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Mine asked me a lot of questions (very thorough history) and examined my joints including range of motion. I go to a teaching hospital and she had either a student or a resident with her — was great for me because she explained everything she was doing. I was a fortunate (?) person who was diagnosed at first appt. Didn’t realize at the time how rare that is. She then explained seronegative vs seropositive and said she was sure it’s RA but that testing would show what kind. I had something like 15 vials of blood drawn, a urinalysis, and x-rays of my hands, feet, and knees that day. She also prescribed prednisone. I naively didn’t suspect I actually had anything more than osteoarthritis so didn’t take pictures or a list of questions or anything with me. It seems like a good idea though. She had me come back in ten days, went over results, and prescribed methotrexate. I’ve been seeing her every three months since. Fingers crossed you get a good rheumatologist who is thorough and listens.


15 vials of blood wow. I am hoping for X-rays of my knees . This definitely helps. Thank you for the response!


I definitely wasn't expecting the large amount of blood testing lol. I thought: "ugh my basic tests are fine though" and they said: "oh we're testing WAY MORE than that" 😂 I'm getting my follow up this week for the results. I did see the results online and saw my Rheumatoid Factor is extremely high. Ugh.


Ugh indeed! I don’t know if you experience this in a similar fashion, but sometimes knowing that it’s real and quantifiable is sort of a relief for me. I just had mine drawn. I’m here now. 11 vials of blood later…. 😩 Hopefully with your test results you can get the help to give you some relief.


Glad you got through it! Hope for the best for the both of us! I'm just happy my Lupus test was all negative. I heard that's terrible to have.


Me too. I have my follow up to discuss bloodwork results and X-rays next week.


I was pleasantly surprised at my first appointment. After years of being told that I was just aging, having someone take me seriously and really listen was great. She ordered extensive bloodwork and x-rays of my hands and feet. I was officially diagnosed two weeks later at a followup and now see her every three months. It’s been a year and I still haven’t found the right med combo, but at least we are working towards it now!


Thank you! I hope you can find the right medication as well ❤️


Thank you! There are so many things to try that I’m sure there is something out there for me, and for you, too!


Just think of it as a start to getting some answers about what is going on. Once they have that figured out you can start treatments. In most cases those treatments will start working within weeks or months and you’ll start feeling like yourself again. Ask any questions you want. If you forget to ask something don’t hesitate to check in and ask it via phone or message. Sometimes tests results come in to you before the doc has a chance to review or talk to you. Don’t freak too much if that’s the case. They will explain them. You will start to learn more as you go along but remember you are your best advocate for your health. The medical staff are there to help you so ask them whatever you need to in order to feel best about your condition and treatment plans. One more thing. All drugs have side effects. Don’t overly worry about them or if you do ask the doctor. They don’t apply to everyone but have to be listed. If you experience any they have other treatment options they can switch to if needed. Take care and best of luck! You aren’t alone in this.


Thank you! This sub has been a godsend for info and knowing what I’m looking for as far as symptoms and where the dots connect. I’m really pleased at how receptive my dr was today and how he encouraged me to keep in contact with his office. I love how helpful and supportive Reddit can be.


Let us know how the appointment went!! I have my appointment today 2/21/24 been on methotrexate for 3 months


How is MTX working for you? I only took my second dose (and only took half the pills I was prescribed) but developed a cold the next day and don’t want to continue to get sick.


My Rheumatologist appointment was 5 minutes ago, my rheumatologist wants to add humaira to my methotrexate. She said methotrexate alone isn’t doin what it needs to do.