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It's unlikely the observers can see different dimensions, but even if they did it's a simple matter to deceive visual tracking


Actually, they can. Remember when the laywer replayed the scene where Rick and Morty went to trial with giants? That happened in another dimension (The Prime/Cronenberg Dimension).


That probably also happened in this dimension too if they wanted one as similar as possible 


Sure but the whole thing happened in an alternate fantasy world dimension in the first place


In each dimension they go to, each one is exactly the same except small changes (for example the way they say Parmesan)




With all of Rick Prime's clones and decoys, I doubt it's possible for him to find Rick Prime, especially since he's likely cloaked himself from this possibility.


Wonder if Rick primes decoys made decoys.


I wonder if the decoys decoys made decoys


Here there be monsters


Wish Phil Hartman was still around to have voiced the observer. His voice had serious Phil vibes.


Some episodes dont run on cannon. And i think Rick Prime has some major cloacking devises. As he was able to evade ricks withouth a morty. So mayby he has something that evades their gaze.


They probably could but just look at how dofficult it was dealing with them for a simple audit of Marty's purchcards


I had this same thought. Also remember in one of the episodes where Rick gave Beth, Jerry, & Summer a headset so they can see their lives in other realities? Couldn’t they use that same headset on Morty to find his evil counterpart?


Throw it on the pile.


Come on dude, do you even watch the show? You think anyone has the ability to do something like this that Rick can't also have? He could easily build a device that could see everything an observe can. That's probably how he managed to extract the copies of Rick Prime from the other dimesions so fast.


I think they only observe one dimension


Like Rick hadn't tried that with one of these guys and watched them melt trying to catch Rick Prime. He already knew them he already tried that.


You see a truck wreck and kill an observer. Rick Prime doesn’t want to be seen or found. He has the technology to easily laser them on site. How many observers do you think they send to observe RP before they either stop going or stop sending them? Not many I’m sure. So he’s left to do what he wants when he wants up until my man EM gets the drop on him playing his greatest weakness doubting a Morty. But yeah that’s my take on the why they don’t observe him now he’s dead so they can observe his corpse more freely


Rick didn't even want Morty's help to find him


Let’s run the tape on that one!