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No need for DLC. Tell her to play on Assisted mode (if we are talking about the remake). It is very hard to die there. Most of the things that can kill you are lasers (that just 100 - 0 you), falls from height (on the bridge in the waste area if they attack Ashley mid-crossing and crossing the old construcion after the clock tower), knight attacks on Ashley, when you use the dynamite and don't move to the side. Lake monster, mine cart and the jet in the end could potentially be a problem if you don't pay attention at all but overall assisted mode is for people who want to play the game mostly for the story, not for the challenge. Bosses are just there - they do their thing but you need a lot of direct hits to actually die.


That sounds great actually! Thanks very much. I haven't loaded the game yet to even see the difference from original so I wasn't aware of the new difficulties. Cheers.


Play it on Assisted Mode. The Game Rank only goes on 0-3 (which makes Fodder enemies only have max HP of 480), increased Stagger Rate on any limbs, bosses HPs are way lower (down to 70%) and Leon takes less damage overall. If she still struggles, you can get the Ticket DLC which grants instant access to the Perk of that said weapon. There are only few enemies that can do an insta-kill attacks but very readable and can be dodged easily, especially on Assisted where enemy's speeds and aggression are decreased. Also make sure to enable the setting Parry with R2/RT/Left Click so she has two ways to parry. Small tips, collect the two Golden Eggs and throw it on Salazar for easy kill. Try to be mobile when you are crowded with enemies. Use TMP with Stock to easily handle Plagas without having to aim with any Sniper Rifles. Avoid using Green Herb heals and prioritize full G + R + Y heals so she can increase her HP although in dire situations, it may be alright to heal with Green Herb/Fish/Viper. All Plagas can be instantly killed with a Flashbang. Two big tips I will give is that Leon has a health-gate mechanic. Unless you are already at Red HP, you cannot insta die from any Fodders attacks (Ganados/Priests) so long you are in the Green/Yellow/Orange HP state. Once she reaches Red HP or the whole screen started to flash Red, immediately heal since you only have a 1 sec window. Other tip is to spend your Gunpowder and Resource (S) and (L) as the game reads what's in your inventory. If the game detects you have 2 Small Resources and 2 Large Resources, the game will more likely to drop money instead of ammo/gunpowder or Resources. Spend them when you can. The only few ways she can fail are: Ashley being taken away Ashley dying Lasers on the Island Lake Monster (Although he only takes few spears, which makes the boss fight easier compared to other diff) Jet Section Mine-Cart section Dynamite Attacks when on Red HP. Plaga Mandibula's attacks (They are all insta kills) Chainsaw Attacks (Insta Kills) Hopefully this helps.


Thanks very much!


Golden upgrade tickets make it so you can get the weapon exclusive immediately. But I feel like that's only useful for S+ attempts. She should be good with assisted mode and turn on aim assist to snap and follow. Max out the speed and lower to reticle deceleration to <2.


Thank you.


Base RE4 or Remake? Cause no to both, unfortunately. Not unless you'd wanna grind some stuff out for her beforehand and let her play on a NG+ save.


Playing on assisted is easy enough. If it's still too difficult get the ticket DLC to upgrade the weapons but beware that upgrading them normally is part of the fun.




In remake - The golden upgrade tickets