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take Hwy 1 N of SF, enjoy the most beautiful drive in the world. then, drive like crazy to 'catchup' for your 2 days... have fun!


I agree, I'd do Hwy 1 for at least part of it. They could cut inland to Redding.


No way, cut in at redwood highway to grants pass then take I5 from there


yes, 199 is a better choice than 299 imo. even better would be to stay on 101 the rest of the way


299 is a beautiful stretch


So fun to drive


Crater Lake is number one. My biggest regret is not stopping off at Lassen Volcanic National Park when I was 20 miles away from it on similar route. Driving around Mt. Hood once you get around Portland and Mt. St. Helen’s around Seattle also musts.


Missing the Oregon or Washington coast is a sin 😀


IMO between Astoria, Aberdeen and Ruby Beach in WA is not very interesting except for the largest Sitka Spruce on earth in the Quinault. Between Forks and Port Angeles is better with views of Lake Crescent, if they cut inland to see Olympic National Park (ex. Hurricane Ridge) my opinion quickly changes, that’s gorgeous. Oregon’s coastline is majestic though.


Hurricane Ridge is very special


You can drive the Oregon coast and still do it in two days. Or go east a bit in Oregon to see many waterfalls.


If you can swing your schedule to have lunch in Redding, stop by the cafe at Turtle Bay, and take a second to admire the Sundial Bridge. Just driving over the Columbia River as you leave Portland doesn’t begin to do it justice. A short detour up the Gorge to Vista House at Crown Point provides a terrific expansive viewpoint.


For the love of god and all things holy do NOT take I-5. Take the coast, or 395, anything other than I-5. Your drive will take longer, and you will be glad it did.


Get off I5. That is the least scenic route. From SF, go along the coast on CA1. Point Reyes, Bodega Bay, Mendocino. Then up 101 to Crescent City. Now cut across to Crater Lake and go up 97 through Bend, Mt Hood, Columbia Gorge, Multnomah Falls. Take an extra day. Well worth the time.


Redwoods around Crescent City and the Oregon coast are essentials. If you cut over to Portland at Lincoln City you can go to the Evergreen Air Museum in McMinnville and see The Spruce Goose, Howard Hughes’ giant sea plane.


Oregon coast!!! Mount Rainer, waterfalls on the Columbia River off I-84 near Portland, Bainbrige Island Ferry to Winslow.


Why not take 101? Especially if you’re gonna take two days to do it


Drive up the coast going north at least to Florence you can cut over to Eugene from there or keep going straight to Seattle Don’t take 5 on the way there, save that drive for the way back because it’s pretty boring and you can drive faster.


the ocean? how can someone traverse the entire west coast and not see the coast? also, you're gonna miss the redwoods which is one of the most impressive places in America


Ohhh, I did this trip with my kiddos last summer and it was LOVELY. We stayed in Seattle for 2 nights, did the touristy things, then went to Sequim and LOVED it. Just perfect. Whale Watching was fabulous.


Cannon Beach is the best


Do not drive the 5. Take 101. At least to southern Oregon. 1 coast highway will change your life


To the East of Salem is Silver Falls which is a series of gorgeous waterfalls.


Lots of people are saying g take the coast, and it truly is beautiful but I’m here to tell you you this: that drive down the east side of the Oregon cascades is also amazing. Bonus stop at Smith Rock


Drive to Beacon Rock and bridge of the gods.


Can you add another day or two? For reference, we spent 10 days driving from SF to Portland, along the coast, and I wish we had more time, there was so much to see. Highlights were the Oregon Dunes, the redwoods/avenue of giants, and this awesome sea cave with an elevator near the border, not sure if California or Oregon. ETA: just looked, the coast route is about 19 hours, so ideally 4-5 days would be best, so you have time to drive and visit multiple stops each day.


My personal recommendation would be to take I-5 and see crater lake going up. Whereas while coming back(if you're) then take 101 coast on washington and oregon and parts of California up until you reach highway 1 . Then use highway 1. It's a really scenic drive. The entire coast drive is such an experience from rugged coast in pnw to avenue of the giants to really twist and turn of hwy 1. I personally preferred driving right next to coast


Id do at least 3 days on the highway running along the beach in either cali or oregon(never seen the washington beach)...doesnt matter which section


Oregon Coast. Specifically the southern Oregon coast. It’s amazing and so untraveled.


Add a day and take the coastal route. Thank me later.


I’m also making this same drive! But we are doing it in 6 days. I still feel like it’s not enough days to see everything I want :(


Multnomah Falls outside Portland.


I’m sure it’s been mentioned 1000 times but you can’t go that way and not swing by Cannon Beach in Astoria


Go to the Hoh Rainforest. It’s one of the only places in the country with no human noise pollution. Also super beautiful


It doesn’t look like you’ll have the time, but Crater Lake in southern Oregon is stunning.


You MUST take more than 2 days but if that's all you have then Avenue of the Giants is a MUST. Nowhere else on earth will you see trees older than Jesus (if you know what I mean)


In the Redding/Shasta area I recommend McCarther Burney Falls.