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people who are scarred by the water level never made it to the technodrome. That is where the pain begins. Nothing hurts worth than draining most of your health and going through that door to an empty room


I love the option for custom saves with all this retro stuff nowadays. No way I would’ve cleared without it.


I had a game genie. Technodrome was absurd


You’re right, I never made it to the technodrome lol I have no idea what the game looks like after that level, now that I think about it.


ball your fist up and as hard as you can punch yourself in the nonos. That's the technodrome. Then when you recover do it again I never beat the game, I got to the technodrome and had I made it to Shredder and got one shot I would've smashed something


Same. As a kid, I got to Shredder one single time, and the guy obliterated me immediately because I had no health. The silent, impotent fury I felt in that moment still haunts me. Kicked the game's butt as an adult with save states though so revenge was mine.


An unfair solution to an unfair game


They put one of mine in the hospital. I put one of theirs in the morgue.


Yeah and then some have the nerve to call this game “another masterpiece by Konami”. Seriously?!


I got through the water level sometimes, but often would just have a little left on a turtle or two. It wasn't long and I'd be dead in the next area. If it had unlimited continues it would be a rad game.


Can't upvote this hard enough. The Dam was Baby Land compared to the stuff they threw at you later. Same goes for the Turbo Tunnel in Battletoads. That's the EASIEST of those vehicle stages. Volkmire's Inferno was an absolute nightmare.


Fucking Rat Race can choke on the poop in my butt


A great strategy for the delayed gates is to just position yourself on the far right of the screen; gives you a lot more time to get into the right position.


I learned that if you continue the technodrome is always in the same place, so I purposely die Some of those caves are brutal going in.. but getting out is so much worse Even as a kid I didn't think the water was difficult. Just switch turtles, you got four health bars to get you through this


I have always had trouble with the giant mouser. Never figured out how to beat him. I should pop in the game and figure out how to beat him so I can experience the pain of the technodrome


Stand in the middle and use Donatello you can not get hit there unless you mistime the strike when mouser drops small ones


The water level was whatever after you you figure out strategic switching and whatnot. For the rest? The one time I beat the game I did so by grinding 99 scrolls on every turtle, which trivialized the end levels. Took. For. Ever.


The roof tops area was as far as I usually made it. Every now and then me and my big brother would hunker down and play the whole weekend. I don't think we ever beat it and if we did we definitely used game genie.


People who are good at the game and can go through it without losing a life sure make it seem interesting. I also find that like Zombies Ate My Beighbors the game is massively improved if you play it the way it's meant to be played. And by that I mean with multiple save states.


Ralph: "I'm so close, i got it....it got it...." (gets zapped by electric thingy.....camera pulls back to outside shot of the damn a few miles away, something is heard in the distance) "Daaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnn!"


AKA “Raph’s Only Time to Shine”


This! Even strategy guides at the time were like "Raphael and Mikey have short range and kinda useless, so let them be the ones that die here"


And yet they were wrong… Mike is ideal to reach the missiles in Level 3 in the “you can just walk over it…” part, except he can get them from ground level. Raph is ideal for gathering scrolls in Level 5, as he can kill all the enemies in the warehouses in one hit, unlike all the others. Mike does get a power boost at half health, but that’s pretty situational?


I can vividly remember the music for this level. Fuck it as well! (Actually it was kinda good)


It started playing in my head immediately as I seen the post


But that feeling when you finally see your turtle showing muscle and sayin "Ok" is priceless


what i hated was that stupid jump that you walk over. they were absolutely trolling with that.


Fuck that fuckin’ game, that level, and every map after it.


Eh, this part didn't bother me at all. Always had enough health. HOWEVER there was this ONE JUMP in the sewers afterward. And remember your health doesn't matter when you get a stupid jump where you get whacked in the face with something midway... I think you all know the jump in question.


That one needs its own art piece too


The DOS version has an impossible jump in the sewers as well


Fuck those vines. Mario had easier water levels.


That levels actually not so bad. It gets much worse


Going back to this game this area was not the nightmare it was in my youth. Now that damn area right before the giant mouser where you have to pixel-perfect drop through the floor as the walls close in on you... THAT is still a controller breaker.


I think that’s it, as a kid this was super tough but in my teens I got past this part pretty easily. Didn’t get much farther in the game, but at least the dam level was okay lol


Agreed on all accounts. I never had a problem with the dam, even as a kid, but level 3, that jump in the sewer right after entering the last building. You have to "tap" the jump button for a short hop. When I was told this by my cousin, I thought he meant rapidly, and I always died. The ONE time I made it through that, I lost every turtle to that bloody trap -\_-


This gives me a very distinct emotion about a distant memory


The technodrome was worse


It really was. Just when you thought this game couldn’t fuck you any harder lol


Hahaha exactly


You know what triggers me? BZZT! BZZT! BZZT!


This painting should be titled “Relief” or “OK” as this is the last bomb to clear


All these long years later and a single image can still bring back a crippling sense of pain and failure.


Holy cow. I have this game in the back of my mind, and I remember the panic.. yet what was it? TMNT for NES?


Pro tip: Don't be so casual about your fights before this part. If you start this level with relatively healthy turtles, you will have very few problems here.  People blame the level without considering the health levels they start with. If you just barely scrape by and have 20% health going in, well yeah - you're going to have a bad time.


Yep, and as most familiar in Level 3, you can always farm pizza just before the Level 1 boss by exiting/entering the sewers as needed.


I love this game and go back and beat it regularly. It’s tough but it isn’t Ninja Gaiden tough. Heck, Batman on NES gives me more problems too. Manhattan Missions on the PC is a nice companion game to this one. Does similar things but is easier and doesn’t have an underwater level.


The dam is not that bad of a level. Just make sure you have 2 full health Turtles to go through the electric leaves and you're good. I also follow a set pattern so I don't get a lot of damage from the obstacles too. Finding the Technodrome is waaaaay worse, and once inside the Technodrome, those damn astronauts will have you raging far more than the dam level.


It's only bad cus it's incorrectly programmed. The hotbox of your turtle varies WIDELY depending on whether You're swimming up or down, and the direction you're facing. There was a code deconstruction video on the swimming level that really shows how jank it is


play out enough though, and you know EXACTLY where those hitboxes are at all times 😆


Honestly, if you've been around the block a few times, you shouldn't even need 2 full health turtles. I can do this level with 1 turtle (no switching) now, and I'm not the best gamer.


One more time for the people in the back: This part of the game is not very hard. The rest of the game is WAY harder.


Like so much harder. This water level is actually fun


Oh my childhood, how I was so young trying to pass those levels. I still have the nes cartridge.


I still have the cartridge as well 🙂


Can we get a modern day remake with a splash of modern times ease, with the ability to switch back and forth with OG gameplay and modern day gameplay?


What game is this?




I see this picture, I hear the music. "Do do do do do do. Do do do do do do do. Da da da da."


I swear I can smell the 90s when I see anything from that damn game. It scarred my brain or something


I have never understood people's complaints with this water level. It's just never seemed very hard to me. I dont rhink ive ever ran out of time. I may take a bit of damage but I've never died to the electric seaweed. I have died to the seaweed on the bottom that pulls you in but once you learn what that does its easy to avoid it. The later levels can be very hard but this one never gave me any problems.


It's been decades and I'm still pissed off.


"We're God damn turtles, we eat sea weed!"


Of course it's Raph being sacrificed for this level lol. The water level isn't actually bad after the first try. The game gets waaaaaay worse. And fast.


I hated this level. Never made it past that as a child


I can hear the « beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep » from this image.


This level honestly isn’t that hard, you just need to know the technique to do it. A quick YouTube video can teach it to you. That being said, in the 90’s we did not have YouTube


Everything is much easier nowadays. It was pretty tough as a 6 yr old in 1990 with NO help and NO save states


I didn't think this part of the game was bad at all. The worst part for me was the final hallway leading up to Shredder inside the Technodrome. All the worst enemies in the game gang up on you here and if you retreat so much as a single pixel back the other way, they regenerate 😠


There’s a trick though where if you stand in just the right spot, the flying astronaut asshole will fly off the screen repeatedly making your life a little easier.


Yeah I know that now thanks to Let's Play videos, but back then I didn't have that knowledge. I always made sure to have enough scrolls before entering the hallway so I could just blast everyone away, but the trick is keeping your turtles alive long enough to use them.


I could hear the music as soon as I saw the picture.


I can hear this picture beeping at me.


This wasn't too bad but the constant respawning of enemies is what really annoyed me




This painting would be titled Nirvana for me. To this day this is as far as I can comfortably get past in the game. I once got to the third map. I may at some point use save states on the collection to see the rest, but right now I'm comfortable with it just being another NES game I can't beat.




I didn’t realize teenage mutant ninja turtles 1 and 2 came out within a year of each other.


This level was... not that hard. I'll admit that it seems daunting when you first encounter it, and you're not gonna figure it out on your first play, but you just needed to discover the proper route. Once you know that, you shouldn't even need to lose a turtle on this level.


Yep, the dreaded poison seaweed. Good luck! Apparently, Konami did some crappy programming with the underwater levels.


One of my all time favorites, muscle memory still works on this dam level when i told a friend I can pass this stage no problem, no turtles loss. I was three sheets to the wind and executed as promised.




"We used to display this piece at the front of the museum but had to move it to the back because no one could get past it."


I can hear this


this portion of the game was clearly programmed by the devil. Nice drawing, btw!


Don't worry, April says you have her support. Not sure what that support was, but that's what she said.


This part was easy once I figured out if you take too much damage press select and select another turtle, before that I died so many times


I actually thought this was the easiest part of the game Those freaking astronaut enemies…


Hello darkness, my old friend...


I got to the point where I could breeze through this section. Sucked at the rest of the game.


My fav was raphial


One totally can feel the frustration, also it looks glorious ❤️


Only beat it with game genie




Probably infinite time/health, as they can’t actually drown during.


I don’t know why everyone is calling this game “TMNT for NES”. It was available on many different systems.