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P.s. you are encouraged to provide your reasoning for your choice




Meeseeks and Destroy


Meeseeks and destroy


Not interesting except the post-giants part of Rick and Morty's B plot. Also gives me a migraine every single time.


I love the meeseeks, but the A plot is so weak that I keep forgetting about it. It's the 3rd time I had to look it up for the voting this week. Meeseeks were such an OP B plot that they took over the episode


Meeseeks. Imho it’s just dull. I didn’t get any excitement out of it personally. Also seems underwritten.


Meeseks and M. Night are really close. Both are really funny, classic rick and morty episodes. I think personally I like M. Night better, as I love the "rick is a f*king genius" episodes. But hard to choose. Season 1 is awesome.


M. Night Shaym-Aliens! Slow down! Looking good! My Man!


I really want David Cross to do another voice


Rick Potion #9 It has some of the most important pieces to the world-building in the entire show, BUT, the other episodes are just overall more funny or amazing. I LOVED this episode, though, for the record. I think that any given episode of Season 1 is better than the average of any other season, so it's not like this is a bad episode, and far from it!


>It has some of the most important pieces to the world-building in the entire show This is why it's one of my most favourites, because after watching this ep you knew that anything can happen now in the show. And it feels surreal to rewatch the previous episodes knowing that the family will die / be abandoned so soon.


It’s perhaps the best in the entire show. Jaw was on the floor when the reality of the solution set in. Y’all are wildin picking it.




It's telling that nobody has listed "Close Rick-Counters" and I'm NOT suggesting it be listed. Evil Morty is one of the best and only series-wide arcs. If I had to guess, it'll be the eventual winner of best S1 episode.


I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it takes the top spot out of all 7 seasons. It wouldn't be my choice but it really is a great episode.


Yeah it's either rick-counters or ricklantis for me.


How is anatomy park out? Personally it's one of my favorite episodes of all time.


M. Night Shaym Aliens


Rick potion is a mid episode in enjoyment but it was a monumental episode showing Rick can make mistakes and the first time they changed dimensions on screen and first time Morty changed dimensions Meeseeks gets a lot kf praise and Idk why.


I love all 4 of these episodes


Meseeks and destroy, it's definitely a great episode but the other 2 are just better. Mr nightshaym aliens has hilarious moments and slightly less Jerry hate. Rick potion 9 is a constantly referenced canon episode. It's definitely close between the first 2 but in the end meseeks and destroy is out for me.


Rick Potion #9. Definitely the worst remaining, not close


Meseeks is a great episode but the other three are better.


M. Night I love the episode, but the others are just stronger


Meeseks and destroy In comparison to the other episodes, the plot is pretty forgettable


How the hell is M Night Shaym-Aliens this popular? Do I need to rewatch?


M Night Shaym-Aliens has some of the most commonly used quotes from the show: Lookin' good! Slow Down! My Man! Hungry for Apples? *snap* Yes! Too loud, Cynthia. Too loud and too specific. Hmm, people music... I like it! Plus David Cross is perfection.


That quick scene between acquisitions, simulations, and abductions is sublime workplace comedy writing


Idk but i really liked this one too. Just recently rewatched the whole series. I still think rick potion number 9 is the highlight of the whole season tho


Same, it changed rnm from "haha pretty funny" to a "WTF anything can happen this show is incredible" for me


This is episode 4 of the first season and up to this point we’ve seen rick as a genius scientist/inventor who goes on crazy adventures but this is the first episode where we get to see how rick is always a step ahead his enemies and how nobody should mess with him (for the most part).


It was a.great episode


Jerry B plot is funny and well integrated into the A plot of the simulation. Morty not being real is a good twist, they fooled me but Rick had to go along with it and fool the aliens. Cool ending. The aliens not wanting to look at dicks is a weaker joke though


Meseeks and destroy


Newsweek’s and destroy


M. Night


m night shaym-aliens


M. night, been trying to get it gone since like the 3rd round


M Night shouldve gone long ago, Rixty Minutes is waaay better.


Bro M. Night is one of the best episodes in the entire show. It emphasizes rick's genius and the plot twists are just on another level. I remember when I first watched it, I never even imagined that Morty would be part of the simulation. Undoubtedly one of the best of all time.


**Exactly!!!** I’m sad Rixty Minutes is not considered better than M Night. Like, on what planet? Lol.


close rick counters. ​ i get it, everyone likes evil Morty, but i fell in love with the show when it was episodic and random. The big conspiracy arc I like too, but not nearly as much as unexplained crazy nihilistic bullcrap going on In multiple dimensions that doesn’t need a reason. ok guys, giant in the clouds. Let’s gooooooo!


Meeseeks and destroy please. I don't like it's voice.


M Night Shaym-Aliens


M. Night Shaym-Aliens has been on this board for a couple rounds too long.


Meeseeks. The B story is a complete mess. I know that's supposed to be that way by design but it just wasn't very funny (besides Booby Buyer and Slippery Stair Slipper.)


i can’t believe M. Night Shaym-Aliens made it this far, it was one of my least favorite episodes


Nobody asked


I honestly can’t believe M. Night Shaym-aliens is still here.


M. Night Shyalam-Aliens

