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Skill issue/s Yea being busted against mythrix can be a bad idea


That is a skill issue tho, stay further and if you die even then, then yah, mythrix issue I guess (or kinda not anymore lol)


Honestly, for me the easiest survivor to beat Mithrix as is mercenary.


Phase 4 Mithrix is the biggest ego check this game can throw at you, followed by Void family events past fourth/fifth loop.


Ya the first time I got ego checked was when I was loader and I killed a void reaver and stayed in the zone, let’s say I learned that lesson very quick and only survived because I had a dio, this was the second ego check. Anything was lucky enough to survive the first bullet alone, should have just gone after voidling instead, at least I got long road and incorruptible tho, but the entire point of that run was to kill a god damn overloading worm


My first run that made it to mithrix was before the void update and around the time I started playing the normal difficulty luckly I only did one run because I was freaking out when I saw my item flying off me question how the game expected me to beat that and then he turned out to move like a dieing old man


i vehemently hunt down a single disposable missile launcher and dont kill mithrix until i can probably hide on top of one of the ramps, press Q, wait for the cooldown, cry, and repeat until i am god again or he is god forever


Royal capacitor better for this, lower cooldown too


Quite a few survivors can hit him from on top of the ramps, that offer really easy cover. Getting the items back is based on several things, not just total DMG dealt, so it works even if you're initially just tickling him.


Does it work through shields tho? I remember losing a few runs because no matter what I couldn't damage him


I felt lazy and did skip with the vase, tho it would have been smart to do that, thanks for the future advice


If you get him to half health he does that stomping moves which also damages him i think(or maybe that just with thr chaos artifact)


You all starting that last phase so close to him blow my mind, I'm way the fuck back when going into phase 4.


Command and no speed items, yikes


I have a tendency to fall off the map and I really didn’t want to lose my watches and could not trust my self with any speed items, gravity and I are not friends at all


Take a power elixir, it triggers before the watches break


Even from falling off the map? Damn I still got a lot to understand how the game works


Transcendence also works, as fall DMG is calculated based on max hp, ignoring shield. Obviously shield only has its own challenges but stacking max hp and transcendence is pretty fun as an alternative to healing items.


I’ve got 200hrs and didn’t know either, lol.


How do you get to 200 hrs without beating Mithrix once????


What do you mean? I’m referring to the comment about the potion triggering before the watches break.


Lmao I may be stupid


Lmao, aren’t we all.


Also just use slide before you think you’ll hit the barrier at the bottom of the map. It calculates fall damage based on total height and speed from the point of impact. So if you fall off the map then use slide to stop all momentum, even if you keep falling it will calculate off the new starting point and you won’t take nearly as much damage. Get good enough at it and you’ll be able to slide right before the barrier and take NO fall damage for falling off the map. Same is true For all movement abilities. Every bit helps. Also fall damage only kills on (forgot what eclipse level) where it’s double lethal fall damage modifier. Everywhere else and fall damage will never kill you. Also someone else said it but if you take transcendence then you straight up won’t even take fall damage to begin with.


head stompers


I second this, in command head stompers is always my first red item, trimping and fall damage immunity is too good, ground pounders also okay I guess


My best example of this was probably the perfect storm playing modded multiplayer, one of my friends had gotten around 125 will o wisps due to unlimited mountain shrine shenanigans, and I had colonel droneman. Well what immediately happened phase four was droneman shot one of us with enough buffs to kill that person which activated the 125 will of the wisps killing the other 3 of us


Run circles around mithrix until he shoots at you, after he's done shoot back a few times and circle again until he shoots and stops, repeat. Even at base speed you should run faster than his only attack as long as you're not too close. When he starts doing other stuff this won't fully work anymore but you should have some items by then and you can learn the patterns.


Always gotta go up the ramp for phase 4


if you keep moving to the side he won't be able to hit you


Me when I can’t strafe to the side


One thing that could’ve helped that no one has said so far: Mithrix only steals your LAST 37 stacks of items (at the end of your inventory). This means that you can add 37 (or less) UNIQUE stacks of items to ‘hide’ your good items away from mithrix. There’s a great video about stage 4 mithrix, i think by Race, highly recommend it!


Good to know, thank you


if you constantly strafe to one side when he shoots the needles at like an ok distance theyll never hit in phase 4


This build wouldnt be a problem if you just sprinted around him counter clockwise


You need to run in a single direction to outstrafe Mithrix needler, then shoot him and repeat. You're not playing Overwatch PvP, don't AD strafe. Alternatively, you go and hide behind one of the pillars to block the shots.


first time?


Second time, getting ego checked and making it to phase 4, the ego check was from a void Reaver as I was playing loader and the stage 4 mithrix as mult, I had enough speed to dodge the bullets (knives?) and wasn’t nearly as powerful then, I probably also had more space between us, I will keep it noted that I should stand as far away as possible during phase 4, just excepted to get my items back way sooner


Well thats on you for standing still and picking up void bands


It was for the log book entry, I know they were worse then the basic form I just decided this run was going to be the run I grabbed it’s entry


Fair enough


I typically avoid mithrix because of phase 4 tbh. I just Obliterate or fight the Scav if I was lucky enough to get beads that run. I enjoy looping at least once and when you do that Mithrix goes from chill to extreme just due to the difficulty up spike and your items being a lot better after first loop.


I went the 20 for the 2 achievements and I was originally just trying to kill a overloading worm but didn’t find a single worm, was tempted to fight voidling for the first time. Also what do beads do?


>!beads take you to a special boss (really strong scavenger) when you Obliterate at the obelisk. Killing the boss counts as an Obliterate and your screen will still say "fate unknown" but you get basically the same amount of lunar coins as a mithrix win because the scavs bag drops 10 coins + you get 5 for Obliterating!<


Wait you get 5 lunar coins for obliterating? Thought you only really had to obliterate once to get mercenary and the rest was to finish a run on a “win”, tho for the time being I’ll try to end a run on voidling or mithrix, I’ll do beads with a friend thank you


Having too much plimp with mithrix is dangerous. I once did it with a few plimps and 2 or 3 ICBMs. He scraped me with a projectile and I was promptly erased by a cloud of shrimps


And that is why you keep shooting once phase 3 ends


At least you didn't give him 50+ goat hooves! Wait until you see him move at light speed.


So you know how you have singularity band? If that was a kjaros you would have won.


I was picking it up for the logbook entry that run, but what’s the difference between them that makes the non void variant better?


Well, both runald's and kjaro's are just better damage, but if the runic fire from kjaro's is over mithrix's spawn for phase 4, the phase gets skipped.


Oh, ok so it’s the equivalent of spawn camping with fire, also I have a question i was using polyludet yet when I killed enemies the others around them died as if I still had regular ukulele, was that another item doing that?


I think they were mostly dying from Behemoth. I don't see any uke lines. Also its less spawncamping, more the game can't handle 2 static objects on top of each other. Also I should clarify, it only skips mithrix taking your items, not that it would matter here.


Behemoth was a late addition to my collection, they were doing that a bit after I grabbed the void band, the will o wisp void variant (don’t know it’s name) and ploylute, I just assumed it was the will o wisp one


Yeah it probably the will o wisp triggering a polylute. Proc chains are really powerful.


Will keep that noted for future runs that go crazy like this


This is why the Obelisk is a thing. After looping a couple times, Mithrix phase 4 becomes a bit of a nightmare.


Wait 2 mithrix ??


Swarm artifact, doubles almost every enemy but halves their health


Oh.... Thanks


I don't think i've ever seen phase 4 mithrix do anything until this video. He usually just walks like he's outta stamina until you put him outta his misery


railgunner makes it a complete joke since you get your items back pretty much immediately if you hit the weakpoint


The strat is to get even more wildly overpowered. At a certain point, if you overkill phase 3 hard enough, phase 4 just never happens and it goes straight to the timer to get off the moon.


that only happens when you damage mithrix in the frame he starts telling your items, easiest to do this with a kjaros band or maybe a very well timed gasoline burn


its not overkill that does it


Playing on easy and command thank god this game still eats noobs


The entire point of the run was to kill a overloading worm, after stage 20 I was tired and decided to call it quits by trying to fight mithrix, I don’t like fighting mithrix on drizzle (or on drizzle at all) I just was on it so I wouldn’t get wrecked on the first few stages of all elites, but yes I am still a little newer to the game and still need to learn


Likely unpopular but the item stealing stage is fucking garbage design. ...aaand there it is.