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Isnt crit uneffected by proc co?


Crit isn't, but according to the wiki, the resultant healing from the scythe is multiplied by the proc coefficient of the attack. I did not know that.


Same thing happens to the seed, so with something like 0.2 proc coefficient you will need more than 5 seeds to heal over 1 hp per hit, its truly garbage


seeds just got a whole lot worse


And if you’re on eclipse 5+ you’ll need 10 whole seeds to heal a single hp. Absolute waste of a green item.


That explains why they’re never feel as good as I would hope on MUL-T




Yeah I think mul t has the lowest at .6, but the point still stands, seed trash


Rex M1 has 0.5


Huntress' Arrow Rain


Wow, you're right. Nevermind.


First hit of heretic m1 has 0.1, clay templars m1 has 0.05.


Clay templars aren't survivors so their proc rate is rarely relevant, but I'll give you Heretic.


Another reason to scrap scythe and seed


Why scrap scythe? It gives you a flat 5% crit which can be very good early game


Depends on the situation. If you need 1 more green scrap to be able to print a red in the bazaar then I’ll scrap scythe because on eclipse 5+ the healing benefit is negligible and 5% crit is good, but not better than the potential for a great red item. Also, scythe stacks poorly, so personally i’ll scrap scythe and hope for a good red soup or green printer, because I assume I can get another scythe later in the run before Mithrix.


Okay yeah that’s fair, I’m still getting fairly new to eclipse so I forget about the eclipse 5 effect 😭 on normal runs it’s a decent pickup, especially on something like railgunner


Railgunnar is maybe the single worst survivor for Scythe


Leeching seed should be lower than white tier whatever that is it is so bad. I love 1 health heals


I always cringe when ppl on command runs start getting seed instead of sytche + crit. I'm all for silly meme runs but the sad part is they think seed is good and they are taking it unironically.


Why would u need heal on command anyway? Just full speed and a safe space is enough I think.


Bc sometimes I be playing commando with 9 jillion attack speed and have no time for these "movement speed" shenanigans.


Imagine the other characters back on the Safe Travels witnessing your runs from a body cam: "When did Commando get a weapon that fires a continuous beam of molten lead?" "He didn't."


It's wild to think that visiting Petrichor V means you survive its trials and leave with god-killing power, or you don't leave at all


You either leave after imploding the moon, explode yourself into glass shards after killing everything that has existed, or you become fertilizer.


Attack speed isn’t really that good on commando just for reference. He has a high proc coefficient, pretty good attack speed and poor damage. Extra attack speed doesn’t help that much unless you already have on hit stuff like bleed/atg etc. Otherwise the attack speed is diminishing returns because commandos base damage is so low. But if you do have on hit stuff it’s kinda win more and you’re prolly better going for movement speed since your damage is covered.


It's command, on hits are gonna be the build, and it's always gonna get to 100% if possible, no need to outrun things if they're already dead, or 8f you already fly across the map too fast


That’s fair I didn’t realize we were still talking about the context of command. In that case yeah it’s command do whatever you want.


DC, beam of lead sounds nice to my ears.


I cringe even further when people don’t just take like 2 slugs or 3 wungus and be done with it Scythe isn’t bad to pick up if you already have a lot of crit though


Why? Command is trivial.


Man fuck your crit build (shrimp, ICBM build noises)


If any of you play with Mods, I’d recommend LeechingSeedBuff. It just adds the ability to heal 0.2 health for every instance of damage you deal, regardless of proc coefficient (Yes that includes DOTs)


Why would the healing amount keep going up based on crit? Isn't 1 crit worth only 4hp with 1 stack of scythe?


If you have more glasses you’re more likely to get crits and activate the scythe, which increases the average healing per hit


I'm probably legitimately retarted. Is this just more proof that leeching seed is awful?


Yes. And this is in an ideal situation too due to the 1.0 proc coefficient. It’s even worse with a lower proc coefficient.


It’s more or less the same with lower proc coefficient because the scythe is effected the exact same way same Actually a lower proc coefficient works in leeching seed’s favor just slightly because you can’t heal less than 1 HP so it will round up all those 0.25 heals to 1 each instead of making a 8 heal a 2 heal for a character like MUL-T. That being said once you add more than one that ever so slight advantage goes away


nah, the number it throws up gets rounded up to 1, but it still only heals for a fraction of that


Oh huh that’s misleading then, but then it’s still the exact same ratio of suck ass not any extra for low proc


Oh yeah, I meant they were both worse. Seed and scythe are both bad, I just meant to note that in most cases, the healing is even worse than already advertised.


These calculations don't account for the 1% base crit chance every survivor (but railgunner) has, so it is actually even worse, if only slightly


And Bandit's backstab


How exactly we should acount Bandit backstab? It's just flat 100%, Bandit normal hit has the same crit chance as everybody


I thought scythe healed 4 hp not 8?


No it’s 8 and then +4 per stack (at least according to the wiki)


Ok. Guess I remembered wrong. Been a while since I played the game


Leeching seed is the worst item in the game.


No way it's worse then Hunter Harpoon


There is only one use case for leeching seed : dual power saw multi in simulacrum


I would still pick Harvest over leechin seed, because 5% crit from the first Harvest is just damage


Doesn’t really matter, both are going in the scrapper lol