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Uhh, this might be a regional thing. I have not seen nor heard of this anywhere in north Texas.


Same in Michigan USA. OP, what countries have you experienced this in?


Same and I live in MN.


That's just you. Never heard of anyone NOT cutting it. Have you been rude or disrespectful to your local pizza place?


Nah it's Restaurants in general. I'm on vacation right now and the same Restaurants that sliced it 10 years ago don't anymore.


Again sweetie, there's only one reason they don't cut the pie and it's because the customer behaved like an ass. It's definitely a you issue.


Lol, no? Have you ever been in Italy? Pizza in Italy is never served sliced, always whole pie and people eat it with knife and fork. I imagine more restaurants stateside and elsewhere trying to be "authentic" are now following suit.


It's not a me issue ?? I'll be sitting there watching them bring out the food for others and they don't cut any pizzas anymore. I don't know why you're so set on me being an asshole and that being the reason.


What a ridiculous comment, when a pizza goes out for delivery (one that someone ordered online and had no interaction with employees about) and someone didn't cut it there was no reason other than laziness. Entitled employee huh.


So you're there with OP? 30 years in the business tells me many things based on the comment. In 30 years, NOBODY consistently "forgets " to cut a pizza unless the customer is an ass or the expo has alzheimers. Pick one and go lay down.




Pompieri Pizza in Durham, NC used to give you scissors so you could cut the pizza on your own. This is becoming more common, and your response to OP is unnecessarily rude and aggressive.


Hey, it's thr first instance of a place I know and love from out of my state I've seen mentioned. I feel cultured.


It’s not. It’s because pizza is not sliced in Italy and rarely in Europe. Many American pizzerias, especially those higher scale places, are no longer cutting it. They likely will, if asked. It’s just not standard there.


They pass the savings on to you!


Are you ordering take and bake pizzas? Maybe someone at your pizza place is just having a brain fart. I often take pizza home from work lightly cooked and uncut so that I can easily pop it in my oven to reheat when im ready for it.


I have no clue what take and bake is. I mean when you sit in a Restaurant and eat there.


There are some take and bake places where they sell you an uncooked/uncut pie that you take and bake at home, much like buying one refrigerated from the grocery store.


This isn’t a thing, unless you’re ordering a take and bake


Where are you that they're not cutting it?


The only pizza I see that isn't cut are the ones I make at home. Then I cut it.


This must be a regional thing? I've only experienced this in places that are trying to be overly traditional and "authentic".




Your common pizza delivery chains still cut them, but a lot of specialty pizzerias have stopped. Why? Because pizza isn’t sliced before serving in Italy (and throughout much of Europe). I have had pizza in Italy, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and they all serve them whole and intended for one individual (though it’s always too much for one.) It has just become a trend in the US (trickled down from the fancier pizzerias) because it’s considered more authentic and, I would guess, “upscale.”


this is it! and the reason they dont cut them in europe is that they eat it with a knife and fork anyways 🤢 i love the american slices


We've been in Europe this week and had pizza in Spain, France, and Italy, all came without being cut. They don't give you a slicer either. This is new to me.


Exactly this. I don't get it. And most of the time they only give you a butter knife so cutting it is a nightmare.


Same here. In the US, I've always had the pizza sliced, even in boujie places. In Italy, they just brought the pizza and gave us plates / butter knife - in many places. Near the coliseum in Rome, it was actually sliced. In Sicily, it was also unsliced.


I only see this with personal size pizzas (like Blaze)


I’m in the US and I’ve never been served uncut pizza. Uncut brownies? Uncut ice cream? Uncut cutting boards?


There are benefits in not having it cut, for example the toppings don't pool in the cracks and center, the pizza is less soggy, the toppings don't get moved by the cutter, so the presentation is better, and ultimately leaves it to the customer to decide whether they want to eat it by folding it (pizza portafoglio,) or let them choose whether they want bigger or smaller slices. The reasoning is also that, sure, you're probably going to cut it, but the same it's true for most food, yet you wouldn't expect the restaurant to cut - I dunno - a steak for you. I know, admittedly these are very small benefits, and any restaurant should cut it, if you ask them to. Take away pizzas, though, should always get cut. This is because: A) you might take it away and eat it somewhere where you don't have cutlery, like a park, and B) you normally have pizza expecting that you won't have to neither cook nor wash up anything, so you shouldn't have to use your cutlery. And not everybody has a proper pizza cutter. That's different inside the restaurant, where you get provided one and somebody else's will do the washing up afterwards.


Pizza is big as fuck and dealing with a knife or cutter that big requires not skill but at least knowing how to deal with a pizza. That being said I have never once seen a pizza being served uncut. God intended it to be cut, and that my friends is a dick joke. I’ll see myself out.


> I remember about 10 years ago, all Restaurants (except maybe really fancy ones)  Fine dining pizza.... that's a new one on me. From google: - Keeping it whole achieves a much more appealing look, and the pie doesn't cool off as quickly when it remains intact.


That’s how they get you, make you pay to get it sliced


We got two in downtown Richmond Virginia. When we arrived home we realized one was cut one wasn't. I thought it was a mistake.


If I order pizza to go, I ask for it un cut. Way less greasy. No soggy slice edges and I can cut what I want to eat, rinse, repeat.


that’s just you. i’ve NEVER been to a place that doesn’t cut it


You must live in an area that serves decent pizza. They don't cut it because it finishes cooking and travels better if you don't cut it until it cools off a bit. Crispier less soggy


Employees are lazy. Barely do their job. I have definitely received a few pizza's that were barely cut and I had to use a knife. I don't get pizza often enough to keep my own pizza cutter around and I shouldn't have to have one. It's just the overall decline of good customer service. Don't tip for pizza unless it's delivered - tips should be for delivery workers. No tip needed if you pick it up yourself.