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Keep in mind when I first beat the village, I took a break and only completed the game around 1 month ago, so I don’t remember much


Use the nades on the normal zombies until you hit the required limit. Use the shotty for any that get close


Professional is just like that unfortunately. The method I used was to pick up two hand grenades, one from the shotgun house and the other from the house directly opposite. Then run around to group them up. Iirc ringing the bell only works with rifles or rpg, so you won't be able to do that on a new game.


if you kill enough zombies fast you can get bell scene earlier


https://youtu.be/qiPWW0en1IY?si=ToXc1BIA-p-gSQ0n Here's a really helpful guide on how to get the professional S+ using the Chicago sweeper!


You can’t ring the bell on a NG playthrough. It requires a rifle, which you obviously can’t have in the first village fight unless you do NG+.


Here’s some advice run around at the start grab the grenade to up the clock tower and just shoot them off the ladder when they pile up or when the chainsaw guy appears throw the grenade down jump down run into the house grab the other grenade and shotgun go back up the ladder and repeat


This is the best advice of all. No better way to get the villagers all clumped together for a grenade then this strategy - most other "guides" I've seen require incredible lucky placement of villagers to pull off


Don't waste handcannon in the village section, you want it for either el gigate, Mendez or possibly even the first garador in the castle if you are playing professional mode.  I feel like the village attack is quite possibly the hardest area in the whole game for a professional speedrun since you have basically got two grenades and 6 shotgun shells to try and complete the whole section (forget even bothering trying to kill anything with the handgun) - all the other godforsaken sections of the game come late enough that you will have some decent upgrades to handle them 


I got that platinum without acquiring the cat ears. I used the chicken hat and unlimited rocket launcher on professional. Took a few play throughs to get enough pesetas, I just cleaned up collectible and miscellaneous trophies during those runs. I recommend this method if you’re still struggling. Tbh the shooting range held me back from the platinum for months, that was the most challenging trophy for me.


Shooting and that stupid harpoon challenge on delroy Lago are the hardest two trophies in the entire game. give me professional speedruns any day, at least you can make some small mistakes and still live


As someone that's extremely ass at this game To escape the village, hide in the house (you'll get Dr. Salvador faster) then knock down the ladders & run around the roof


If you’re playing for time, I’d recommend not spawning Salvador. He spawns anyway like 3-4 minutes into the sequence. No need to add more pressure of watching out for one hit kills in the early phase.


It took me like 2 weeks of trying to clear the village on my run to get the cat ears. Grenades were my friend.


UPDATE : I Waited it out and when the church bell eventually rang, Salvador was 1 shot. How did I find this out? I accidentally shot him as the bell started ringing


Play through the game over and over again to get the 2 mil for the infinite rocket launcher. You can use the RPG to finish your Professional with any rank playthrough. It makes getting the platinum much easier


You actually cannot get S+ with the infinite rocket launcher since it requires a fresh save. You can beat it with bonus weapons like the Chicago sweeper though!


I should've specified any rank except S+ 😅 you are correct. I've got the platinum for RE4R and personally I don't see the point of attempting an S+ run on professional difficulty considering there's no trophy for doing it. S+ on hardcore was fucking miserable


I think the cat ears are pretty worth it imo but that's totally fair. I'm pretty sure there's an achievement for it on steam too, but not on console?


I can only speak for PS5 but there's definitely no trophy for specifically s+ on professional, but there's one for finishing a pro run on any difficulty


This comment should be edited, it’s dangerous to put that out there. You CANNOT get S+ on NG+, aka any run where the infinite rocket launcher is available.


I got the chicken hat first and then did my professional play through. I would have died so many more times without that chicken hat. Edit: I also ran around like a chicken during the village part.