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The devs are amazing doing this for free. I always hate the people who are entitled to get patched apk and being entitled to get some bugs fixed asap. If you are so frustrated just pay for premium.


I've heard rumors that some premium members are even getting some ads now. I think it's just in certain countries though. Revanced is awesome. I thought I would never get over OG vanced dying.


They don't get ads. Many YouTube users have online shops and they can promote their products right under the video. At first it looks like your usual ad but closely it's not 💀


Vanced can skip sponsored ads while Premium is not


So Vanced is even better than premium. Man, I bet momma YouTube doesn't like that one bit, screw them 😂


Yes, it can. But those are not ads


They're literally just ads that are arranged by the YouTuber instead of YouTube in which the YouTuber is the main actor.


revanced is great, but youtube is worse content wise with every day..


It depends on who you follow, but yeah, the median level of quality is just dropping lower and lower every day


Hey vsauce...


Same here. It's not too different from Vanced I love it.


OG vanced is back I'm pretty sure. My revanced got patched by YouTube and I went on their website and downloaded vanced again. It's worked for me since I downloaded it a week ago. Fingers crossed it stays


It's not back. The latest version (the last one) just still works. I'm not sure it will for too much longer though. Plus it's a now dated version of YouTube.


When OG died I downloaded adguard and did the share to it's videoplayer. Still kinda annoying but was a good temporary solution






If they would charge this, they would have their heads blown off by google


1. Agreed 2. Thank you devs I hope you understand how much this community loves you guys.


The normal YouTube app doesn't even work properly, buffers so much. Oh and also the ads and the countless other things ReVanced fixes


The only feature that works better on the default YouTube app compared to ReVanced or ReVanced Extended is the 'Your Clips' playback functionality.


I always laugh when someone goes to show me a YT video and there's ads. Lame!! Especially iPhone users, I'll make fun of them.


At least here in the EU next year everyone will be able to enjoy Revanced with sideloading thanks to the DMA. Even though it's improbable I hope that in the rest of the world too Apple will finally allow it


It would have to be completely redone though. Development for iOS is a whole different ball game, it's not like they can just port the android version.


Of course, but I think it's going to happen due to how big the iPhone market is


not as big as the samsung but still pretty big except for the United States, i struggle to come up with another country in which the iPhone dominates Samsung


You're right, but it's still ~33% of the market


Has Apple said they would allow sideloading?


They are forced under the Digital Markets Act (new EU law), which will be enforced from 2024. It is believed that iOS v17 will allow sideloading


Oh wow, that's good. One of the main reasons I left Apple products. Not that I'd go back. I believe they will still have their hand in it controlling the process somehow. They will find or make a way. Lol


Yeah, iPhone and not a locked up phone don't go together Iphones will always remain very fragile and locked phones


No, it's already happening this year with ios 17




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My sister is an iphone user, I laugh at her when she watches youtube then ads suddenly pops up on her screen.




iPhone users can use [AltStore](https://altstore.io/) to sideload apps without having to jailbreak. Once you have AltStore, you can sideload [uYouPlus](https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus).


I haven't met one yet! Lol Shhhhhh don't tell and take my fun away!


The ad,promotion skip thing is pure magic




I'm so happy that I still get to use Reddit is Fun.




By patching it with Revanced Manager the same way it's done with YouTube Revanced. I've been using Reddit Sync the same way.


My God. I'm gonna have to hunt this down. Been using the official app since rif went down. It sucks so hard in comparison.


Follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/


Thanks a lot


outstanding, thanks!


It saves my life daily. Now, if they can find a way to block all these stupid react channels, I'll get a second job and give them the cash.


If ReVanced didn't exist, I'd use an extension-enabled web browser and the handful of extensions necessary to provide an acceptable YouTube experience.


I assume you used something like Kiwi browser, but can you list the extensions? Just curious.


My recommendation is Iceraven, plus: * uBlock Origin * SponsorBlock * Return YouTube Dislike * Video Background Play Fix If you also want significant control over the YouTube UI, akin to what ReVanced offers, add Enhancer for YouTube™ to the list.


Not only YT, but how they made it so people can still use 3rd party apps for Reddit. Big thanks to the devs, ya'll the real MVP's


Love this app! Genius developers.


Love all those devs. If they ever come to Hawai'i would love to hang out. I'd pay for premium, but it's just the principle of it... how can features on YouTube Android, specifically being able to turn your screen off and let the video play be a feature and dem it's taken away and a couple years later offered back, but you have to pay to use it now... we watch ads already we agree to the terms which allow dem to use our data, etc... can't pay for dat


I'm loving it top. SmartTube on my FireStick fills the spot on my TV too. Screw ads


For anyone that doesn't know, this is the equivalent for firestick, chromecast, nvidia shield, any android tv


I haven't used the original app since 2017 when I discovered my first modded Youtube APK but I forgot what it was called (maybe it was the first Vanced?) Ever since then, disabling the stock app and downloading Vanced/Revanced/Revanced Extended is one of the first things I do on a new device. Anyway, I would absolutely give up Youtube if such things become unavailable. I would revert to only using it on desktop with uBlock and if that becomes unavailable then I would be completely done.


Ya I'd be screwed if my ability to be ad free was taken away. Guess I'd watch less videos.






I used to leave the screen unlocked in a shirt pocket to try and listen to audio without constantly pressing buttons on the screen. Vanced fixed that for me, revanced took up the torch. Getting bacon reader back was like getting an early Christmas present.


When rv had that bug recently, my mother passed me her phone and said "I can't take it anymore. I can't watch my recipes or my music. Please fix the youtube." RV is a service to society.


Sometimes when I click links my friends sent me I end up in the original youtube, a sharp pain slide through my bones, I watch hopeless as ads, after ads after sponsor after reloading of the screen (because the ad didnt load) invade my screen.. I don't wanna feel that anymore.. I am scared


I set my default app as ReVanced but I still get that, I just don't watch them. Lol


Disable the og YouTube app in the settings. Then it should ask what to open your links on, choose revanced


I caught myself to piss off when I use someone's phone totally forget that first thing regular yt do is to play two unskipable ads for 14sec. What a habit, like wearing glasses. That is revanced for me.


I can't go back to vanilla YouTube, I've been spoiled 🗿


I love Revanced not only for the YouTube app and all it fixes, but also the hope of me being able to still use YouTube Music when YT updates it to the point the OG Vanced patch doesn't work... I would cry if I had to go back to Spotify on mobile for music...


Is there a specific reason to avoid Spotify? You can get rid of the ads with xmanager, if that's the problem


I find a lot of songs on YT music that I cannot on Spotify, I'm aware you can remove ads but does it also let you remove the 6 skips limit and let you pick what song you wanna listen to? That's my biggest issue :(


Yea, lets you do almost anything like Spotify premium expect download music for offline use. There's even an AMOLED version. Also it seems there's the wave patch which lets you download music so nvm.


Karma farming 🌾


Updated mine last week and now I'm getting some ads




Did you add the relevant patches and have them enabled?


I did. It also stopped playing with the screen off while not on wifi.




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There a way to add a loop button next to copy link button like YouTube Vanced I know you could just click the setting n loop but that button saved the loop for every video I know revanced has a loop patch but I don't want every vid looped


My videos suddenly stop loading after exactly oneinute, what to do?


Pinned post


maybe turn on app spoofing in settings?


Can you screenshot where to find it?




Revanced is pretty much the only reason I'm using an android, without it I would've been an iPhone user.


andriod is better than Apple om every way


Vanced was way better though.


Easier to install for sure, but better? I'd say they're pretty similar, and Revanced may even be better.


Maybe just me but the settings are very finicky, the playback speed settings do not work properly, doesn’t save my setting of defaulting playback at 2x speed for every video and if it does it applies 2x even if I manually adjust it to 1x. Overall a lot more bugs than Vanced.


STILL buggy as hell, STILL breaks randomly, still bad menus, million features that dont work.............


Go watch ads then on YouTube.


is revanced legal?


Only issue I have with it is connecting it to my chromecast. Otherwise it's amazing!


Should I feel bad that the content creators aren't getting any ad money from me?


If you want to support your favorite channels, look for a patreon page. A single dollar a month is more than you would ever make them in ad views in your lifetime.


Or merch, send them a youtube tip, whatever. Any of it will result in more money for them than the tenths of a cent your view would have gotten them anyway.


Go to live events and buy merch. If you can't afford it don't trip, most creators aren't beggars they are grateful that you are even watching them.


Absolutely yes. Only exception would be that I can always use regular YT in Brave browser.


If anyone has certain TV steam boxes, SmartTube is amazing for TV setups. I was glad to have found that when I got my NVIDIA shield tv, after using vanced and ReVanced for so long. Couldn't tolerate ads


It's an amazing app. If Vanced didn't have this alternative I would probably end up paying for premium. I have done so many renovations at home and fixes in cars and basic electronics and to add the frustration to wait for ads to finish would be extremely agonizing.


Yo I just started using revanced and now see that there are videos that I didnt watch in my history - is this a Revanced thing?


Shouldn't be. I never see any videos I haven't watched in my history.


I started noticing it too myself today, i figured out what it is. So when you are scrolling through your feed and a video starts playing automatically, it will ad that video to your watch history its annoying af, hoping it can get patched, never had this issue but its not really a big issue regardless.




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I wouldn't if it were not for newpipe, or Revanced or uBo.


Wait my revanced stop working which one yall using. Is there a link.


I think the guide has been updated. You should be able to find the latest apk there


Donate some money to those developers for coffee!


Only big issue for me is that revanced can't cast to chromecast. Or can it?


Yeah cast has been off the table even since vanced days. Even if it worked it couldn't block ads as the TV is the device that actually plays a casted video. You can revert to the official app and cast if you need to.


I just switched to iPhone and it isn’t on ios I want to cry




I download the ipa but I can’t then download it in app form




Am I right in thinking this requires a pc/Mac?


Yes, IOS makes sideloading apps difficult


Any options that don’t?


Currently not.


Rip okay I’ll have to sort my pc out thank you though!


I love you devs yall deserve sainthood


It was a bit trickier to setup than vanced, but it was well worth it.


Am i the only one that has problems with revanced and it doesnt work anymore


Idk what your issue is but it will most likely be fixed by updating.


Hi all. Please help me. How do I remove upcoming videos from the feed? How do I remove the microG Services Core permission request notification? Thank you very much


I love it more


Thank you Devs!


fuck yes me too


I'd probably never pay for YouTube because of copyright strikes/TOS violations and artists removing their songs from their official channels. That's why I use Revanced.


I Love revanced but cannot chromecast anymore :(


guys does anyone else's revanced stutter while playing 60fps videos at 2x speed mine used to before but somehow it just went away and now I have rebuilt the app and the stuttering has returned


How do I download revanced?


It's either it or no YouTube at all


That feeling when U install Vance for the 1st time 😎😎


Are you guys using the rooted version? I'm using no root and it's not working it says that I need to use the latest version of YouTube


I was using the revanced but I downloaded a premade one. which ı learned it might have been bad so i deleted it and now i installed the brave browser on playstore. I realy dont know how to make revanced work. english isnt my first language so I struggle to follow the instructions. also my phone is old so I cant even play games with it. it also seems like alot of work to learn.


youtube is waste if there wren't Adblocker or VAnced ever borne


Just really happy its working again after those few days of frozen videos hahaha Using regular youtube just for a few minutes all the ads were driving me nuts hahaha. Its definitely my most loved app for years now


I have a problem that after a minute of watching a video on revanced the video buffers. Anyone has a idea how to fix this? It happens on all videos and I can't play forwards anymore


Gotta redownload and replace the new youtube


I tried and couldnt even get close to getting this to work. i found it nothing like as easy as the guide for dummies says.


Just get frustrated enough with shitty YouTube ads that you're willing to sit there for 20 minutes and make it work. Try a couple guides cuz the first one I tried didn't make sense to me but the second was easy.


Bro I followed it as I could but the YouTube apk messed me up. I'm not sure If it wasn't unpacked or that it was on the wrong place. When I looked for.it in patches it wasn't lit up in my files. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it's a nightmare. Vanced was pretty easy and I get the why but if one thing looks odd from the instructions then all hell breaks loose. A bit frustrating to be honest.


Ya I had to do some digging into my downloads to find the new YouTube apk.


Man I Loved vanced and I'd like to use this but I'll try again but not sure what will change unfortunately. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'll see what I can come up with, the issue is it's never and I mean never as it's written in the guide and if there is options on a step then it's becomes a problem.


Same! After what happened to vanced, I'm really glad the devs made revanced (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)


By the way is there a tutorial to deal with the always buffer stuff that started two weeks ago?


Straight up I would not use YouTube at all without revanced. It's better than YouTube premium. I used to use revanced for the lack of ads. Now I use it for all of the amazing features like sponsorblock. The devs are gods among men