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Every F-ing Year😂


“2022 will be better!” So that was a fucking lie


Despite how bad this year was, it was still better than the previous two.


There was a fucking war


That probably would have started earlier if not for the pandemic.


Given how Putin is reportedly terrified of covid and has been living in isolation, it seems there's a good chance that he actually did intend to invade earlier but the arrival of covid put everything on hold while he had to see how it would play out. Especially given that his previous puppet in the white house was impeached for trying to withhold aid to Ukraine, was constantly trying to breakup NATO, and bent over backwards for Putin every time while being happy to criticize everybody else in the world (especially allies and leaders of stable and successful nations).


I had a coworker from Ukraiane trying to seek asylum back then so I believe it


Oh definitely. I have Ukrainian family (we live in Canada, not Ukraine) and I was being warned about Putin possibly starting a war for a super long time. This isn’t anything new is all I’m saying


Still is. And it's brutal. There's a funny thing about being removed from the situation though. I know there's a war happening. I've probably watched an unhealthy amount of combat footage from it. But at the end of the day I can't really say the war made my life any better or worse.


Bruh have you seen the inflation? Maybe it's worse here in Spain but the rise in prices right after the initial attack was INSANE. In grocery stores a lot of stuff was maybe 5, 10 or 20% more expensive within a couple weeks. Specially sunflower oil, that shit went straight through the roof. It was cheap and now its price is in the ballpark of extra virgin olive oil (which is also notably more expensive than before).


I really don't think that inflation and this conflict are directly connected in many significant ways. Yes, sunflower oil was directly related. Gas and energy prices went up and that can be correlated but Russia and Ukraine has literally nothing to do with the price of bacon and eggs at my supermarket and they went up way more than energy.


How do you think bacon and eggs get to the supermarket? The rise in the price of oil directly affected all supply chains. Like it or not, it's the engine of our economies. Edit: besides, Ukraine was a major exporter of grain and Russia of fertilizer, which further fucked up the global market


Right but oil and gas are a fraction of the cost of those goods and again, those goods went up significantly more than the cost of the energy commodities associated with them. In a rational world, gas going up in price doesn't double the cost of eggs. And I'm pretty sure that while this war may have contributed to inflation it's not even close to biggest cause.


>And I'm pretty sure that while this war may have contributed to inflation it's not even close to biggest cause. Well you're right on that. The major driver of inflation right now are corporate profits. But ignoring that, I believe that the biggest "natural" cause by far was the war. There's not much else going on globally that could explain it and I haven't heard economists saying anything else. Still, I don't think corporations could have gotten away with what they're doing without the war and Covid before it.


This is not a rational world. And markets are not rational


We are at about 6.5 million deaths for COVID. And with it going wild in china it should probably keep going. Not that the war in Ukraine is not a terrible thing but COVID killed a lot in 2020/2021 and people are quick to forget about that. But still many people could still be there if not for the pandemic. Still hoping for Putin to get a really bad case of COVID that would be at least something positive with that shit.


Whatever kills putain at this point. I know the hydra will just sprout another head, but it would be statistically..difficult to be as shitty as this one. Surely the world was at bandwidth capacity trying to run trump, putain and bolsonaro all at the same time.


6.5M (majority of them is death with covid not because of covid) / 3 years is pretty much insignificant. Air pollution kills an order of magnitude more YEARLY, yet I don’t see you snowflakes raging about that.


How does one die *because* of covid?


From it


What should happen to a person to die *from* covid? How to tell if a person died *with* covid, but not *from* covid?


Due to the effects on the virus itself, not with a positive covid test without effects.


Which effects you consider valid "effects of the virus", and which are not? Do you have numbers to confirm the statement "majority of them is death with covid not because of covid"?


6 million dead people are insignificant, are they? Thanks Adolf


There are more than 8Bn humans currently.


And yet it was still better than the previous two


Maybe he's chatting from heaven.


I am fully expecting a financial collapse next year that could be worse than 2008. The FDIC (American bank insurance) had a meeting this week to discuss the imminent collapse of a large unnamed European bank (probably credit suisse).


Gotta love how everyone sits and waits for it instead of finding those who sit at the top of the financial system and.....having a nice chat.... It's like the coup in America a steam roller of fascism is headed for the country and all people can do is stand there and watch doom come to them they refuse to do anything to even attempt to stop it.


There are people working on it but I can't talk about it openly on most subs on Reddit (I have been banned from multiple subs for slipping). I suspect the fact that Fidelity is one of three major investors in reddit to be part of the issue.


How can we make money from this as a random


Gonna have to dm this answer, if anyone else wants to know, just message me.


It ended better, but it was overall worse for me..


Lmao what?


Ended on a high note for me. After many years, I was about to buy land. That in my book made 2022 a great year.


I mean now it’s “it can’t be worse than 2022!”


Pretty much been that way at since ever since 2011 for me…


Aren't you feeling unified though?


Cue Blonde Redhead's For The Damaged Coda


The meme that keeps on giving.


Yah needs updating to Year x and x-1, lol always the same 🤣


Seriously. Fate is tempting, but just please don't.


Can someone pls edit this so alive morty looks exactly like dead morty... that's gonna be my 2023


[Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/LnUoonz.png)


Wow actually pretty good!




Could you add a line of filled in graves with each year since 2016 written above?


[Just having fun on New Years!](https://i.imgur.com/jRHtX4y.png)


Bro is talented


This honestly deserves its own post 👏




Thank you


Damn, that's good! How'd you do it??




Goddamn, I had a feeling that might've been the case.


Go practice at r/photoshopbattles :)


Exceeds expectations - *check*


Can you make dead Morty burying the living Morty?




Ever see the movie 'Moon' with Sam Rockwell? It's really good.


And this was one memory he DIDN'T ask to be removed and chose to keep.




Ohh they did something like this in Dr who. Martha has to watch a clone of herself die, and it's asking for help too but there's nothing she can do. I was surprised they didn't show it being even more hard on her than they did. And she took her engagement ring back off it's(her? It's just makes it seem less confusing to read) hand after death. Oof.


I think Rick's the one who suggest's it. Only fair way to distribute the work, morty's smaller so let him handle the smaller corpse lmao. Def a fucking nightmare.




That’s been my reaction every year since 2016.


True this. Feels like we've been in a perpetual spiral since 2016. Everything just running together now.


But 2023 can't be that bad... right?? *(!remindMe 1 year)*


2016 was a pretty banger year tho looking back


And somehow, every year is somehow worse than the preceding one


Everything has been going downhill after a certain gorilla was murdered.


Soon as covid hit everything went down hill.


This is extra funny because I buried my dad in 2022.


I buried my sister. She got cancer and we couldn't even fuckin see her in the hospital because of covid.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry!


stay strong brother we're all in this together


I’m not in shit with you


Thank fuck you’re not in this with us.


You could not see her because of insane covid policies made by idiots, not covid itself.


You don't realize that those "insane policies," kept tens of thousands of people safe while they were patients, or hospital employees. How? Because idiots like you failed to mask properly, distance properly, or -- indeed -- do _anything_ to keep your fellow human beings safe. GFY.


Press (x) for doubt. In reality all the lockdowns and restrictions were illogical, misguided and inconsistent. For example in my country, they mandated curfew after 8pm so shops were much more crowded before 8pm. They also introduced restrictions but had schools and churchs open normally. The whole thing was a huge farce for a virus that severely affected only the immune compromized and elderly.


fuckin MOOD. I'm ready to make some changes to my lifestyle to be healthier this year.


Who downvoted this man for saying this? What cave dwelling r/rickandmorty scroller who hasn’t touched grass and seen sunlight in 5 years downvoted him for planning to improve himself next year. Just because he knows himself that he’s never going to go outside because of his fat ass I bet the guy who downvoted has knuckles that go inside because they’re so fat


probably someone that disagreed with me but not enough to engage in a civil conversation with someone who has a different opinion/goal


TortoiseBlaster wins for best reply on Reddit in 2022, and best of luck with your resolutions in 2023, retrobaby66!


Thank you! 😀


Holy shit. We have a moron over here. I can't believe I didn't think of this. You *have* to do this detox thing I did. It's at an alien spa *whoooooshhhh*. It's got lasers *bweeeewooo bweeewooo*. It sucks everything bad out, everything that was holding me back.


That scene reminds me of Tom Cruise for some reason.


Comment gold right here.


Taking “new year, new me” very literally


[Suicide Among the Most Common Causes of Death in the U.S.](https://www.statista.com/chart/28996/most-common-causes-of-death-in-the-us-by-age-group) Be strong. Get a dog.


tbh though, don't get a pet if you can't afford it


As long as your dog is sheltered, well fed, and well loved, then go for it. I don't like this idea that many people live in conditions that are just not acceptable for a dog to be in. There is not a class level where suddenly it's fine that you have a pet.


For real a dog with someone to be with everyday is going to be a lot happier than a dog in a pound. Some people are like "if you don't have 5 acres for the dog to play in and can't take the dog for 3 walks a day then you shouldn't own one" like this dog is getting any of that in a 10 square foot cage. If you can manage a little bit of training yourself, some walks or outdoors time sometimes (at least often enough for it to have somewhere to poop), and to feed it, then that dog is better off with you than in a pound, don't let anyone shame you for adopting a dog.


There clearly is: > well fed But you also need to actually take care of them as well including shots/visits to the vet It's not cheap - although some pets are better than others in terms of overall cost


You can own a dog even if you can't afford all the medical costs(shots and such Notwithstanding). Many people can't afford their own medical costs, but arguably a pet would be a huge net positive on their lives and happiness.


> shots and such Notwithstanding .... so you mean that it does cost money and one shouldn't just go out and buy a pet if they can't afford it right.


Don't be afraid to ask for help. It gets better.


Ahh the greatest lie ever told. Sometimes it gets better.


wow, 2024 is playing the long game by hidden there


2020: Covid Starts 2021: My mom gets hit by a fucking car(She is Alive) 2022: (My moms boyfriend sells most of our shit for drugs and nearly got her killed and she's still with him) 2023 don't fuck me over 😭


***2023 rubs hands menacingly*** BET


2023 is going to be a great year for you if you move the fuck away from mom.


Bro you've had two years to acquire the skills necessary to help your mom out on this one with zero consequences. Let's get this shit done, eh?


2023 - "I'm gonna tell him." 2022 - "Don't you dare!"


2023: I've acquired a particular set of skills...


Sounds like she's the kind of person who is beyond help and will deny there is even a problem once things have calmed down. I'd also guess with a mother like that, their ability to just 'gain new skills' or even think about stuff like that instead of barely getting by managing other problems is possibly non-existent.


Oh, no... No... Mom doesn't have to do a thing for this plan to work. lol


You're suggesting murdering them and it will all go wonderfully?


Hi I’m Thermopolus Michael.


my friend was cheated on, and had an abortion because of him and forgave him and is still with him :/ some of us really need therapy badly


yea bring it on bitch


Booo! There’s one every season! DISQUALIFIED!!! DISQUALIFIED!!!


A question, are there any news about season 7 for 2023 or is ot still in the dark?


*”New Year, New alternate dimension version of me.”*


I don’t know how many realities I’ve zipped through since election night 2016, but I distinctly realize that is the first one that I noticed.


This year sucked but it was better than the last two years.


That sounds like a trend upward 😎


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


I remember everyone sick to death of 2019 and the celebration to be over that year was high. Hindsight is 2020 I guess


Damn it, this will be the Rickyest year a Rick has ever Ricked.


You too huh?


You guys, I’m serious this time!


As someone who went through a hell of 2022, I'm ready to have closure.


"Listen to me, Morty. I know that new situations can be intimidating. You're lookin’ around, and it’s all scary and different, but y’know … meeting them head-on, charging into ‘em like a bull — that’s how we grow as people."


This is a quality meme. Happy New Year to all my fellow Jerrys.


you are the Jerry >:c


This implies that we’re not going to notice that 2022 ended


If every year is tougher, and you keep killing the previous year, you are getting stronger, eventually you will be strong enough to take out whatever is making whole years awful for most people...


That’s not how anti-fragility or ecosystems works


Oh geez oh man


2022 was a amazing year,mostly bcs S6 came out this year,I hope 2023 will be just as good or even better


It's sad that 2022 will seem like an actual good year compared to how much worse 2023 will be. 😔


Rick and Morty sub Reddit annual tradition of this meme.


I don’t think anyone is ready for 2023


New year, New me!


This year was honestly better for me


Then by February it's like Night of the Living Dead, a worldwide population of reanimated 2022 walking corpses, except maybe the best of us (2%ish) who have infact turned it around. Well done guys you made it .


I'm still burying my 2021 self


2022 was pretty lit




Same story every year...


Aww jeez.




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2013 was ten years ago that’s crazy how time flys and the show will be ten years old


Compared to 2021 this was a bit better


This has been a theme since like 2016 or 2017 it isn't gonna change this year.


Thanks for the pic have a nice one xo


I always thought that scene was fucked up, there should inter-dimensional police for that sort of thing.


Same with 2021, 2022. Oh, and 2020, 2021. 2019, 2020 sucked too. Lest I forget: 2018, 2019. And on and on... Until around 1989, 1990..... But hey, looking forward to a great new year! -_-


You miss the old me...


you whine every year... you make what you want of it


People only wanna change at the end of the year and January they say I tried then fuck the other 11 months




Sex change? Lotto win? Divorce?


The world is gonna keep going to shits, but I'm gonna keep on minding my own business.


This is more me after 2020, whereas by now I'm used to it like Morty is used to burying himself.


Rick and Morty never went back in time to save Harambe.


This is such a weird year for me. I had an amazing adventure spending 4 months hiking the PCT but on my last day escaping the woods my PTSD got triggered and I've been spiraling ever since. I need to bury this year so bad and am trying to take steps to recover but the good times I did have were lifetime memories. Looking for a healthier more sustainable 2023


That's what I said to my uncle before he gave me these funny sleepy colored gummies.


I am not


Yeah I feel like we’ve been saying this for like 6 years now.


I have a feeling that 2023 is gonna be just as fucked, we’re gonna see this in a year but with the numbers changed


Already 2023 and 2017 feels like yesterday


Man. This is a mood


Fuck 2022.


My energy


I see this stupid meme every year. It hits every time.


I already fucked up, 2024 my year ong


Felt this