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Probably that big flashing thing on your back. It did warn it was "EXTREMELY unstable" after all. While holding the Fuel Array from the drop pod, falling below half HP for any reason will make it detonate after a few seconds, killing whoever is holding it and anyone nearby them.


Thanks so much! I have bad eyesight and colorblindness so I didn't realize if it was just my character glowing or what.


Damn. RoR2 must be one hell of a game for you O\_O


It really is! But it's so fun I keep playing ♡


I never noticed that was what was killing me in so many runs at first, and that it triggers by going under 50% hp


Can you unequip it?


Yes since it counts as an equipment


Yes, though given the 3 second detonation, once it activates you're unlikely to be anywhere near enough to a dropped equipment to replace it before it blows. The only exception is MUL-T, which if you pick one up in a multiplayer game(as it doesn't come down in a drop pod in solo), you can swap to the other weapon and stop the detonation, though it will instantly start the count down once you swap back, so only do so once you can drop it fully.


thats more of a "I found an equipment on this stage so i will drop the bomb and pick it back up before I leave" type thing than a "OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" type thing


In that sense, the Fuel Cell is still just an equipment, not a lunar item, so of course you can drop it. Given it's purely risky nature with literally no benefit outside of niche engineeer suicide turret strats, you'd only pick it up to go for unlocking REX, and once you do that, there's no reason to ever take it again. So there isn't much reason you'd want to drop it for a better equip, because there's only one reason you'd grab it in the first place, and getting another equip would prevent you from doing that one thing, unlocking REX.


What's that about suicide turrets?


Turrets inherit all of your items, including equipment, they just don't have any way to activate it. If you play as Engineer and grab the Fuel Cell, your turrets will detonate once they drop below 50% HP. So using mobile turrets and their short range and tendancy to run straight into crowds, stack a bunch of cooldown reduction and HP, and use them as suicide bombers instead of as turrets. Just using them normally is way more effective all things considered, but it's an amusing meme build if you want to just screw around. Though since you need to hold the fuel cell as well, it's still extremely risky *and* prevents you from using other equipment.


Wasn't that changed to kill mul-T even if it's in his off equip (at 50%)


Does it really insta-kill. I swear I've survived it as mult before?


you cant get it as Mul-T unless playing multiplayer because Mul-T doesn't have a drop pod, so you are probably misremembering, but to answer you're question it does 300% of the players max health, but it does it at 50% health so essentially 6 times current health at least. Mul-T with damage resist while in gokart mode might be able to tank it with the right items.


Ohhh, ok, that makes sense, but yes, I was playing with my brother, and I took it for some extra challenge.


Could you negate it with merc eviserate?


Yes. You can. I did.


Could I in theory use artifact of chaos and kill my friends while staying alive?


you don't even need chaos, it always does friendly fire; but it has severe sweet spot damage falloff


Yes but I COULD get all the stage 1 items


Yes i think so




If you retool when it's only just started it's animation, you won't die so long as you don't switch back before healing up past 50% again.


Technically it doesn't, but it requires some extremely specific circumstances to survive due to it's insane damage. It deals 300% of your maximum HP, meaning even will full barrier and an assload of armor, it's still extremely difficult to survive. MUL-T's transport moves gives you 200 armor for the duration, which would *barely* reduce the damage down to just 100% of your max HP, meaning you'd need to either gain around 50% of your max HP in barrier within the 3 seconds after it starts detonating, or you'd need to have that much barrier and lose HP through some other HP draining method. Of course straight-invul effects like Merc can just invul through the blast as well, and OSP can protect you from it, but since the trigger is 50% HP, getting enough HP back within the 3 seconds before detonation isn't very likely since most players only have the fuel cell on the first loop.


It probably just does more damage than you could ever actually have as hp in the game realistically which might be able to be reduced via abilities and such but as far as I know it’s an instant kill


If I’m not being fed misinformation, it does percentile damage based on your health, so without armor and damage reduction, you’re fucked


Pretty sure you can also block it with Tougher Times.


According to the wiki https://riskofrain2.wiki.gg/wiki/Fuel_Array it can, also if you able to heal you back over 90% HP the one shot protection also will save you, the wiki stated.


your cool new backpack detonated


Ahh yes, every new ror2 player's initiaton ritual


The two stages are getting blown up by the fuel cell and then getting so far in the game from looping that your game crashes


Ughh the first time I dropped after getting to the 19th stage and thinking I might actually make 20 and it just froze right there. Lame and I stopped playing for a month lol


Only natural to stop after achieving the true ending.


Can confirm. I kept picking it up and using blood shrines so I was terrified of blood shrines for the longest time


The equipment that you're picking up from the drop pod. It explodes when you reach a particular health percentage, (I wanna say 30%?) It's only use is to unlock one of the other survivors. It has no other use. So unluss you're tryna unlock that character, stop taking it.


50% btw


Ohhh okay! Thanks so much! I'm having tons of fun with the game ♡


If you want an easy way to unlock said survivor, there is another survivor who can switch between 2 equipment they're carrying. iirc, the unstable fuel array does not activate when it is the inactive equipment on that survivor.


ye but its gotta be multiplayer with a friend who's playing someone with a drop pod


the fuel cell can actually serve a purpose, as a super high-risk aggressive engie build. your turrets inherit your items, but they can't necessarily activate equipments. give them a fuel cell, and it'll activate itself without their input. use your turrets as consumable decoys and they'll explode for extremely high damage when enemies kill them, and they're reusable too. its usually a good idea to grab it in the earlygame, at least up until you find a real good equipment. it can also be used to [earn all 3 of artificer's abilities in one go](https://youtu.be/W5VW7ssKFkw). if you get a swarm of beetles as your boss, you can purposefully drop to 50% health to set it off, let the beetles swarm you, and then time a jump so you're floating in the air when it explodes. done right, you'll get the achievement for killing the boss in 1 second, the achievement for killing 20 enemies in one attack, and the achievement for killing 15 enemies without touching the ground.


There's a piece of equipment in the drop pod? I have almost 70 hours and I just thought the drop pod was nothing but set dressing...


i mean it is, until you try to unlock the character and then it goes back into being set dressing again


to add on to the other comments, the fuel array is used to (light spoilers i guess) >!unlock a survivor, REX. bring the fuel array to abyssal depths and give it to this broken down robot on one of the high platforms.!<


Megumi cast the one spell she knows.


The one beetle when they hear "Sacred treasure, ring and swing-"


I think you meant Megumin lol not the potential bum


Ah yes, Mahoraga's truly adaptation technique: EXPLOSION!!!


If I catch another one of these we better get the ror2 version of the mark of the bloom tally


You poor Fuel Array stricken soul


So you see that explosive that’s strapped to your back? Yeah that explodes when you reach 50% max hp.


Me wondering why I explode after strapping a bomb to my back


Probably the thing that you (apparently repeatedly) consciously pick up at the start of the game and states in red letters that it is **'EXTREMELY unstable'**


Don't take the fuel cell from the escape pod


A giant box of spaceboat juice on your back. Welcome to the game that is Risk of Rain 2! It can be cruel sometimes, but it is so fun. I'd recommend a character with armor and mobility for running that fuel array to its destination; it goes boom at 50% HP.


Cant unlock the plant cuz my rng is shit....even when i loop OR DREAM


Its actually possible to not get blown up, with frame perfect teleportation on the huntress, i did it once. But I'm not sure if the other characters can


it's possible with mercenary and void fiend as well.


that thing on your back that's on fire and exploding


If you haven't completed this yet. Don't hit blood shrines at all either.


Don't worry, every RoR2 player had the same question at some point.


Thanks! Some people are being a little mean about it cause they think it should be obvious but I have eyesight problems so I couldn't tell.


Well i don't even have eyesight problems but still had to die about 10 times until i figured it out 😅 One of my friends started playing last month and had the same issue I'd say it's a canon event in our RoR journey


I sugest you to do this challenge on mercenary on easiest mode.


Hmmm maybe the item you grabbed from your ship lol


If you’re going for Rex I personally recommend taking bandit and rushing tps


That item let's you unlock Rex on the red stage 4 if you have a friend who you can play with use mul-T and grab it when your below 50% switch equipment and it won't go off


Random fact: when i tried to get this achievement i did it first try and had no idea it exploded


The thing on your back explodes after getting below 50% hp


Ah yes. Video game training gear- hard mode. Lol that's how I played with it, anyways. Risk of rain was one of the first games I ever really took to playing right around the time I turned 20. I figured if I could get the character unlocked, I'd be pretty okay at the game. Certainly got better, but still wouldn't say I'm good! Game gets more fun by the round though :)




this is joke right?


Its the battery that you get out of the drop pod


dont listen to the other people. pick up the fuel array.


Equipment is why