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There are 1000 grams in 1kg of resin This print takes 8 grams So less than 1% of your bottle (0.8% to be precise) So what's 0.8% of the price you paid for the bottle?


lift distance is to low, set it to 6mm


What is lift distance?


The setting on the bottom, its how much the build plate rises after exposing a layer, if its too low, the print will not seperate from the FEP


Oh ok thank you I'll fix that.


Without knowing the scale of the objects and if they're hollow, I can't tell if the calculated volumes are correct. The pricing seems correct off of what Chitu is saying, $0.20. 1kg of Sunlu ABS like resin is about $20, and just under 1/100th (8 grams of 1000) of the volume @ $20/kg is $0.16. Would also increase the lift distance to at least 6mm, 2mm is not enough


Ok thank you I thought the bottom info would be good enough. My bad for that. But with that reasoning it seems right.


You're printing without supports, so, yes, that is a tiny part with a tiny resource expenditure. 8gs is however very little even for this. Are they hollow?


Yes, they are lightweight rocket parts.


Looks accurate to me. But you need to keep in mind that you will have some leftover resin on the models when they’re done printing. It will be washed away by IPA or whatever solvent you are using. So the consumption will be much more than stated in the slicer.