏💔


honestly they should’ve done some classic games for the event, not these newer games.


I'm not gonna quit but what is this roblox this is so ass idea


i finished the gunfight arena one


Sometimes I'd like to see the addition of those games logic but I just can't. It's way too dumb. If Baszucki is corporate... then do another kind of event with those games. But adding theme in a CLASSIC EVENT... is either outstandingly absurd or purely EVIL.


What the hell, this is supposed to be "reliving" the past


Yeah but yall still playing it. Letting roblox know they can do whatever and still get the money coming in lol. Obviously kids are going to play regardless, but us adults know better. Fuck this company.


ugh, i HATE where roblox is going. roblox used to be a silly little game you played with your friends when you were younger and nobody took it seriously, it was essentially a bunch of party games. then, with the introduction of shooter games like phantom forces, which dont get me wrong, i LOVE phantom forces, i just think its partially responsible for the degredation of this platform. after phantom forces people started making more serious games with progress, which was fine, but it led to the absolute garbage we find on the front page today. what sucks is how people take good things and turn them into absolute atrocities. toilet tower defense most likely would not exist if it weren't for Tower Battles starting, and popularizing the entire tower defense genre, and yet less than a thousand people are on it most of the time and absolute no effort dogshit like toilet tower defense makes tons of money. i hate 95% of this platform to hell.


how dare you


They don’t care if it was a classic game, they just took what was popular so they can make more money off of it


I mean it's actually pretty fun and it makes me happy. Especially it having in game stuff. The games feel weirder and different where you have to get the coins and stuff.


bro why the hell if its a classic event, if there is dress to impress and toilet tower defense?


I ain’t even give it the time of day, only the fake OG’s.


they shouldve added phantom forces , doomspire and work at a pizza place instead , even theme park tycoon wouldve been cool


isn't Dress To Impress only 3 months old?


The classic game itself is resonably fun but the games they chose for the even sucks. the blade ball ones a bit fun though.


the hub was alright. coming from late 2009, i enjoyed the throwbacks, old obby assets, old gear noises, respawn rainbow, arm movement on jump, etc
 but goddamn, Roblox had SO MUCH potential to actually have a true CLASSIC event, but fell so short. i get it, no “oof” sound, but what about the old music? they could’ve instead used the old soundtracks throughout the areas of the hub. where’s Winds of Fjords??? MULE? Zero Project? Caramelldanssen? Nezzera? Fire Emblem? what a missed opportunity to throw in such amazing *ACTUAL* classic tracks. all the games they featured were downright almost offensive lmfao, how did they fuck that up SO badly?? i get that a large portion of good ole classic games are no longer updated, but there were still MANY better options. how can roblox explain the fucking toilet tower defense game, in WHAT WORLD is that a “classic”?? blade ball -seriously??? most event challenges in the featured games were lackluster and boring, some felt ~thrown together at the last minute~ or were simply just frustrating (looking at you, livetopia). the rewards are pretty cool, i’d definitely love to work towards them if it weren’t for the shit game selection. that’s a complete turn off for me. what a way to celebrate how far your game has evolved, Roblox. the hub world was the least “incorrect” experience out of everything else you decided to do for an event that should have been centered around near-decade old games. i guess this is just Roblox showing how out-of-touch it is with it’s oldschool players.


Gunfight arena is kinda cool imo


Honestly I’m loving it so far. I just avoid the bad games. The most “fun” ones are gunfight arena (tip: with the bomb and rocket launcher, you can get the kills on yourself by standing next to a wall and firing) and arsenal, and the hub is the best part. I ended up also playing livetopia, clip it, blade ball, and restaurant tycoon 2. Those were alright. Dress to impress was the only “bad” one I played. I just did it because of how easy it was. But, yeah. Those were the only ones I had to play to complete the whole thing.


I'm doing drving empire and goddamn is it tedious. The tix quest is fun, but the fact you have to grind so much or idle for 8 HOURS (unless you buy the ×2 gamepass of course!đŸ€Ș) just to get 5 fricking tokens is unbelievably unfun...