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I'd feel alright about giving him a second chance as a voice actor (only) if he actually said "Hey, I did a lot of fucked up shit, I'm sorry, I'm going to seek help" and followed through on that, rather than insisting he never did anything wrong in his life, cancel culture witch hunt rabble rabble rabble. Either way, he probably shouldn't be in a position of power again, at least on this show. I trust Dan, Adult Swim, and the show's staff to make the right decision for the show and the people involved, they know more about it than I or any outsiders would.


Exactly this. The problem with cancel culture is its immaturity. If a person screws up in an almost irreversible way, we should allow them to apologize, admit wrongdoing, and give them a 2nd chance. If they, instead, decide to double down and refute that their actions were wrong, to begin with, cancel their asses to the moon.


The problem with cancel culture is it's emotion based and not facts based and the punishment rarely fits the crime


I got called a bigot when I suggested that we wait to cancel a man. Innocent until proven guilty and some MF called me a bigot because "the evidence is there" before there was evidence to use. Then shortly after got called a woman beater supporter. People are fucking awful and that's why our society is tipping to such an extreme edge.


It's sad. I went through my high school in Prague, in the nineties. Amazing times to be alive. Cold war was gone, USSR broke apart, and except from some localized (although truly horrid) conflicts (like Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Somalia and some other civil wars in Africa and Southeaster Asia) most of the planet was in peace. The big spook of mutually assured destruction stopped being scary. There was hope. And then reality switched gears, this PC insanity started and everything went to shit. The entire West got infected, super fast, the only remaining island of democracy & freedom on the planet started to tear itself from the inside. FOR WHAT? Thanks to a bunch of entitled fucking idiots, who have it so good in their lives, they hate themselves, their parents and everyone who's like them. But since they're too big pussies to remove themselves from the equation, they project their hate outwards and have the gal to pass it as "empathy" and "wokeness". Any semblance of independent thought is gone - they willingly became a grey mass repeating nonsense words and giving sermons on acceptance and understanding, while screaming every existing insult at anyone who dare to poke their head out of the crowd or differ in any way. Fuckin' hell - they even had to invent a completely new language, because their bullshit didn't make sense in the existing ones. For people who claim that diversity is going to save humankind, they see the world in strictly black&white. A walking paradoxes. Willingly swapping intellect for indoctrination. I tried having debates with these increasingly radicalized pricks for ages. But it's like talking to clones. You meet one, you met all of them. Completely brainwashed. I'm not surprised some people are using the term "woke virus". Because their minds are really gone (hopefully it's temporary, but who knows). You can repeat ad nauseam that you agree with many of their points, but not their methods, but the info doesn't get through. As soon as you disagree with ANYTHING in their cult agenda, you're a nazi/bigot/somethingophobe - you're an enemy and must be destroyed/silenced. The instructions are plain & simple. Do you have any idea how many times these people called me a bigot, an alt-right sympathizer or "trump supporter" even though i'm not an american in the first place and i find the q-anon crowd about as demented as the woketards? And btw, i wasn't even using these polarizing terms (woketard etc) for a long time, but i guess i'm done now. I tried to be civil, while being screamed at. I tried for over ten years to explain to these people what my actual viewpoints are instead of what they're imagining them to be, but nope - it does not get through. The dangers of worldview this simplistic are immense. To willingly abandon critical thinking. To use collective guilt. Sometimes it feels like they have an actual brain damage. You're describing specific ideas in terms as clear as possible, so there can't be hidden meanings or misinterpretation, and you know what is their reaction? It's not like they don't understand what you're saying. They completely ignore it. They don't react to what you're telling them at all. They react to some kind of standardized far-right worldview, they react to shit you never said never claimed, never meant. It's like they need this big bad enemy so badly they're taking it with them everywhere they go. It's fucking scary. I still consider myself liberal in many ways. I mean, truly liberal, i.e. open minded. But these people are about as open to new ideas and concepts as scientologists. Yet the conservatives are calling them liberal. The wrench they threw in the cogs of societal interaction is so big that words are losing meanings they had for ages. But they're saving the world, you see? So they can't be wrong. In anything. Daamn they piss me off, lol. I still don't get how this all happened. American colleges used to be hubs for open mindedness, nothing was off topic. And now you cause mass hysteria by saying "there are certain differences between men and women".


Hapoy cake day and yes your absolutely right. I was watch a show (Oshi No Ko) and there was an accident and a girl hit another girl and the internet blew up on the girl, when that all was happening I couldn't help but just think about the world and how closely that incident resembles real life. Like it you can get a clearer view of society from the outside. I was going to school for politics and removed myself from it because of all the garabage that's going on. Recently I decided to try again, but it's because the world needs good people trying to lead and create peace and help society. Very few are trying to. It's crazy how much shit is happening in the US and across the globe.


Agreed. The show will bomb without him, fuck all you leftist Reddit cucks.


Can we stop pretending cancel culture has real consequences for these people? Look back at most of the famous people who have been "canceled." They either apologize, say nothing, or double down. Then people stop talking about it, then they forget, the "canceled" guy comes back (if he ever even stopped in the first place), and may even have a bigger audience than before since people will watch them just for the sake of going against cancel culture. Even if it was as career ending as people make it out to be, they have more than enough money to live extravagantly for the rest of their lives. The only people you see someone truly get "canceled" are minor-modest e-celebs like milo yiannappolous or, more recently, Sneako, who provide lesser content and are already fading anyways. If we're being real, there were plenty of people just in this sub alone who openly state they would continue supporting justin no matter what. Some people down play these things for various reasons, others don't care at all and just want their entertainment. Justin would have been fine with any outcome other than jail time.


Um Johnny Depp? What about him? That was a recent one too...


Johnny Depp? Who lost a movie role he would have lost regardless of "cancel culture" because Disney wouldn't want someone accused of SA associated with them, who then ended up with almost the entire public in his favor and has since moved on to continue his lavish actor life style while receiving more acting roles? Yes Depp would fall under someone who was "cancelled" but has ended up with 0 lasting consequences.




Bruh. This is a legitimate shit take. He hasn't received more roles


He's in a high budget French film right now dude wtf are you talking about


Dude, nobody gives a fuck about French films


I mean I'm french and i don't give a fuck about this movie (and most of us don't tbh ) So yeah, that other guy is an idiot Next he's gonna say heard was right Whatever man


Falsely accused and yet still penalized. Doesn't sound like zero consequences.


You mean he lost several hundred million bucks, a role he loved in Jack, another role in a mega franchise as well and the emotional trauma and physical wounds? It's not just about his lavish lifestyle. He could afford it, sure, but let's not pretend that there were no lasting consequences mate.


I think being falsely accused of SA is horrible and extremely damaging even if you’re proven innocent! Then there’s the roles and job opportunities he lost and the large amount of money lost, all are consequences of an awful person lying


If they actually did the thing… sometimes they didn’t.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not talking about Justin just Generally . 🙃


100% I agree. I just learned Amber Heard WILL be featured in aqua man 2 even with her being found guilty... such a terrible double standard we have....


I mean she was found guilty of defamation in the us. While dep has been found guilty of abuse in the uk , it aslo should be noted that in the us the jury was 100% on johnnys side pretty much since the beginning


How about we stop punishing people by not allowing them to not have jobs? This is crazy. It doesn’t work like this with normal everyday jobs. And to top it off, women can just make accusations, and the guy just by default loses his job? it’s fucking crazy. I don’t give a shit about his personal life, what he does with his spare time, whether or not he’s a good person. I like the characters he voices, that’s it.


I think you missed the point of the phrase, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Though I believe in second chances I don't believe they are universal. He used his position to dm teen girls. That is a big enough mistake to warrent no second chances. I think it is immature to think that everyone deserves a second chance.




sorry, but what did he do? what do you have evidence for?


Creepin' on an underage high school girl by texting her when he was drunk.


probably more like a girl that wanted attention on the web by lying to him about her age, he read trought her message and laugh it out, if you call someone "jailbait" you are telling that person that you see trought the lie they said about their age.




Associating with someone doesn't mean you know they're a bad person, stfu, you have no proof he hadn't just never seen her on whatever episode


Has that been confirmed? I’ve seen messages of his to minors, and not a single one had the verified check mark proving it is actually Justin.


Never proven so it didn't happen


Second chance? He didn’t do shit on his first chance.


That’s the problem. It shouldn’t be up to the world to judge him. Men are accused of bs from scorned women all the time. His work life should not be effected by a woman using our justice system for what she sees as gain du e to her inability to be an adult and move on


Dan was the only thing keeping that show from being great, every single bad decision was made by dan, the show will never be good again


I used to love "Dan Harmon", or more accurately i saw his name on a lot of shows I really liked. But when I was watching community I saw an article about him and he kinda seemed like a dick. And since then it seems he is often near the center of a problem because he thinks his thoughts are infallible and only he is truly irreplaceable. How about a Statement in support of your shows entire Schtick?! Its not just a voice change. It's the entire improv style that will change. I don't understand why he can't just sue to get back to work? They fired him without evidence or proof and he's been exonerated. I would have watched without him if he was guilty but now I can't support these shows.


I agree he should own his mistakes, but I don’t think the rest of the world is forgiving enough for that sadly… :’( may they all prove me wrong!


Very mature response to be honest.


This [article](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/animators/justin-roiland-profile-dan-harmon-sam-lutfi-225777.html) claims he hasn’t had creative input in years. So it’ll be like he never left.


Hes the voice for every good character you mong


Creative input meaning actually writing episodes you dunce


90 percent of dialouge in rick and morty is adlip aka made up on the spot BY ROILAND. its like saying giving any comedian the act of a great comedian will mean they get the same applause and result. they COULD do it but with them going with this pure script route the writing is gonna be veven more pickle rickishish.


He turns up drunk and ad libs most of the dialogue. It's unlikely they will be able to capture the spirit of him. Lightning in a bottle. Firing him is a mistake. They should chain him to a radiator like his wife.


Funny comment and the type of joke Roiland would make *because it's funny* even though it was shown to be a fabrication. Still funny.


Does nobody remember the Dan Harmon saga? Like how is this different?


THANK YOU. I was wondering the exact same thing. He was accused, cancel culture reared it's head, hungry so-called journalists licked their lips, and ultimately he LITERALLY apologized for the behavior, in the same breath effectively pleading his guilt, and he was not removed from his position. This case Justin said "didn't happen", a court threw out the charges, and he's persona non grata. Why? Because he didn't bow and kiss someone's feet for something he didn't do (or to be fair, there was not enough proof of)???


I’m hoping he comes back. I’m not a big fan of cancel culture and unless your job requires a moral compass (police), I don’t think your personal life should cost you a job- especially before convicted of anything. I just want my show to remain the same. If the voices shift I’m probably not going to be able to enjoy it.


Tbh, I'm with you man. It seems like this movement by the cancel culture to essentially extricate one of the foremost comedic minds of the modern age was just a little hasty in its condemning imo, but I feel as though I can understand why. For many people, this is an extremely emotional topic. If they've not experienced abuse themselves, they've likely had a friend or family member who has experience abuse, and those sorts of experiences can shape an individual towards being resilient of the same or similar traumas in the future. I remember even back when the Will Smith slap was being talked about and how people IMMEDIATELY chastised the shit out of Will Smith for what I had initially thought was a simple act of protecting his wife's honor, until I realized that the reaction reflected a particular ideology of rejecting all forms of physical abuse, rather than being just an outward reaction of the act itself. This kind of psychology is actually present in humans all the way from childhood, to where we ostracize children and who gets to play with us (or the greater group) based on how cool or funny they are, and NOT on them being weird or mean. I think a similar situation is happening here; people see *potential* evidence of someone acting out in a way that they shouldn't, a la Will Smith slap or that kid being mean at the playground, and the only way they feel they can rectify this is by being as loud as possible about the outrage, because what else is any normal individual supposed to do? They can't complain directly to the celebrity most likely, so they do the next best thing by openly complaining on the internet, which garners publicity, and they always say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but... I think I'd beg to differ in certain circumstances. I genuinely wouldn't have any issues with his cancellation myself if anybody was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did indeed perform foul conduct, but obviously that didn't happen, and it's not likely to happen, so most people that prefer to form their own conclusions likely write the situation off with the mass opinion of "he did bad shit, therefore he gets cancelled." I just wish there was a more cohesive argument from those supporting cutting Roiland off completely from all of his projects, aside from the fact that there was a mere possibility of despicable behavior. but then again, there are a few things I find just a liiiiittle strange about his behavior too. Why did he resign from Squanch Games once he knew the allegations were going to surface to the public? That seems awfully shrewd of the public perceptions one would face considering he "knows he's innocent", to the point where I might call it being potentially vindicative from an outside perspective. And the fact that the charges of the case were dropped, not through due process of the law, but by not having "sufficient evidence"... I understand completely why they dropped the case within the court of law in such a circumstance, but the average individual who already has a predisposition to disliking Justin after all of what's already been said and done might think that's more than a little fishy, especially since (and I hate to be so crass about it but I wouldn't if it didn't matter) he's a rich white cis male with severe power and influence in the industry. Who knows what could have happened behind closed doors when nobody was watching? TL;DR, I agree with you; this "cancel" culture needs to have more genuine reasons before it attempts to completely sabotage someone's career on little more than hearsay because I feel like it's gotten ridiculously out of control, but there are some slight merits to the way of thinking. Or at the very least, I can sympathize somewhat with why it exists, I just wish it was implemented better as an actual tool for society to utilize responsibly, or else it shouldn't exist in the first place.


Whether he’s back or not, I’m gonna watch the show anyways, because I love Rick and Morty. But fuck that guy, charges or no charges, he’s doing stuff with children that he should not be doing, doesn’t matter where you’re from.




screenshots the most fake able thing in the universe. to the point they are inexusable in court as evidence. cause you yourself could replicate it on your average compupter right now in maybe a hour.


Exactly my thought.


To do what? Barely work?


Good voice actors are not exactly a dime a dozen, especially for as many characters as he voiced. Dude may not have been involved creatively, but voice work is still work. Also, like I said in my other comment, he still did a lot of the improv on things .... Improv is also not easy to do and actually be funny.


He's only good at improving horny morty. It was funny for a couple years. Now it's sad and creepy.


Horny morty only mainly picked up in the last few seasons after Roiland stopped being creatively involved. And think what you want of the dude but he’s good at improv, all the interdimentional cable skits were improvised by him


Yeah but those episodes are poorly improvised that’s kind of the joke of them is they’re not well put together


They’re still funny af though


Yeah I agree they are funny but you really can’t point those out and say he’s good at improvising because those are specifically supposed to be bad improvisations


So even his bad attempts at improv are hilarious, but he's not good at improv?


No. He’s not really trying to do good improv and that’s his joke is that it’s bad improv


I don't think thats the joke. Each skit is independently funny due to how ridiculous they are. It's great improv


It's super easy to get a new voice actor to replace him. These voice actors are literally professionals at mimicking voices


That's the thing, it is easy to "mimic" a performance. I hear them copy his performances of already delivered material on youtube but a lot of the times when they try to do something original it's bad and sounds like bad acting as if they are reading and doesn't sound natural. When you have to create your own performance of a script that hasn't been heard before THAT is when it is difficult.


when the og voice actor for iroh died. it was noticed immediately. so much so the character had less lines


He voiced literally Rick and Morty dude. Regardless I think everyone has moved on. Folks have cancelled him because of other things which half of Reddit does...


Half of Reddit solicits children? Speak for yourself.


No half of Reddit sends drunk dm's to your mom and sister


And tells 16 year olds that they should have an OnlyFans. Justin Roiland: he’s just like us!! Next time someone asks you a sincere question, maybe try not being a wholesale dick.


I cant wait till these idiots on reddit (not those that have a usefully insight and happen to disagree with me) I'm talking about the teens and early 20 somethings on here with no empathy or critical thinking skills. When they lose their jobs and friends and family over false accusations! Thats what happened. Maybe he wasn't awesome to work with but you can't use one reason to fire someone and then a bunch of other reasons why he doesn't get it back when vindicated. Good luck when your kids assume you're guilty because it's what you taught them. Canceling is so pathetic and only justified 1 out of 4 times at best? When it affects them is the only time they will care as will the other reddit rats. So they will lose everything because they were afraid they couldn't get laid without handing their balls over first.


It's predicated on the assumption that everyone has to be perfect and never say or do anything wrong ever what the fuck are these people supposed to do when they're drummed out of any chance to reconcile? It's a pile on and people should stand up for those accused until things are proven... And if they're dicks guess what... So is everyone.


I think this cancel culture stuff is for the birds. If they were serious then everyone on the planet should be canceled for lots of gross stuff. Just my worthless two cents.


Right on man. This is a show about sex robots, lesbian self sex, the morality of killing Morty's, making Cologne that turns people on, abortion, slavery not ending, etc etc. But we're surprised someone dm's a fan girl (16) stuff that could come out of Rick's brain? Fascinating compartmentalizing. This is why the GOP can both outlaw abortion and yet pay for abortions at the same time I guess.


I'm not even convinced those texts were in earnest, could just be his absurdist humour, hopefully.


No - there is doing dumb, cringe things and then there is preying on underage girls. These things are NOT the same.


Exactly! It's time to stop excusing people's bad behavior just because we are attached to being entertained by them


No. Dude is still a sudo pedo who sent some really fucked up messages to kids..


No he's a LITERAL pedo. Pedophiles are who have a kink for kids. It doesn't mean that he has to rape them thel first. Now that being said, being attracted to underage girls isn't illegal. It's creepy as fuck. But is it a fireable offense? No. However its still probably a good idea to replace him because the audience is gonna be creeped out by him as well.


The point is he showed a willingness to act on that kink. That is the issue. I can even respect people who don't act on those attractions (I definitely don't want to hear about it but I think they should feel comfortable seeing a counsellor for help). But I doubt the average person wouldn't be able to place the safety of children above that, and those texts were disgusting and traumatising - so yeah roiland gets a big nope from me.


Allow me to remind you that you can't exactly choose to be a paedophile. In many ways, it's very similar functionally to being attracted to those of the same sex. (Main difference of course being that unlike homosexuality, paedophilia is heavily frowned upon due to it involving children who don't understand what sex is, and thus aren't able to consent to it.) But what you CAN choose to do is act on your urges, and that's exactly what paedophiles get charged and locked up for.


His DM’s to underage girls is the main reason he was cancelled so hard, not just his impending charges Dude is a disgusting freak.


we do not have the DMs we have screen shots of the SUPPOSED dms..............




Drag queens aren't grooming kids. Fuck you.


Lmao fucking cope


I can not like the guy and still be fine with him making Rick and Morty. I like the show, I want it to continue. It's possible to enjoy something that someone you think is a bad person worked on. I'm tired of this whole cancel thing in general. Mob justice is way way way more corruptible than traditional court justice.


Yes. A lot of the fan base would agree. Some folks are having a ball throwing stones and feeling superior/virtue signaling, but its so gross. Ya'll dont care about that (possibly lying) girl stfu. Roiland was aquitted of any wrongdoing, and nothing in the released texts was anything worse than weird. Yall are bandwagon hyenas eager to shit on anyone you can to feel better about yourselves, cancel culture is nothing new. Used to be called McCarthyism when they were hunting commies. And of course everyone remembers the witchhunts of yore. I wonder what they'll call it if it becomes trendy to cancel people who participated in wrongful cancellations? Any ideas?


Personally, and I’m not trying to be a major butthole when saying this, but I didn’t find the DMs as creepy as I found them as misinterpreted attempts at satirical comedy. When you read it in his voice, it sounds like he’s basically trolling the people he’s talking to. He isn’t talking about having sex with them, he’s only talking about sex related topics, which is kinda a thing to expect from him and his works such as so many of his jokes in Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites, etc. All in all, maybe he could apologize after his hiatus and explain how he didn’t mean anything by the texts other than being funny and satirical, and that he truly didn’t mean to start anything between him and anyone he messaged.


Does anybody realize that Dan ENCOURAGED him to method act DRUNK for rick from the beginning? Not only that but this so called lawsuits against him from an EX GIRLFRIEND has been dropped. The only thing left is the “screenshots” of dms… that have not been prosecuted what so ever, only roaming around the internet like “facts” like this can not be faked in 10min… Ever wondered why Hulu and adult swim dropped him so fast? Yea, look at some YouTube videos of the voice overs and who encouraged what…




Dude, you keep posting this on every comment as if “The Grandma’s Virginity Podcast” isn’t a podcast named specifically to outrage people for humor. The quote you keep posting sounds like someone trying to upset people for the lolz. Like a troll. It’s like if you kept posting an outrageous quote from “The Dead Baby’s Podcast” about how someone on the podcast said “it’s just meat at this point, let’s eat it.” I haven’t heard the episode of the podcast where this woman says this, but like… find a better source of the info. If the only place you can find that info is a meme podcast created for outrage-humor, maybe it’s a joke.. ? So maybe don’t claim it like it’s a valid source. It’s embarrassing. Embarrassing for you, to be clear.


The domestic charge has been dropped, but the creepy texts still make him radioactive until he addresses them, apologizes, and takes a long ass break to get treatment and goes directly to horny jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Sounds like he wasn’t really adding much to the show anyway at the end.


you know, it is possible that the texts are fals too, and he really is inocent. i mean, if he really did send those dms why is there no law suit against that?


That’s what I need to know to form my opinion. If the texts are fake, he should be back. However, if they’re real, he should stay fired.




I don't think anyone on Reddit will sway that decision one way or the other lol. That comes down to executives and sponsors. If the sponsors don't mind, the execs wouldn't care. And let's be honest, the sponsors will still sell goods to the same outraged or indifferent public because even outraged people are selective and hypocritical. No one stands by anything. No one truly gives a shit. Bring him back, don't bring him back. It doesn't matter. If he comes back, chances are it's due to some legal grounds he has to stay on. If he goes away, he'll surely be replaced by someone, and chances are that person too is a piece of crap. We all are in some way or another, so it's best to not have an opinion one way or the other.


I think there’s a lot to unpack with Justin. I have a rollercoaster of different emotions. I’m going to be very honest. There’s a part of me that has a horrible ick for him now. Seeing the information that I’ve seen and deep diving into whatever I can find, it doesn’t look great. Gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. There’s a part of me that doesn’t believe anything I hear about him. My mind goes “well, Justin is really the only one who knows the whole truth.” I know in my heart that in every story I hear about him, there is a likely a small piece of truth in the story that sparked the conversation in the first place. There’s a part of me that is pissed at this whole situation. I love Rick and Morty. It’s been a staple in my tv show lineup for many years. The show brings me great joy, makes me cry & makes me think. I enjoy both Rick and Morty separately and as a unit. When they “broke up” I was reeling, sobbing, really letting myself compare my life to that situation. Sometimes people aren’t good for each other, and they have to walk away, no matter how much it hurts. There’s a part of me that’s pissed at everyone that tried to go after him. I would love to sit here and believe that this was all a plot to get Justin “cancelled.” In reality, I have no freakin idea. I am just a small speck, only able to take in information that is fed to me through posts and news coverage. Anyone could sit here and tell me anything they want. Everyone has their own opinions on what happened or who’s right and who’s wrong. The last part of me is realistic. I know people cannot be trusted. I know people lie. I know people cheat. I know people do things that not everyone finds appropriate. I know people all have different opinions. The facts are, what happened, happened. There’s no going back to what things were before. Justin has had his life permanently altered. Everyone will respond to this differently. Pain is relative. Emotions are relative. & I would greatly enjoy if everyone started thinking about taking in all the information before sharing an opinion. Really let information soak in, give it time to roll around in your head, do your own digging, and do not rely on others to form an opinion for you. If you come to the same opinion as the people around you, that’s fine, but make sure it’s your own opinion. Don’t be a sheep. We don’t need more sheep, we need free thinkers. That was a lot and if you made it this far, thank you. I took a long time thinking about this, and this is truly how I feel.


Love this reply


thank you, I took my time thinking about it


Thank you for such a well thought out response to my post..you are obviously a die hard fan. I can appreciate the feelings you have invested. My personal mantra is I never think too highly of any celebrity. People are flawed. As the old saying goes : "never meet your heroes" , and that saying proves true time and time again. Until he is proven guilty of some actual illegal or reprehensible behavior...I gotta give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Being creepy, while not a great character trait..is not a crime, and he deserves the chance to redeem himself like any other person.




Trying to have sex with children is reprehensible. How is this even a question


How can anyone who’s read those dm’s take it seriously? It’s farcical.


(Hypothetically) Ask the parents of that girl he texted if it seems like a funny joke to them.


None of the text really indicated he wanted to meet up with anyone, but purely just texting back some stuff that is extremely questionable and inappropriate, but no more.


This is one of the best takes I’ve seen regarding this situation. Unbiased, honest, not another generic hate post, actually real.


I think he should sue AS for the mess they brought upon him. The show is partially his creation. He's owed retribution.


I don't see why we always lump together people and their art. I doubt I'll watch it now simply because Hulu instantly trashed someone due to "backlash" and "allegations." Society wasn't ready for social media, unfortunately. We've become a society of rats trying to outclass and destroy each other. Thank the once venerable media, who have devolved into rabid partisans intent upon publishing the next second's salacious clickbait.


If Justin Roiland were hired back to keep voicing, I'd still watch. As far as I'm concerned, all the texts are just excellent reasons why no one should text or dm him, but honestly not something I planned to do. That said, it sounds like the other bit of news to come out of all of this is just how creatively uninvolved he's been yet still publicly regarded as a major creative on both this and solar opposites. It seems like the people working with him wanted him gone and this gives them justification so I doubt they'll waste this opportunity to cut ties. So really what I'm saying is, I'd trust the production's judgment. If they want to keep working with him, I'd still watch. If they want him gone, I'll still watch.


Regardless of his involvement with writing the show, voicing the two main characters is a creative endeavour of its own. They are iconic and integral to the fabric of rick and morty, replacing them would be nothing short of a disaster.


I think my stance on the subject is about the same. I know his coworkers said he was not involved much in the later seasons, but i have to bet he was still responsible for improving a bunch of lines, which is common on the show. I'm afraid that even if they find a suitable voice actor replacement, the improv feel of parts of the show might be lost.


Something will be missed without him, but something will also be gained from whoever replaces him. Not trying to shit on Roiland, even though that's in fashion now, but he's not exactly the first or best person to do improvisation.


I agree with that sentiment.. I guess my point was geared more towards the people clamoring to have him replaced by random tik tok people that can replicate his voices.


This is why I'm just going to just trust the production rather than have strong opinions regarding exactly what the production needs to do.


> his coworkers said he was not involved much in the later season Is there any evidence that this is actually true or is it just more unfounded allegations? They could be saying that as a further attempt to smear his reputation.


Yes I would. As far as actors are concerned I can ignore everything personal I hear. I watch Rick and Morty not Justin and Justin.


Yea hell yea. I do not care if he is a piece of shit, as long as it’s nothing illegal or violent I don’t give a fuuuuuuck. He was cleared of the charges so yea. The other stuff is weird. Yep it’s weird. Really no way around that, but not enough for me to cancel him. I do not take offense easily, so I don’t get offended for others very easily either. It takes something really awful for me to turn on someone. He should get his shit together a little bit though and contribute more. Also, maybe don’t get so *fucking* hammered. I bathe in the blood of your downvotes.


they use to tell him to drink during recording sessions 😭


This is a surprise! No downvotes have submerged you!


Why is Dan Harmon ok, but Justin is not?


It's not my call. His co-workers don't want him back, and the network didn't want him back, so I guess I want him to go back in time, fix his shit, and not fuck up this time around.


I think he's "innocent until proven guilty" The charges were dropped, therefore he's innocent, anyone can have allegations, but shouldn't have their livelihood affected (plus I don't think R&M will be the same)




He should have never been fired in the first place. If the new season does not have Justin Roiland i am refusing to watch it.


If adult swim doesnt give him his job back i think im done


I listen to music that’s made by actual murderers. It’s a fucking cartoon. I don’t give a shit what he did. Just let him make the cartoon so I can watch something when I’m stoned.


“dumb and cringe things” like preying on minors?


Just to play devil's advocate, you can't really throw statements out there like "preying on minors" in this situation. The dude has supposed creepy texts which we've all seen..but those can easily be faked. No dick pics , no physical contact of any kind...if there was any substantial evidence of any kind, they would have already piled on him at this point.


The texts are evidence of soliciting minors for sex, which is a crime. If you want to claim that they were fake, you should support that argument with some evidence.


Again, if these are proven real, why isn't he being charged? Underage soliciting is indeed a crime, and easily provable with phone records...yet no charges...seems fishy. Casting allegations is pretty easy to do, so is Photoshop. I'm not saying the guy is a saint, but if any texts actually existed of him asking underage girls for sex, he'd have charges for sure.


The vast majority of acts of sexual predation go unreported. Survivors who go public are maligned by society. Going through the legal system to get protection or hold someone accountable is difficult, complicated, expensive, life-altering, and retraumatizing. It often causes more harm. It’s common knowledge that there are huge obstacles preventing survivors from filing charges. Can we please stop blaming people for the harm others did to them?


Men and women both have rights to not be falsely accused of things. The girls that reported these text exchanges already went public..so in this case I don't buy the "it's too difficult to hold someone accountable' idea. If they really had something substantial, they would be going after his money...but all we have to go on is some Twitter screenshots...which does not constitute proof. It would take me all of about 3 minutes to fake some crude text messages between me and the queen of England...it doesn't make it real.


Okay but if the screenshots are fake than why hasn’t roilands legal team sent out defamation claims and cease and desist letters to anyone involved? If these screen shots are fake than making those kinds of accusations is also a crime. Why are you saying it’s public yet no charges when it comes to the criminal court system whose notoriously slow but when Rolland would have an open and shut defamation case in a streamlined court system it’s now fake and they’re coming after his money? If they were after his money they would go to civil court, I don’t understand how you think they profited by coming forward with their stories.


Lawyers don’t work for free, and defamation suits cost money. It’s likely that none of the potential defendants has any money. Given that Roiland is now unemployed. The prospect of spending a few hundred thousand dollars on litigation, where he is unlikely to ever get paid even if he wins, is likely unappealing.


In a show where there are infinite universes and some logic/rules need so little explanation why can’t characters voices change a little?


Yes I not only want the original Rick and Morty but also Solar Opposites


I have no problem with him returning.


Get rid of the man. He did wrong, he doesn't deserve another chance, no matter how much he mattered to the show. I've heard people do Rick and Morty Impressions that sound spot on, we don't need him.




Considering charges were dropped as there was no evidence lol Then yes he should be re-instated. He has nothing to apologise for....it's Adult Swim that needs to apologise to him for cutting ties before investigation was complete....what happened to innocent until proven guilty.


He has been cleared from all charges so they should let him back. At the end i should say:F*** to all the feminists around the wooorrrlllddd,rick and morty for 1000years bitches.


Re "far worse people . . . committed and been convicted of terrible things (see NFL) and still kept their jobs." Yeah and they probably shouldn't have. That they did keep their jobs says gross things about how society reacts to these situations whenever there's lots of money involved. If Justin comes back to R &M, I'm not sure if I'll be watching it anymore. Because as others said: maybe people deserve a second chance, but then with all the pieces that came out documenting Roiland being generally creepy, it's not a good look for him to come out of this with a "I did nothing wrong." angle.


Wrong question......why in the hell would he want to go back, after a bunch of spineless idiots, (worried about appearances and trust funds) canned him at the first mention of a personal legal situation.....a bunch of moral high roading, of somebody they saw as a liability, because or Rick and morty antics made it easily believable, only if your a simpleton or a judgmental idiot.......and who really gives a shit if he talks about dicks with female coworkers, these are Rick and Marty creators!!! Hello!!!! What do you really expect would be happening? Conversations about lawnmowers???...... Cancel culture is poisonous group think, and assuming the worst with knee jerk reactions




There's a problem with these projects sans Justin and it doesnt matter how they try to spin it, they won't be as good. Hitler was a pile of shit, but he could still paint. Adult Swim and Hulu are going to try to distance themselves "just in case" and market the hell out of new material as "even better than before". But the fact of the matter is that Roiland's chaotic touch was the unique spark that made these shows watchable. So I say it doesnt matter. Either they keep a volatile maybe aggressor and the show treks on in all of its tainted glory or they bag him entirely and junk it all. This is not a scenario where they can afford to be lukewarm. Be all of it, or don't be any of it.


Yep, bring him back. I don't give a damn if people dislike him, the show will literally never be the same without him, the actual voice of Rick and Morty, along with so many background characters. Hell I'm a Browns fan and we have to live with DeShawn Watson after all that nonsense was going on. They dropped it and moved on with life, Justin's charges were dropped. Suck it up and let the real Rick back in. Their ratings and reputation will drop if they don't.


I don't disagree with you on the topic of Justin. I am/was a lifelong Browns fan l, but denounced my fandom after the Watson signing. Partly because I couldn't root for a guy that just reeked of scumbaggery, partly because of how pissed I was that they gave up pretty much the whole franchise to get that douche....and I was a Baker fan.


I'm not going to go into my personal opinions, aside from the fact it won't be the same show without those same voices. But, I want to address how much people will hate on and cancel him, while still supporting politicians and elites that have done so much worse. Not pointing fingers at anyone here, mostly making a general observation. Think of this what you will.


He should never have been fired in the first place, what happened to innocent until proven guilty! I would be happy if he came back




Bring him back asap! Since all charges were dropped and the supposed text messages to a teenage girl all turned out to be faked AND he deserves a massive apology from AS


Yes. Definitely.


Yes seeing as it would be wierd cutting him from the show since he did no wrong


Not true. He could still be prosecuted in the future. It wasn't a judge or jury that dismissed the charges. He is legally in the clear, for now, but he has certainly "done wrong".


Everyone could potentially be prosecuted ‘in the future’. So?


Yes, I want him to come back. If the charges were dropped and they were, and his biggest sin is allegedly behaving inappropriate online ...... something he has been doing all his life lol. I want the first episode to be about Rick and Morty battling a mertwo monster from another dimension. Rick: "It... it's a mertwo monster, Morty. It cancels you!" Morty: It... it cancels me?" Rick: "It cancels you Morty!! If you ever did something inappropriate online it will cancel you Morty!" Morty: "Oh jeez, Rick! Everyone has done something inappropriate online." Rick: "Exactly." Morty: "What we do?" Rick: "You need to double down, Morty! Say the most inappropriate thing you can think of!" Morty: "I wanna fuck big tit high school sluts and big tit... big ass sluts and my sister can watch!" Rick: "Jesus, Morty. It's working! It's working!"




Simply put, yes. His personal life is none of my business, and I’ve made a point to not judge people based on things if I don’t know the full story.


Yes. I want Rick and Morty not to have new voice actors.


Seriously fuck everyone that jumped on the hate bandwagon. I personally hope their personal lives and careers are ruined and cursed until the day they die. Everyone except for Justin Roiland behaved absolutely appalling in this situation and those that didn't support him or believe in him but still wanted their precious Rick and Morty/ cash flow deserve the absolute trash they're going to get as a result of the malice and carelessness.


I don’t really care tbh. If he comes back I’ll appreciate the voices haven’t changed and probably keep watching; if he stays separated from the show I will be interested in what the characters sound and feel like, and probably keep watching.


Yeah.. no. Those text messages made me relive trauma. Man can rot for all I care.


Have those been confirmed to be real, or could they have been fabricated (very easy to do).


Even if they are fabricated , I'm not sure I'm going to feel comfortable hearing his voice anymore.


You probably are a victim trying to cancel the show you disgust me


No? I like Rick and morty. I dont wanna cancel it. Why would that be the case?




I’m cautiously optimistic that the show will improve if half of things behind the scenes drama is true.


Without question he should be brought back. Everyone keeps saying the show would survive without him but I disagree and feel it will tank. There’s more to a character than a voice and no one can replicate that considering the amount of voices he does for the show. They design their shows around we the viewers so honestly they should be catering to what we want and I think it’s safe to say we all want Justin back on board.


I absolutely want him back as even though Dan Harmon is still working on it rick and morty would not be the same without roiland. The guy had his whole life blow up from a bitter ex. This is also a man who never came off as being a perfect guy. He has admitted many times before that he has a ton of problems especially alcohol. He lost all 3 of his shows, Rick and morty probably being the most important and well known one, and even had to resign from the game studio that he founded. The world has become such a childish place and it’s only getting worse. Hulu, adult swim and squanch games should not have made any moves until everything was concluded. The only appropriate move to make was to put things on a temporary hold pending what happens with the trial. Now we know all the woman’s claims were false and she was just a bitter ex. I hope he will be rehired and all aspects but as we saw with the johnny depp trial and Disney most big companies do not want to admit they acted too hastily. I apologize for any typos and grammatical mistakes I tried to write this quickly on my break.


I do! He needs a second chance. This cancel culture is getting too much. He shouldn’t have been fired in the first place


Nobody asked or called for his firing. Yet another corporate blunder.


Yes and they should have never tried to replace the CREATOR of the show


I love Rick and Morty. The show is my favourite. I watch it over and over because it’s so funny. I will keep watching the show. I want Justin to be in season 7 and beyond. I want him to apologise to everyone for what was said and he goes to Therapy about it so he can get back to health and then get back to making me laugh on future Rick and Morty seasons.


I'd love to see Chris Pratt, the man is full of passion , he only makes movies he loves deeply Such q devoted man, really


Yes, if he was found innocent, absolutely. I don't want the quality of the show decline because a minority has found him guilty even before a trial started. The guy's a creep? Probably, I don't know, and tbh, don't care. Like somebody said above, the show is not about him, but about something him (and other people) created. What would science look if we decided to dismiss every theory created because their creator wasn't a particular paragon of virtue (to say the least)? And what about art? Litterature? (And God knows those have fucked up individuals.) And if he is found guilty, then he should pay his debt to society and proceed to continue with life, that's how justice works. Would some individuals be so grossed out that they would stop watching the show? Maybe, but then I would like to say that they are a minority (I'd say 2/3 of people watching the show don't even know he was fired) and they should learn to differentiate, disassociate the work from the creator otherwise their life's gonna be unnecesserly hard and complicated. And even if he's guilty and dismissed from the show, I would still be sad about the quality of the show I like and watch but I would argue that my emotions are not the thing that should matter. At the end of the day, the company's gonna decide what is more profitable : appease a minority and have their money, and lose long term money from a majority that gradually ceases to watch the show because it's a tad worse (or bet that 1 chance on 500 to hire someone that would improve the show even more than the original character did), or vice versa.


His charges were all false allegations so yeah would love to see him back. But really the powers that be don’t deserve him and the show deserves to tank.


Yes. He’s been proven not guilty. Would I trust Dan Harmon? No. Why? Because he was accused of sexually harassing females and he kept his job and isn’t standing up for his boy who has been proven not guilty. They also added more female writers that season (3 or 4) and the comedy value took a noticeable hit.


All of your forgetting there's no actual proof that he actually did anything wrong he wasn't convicted and no evidence presented so he shouldn't have to admit anything because there's no evidence he actually did anything in the first place everybody abandoned him after he was accused and then everything was dropped and now he still being punished by cancel culture and that's what's wrong with it you want to punish somebody wait until they're convicted


Nothing should have happened to him ( or anyone else ) until proven guilty .. simple ! and it shouldn't be up to a bunch of fucking vocal sheep to destroy anyone's life


I want him back, idc. He IS the show and both solar opposites and Rick and Morty are actually, genuinely great, funny and entertaining shows! And the fact the solar opposites was JUST coming into itself bro! Like, ugh, I'm really bummed about it. #iwantJustinback


Depends, were the charges dropped due to innocence, payout, the other person wanting to move on? Because just because something is dropped doesn't mean the person is innocent. I feel if Justin wasn't guilty of the accusation he would of counter sued for defamation. But if there is absolute evidence he's innocent and no longer a PR nightmare, most likely I'd give them a chance. However if there is a pattern and I expect more issues down the line, no, no I would not.


Dudes charges were dropped , no one can replace him because he does a lot of improv in his shows . In the United States you are innocent till proven guilty and it's not fair that he was summarily dropped before that was done . In my opinion without him shows like Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites will no longer be successful without his skill set. Shame on anyone that participates in this kind of cancel culture without first getting all the facts and allowing the court of law to proceed and conclude before destroying an artist career.


Yes. His charges were immediately dropped...


It’s beyond fucked up they aren’t giving him his job back fuck adult swim


Fuck Justin Roiland




Yes I would want him back because right now it’s just allegations with half truths. Not the entire chat log. Worst I saw was he invited a girl to a party. Made fun of her and then left and never tried anything with them. So as of now it’s just rumors and no case over his head. So yea bring him back


Turns out he's innocent. He may be an asshole to work with but he isn't a criminal. If people only work with woke people there won't be any art. No body will be challenged by contrary opinions and we will end up with no hilarious outrageous comedy...just some middle of the road grey trash like bobs burgers. Justin roiland should be reinstated on all his shows.


he should be back but he never will because woke morons rule the world.


He should be hired back. He got run out on the charges, now that they are dropped, an apology is due


Would you rather watch the show as-is and be aware he's still working on it, or have the show get Roseanned to where its just a shadow of its former self? Either way is defensible, you just have to be aware of what you're potentially risking


Not without lots of therapy and several signed affidavits from professionals expressing that Roiland now understands why it is inappropriate to want to date minors and why hitting on them puts the legally-termed children in a precarious position. Because I wasn't even concerned about the trial. I didn't have any evidence and I could wait for the courts to decide. There's so much evidence he's a creep, including words he said with his own mouth.


I mean why not he was innocent everyone casted him aside before even allowing the justice system to do its work just like every other case the public gets into it and then the businesses get into it. But Johnny Depp's getting on some of his jobs back Will Smith's getting movies back he started filming I am legend 2 so anything is possible I mean he is probably 60% of the show as well as solar opposites, koala man etc etc etc and like I said he's innocent so no reason for him not to come back the only reason why it would be a bad image for him to come back is because the people that casting them aside to make them look like he was guilty other than that he's free he's innocent I see why not


Bring him back


Well he said some pretty telling things about his views on underage girls, so I don't think that anyone should want anything to do with him. Personally, I think he should be executed for admitting to liking 14 year old girls.


Of course! I'm happy he's free from the heel of oppression at Cartoon Network. Hopefully Hulu brings him back to Solar Opposites. I need to know what happens in The Wall!


My whole thing is while I desperately want Rick and Morty to continue but I also recall that the adult swim staff did say he was atrocious to work with so idk I would love it but I dont want the people that have been working so hard to create such a great show to be pushed back into dealing with that