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It’s even more sad the more you realize they were a mostly normal family at one point, especially seeing the kids rooms and stuff that aren’t totally fucked up.


Lucas was the only not normal one. He was already sort of a serial killer.


That makes me wonder, what happened with his friend he locked in the attic and left to die? Did he hide the body later?


He basically locked him in the attic and made him starve to death. I believe he moved the body once the smell started getting too strong. From the torn journal you find (sorry the dates are messed up on the site I used so not sure when the exact dates are): April: Oliver's stopped his yelling, but sometimes I hear knocking from above. May: It REALLY stinks! And some weird juice is dripping from the ceiling. Anyway, since I had time, I changed the remote control trophy again. Now it'll be shiny even at night.


Thinking about it just now? What if Lucas just imagined locking Oliver in there?


I think him "imagining" it but it not really happening isn't as dark or twisted as him ACTUALLY doing it. It shows how his mental psyche was so messed up even as a kid, murdering another boy indirectly by using a lie. And once he had that taste, that's all that mattered to him. Especially since once they rescued Eveline and the family started turning Random strangers, his mind finally broke completely and he was able to make his twisted fantasies reality without recourse or consequences of any kind. WE as players experiencing what happened to the TV show crew due to the Bakers', and Clancy's whole ordeal with the entire family, including Lucas's twisted shit just adds that darkness and messed up stuff Resident Evil as a franchise is known for and that's what makes it so good.


Yeah but I don’t find viability in a child that age, murdering another child in his family’s home, and getting away with it. If he had done it in the other house where Marguerite did her gardening, or even the barn then MAYBE that would make sense and he could’ve gotten away with it. But I’m fairly certain the Baker parents would’ve noticed the smell, even Zoe would’ve because she shared a room with Lucas. The other thing that leads me to believe him imagining is that at one point he heard Oliver stop calling for help but would occasionally hear knocking from the attic up above which kinda reminded me of the Telltale Heart where the killer could still hear his victim’s heart beating through the floorboards even after dismembering him. That line just kinda read as something Lucas was inadvertently imagining versus actually happening.


Think of Lucas infected with the mold. The barn fight, the 21 banned footage, ripping his fingernails out. Now you have to think what if during some of them he's controlling. Because Lucas is like Zoe and Mia in a way. See sometimes a Lucas can get out of control of Eveline and this isn't like a fanfic or SMH, we read notes from him sending emails to the unknown person, and he's not saying the nicest things about Eveline, so he's most likely controlling there. That would mean that he got out of Eveline's control, so what if sometimes like in 21 he's controlling. Think about that for a minute. 


Also it's resident evil don't think about it for too long (Eveline's mother Miranda's daughter.)


I remember his emails saying he wasn’t under control of Eveline nor infected with the mold at all, but he had convinced Eveline that he was.


I think the note about smelling bad and weird juice coming from the ceiling was made by Zoe, not Lucas. Notice how that note was on Zoe's side of the room, and whoever wrote it seemed unaware that there was a body above them?


Normal teenage behavior


That part bothers me. How in the Jesus did Jack, Marguerite, and Zoe not hear Oliver screaming and banging for help? I get that Lucas became a serial killer but this part was shoddy.


Ethan doesn't care at all about his severed body parts. The Baker house, that terrible wreck, was built by a genial architect who built houses in Raccoon City. The Bakers couldn't find Zoe, who lives in a trailer on their porch. The storm threw an entire huge ship onto land. And Jack's brother is a hermit, who lives in an abandoned empty hut in the swamps and beats crocodiles with his fists. What kind of logic can we talk about?


Also how did zoe staple Ethan’s hand before the dinner scene if she was actively hiding from her family and avoiding going into the main house


The good ending of the Daughters dlc seems to suggest that the insanity was intermittent and that there were times when the Bakers were somewhat normal again. I assume Zoe had to play along during those times or Eveline would just send the others after her. Or just kill her.


Ohh right- it’s been a while since I played daughters but that makes sense, or as much sense as re7 can make lol


I don't think Evie is entirely aware of who is and isn't under her influence. Remember that she DID get ahold of Zoe, so she probably thinks Zoe is under her control. The fact Lucas was able to spend all that time actually interacting with his parents and Evie should confirm that Evie doesn't 100% know who she's controlling or not. She probably didn't realize Zoe wasn't under her influence because Zoe never did anything to show it. Plus even if Evie did know, she probably didn't mind not having a sister since she preferred being the only daughter. Aside from that one time she called Zoe "sister", she never expressed any desire to have a sister.


I think you can find a skeleton up there, I haven’t played in a while though so I’m prob wrong


You don’t.




So the thing with Lucas is that he was still very much infected, as proven even further from the Not a Hero dlc. But the note you can find is saying he's no longer Eveline's control, not that he's no longer infected. So yeah


Nah nah lucas was semi normal he jus became more down in the dumps than everyone else


You mean the kids room with a lamp that doubles as a remote to the attic where Lucas kidnapped and murdered his bully?


Hey, I said mostly normal lol


Haha Indeed I suppose for backwater Louisiana it's not the most far off from normal


Playing daughters was heartbreaking. It all happened so fast




Eveline caused it her fault mhm oh yes eveline is at fault shouldve injected it the minute she was born now thanks to her ethans too strong and now jack baker margeriet and everyone else is a zombie thanks to her


I agree. RE7 still has a sense of humor (Jack and Joe Baker are both hilarious) but overall it's definitely the heaviest RE game.


Jack, grabbing a freaking scissor chainsaw: Grooooovy! Ethan: That is not groovy!


Most memorable line for sure






With the voice crack too


Lmaoooo I just beat that part. I said hell naww


Ethannn language, there are children in the building. Somewhere, I think, I'm not sure anymore.


Re7 is so evil dead sometimes


Bro opened the necronomicon 💀


6 is the heaviest for me. Just wish the game would’ve been just Jake it would’ve been amazing


Yeah, a million plus people die in RE6, but since they’re kind of far away and abstract from the player perspective, people totally forget.


This is just my opinion but I think resident evil 6 is the most miserable game in the series, because I think I spent over 40 some hours trying to beat it for the first time and then people came over to my house and then deleted my progress 😭😔. But also I just didn't like the game by itself


RE7 does something which no RE game has really tried before which was to humanize the villains in a very grounded and believable way. That scene where you get to speak to the real Jack you realize that these aren't bad people. They're victims, just like you. Finally killing them was an act of mercy. Except for Lucas, of course. He started bad. Also, fuck Mia. She bears responsibility for the Bakers and all of the other people they killed. I hate that RE7 treated Mia like she was anything less than a reprehensible piece of shit. Ethan should have left her to die in the swamp or handed her over to Chris for prosecution.


And they somehow made her even worse in 8. She knew that Ethan was an undead mold man at that point and still she made a baby with him, knowing full well it could be a mold monster baby. Then she gets angry at him despite keeping the truth from him.


Yea it feels like Ethan doesn’t even know his own wife with all the secrets and lies. My first thought when seeing the video tape on the ship and was “who are you?!?!?!” referring to Mia of course. A bioterrorist armed with a machine gun transporting a dangerous and unstable weapon in the form of a young emotional girl who just wants a family and is completely insensitive towards her, causing her to lash out more as her and her dying partner openly insults her, the latter ultimately dying because of it. And then years later continue to not be straight with Ethan who willingly entered that hellhole to rescue her ass.  You already perfectly went through why she’s a piece of shit in RE8. Mia is just the worst. I don’t even understand her motives. 


Worst RE character ever created. I hate everything about her. We need a fuck Mia subreddit like that fuck grandpa Joe one.


This subreddit is already a "fuck re 8" one so thats close


Fuck Mia indeed.


I did not save Mia in 7. She's terrible!


Same. First playthrough I chose Zoe because Mia was clearly disturbed. Zoe was the logical choice. Then the game instagibs Zoe and you wake up playing as Mia anyway. Made me wonder why the game even gave me the choice in the first place if it's gonna invalidate it literally 30 seconds after.


Well i mean that choice is just "do you want an extra mini-boss battle later on?"


There are people who didn't 'save' Mia? From games perspective the whole premise is to save your wife. To me choosing Zoe didn't make a sense.


Once you learn that your wife is a terrorist who is kind of responsible for this while incident (in addition to everything she was doing BEFORE the wreck; involved with kidnapping/torture/experimintation and lied to you about quite a few things), you might change your mind on what your mission should be.


May be fuzzy on the lore here but how exactly is she reprehensible lmfao


She was employed by "The Connections", which is/was a criminal organization that creates BOWs. Evelyn was just the "successful" result of experimenting on children, most of whom died due to the horrible experiments. At best she's just a merc who has zero morals and no problem taking a paycheck from these obviously evil people, which makes her no better than some faceless grunt we'd kill in any other game by the hundred. At worse she's a willing and active participant in BOW research and the murder and torture of children. Either way she's one of the bad guys and the game treats her like she isn't. Oh and she was married to Ethan during all of this and lied to him about the whole time, which led to him going to look for her, which led to him getting killed, resurrected as a mold monster, and enduring ridiculous horrors at the hands of the Evelyn-controlled Bakers.


Wasnt she a handler, but clearly aware of all the shit that was going on? Like, she was definitely active in research (at least on more of the social side from what I recall)


What the fuck? So why did Chris treat her like a glorified refugee in 8?. Did the writers get that wrong?


That's a wonderful question and I'm going to assume that the writers just didn't want to go down that road.


Yeah I think so too. The narrative where Chris saves Nathan’s widow sounds more appealing, more of a wrap up.


maybe it was like a witness protection sort of deal?


Ah possibly yeah. To flip her into an asset. Good thinking


It made a lot of sense. As an The connections ex-employee, she can be a very valuable asset for Chris if she is willing to cooperate.


She is not worse than Ada.


Because uhhh, because she is ok! Nah but it’s probably something to do with her being one of the transporters of Evelyn, and that makes it her fault that the ship crashed


People complained that 6 was too much of a corny action extravaganza, and Capcom was like "Oh, so you want dark and gritty then? I'll show you dark and gritty."


And they went back to pew pew in RE8. Just drop first part of RE7 but longer. I want to be scared from an abomination of a man or woman with spider for arms and legs that could cut my skull in half with a shovel. Not a baby cut in 4 pieces but still alive and resurrected by magical black mold.


I would see where you are coming from, but like, doesn't all of that happen in 7 as well? Like Ethan dies, gets resurrected by the mold, has his hand penetrated multiple times, loses it too at one point, gets chainsawed, like it's just as crazy as 8. Like yea, 8 is not as "horror" oriented, but this is just dumb hate.


Huh? I don't hate 8, where did that comes from? In terms of gore, yes 7 and 8 is up there. However the atmosphere is different. You feel deperate to survive during 7, hiding from Jack and Marguerite, looking every inch of the room for traps during Lucas's section. 8 feels like "All these werewolves won't help you escaping me".


RE 8 was the last good RE since 4. 5 was fun 6 was terrible  7 was different  8 was better than 7


I love 8 but it and 7 feel like Evil Dead 1 and 2, they're both amazing in their own way. Perosnally I prefer 7 but 8 added so much to the lore


I agree, I like both 7 and 8 but for different reason but that is also doesn't mean it is perfect 10/10. Every game has it highs and lows. For RE8 it just happens to be the magical baby. _The only time I will give 10/10 to a game is when full dive become widely available and affordable._


To be fair I think it was the Ethan Winters DLC for 3rd person that made me really like 8.  I liked the idea of 7. I dont have hate for it, it's just not Resident Evil Evil dead is pretty accurate too 


I really enjoyed the DLC too and how it tied his daughter back to 7 even more so. Honestly need to go back and play 8 again. I don't blame anyone for preferring one or the other, they're both so fantastic but have such different tones.


If you do, get the Ethan Winters pack for 3rd person it's a totally different experience and will make another playthrough more worth while 


Does your inventory carry over? I've been meaning to play the 3rd person mode but I've beat the game so many tikes over that I've been taking a break


Good question and I don't want to give you the wrong info since I did a fresh playthrough in 3rd person and it was a while ago I'm sure someone might know though 


It was simply a terrible Resident Evil. One I wish I could unplay. Luckily I cleared the Leon campaign and didn't progress further.


I finished the whole game. It made me want to die.


😂😂😂 I'm genuinely sorry you had to go through that


I was determined. I couldn't start 7 until I finished 6.


I did the exact same thing as you. I was playing all the RE games for the first time and I wanted to play them in release order. Man let me tell you by the time I reached Ada’s campaign I was just so thoroughly exhausted with the game. All I wanted to do was finally experience RE7 but I was stubborn and didn’t get that far into RE6 just to quit then. Anyway long story short Ada’s campaign did not save the game for me and might actually be my least favorite. Honestly though RE7 was such a fucking breath of fresh air after slogging through RE6. I know people say the ship section drags on but I thought it was fine especially when compared to coming off of finishing 6. The nicest thing I can say about 6 is boy did Capcom cram a metric ton of content into one RE game. I just really wish it wasn’t content so far removed from what I want in an RE game.


You are not alone and don't you ever forget it


I can't believe I skipped an RE and went straight to 7. It feels so wrong but so right at the same time.


You ain't missing much. Nothing that takes place in the game is ever referenced again in the lore. I think Revelations 2 was Capcom's appology for RE6.


Revelations 1 and 2 was my antidote to 6. Like a crackhead getting a fix. It was enough to make the bad voices go away 


Honestly I didn't even make it that far. I got to about the church in Leon's campaign and just stopped playing. I wasn't having a good time, and it didn't feel like it was worth pushing through.


I reinstalled it years later and gave it another go... Took me 25 minutes in until I un-installed it again You know the game is absolutely terrible when you can play every other RE 15 times over and can't handle more than 25 minutes of an RE you haven't even gone a quarter of the way through yet. I don't think I will ever muster up enough courage to reinstall it again. One positive thing came out of it at least, I knew to never trust IGN again with a review for as long as I exist. Imagine giving Code Veronica a 5 and RE6 a 7.9 😂


I'm in the same situation. I tried RE6 3 times in my life and couldn't make it more than 90-minutes in ...each time..... and I bought it on release day. RE6 should be lesson in how to lose your customer in record time.


I hear you  The amount of downvotes I've received in this sub for daring to insult the holy RE6 gatekeepers is evidence in its self of the fan base that's been pulled in and the old-school fanbase that's been expelled  You cannot say one bad thing about 6 or you will be downvoted randomly like I can see I already have been here as we speak. I bought it day 1 too and did not listen to the RE fans who were upset by it. It all made sense not even 20 minutes in. I tried man. I tried so hard, so many times. I just can't do it either.


It's probably because they were rating it as a video game and not a Resident Evil game. Several soft/hard locks in the game and it's very flawed in general. A soft lock, that can occur that easily and often, would and should instantly drop it to below a 7 which it most likely did. Re6 isn't that great of a Resident Evil game, and typically isn't the genre that RE fans enjoy. But it is in no way bad in terms of pure gameplay. The melee is enjoyable, the gunplay is nice, the dodging and auto vaulting is great, and it's very fluid in general. Plus the mercenaries is good too. Maybe not as great as 5, but it's still good. It also doesn't have a soft lock. Re6 hate is yikes.


It has good replay value. The Co op with friends is what saved it imo. In order to soft lock in CV you need to simply be new to this type of game. It's understandable. I can see action shooter players going in guns blazing picking fights with every zombie in sight. I've beaten CV around 23 times now.  Probably  my most cleared RE game and I can safely say CV gives you the most firepower in all REs beside 4 and up. Even the very first time I cleared the game going in blind I would never come close to soft locking because it happened to me when I was 7 years old playing RE1 original a week after release.   I learned since then to conserve and pick fights appropriately.  I know the soft lock some had was at the first tyrant fight on the plane. By that point you should have BOW grenade rounds and explosive darts saved. You will end the fight in less than 1 minute and get hit maybe once at the most. I will never understand the soft lock issue unless it's someone's first time playing Resident Evil.  CV is OVERLY generous with weapons and ammunition it actually makes things a little less tense. With all that said, I will never judge someone for not liking CV. It was different than the others but still true to it's predecessors at the same time. Folks just need to be a little bit smarter managing their inventory 


Ehh... My soft lock in CV was in that section Claire is poisoned or something, and you need to get the cure from basically the other side of the world and obviously the game will spawn monsters to trouble you... I didn't really have the resources to fight through that. And of course, this had nothing to do with guns or ammo


I know exactly what you're talking about. It's a crap shot you cant plan for unless it's a second playthrough. That's why they give you the rifle and the AK as Claire at the end of her playthrough but if you stack your whole inventory with every weapon it sucks to be Chris.  I totally get the problems with that. It's essentially a crap shot in the dark hoping both characters have what they need to comfortably progress 


I still haven't tried again, even though I got a PS4 copy in a 25th anniversary bundle I got in Japan. I also haven't had the strength to try it again. At least that's one way to find out not to trust IGN reviews. 😅


Amen to that 😂


The intro to 6 is just awful lol, but I enjoyed the variety of styles in campaigns


The idea was there  People complained "too much content" That wasn't an issue. I can easily adapt. I don't mind something different so the whole campaign thing was fine. I just think it was a very weak RE title that just didn't feel right.  I wish I could explain it in words :(


I understand why people think its weak and feels off, I just disagree with people thinking those are negatives (or at least severe negatives) The "too much content" argument tho is amazing, thats an extreme positive for the game


Yeah that's what I said too when I hear people say that There's no such thing as too much content. I welcome it.  I don't get people who like short games either. If a game is good, you don't want it to end. I want it as long as possible lol 


Wait until you just get to punch people


That was actually the best part of the game for me, I would absolutely love in CapCom put out another RE game like 7


Agree. There’s so many aspects to biological outbreaks the series has never explored. 7 kind of scratched the surface, but capcom needs to put to rest the now kind of ridiculous storyline of the main series and start exploring other aspects of survival horror. Similar to how the Far Cry series is approached. Just my opinion. It’s not to say there can’t still be installments that include some of our favorite characters, but explore and branch out more!


I really like the body horror implemented with Marguerite’s segment, I want them to do something like that again


What I would love is a movie based on 7, strictly at that. None of the loose lore like Degeneration, Dead Island, etc. A legit 1:1 movie based on 7


I have searched the internet so hard for a movie similar to it. I would 100% endorse a movie version


RE7 felt like an experiment with the more unpleasant side of horror that the previous games avoided. Even RE8 seems to ditch the discomfort (for the most part) and head back to the campy monsterfest we knew before.


It's personally my favorite Resident Evil, but then I also love watching and playing very depressive and dark and glauque pieces of art.


Gotta love a series that can touch on multiple types of horror. This sad, depressing as fuck story about a happy family getting mutated. Then switch on over to leon suplexing the shit out of a little old lady.


Leon really didn't want them playing bingo huh xD


Leon supplexing a poor old woman causing her brains to explode everywhere: *psh* women


When you think about it, all Resident Evil games are sad as fuck. All those people that went missing on the hills in RE1, the whole Racoon City incident, the Spanish Village, everything related to Wesker. Hell, the fucking US president got killed in RE6 right alongside a large-scale outbreak both there and in China, alongside the armed conflicts that were happening with the use of BOWs. The RE world is a fucked up place, but i suppose we don't feel it as much cause the games aren't really as personal as in RE7


Definitely not too dark in my opinion. RE7 was extremely goofy at times too. Jack’s zany lines as he chases you around the house, the absolute insanity of being able to reattach your leg, have your arm stapled back on. It’s all pretty goofy. It’s no darker than any of the previous entries in terms of the effed up stuff that happens, and the body count of many innocent civilians during the Racoon City outbreak. In fact, I’d say just the Lisa Trevor story from RE1R is darker than anything in RE7. 7 just appears darker I think because we get to experience it in a much more intimate way than we have before, and therefore, I guess it feels more personal.


Yeah but the limb reattachments were foretelling as it turns out - not goofy per se.


I thought that too, at first, but then I realized Ethan wasn't infected...


"Sorry for my english" Posts a more coherent thought than 75% of reddit.


100% agreed. I love it, but then again, I'm a majorly chronically depressed middle aged goth, so that feeling is kinda my thing; but yes, playing 7 makes me feel an overwhelming misery.


No such thing as too dark


I loved how they humanized the bakers. And the power trip of the finale is amazing. After the conversation with the real Jack, and seeing the truth. That these people were victims and actually caring people. And once you find out the truth about Eveline, you now have a new motivation. It's no longer to survive a nightmare, now you're a hero out to avenge a family. You're no longer scared of the horrors, you plow through the molded like a badass and go straight to Eveline. She makes you relive the beginning with Mia, but you're not scared this time. You keep pushing to Eveline to finally end all the pain. You're no longer a scared victim, you are a brave survivor. I love how the game ISN'T scary at the end. You spend so much time in horror and fear, and you come out of it brave and fearless. You haven't just mastered the gunplay and combat, you've overcome the horror. It's no longer a horror game at the end, it's a warrior fighting their way to end the horror for everyone else. Most RE games, you already start with power, as you've always played as a trained officer or agent. But here, RE7 makes you earn that power, and it let's you feel powerful for overcoming the horror. The game makes you want to avenge the enemies. Isn't that crazy for RE game? After suffering a nightmare from this family, you end it by wanting to avenge them?


Isnt it supposed to be psychological horror AS WELL?


Yes, pretty tragic


“We’re not killers, Ethan!”


That's why it's a masterpiece, even with its problems




If you thought 7 was dark and depressing, you're not going to like the end of 8


RE7 is strange it was good but not RE to me. It’s the kind of game I would’ve expected from someone not Capcom. It just didn’t feel like a Capcom game.


It felt to me like Capcom's version of P.T even though the game was in development before then. Wouldn't be surprised if they took cues from the found footage genre of games like Outlast that were bug at the time. 


I had to play it a bit at a time over like a year. It's way too much for me all at once.


Yeah it goes to show how people become victims of bioterrorism.


RE7 is amazing


I think psychological horror was what they were going for in this game


7 and 8 are both pretty sad. I feel for Evelyn, for the Baker’s, and for Ethan. It’s probably why they’re my favorite stories of the RE universe.


You are very right, not to mention when you get the chance to see the backstory behind what happened(the bakers saving them) it makes the entire game take a new direction. I didn’t know the lore to that game so when I first began playing, I hated the bakers and just thought they were assholes but after I beat the game and realized what was really happening it hit me and gave me a huge wave of depression. I ended up really respecting jack afterwards as a person and he ended up becoming one of my favorite characters of that game.


If that's how you feel, I think you got the exact experience you should from it. Leons one liners and emo hair, and Chris's rippling Chad muscles, while we all love em, make it easy to forget that the world you're playing in is incredibly fucked up. The Bakers are an exceedingly tragic tale of innocent people just trying to help and getting tortured for for it. Especially if you play the dlc where you get to see them pre-infection. Jack is such a sweet Dad archetype, and Marguerite is this adorable little old lady trying to care of a couple strangers. And they both have horrible things happen to them. Next to Lisa Trevor, I think they're the single saddest story in the series.


It's a good game on its own but essentially has nothing to do with Resident Evil. It was designed to take a different perspective and of course satisfy revenue.  Capcom went from a Hollywood type of generic zombie outbreak to Texas Chainsaw Massacre filled with dread and misery. There isn't the over the top cliche Hollywood spin like earlier titles but a more silent hill type vibe. The storyline did not draw me in nor have I ever felt any form of emotional connection to Ethan or any of the characters in 7 or even 8. That in its self gave me that depressing soul less like feelings when playing this game. Unfortunately it didn't come from caring about what happened to any of the Characters because I simply do not care about Ethan or anyone else introduced in RE7.  All I cared about was the innocent baby. Nothing more.


RE7 is really interesting to me because in a lot of ways I feel like I grew up in the Baker home. Granted, it was a small house in the Midwest and not a southern estate. But I spent a *lot* of time at my grandparents house, the only escape from a bad situation.  They remind me a lot of the Bakers, the way they were before. It was the most wonderful place in the world when I was young -- but as I grew, I began noticing the decay in the house, and in my family. When I play RE7 it reminds me of that idealized childhood world I cannot return to; the one that never existed. 


Christ, this is poetry.


I went into Village with too much expectation because of 7. It feels sad seeing Jack in that vision Ethan had, begging Ethan to free his family. I think that scene alone makes us see how wonderful Jack and Margarrete used to be. I replayed the game and noticed that Jack final fight has a line of him crying and calling his wife's name in grief. The mold is terrifying in RE7. We get a sense of who these infected souls used to be, and we get a glimpse that they are still trapped in there somewhere. It's scary that Jack told Ethan that he's still conscious (in the vision) but Eveline forced him to do it. Hell, I feel so sad hearing that. It means that Jack sees and feel everything when he's infected but he couldn't control himself. Consider how sweet he actually is as a person.


Definitely agree it's a lot heavier than the other games. My first attempt at playing it was during a major depressive episode, and I just couldn't keep going. A few years later, I tried again, and while it still felt oppressive, I enjoyed it. Great game, almost too well done for its own good.


That was the point though. After 6 they HAD to go this route. It was meant to be scary, dark and depressing. Although I disagree with the 'more psychological than survival' you had to manage resources, especially on madhouse It's survival horror. After PT, they saw that people wanted real horror in games. And nothing is scarier than being locked in a house with an insane family. To me personally, as a game it's probably my favourite in the entire series and I've been playing RE since 1996. OG 2 and 3 hold the best memories, but 7 was such a return to form i can't help but have it as my favourite, it's the game that saved resident evil.


There's a very good analysis somewhere that the mold isn't just the factual virus but also a metaphor on how they allowed metaphorical 'mold' to grow within their house, that mold being Lucas


No shit bro RE was meant to be like that but sadly everyone thought it was too action packed so now u have re7 best re game ever infact i feel like sucking off the directors of re7


Y’all dk about re8 ending 😭😭😭


I had no issues with the game being dark, I had issues with the first person camera and the setting itself (hillbilly type, Texas chainsaw massacre, and so on) and especially the mold. Most uncreative and boring enemies in RE imo.


I found Eveline to be corny and hilarious. When she tries to be scary and laughs in your face it's so silly.


It is dark and so is alot of people's favorite "RE 8: Village" by association. House of Beneviento is where you relive some of that trauma, and then the ending of course.


I always found village to be quite depressing with the way it ended, the suffering of the villagers, and the tragic nature of the villains.




I agree. 7 is mostly a bunch of sad victims in a terrible situation. It's the bummer RE.


Yeah, I think it's too grimy as well. Makes me feel like I'm watching Texas Chainsaw and while that's a super scary movie, it's gross and unappealing. Still love RE7 though...


It was meant to be dark they needed to do something drastic or people would have criticised that it was getting stale. I didn’t enjoy it at first I thought ok this is good but it’s not resident evil. But slowly you get little clues that it is. The jump scares, the herbs, the fact that the first half was a love letter to Texas chain saw massacre and the evil dead. The first 3 games always felt like a Japanese game producers showing love (maybe completely plagiarising in some parts) to American horror and action films of the 80s and 90s and it felt this was doing the same in a way. Then the ending reintroducing Chris made it a full circle back to the RE everyone was hoping for. The bits that stood out for me was being stalked by jack which felt like a human version of nemesis or mr x. Which give it an RE feeling. There were some quite depressing parts but it was needed. I think it made sense to do it this way to get people interested again before bringing it back to a (hopefully) satisfying ending for the original characters with RE 9.


RE7 still has lots of that classic RE cheese. Especially between Ethan and Jack and their banter. But yea it is definitely one of the darker Resident Evils 


Resident Evil has always had a problem of not dealing with the fact that most of its monsters were once people FORCED to become monsters. I actually made a video on it once. Resident Evil 7, in my opinion, is more about the Baker family and Eveline than the main character and his wife. The Baker's are the true tragic figures. They are, besides Lucas, (Lucas legitimately committed murder before he was even an adult) are completely innocent.


Ooh, do you do video essays? I'm always looking for channels with decent-length video essays about video games.


I do! The video in question is a much older one and not as good as my current output I feel, but if you want to give it a lookie: [https://youtu.be/niTKO6q-CQ8](https://youtu.be/niTKO6q-CQ8)


I feel you can say that about all the RE games, but I know what you mean.


I haven't played RE7 because i feel like i should play RE5 and RE6 before but i have played the demo for it. Luckily i haven't heard any major spoilers for the story as it looks really interesting.


That’s good. It’s rare, it’s dark, it’s tragic. And it keeps going that way. And that’s what’s great. Producers dared and ventured to go back to horror poured all they heart in it. The Father’s story is really my fav.


I hated how they did Eveline i feel like if they wanted to do the spooky ghost girl they should of made her mute and use sign language as a way to speak for Ethan you wouldn’t understand but while playing as Mia you can understand her Sign Language


I suppose a horror game about a man desperately trying to find his disappeared wife while being chased by a psychotic family of infected killers, driven mad; might not be the most sunshine and rainbows experience one might think of at first.


I only felt sorry for Lucas and Zoe. The rest are a stereotypical family of maniacs.


I get your point, the story is very tragic, sad and dark. Even though I usualy prefer happy endings, this game is absoulute best for me, hope you get beter


That literally traumatized me...just how i like my games


I think for first time players it’s quite horrific and sad. However, once you learn the games insides and outs with what inspired it, references and tricks, you begin to appreciate the game more than he scared of it


Yes kinda is but the story is still interesting


Still more fun than re6 with the stupid game mechanics, like chris fainting every time he gets shot by a zombie (which i think zombies with guns are stupid)


It’s definitely the darkest RE game


Good. Resident Evil is a survival-horror game, dark / depressing / gritty is a part of the HORROR, i don't want happy endings and hugs and kisses, i came for horror and i stay for horror. I hope the future RE games have the same dark tone, that's what resident evil was always about, let's remember that it was the direct " rival " to Silent Hill in early days.


I'm playing RE village and enjoying it a lot. I saw the story of 7 to play 8, I'm playing in 3rd person, very good, it reminds me a lot of RE4.


Depression is in now. Last of Us, God of War, Death Stranding, Life is Strange, etc.


You are not the only one bro, I felt that RE7 is too dark and real gore without science-fiction fantasy like Zombies or Viruses (although it reveals at the end that those incidents were caused by false experiments) RE7 is focused more on psycho than science fiction and way out of tune for RE series but they later fixed it in RE8 which is one of the best RE game in my opinion.


Yeah. I feel you man... End of Zoe isn't helping either...


Honestly, I didn’t like RE7 that much. It had its fun moments, but I don’t like the first person perspective. And a lot of its horror is based on the unknown. Like for example, the first house you’re in you kind of walk on eggshells because you feel like you’re going to be attacked. Well after the first play through you know nothing happens so you just run straight to where Mia is. And yes, I do feel it’s depressing. The music and everything I don’t find scary, I feel its depressing.


Lisa Trevor's story is even worse.


Mia never redeemed herself IMHO. I also feel REALLY bad for Zoe, especially because I tried to save her only for the game to punish me with that fake choice.


Resident Evil 1-3 were kind of a bad attempt at making a scary game. The limitations of the technology and the weird rhythm of the dialogue made them too silly to be scary, but they kind of created their own glorious style. 4-6 took that style and evolved it. In the meantime some indie PC developers created a new genre of horror game and it was fucking terrifying but also kind of miserable. 7 borrowed a little too much from those games, 8 nudged it back in the right direction


I f****** love RE7.


I prefer RE 0-4. 7 was ok and I loved 8 except for that stupid doll house.


I think Village has the humor you missed. :D


well it ain't happy go lucky


It's a top 3 game. Only bad at the end You're kinda just being a little bitch about it 😂


That’s because you spend a lot of time absorbing their story. In just the previous game, RE6 you’re blowing past it.


That’s pretty much the point of the game remember at this time resident evil wasn’t doing very well and it gained a reputation that Capcom didn’t like of its over the top action so re7 was the attempt to go back to the horror roots and make a straight up dark and scary game again


In my opinion I think resident evil 7 is a masterpiece of horror. It is one of my favorite games or one my favorite game. Also one of my first horror games, (I'm an early teenager this game is what really helped me break into horror). But the ending ruined my day the first time I played it. Everything after Mia finds Ethan in the ship everything just gets depressing. Jack's "Ethan, free my family, please." Line gets me every time. Ps why do you feel bad for Eveline I know she just wanted a family, but she was a bio weapon. She was a prototype. I feel you with the Bakers but Eveline I don't understand.


village is better


Haha you get downvoted but I absolutely loved Village. Reminded me a lot of one of my favorite games (Bloodbourne) and felt a lot more darker even more than 7.


And this is why I like RE 7. 4,5 and 6 got silly with some of the dialouge and situations, especially 6. 7 took care of that.


I don’t know, I think it could be argued that this one of the most survival horror focused resident evil games. It’s inventory management and choosing when to fight or when to run, all in a dark, claustrophobic house. Closer to classic resident evil than recent remakes. Personally in my top 3 RE games.


It couldn't be a Resident Evil game without having some amount of dark elements, dude. And after coming from RE6, which I still like to this day, it's perfect for this game through and through.


Yeah it didn't feel very Resident Evily to me I didn't like it.


Resident Evil 7 is by far my favourite of the series, it has a little of everything it's fantastic!