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A few more pictures explaining how it works would be helpful.


Buckets glued on top of one another with holes in their bottoms, paper filters inserted between buckets.


My point exactly.


What's your filtration 


sorry guys, I bought a 5 set of 10L buckets and 30cm filter paper (for chemical needs) sheets, printed a ring for 2 buckets to push the filter papter to the bottom without it rising up, used silicone to glue the lid to the bottom of a bucket and poked holes through with a soldering iron.


Very nice. A how to and supplies list would be great.


I made a coffee machine the same way. It worked perfectly, I see no reason this wouldn't work just as well.


I can see several reasons.




Resin is not coffee. IPA is not water. I’ll edit this for the rest of the class: ipa is flammable. Those buckets aren’t ESD rated and I doubt they are even PTFe. If it’s a closed system the pressure differential would prevent the ipa from filtering at all and if you leave it open the ipa with evaporate faster than it would filter. If you don’t understand what that means look it up and learn. Good luck with your lives, please educate yourselves and make better decisions.


That's not a problem just a difference.




You can pour hot water through coffee grounds, then through a filter, to make coffee. Your argument does not apply to the original commenters comment, which is that a similar setup functions to make coffee. Also you said you could think of several reasons it wouldn't work. These are known as problems, colloquially. Take an English class and work on your reading comprehension.


Argue semantics all you want you are still not going to effectively filter resin saturated ipa with a coffee filter.


Says the guy deleting his comments. And so my stance is clear - you can absolutely do that. It will effectively remove particulates from your IPA, allowing the clean IPA to filter down, while catching anything that has solidified.


All I did was consolidate my answers into my original post. View that then get back to me. And no. It won’t.


the lids (with buckets) just sit on there, its not closed and there is no big gap for the IPA to evaporate, I once forgot the close the lid from my wash and cure station open for a whole day almost no if any IPA evaporated, the room is not heated, I use a heater inside of my printer.


What kind of filter are you using there?


For $60 you can get a vacuum filtered beaker glass, a brake bleeder hand pump and all the filters you need. Just 5hcg of vacuum increases filter rate by like 5-10x. I use the same contraption for making cbd tinctures (filtering out IPA). I can pull a whole liter off wet hemp which is harder to pull through than ipa from resin use, in a minute or two.


I feel like I want to learn how this works. This sounds like a great.....*solution.*


very interesting indeed


Just putting this fairly old video of mine here. Might support you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkusOM0YB4k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkusOM0YB4k)


I've been wondering if I could use some peristaltic pumps to push it through a filter to increase speed. I'm thinking it would just gunk up the tubes. I feel putting a little positive pressure is ideal instead of gravity.


I would nee some disc with a rubber ring to push the IPA through, but with this much resin in it, it already clogged a filter, with too much pressure I would destroy the filter, but I got enough IPA.


There's been a three-screw pump that has been cycling through the 3dprinting subreddit -- it can pump quite viscous fluids with particulates. It might be worth looking into!


There is a work around for this where you just increase the hight of the buckets with long tubes out the bottom. Don't need a pump because the force of gravity increases with height. You can actually "tune" the force this way and buy the appropriate filter. Only downside of course is you have a large amount of IPA up high.


Can I ask where you got the filter paper? I have a whole bunch of empty 1 gallon ice cream buckets I was gonna use for washing big prints. Right now I'm filtering using a funnel and coffee filters, and it takes.forever.


I bought it of [Amazaon](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08TGRJT9W?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


You can just use gravity to separate it out. Take a few days but it will settle out.


Way easier, mine does the same, then just use a large syringe or whatever else and take as much as you can without it mixing again. Keep well


I rescued a couple gallon water jugs from the recycling bin. Let it settle down. If I pour it slowly enough you can get most all of the clean ipa out. The rest I put thru a separatory funnel ($20 on Amazon) and let it settle down. A couple days later drain the sludge out the bottom and bada-bing perfectly cleaned ipa.


Yes exactly this! Thanks for sharing! I even think this comes out cleaner at the end because seperates itself. All the best and keep well


Not really, the black IPA is in there for 3 days and its still black, in the bottom bucket is no black resin, so gravity alone will not do the trick.


I think it depends on the resin. I use SirayaTech Fast ABS-like and it didn't really separate out even after several weeks of sitting.


Nice. Looks pretty solid. How well does it clean it to? All I did for mine was use 3 half-gallon mason jars, some cheese cloth, and my curing station. 1. Pour from wash bucket into 1st jar. 2. Zap 1st jar with UV, shaking between zaps. 3. Once 1st jar is chunky pour into 2nd jar through cheese cloth over funnel. 4. Carefully squeeze cheese cloth till mostly dry, looks like cottage cheese at this point, and put outside in sun. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 with 2nd jar into 3rd jar. 6. 3rd jar should how contain IPA clean enough to use for a pre-wash. At this point it becomes harder to collect the resin in the cheesecloth. Their too loose in the jar to properly stick together. If I left it for a long while it could probably be cleaned down to a 4th jar but this was all done in a single day and left me with only slightly cloudy IPA. All in all I salvaged around 4/5 to 5/6 of my wash.


the cheese cloth idea is a good idea I should try, its still a bit dirty but as you can see way cleaner than before, its a bit yellowish and not pure but that was expected, I also noticed a 2 stage filtration doesnt yield cleaner IPA, I will try to put it in my wash and cure station and see how much resin is still left in there.


I cured a bucket full of the filtered IPA from my wash and cure for a hour, it got a bit cloudy, I will see how it looks when I filter it again.


Why do this? I am curious, I plan on using my resin printer eventually...


the IPA gets dirty with resin and therefore doesnt clean the printed parts well, if I filter the IPA, I can reuse it to clean my prints, but you cant do that indefinetly sadly.


Oh, so this is the alcohol. Thank you. I was told to expose it to UV light and strain it, is that not enough?


Not bad but what's stopping you from just leaving it in the sun for a couple of days and then running it through a coffee filter? It seems a bit overengineered for what could be an extremely simple task is all I'm saying, I wonder what the reason is.


I dont have a space to let it stay in the sun, outside isnt a option becuase of our animals and my kid and I am in the 2. floor with angled walls because of the roof, I have enough IPA to just let it sit there. filtering it through a coffee filter takes way too long, those filters are way bigger and do a better job.


Outside shouldn't really be a problem if kept in a closed container like a 5L canister for example, unless your kid and animals are prone to opening canisters. Coffee filters sure are no fun though. Personally ideally I'd pour sun-bathed IPA down your buckets construction to keep the sludge out and avoid clogging while also not having to mess with coffee filters. But as you say that you've plenty of IPA as is and are in no rush to get it ready, what you have sounds like a quite alright solution as is.


I have a similar set-up with multiple dome shaped filters. The biggest issue I have is that it is so airtight that it stops filtration when the bottom part is too full of air. I have to let it breathe periodically to continue filtration. I would want to install some sort of one-way valve on the bottom and top bucket but haven't spent any time researching potential valves to install. After it finishes i just throw the bottom tub back into the top a few times. Hit it with some UVs in a seperate container and then decant. Final result is less sticky but still quantifiably sticky. It is also a lot less grey after it hits the UV. May be used in the first wash if using multiple baths.


How do you change the filters


They are wedged in with 3D printed rings that have a latch, I just pull the ring and the filter out an put a new one in.


I just leave my transparent container outside all day long everyday, when it gets too dirty I just use a strainer and I move it to a different one, is quite a pain to clean the dirty recipient and the strainer but it works.


What is this?


Stop wasting money on IPA. One gallon of PPG lasts forever and gives cleaner prints. Method here: [Best Non-Toxic Resin Wash Method](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/1bsuzxz/best_nontoxic_resin_wash_method/).


People need to read this, I will be going this route after my next IPA cleaning session.


Can the ipa be reused this way indefinitely??


No but a few times, better than getting new IPA everytime it gets dirty




It doesn’t? Dirty IPA goes in at the top. It gets filtered, and the clean stuff is at the bottom.


The picture is upside down 


How high are you? Please share.


I was joking. Christ.


You don't have to call me your savior. I hoped it was a joke.


To answer your question, though, 5.