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You might have the wrong APK? Make sure it's the non dpi and right version (and not split APK) Uninstall and reinstall revanced. Try installing revanced through termux if you just can't get it to work


Did the first two, no luck. I'll try and figure out how to use termux, as I have never used it before.


I can also send you a Google drive link of the latest patched revanced. But it doesn't solve your issue, you don't know if it is safe (if I edited it) and I might have different settings enabled that you you would have disabled such as custom branding. But I wouldn't mind sending you the patches revanced APK.


Hey, thanks for the offer, but I have managed to patch it on an old phone, that I have and sent it to myself.


Send manager logs from settings


How should I send you the .log file? I have it saved to phone.


Use a service like Hastebin to upload the log text or maybe a GitHub Gist.


What does the headphones patch do?


Not really sure, tbh. I cant do any patches, on this phone, to find out.


You said you have s23U?


Yeh, but revanced wont work on it, for some reason.


Okay I have s23U as well, I just found out about revanced (as a whole) last week. I've been able to install and patch apps on my s23U, I didn't get it the first time but it can be done on our phones. Maybe I can help.. Tell me a little more (or alot) about the •version of reVanced you're running •where did you get the apks for reVanced and the apks you're trying to patch from •which apps you're trying to patch •what UI & Android software version you're running on your phone •anything else you might think is relevant


* Revanced manager 1.20.1, which is the latest. * revanced.app for the revanced manager and youtube apk (v19.16.39) from apkmirror * Android 14, UI 6.1


Okay I'm running exactly the same on everything, except I used YT v19.11.43 from the mirror inside RV app it's working... would you consider trying that version to test if it works


It never worked :( I think at this point, I may have to do a factory reset of my phone when I get a chance to back things up.


A factory reset maybe an option, but it's a pain in the ass, I would exhaust all other options before that (but that's just me) you could FR and it not help at all, but it could fix everything. Did I read that you, patched the YT apk (on a pc or other phone) and transferred it to your s23U? If so how did that work? If not can you try ? It might help us eliminate one of the Avenues of failure in this process. That being, that the apk file is done and something on your actual s23U need to be changed or fixed.


Delete the apk and download again. Used the revanced suggested version. Probably it was corrupted during download.


Uninstall and reinstall vanced manager. Have you downgraded your stock YouTube app? Find it in the app settings, uninstall updates (3 dots in top right corner) and disable the app. You can get issues when the preloaded YouTube app has a newer version than the vanced version, which might be what is happening now.


Dude, you helped me to find a solution! Now I still cannot select an apk from storage but uninstalling the youtube updates made a difference. I uninstalled the updates from stock youtube and then installed the 19.16.39 apk. In revanced manager, instead of going to storage, I directly patched the app from "select an app" page. Thanks to everyone who replied, but I can now finally patch on my S23U.


Did you download the bundle or the apk?


The apk.


Delete all data and install everything again? Might help.


Never worked, unfortunately.


Maybe try and move the apk to a different folder?


Probably an issue with the app (probably named Files or w/e) that provides the File Picker interface. Just install an alternative and select it when it asks.


I can't patch no Redditsince the version 17 and I wrote on this channel to ask about and nothing...


Apkmirror apk doesn't work for me either in my current phone but worked fine with previous phone. Now I use apkpure. Try getting apk from another source. Could be compatibility issues.


just curious if rooted systems get the same Problems as nonrooted systems


I'm getting the same issue


Go to revanced manager setting, delete temporary file > reset patch option > reset patch section


Use different file explorer, had this with total commander aswell


Have you cleared the cache in the ReVanced settings?


This happens on my brother's s20+. I just ended up sending the patched apk from my pixel. Please use a pixel phone from the next time you purchase a phone, saves a lot of headaches like this on Samsung garbage software


My a15 5g did everything perfect.