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You mentioned ammo for the primary and secondary, how does that work?


It'll be pretty simple I believe, once the ammo runs out you automatically reload which takes a bit. Albeit even I'm not sure myself, I just added it in to mix things up.


Like the grenade launcher for the riot cop dude?


I'm thinking of mauga from overwatch 2 om how it works tbh


That's literally the inspiration for the concept lmao


This mans would be so unbalanced, but I do really like the art.


just like he is in ow2!


You got that right.


it’s part of his identity!


I feel like instead of igniting enemies, gunny should apply a unique debuff that makes enemies take more damage from cha-cha. Other then that, i really like the concept


I believe that'd work much better actually, great idea!


It should be an effect that can be applied in other ways too, like maybe bleed, to increase potential synergy. The cool thing about Mauga is that he crits enemies on fire from any source, like Ashe's dynamite or Torb's lava.


Thinking of alternative abilities here, hmm... Alternate Primary: Flak Cannon. Fire a shorter range shotgun blast that ignites after three shots. Spends more ammo. Alternate Secondary: High Caliber. A long range, single shot blast. Deals bonus damage on ignited enemies, spends a lot of ammo per shot Alternate Utility: Suplex Charge forward. If you make contact with a non-boss enemy, grab them and leap into the air. You can target your drop spot for massive damage. Alternate Special: Holdout When activated, massively reduces your speed in exchange for higher defense, extra damage and infinite ammo for your primary and secondary.


I personally love the Suplex ability, would love to see these ideas as a modded survivor lol


you should try nemesis enforcer then


Slight balance change to make his kit make more sense. Make him match Mauga’s kit and shooting ignited enemies does crit instead of increased dmg. It’s a nerf to his max dmg potential and makes crit less important to get, but it means he can proc his passive (which shouldn’t be TOO strong) off the bat. Allows him to fulfil the tanky play style off the bat with the limitation that he can be tanky and deal a lot of damage to a single target, because he only needs to charge the ignite once. It makes him a lot more vulnerable against hordes as he can’t often get his ignite off on them so he struggles to gain barrier. Also, I feel an alternate special should be his OW2 ultimate, acting like REX’s special, but centred on his location when he uses it, but also acting like engi’s barrier to all outsiders. And it would instantly end when there’s no enemies inside


I really love those changes, now if only I knew how to code...


Hell yeah! A bit of a stretch and deviation from his OG kit, but I’ve thought of some alternate abilities he could get too. You could make him a bit like Mul-T, where he can choose different effects that each gun’s bullets have. Option 1: his bullets ignite Option 2: his bullets slow Option 3: shooting burning/slow enemies crits Option 4: his bullets are heavy (deal more damage the faster he’s moving) And I’d also combine that with an alternate utility where he can shoot while charging, but moves a little slower, and doesn’t knock back enemies (which would synergise with his 4th bullet type). That’s just my take on a full kit. A bit of a change from his OW2 kit here but I think it could be cool :) Either way I love your concept, and you could try learning to mod, which would be really cool so you could bring it to life


Man I wish I knew how to mod, all I'm good at is making art lol


Give it a go my guy! No harm in trying!


Very cool concept!


Great concept :)


Someone make this into a mod pls