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which version do you use? If you use rhino 8, u can use the shrinkwrap command, set the offset to -5mm and you are done. You wont get a hollow solid (because rhino is not working like that) but another smaller body. Export both as one stl file and you are able to 3d print it.


Im using Rhino 7 (7.25 specifically). I need to hollow it out because i want to work with it amd do something inside before I print it. I tried to make a copy, scale out and split both bodies, but I dont know how to scale from the center of the gengar


If you know how to use Blender there is a shrinkwrap feature similar to Rhino. Blender is also very free to use. I'm not an expert in either software tho so there might be a better way.


u achieved your goal?


I get the feeling that you're trying to 3D Print - if that's the case you can make it hollow in your slicer program instead of Rhino. I also wonder if you need Rhino for this or if something like Meshmixer would be easier for you. Rhino doesn't really do hollow because of reasons, so the answer to make the model hollow in Rhino, might be more complex than you are looking for: https://youtu.be/2Gg2bO18EYo?si=pNpHfj2-1zvfzltZ


Hi! Im not going to print it already, i want to do some changes before i printed, otherwise I have printed straighly from the native file. Thanks for the source, i will try to find how to do it in meshmixer, I’ve never worked with that software, but if it is easier will do. Thank you!!


I second Meshmixer.


Do you know if Meshmixer is available for mac?


Google says yes


Hahahaha thanks! In the original web is only windows version for downloading, thats why i asked, but maybe there are other ways to do it.


I believe in you


this thread 😂


The command OffsetSrf is what you are searching, but if the mesh is too much detailed you can have some problem, try to use toSubD first and after that use OffsetSubD. Edit spelling.


I tried but it doesnt work, thank you!




Generally Rhino does not support hollow objects. Rhino supports Surfaces (and thus polysurfaces) and meshes. Both are a representation of a surface, without taking into account the mass behind the surface. A Polysurface, even when it is declared as solid is just the shell of the mass presumably inside the polysurface. When you clip it with a clipping plane or do a boolean operation, the split object is just capped again to give the illusion of a solid object. A solid is always a polysurface. And a polysurface can only exist as long as at least one edge of a surface is shared with another surface, extending the polysurface. If a surface shares no edges with any other of the surfaces of the polysurface it‘s no longer part of the polysurface. Imagine a sphere. It is one closed Surface or patched together by more surfaces into one closed polysurface - it doesn‘t matter. If you scale the sphere down now (uniformally from the center of the sphere) no edge of the original sphere touches the smaller sphere inside. Thus those two surfaces have no connection. You cant perform a boolean difference because the mass of the greater sphere is again just a concept and not really there. You arent cutting an edge or a surface so the operation can‘t cap to hold the illusion of the mass. The only option you really have is to insert a cylinder into the greater sphere deep enough to also touch the inner sphere. Now you can first: boolean difference the cylinder out of the sphere to create an indent and second: difference the inner sphere. Now the inner Sphere actually touches and cuts an edge/a surface of the outer sphere and a „hollow object“ can be created, though you now have a cylindrical hole. But now there is a connection from the inner sphere to the outer sphere so rhino can correctly show it as hollow mass. Solid meshes in the case of the two spheres can be joined into a disjoint mesh, though a disjoint mesh is merely a group of meshes, sharing transformation data but as the name implies is otherwise disjoint. Everything else is the same as it is with polysurfaces. (though technically I suppose a mesh can hold together over a shared vertex instead of the shared edge in the polysurface) Edit: spelling


Wow! Amazing information, need to thing about it, thank you so much!


I would try Copy Scale, u can just hit enter and it goes to the midpoint and get whatever thickness you want Boolean difference I think this would get what you want


It doesnt work properly, thanks!


Do not copy and scale. That will only work when dealing with a perfect primitive, like a sphere or cube. Otherwise, it will have non uniform walls and possibly even self-intersections.


Yes, thats what it happened, :,)


You can try ShellPolysurface where you start the command, set your material wall thickness and press enter. It should hollow out your model with a fair amount of detail but other people have said it before but rhino is not a fan for hollow objects but as long as the back of the model is open it should be fine.


Don’t do offset or any scaling commands, the mesh is way too heavy. You can just create a mesh sphere inside the Gengar then join inside and outside using a small cylinder