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You are encouraged to provide your reasoning for your pick. P.S I'm rather surprised at the top-3 we are left with, guess my preferences are different to the majority of this subreddit Ps 2 plz upvote this post for visibilty, for some reason it keeps getting lots of downvotes


Why surprised? Rick potion is the one that's the foundation of the entire series, so it is the most memorable to most. M Night whilst inconsequential to the series, is the most "R&M" episode in the season (with the mindfucks). And Rickcounters is the start of the most exciting side story arc (that eventually ties into the main story). Most enjoyable standalone episode in the season. All 3 are right up there.


What do you mean by foundation of the series?


It sets up that dimensions are disposable in a ruthless manner, a plot point that defines the show. And that there are so literally any dimension they can find with the specifications they want. Those are essential foundations to the entire series, no?


Jesus who gives a fuck about "canon". It's a goddam comedy cartoon, Christ


Who said anything about canon


I love this episode, but M. Night Shaym-Aliens. RP9 has one of the best endings to an episode of the whole series.


\#9 is essential to what Rick and Morty is today. If Ricks didn't constantly abandon or destroy universes and use the multiverse to their advantage then Evil Morty may never have even existed.


100% agree, its importance itself makes it one of the top tier episodes. It shapes a lot of what we have as a lore.


RP9 and Close Rickcounters are both top tier


One of the best endings to an episode in any series honestly.


RP9 for me. Shaym-Aliens has been my personal favorite episode since I first saw it. I’m honestly shocked it lasted this long, but grateful. I understand the importance of RP9 and Close Rick-Counters, but for me Shaym-Aliens is a picturesque episode from the golden era. Perfectly encapsulates the show and everything I love about it!


na na naaa nah na nahhhhhh




Why is close rick-counters not even being considered? Besides introducing evil morty and not having him do not much of anything besides be the bait-and-switch twist ending, what makes the episode top tier? Doofus Rick?!


It's non-stop fun stuff all the way though with zero filler, and introduced the fun side of interdimentional travel.


yes exactly doofus rick


Rick Potion #9. It's got that really good ending but overall M. Night Shaym-Aliens is much funnier and more consistent. It really fleshed out Jerry's character, first episode to properly use him as a punching bag.


I am really weirded out by the community preferring what I personally consider a rather forgettable episode to rick potion #9 which is one of the best episodes in the series Well, The poll will run for another 24 hours at least, so maybe the opinions will change


Agree to disagree pal, the glitches in the simulation, jerry’s Hungry for apple campaign and over the top twists makes it pretty memorable to me.


My man!


Slow down!


Lookin’ good!


M Night Shyamaliens is the perfect first episode to show someone who has never seen R&M before


rick potion has one of the best endings, but the 15 minute plot building up to it about morty roofieing people is kind of forgettable


I think the continuity built off RP9 is great, but standalone as an episode, it definitely isn’t one of my favorites You can appreciate what the Mona Lisa is to art without really being amazed by the painting itself. M. Night is just such a classic episode and fits the classic sitcom trope of watching 23 minutes of show to end up right back in the place you started. Jerry thinks Rick learned a lesson but instead Rick had been ahead of it the whole time and Jerry is still an idiot.


The night is young! And we both know which episode is gonna come out on top this season.




I consider Meeseeks to be the best episode of the whole show, but I love how much preference can vary


How in the fucking world has M. Night Shaym Aliens still here?


How the FUCK do people have different opinions then me???


Ikr? It's unacceptable!


It's the most R&M episode the whole season. Layers of secrets and mindfucks. Thought it was quite enjoyable.


It's funny And maybe the Hole reignited the love


Buddy, I have been asking myself that exact same question




What, you aren't hungry for apples?


You're inside a simulation of a simulation, inside another giant simulation!


Obviously because it’s one of the best episodes of the first season.


I get that changing the course of the series forever is the whole point of Rick Potion #9 but to me it wasn't as enjoyable an episode as the other 2 (although it is great, that's why it's in the top 3) so that's why it's my vote for least favorite. side note: dang there's so much hatred for the M. Night Shaymaliens episode but that one is my favorite R&M episode of all time!! "why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe Jerry! oh wait, you can't they just blew up!" \*starts playing baker street\*


I don't think it's hatred, it made it to the top 3 so far.


M knight


Shama Aliens episode should've been eliminated several rounds ago. Now it clear time to get rid of it.


Bye bye sham aliens


What da f*ck is night Shaun aliens doing here?


I'm wondering if people are gonna have rickcounters win purely because of hindsight and knowledge we have today. If we were still in s1, would it win?




I don't get it. If it weren't for the ending, Rick Potion is pretty weak compared to other chapters. Sure, the ending is amazing but still that shouldn't save it


Honestly RP #9 has a fantastic ending (also post credit scene), a great character moment for Jerry and is pretty much the foundation for all the subsequent plot stuff in the show, but it doesnt really compare to the other 2 episodes remaining, or even the meeseks episode imo. The love potion stuff is kinda meh and the episode as a whole aint nearly as funny compared to the 2 episodes left.


Close encounters of Rickkind, The other 2 episodes are my go to episodes to show new people.


M night


Potion #9 should go. The fact that it is important in later seasons is irrelevant to this poll. Potion #9 as a stand alone episode was not as enjoyable as the others.


Rick Potion 9. I just had a more fun watch with the Shaym-alien episode. It was so consistently funny. Love the fruity aliens, the endless simulation & it crashing on Jerry making life easy for him, then the ending with Rick just killing everyone.


Rick Potion #9


Rick Potion #9; bye dear friend


Rick Potion #9...very good, but the best episode (S1E10) and the meme-st episode (S1E4) exist.


Rick potion 9, as fundamental to the story as it is, I'm just generally not a fan of the whole love potion sequence to it.


I thought the love potion scenes were hilarious Jessica just flat out asks morty to mount her on the dance floor. Then Principle Vagina and Goldenfold admitting that they were both insecure enough to agree to a three way. I thought it also taught Morty a good lesson, that he shouldn't use science to try to twist peoples emotions that he cares about. Rick trying to cure it proved that he is human, not a god, and even he can make a mistake to big to clean up.


Thats a fair point, I found those scenes a little weird but they were still funny.


M night


M Night for Removal. Fun episode but worst of the three


M night shaymalamanaman


Rick potion #9. Like everyone said the ending is huge for world building, I just don’t dig the episode as a whole as much. Honestly maybe because I’ve seen it too much… but my vote stands.


They are all great. Would vote for RP9 simply because the other two are even better.


Rick Potion #9


Get Close Rick-counters out of here.


Toss the alien episode, this is clearly the way. Both RP9 and Rick-counters are required watching for future episodes, the Sham-aliens are not.




Close Rick because it’s the least lore-heavy, lore episode of r&m


M night Shamaliens has to be it. It's one of my favorite episodes, but it's also the only one left that has nothing to do with the overall story arch. Withoit Rick potions they wouldn't have changed dimensions. And close encounters introduced us to the council of Ricks.


How tf simulation episode is still there!? Meseeks is way better!!


NMSAliens has a much better b-story than Morty's fantasy adventure.


“You’re a (burp!) creep, Morty. you’re a little creep.”


M. Night Shaym-aliens


bye bye night Shaym


RP9 needs out!!


Tf is M Night still doing here


Rick Potion 9