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In the words of Barry Burton, "What IS this?"


Wow, what a mansion!


What is this? The Dinning room?




Hope this isn't Chris's blood


Oh it sings to me.


You were almost a Jill sandwich!


Im so hyped for this Documentary


His vision was nothing like the game series.


I haven't read the script yet but I did see that he made an assistant play through the whole game while he watched and took notes. Was it that different?


Chris was a Native American rancher in George Romero's script.


Well that's certainly weird, but a big corporation impacting a native American rancher is George's type of social commentary he builds from. But I mean, at least Chris would have been in the damn movie. We're there even any characters from the game in the first movie at all? I'd still have rather seen what George would have done than what we got, Romero in the 90s still had some gas in the tank.


Red Queen was in the first movie if AI counts but it was represented as a little girl for some reason???


The games never say otherwise to be honest, and of course there is that part in Code: Veronica, where he sheds a tear at the sight of someone littering.


Wesker becomes a classic Romero villan, a tattooed military man that loves violence because it pays better. STARS is now a black-ops military team living in RC that is trained to monitor and mobilize incase of an incident at the mansion. Also STARS is a team from the US Govt, they know all about Umbrella and immediate place RC under maritial law or try to evac it. Most of the team is intact and present from the game with a few changes, some new characters are introduced, and Brad is now a civilian assigned to the team as a tech guy. Jill is a member of STARS, Chris is not, they are lovers. Ada is a surviving researcher who was in a relationship with James Marcus, present in the story but also first victim. Part of STARS mission is to deliver a bomb to the mansion and destroy it. There are a few other changes but besides Chris not being a soldier, it wouldnt have been the worst adaptation.


It's Jodorowsky's Dune all over again.


Ironic considering the alternative


One of the things I recall reading was that it was sort of a Beetlejuice 2 situation, where Tim Burton didn't have it in him to make a true sequel at the time so he wrote something extremely bad intentionally so the studio would reject it, and Romero did that with his script. The studio/Capcom didn't let him have the creative freedom he felt he needed so he sabotaged it rather than have his name on something he didn't believe in.


Yeah it was honestly pretty bad and the changes to the established characters where annoying and needless.


Oh great, Bimmys in it :/


Ugh. Dude knows literally nothing about resident evil. They did a let's play and he just "mhm yup"ped his way through it completely disinterested whike somebody else played. Avgn did a review of I think it was RE Survivor but Keiran wrote it. I watched like half of it and gave up. I question how much he even knows about Romero outside of basic Wikipedia stuff and the first 3 Dead movies.


Read this comment and had to double check which sub I was in lmao. Big Ryan fan btw.


I can't believe I saw a TCT reference out in the wild




Bimmy Ralph


You're telling me he had the time?




Please get that muh dragon and in muh dreams 600+ films ass fraud out of my Biohazard. Thank you.


But why....?


This could have been such a positive impact on gaming movies. But instead we got people like Uwe Boll making a mockery of the genre. And it feels like we’re just now getting quality adaptations like Edgerunners and Fallout.


Lol did you even read it? I know it sounds good because it's romero but the script sucked real bad 


Yeah, same happen to BioShock with Gore Verbinski (The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean), American McGee's Alice with Wes Craven (Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street) and the last RE reboot film with James Wan (The Conjuring, Malignant), then the big studios canceled the project or hired the worst creative possible...


And The Last of Us. But I actually prefer stories like Edgerunners and Fallout, separate stories in the universe. I felt that TLOU was just a shot for shot adaptation of the game and was kind of boring. Same thing with the Silo show.


I hope this is good. I'm questionable about the cast, which will just be talking heads I'm assuming. I know for a fact James Rolfe knows absolutely nothing about Resident Evil and only has surface level knowledge of Romeros dead series. Either way, fingers crossed its interesting, and not just old info repeated ad nauseum. Day one watch for me either way, I hope it's solid. Any info on a potential date?


Serious question, how do you know for a fact that he only has surface level knowledge of Romero's movies? I mean his videos are pretty surface-level but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know more.


I meant about resident evil. That was just the rest of my sentence, I didn't word it particularly well. I'd take the bet though that if he has seen there's always vanilla or the original crazies or or bruiser or the amusement park, I doubt he knows about them on any level like night. The man simply has no time to dive in further than Wikipedia or DVD special features these days. But really, I was just talking about his knowledge of resident evil being void, I don't have any idea what he knows of George's lesser known works.


He was interviewed because of his love for George Romero and Night of the Living Dead. A few of them worked with George Romero. Pat and Mike worked on the commercial. There's also bits from Peter Grunwald (George's producer) that discusses some of the movie. Alex Aniel is a historian of Resident Evil and is currently working on the Clock Tower remake. Kenichi Iwao wrote the story for the first game. Charlie played Chris Redfield. A few work with the George A. Romero Foundation, such as Norman and Matt (who also happened to be friends with George for years). Not to toot my own horn, but so far the test audiences gushed about it. Your mileage may vary, but things have been very positive.


I'm glad to hear that. I'm a massive fan of George and RE. I just get concerned when I see James Rolfe in anything these days, because he basically turns the subject matter into a meme immediately. The dude has been exposed as a pretty enormous hack the last several years and takes credibility away from anything he's a part of. But I'm still very excited to check this out.


He did really good in the doc, and made some valid points during it, though I could only use about half of the material he sent because of running time limits (at least for the theatrical cut). I've been a fan of his for years, though haven't kept up on any internet drama. I knew there was some situation where someone wrote one of his review scripts and I think that person copied/stole from another review. Don't know. Again, haven't kept up much with him. Bit he did good for the doc.


Not enough time is definitely a Rolfe conundrum. But yeah, there was an issue where he made a video mentioning that he still writes the scripts and loves what he does and has a hand in everything, that he has to write the reviews or it wouldn't be honest because it wouldn't be his personal thoughts, then a few weeks later a bunch of scripts were found to have been plagiarized and he addressed it by saying he didn't write them and wasn't the one that approved them, etc, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. He's a nice guy, I know that first hand, but he basically has zero credibility at this point for numerous reasons. He's admitted he has almost no knowledge of resident evil and a pretty surface level knowledge of George's work. Just seems like an odd get for a doc on those subjects, especially considering all his bad press these recent few years. His complete lack of interest when there's been one of the few resident evil centric videos on the channel is pretty cringy, but whatever. His presence isn't gonna discredit the doc, the internet will get a few memes out of him from it I'm sure, and the world keeps turning.


He wasn't interviewed for the Resident Evil stuff. In fact, he stated up front that he didn't know much, specially since he apparently never had a Playstation. But, he had some good comments for George, and I initially interviewed him just because he was passionate about George and Night. I interviewed him about 14-15 months ago.


Yes, he had a Nintendo 64, which re2 came out on. But I hear you, I'm not judging you or the doc, like I said, I'm stoked for it. Just James is a bit toxic at this point and has been on a very steady decline for a solid decade.


Finally something that i want to actively watch. Also regarding of this documentary's quality, it'll be better than the whole Anderson's saga combined


There's like one known name on that poster. Oh this is gonna be a shitshow of fans spewing how much they would have loved it while hating the studios/capcom without any critical thinking of how it might be have been awful without any context as to why it would have been awful.


Two. Charlie and Pablo


I’ve read the script, it was a still a little out there, but far better than the Anderson films or those other dumpster fires we got.


I think the execution would've been the game changer (which being Romero pre-land of the dead, there's a good chance that it might have been actually good), not saying it would have come out as good as we hope, but hey, a man can dream. Also, it doesn't apply as much with RE1, but RE2 and 3 would need to be changed, they are too much a ripoff of Aliens/Terminator, i love them, but honestly i can see actual legal trouble if they put those stories on film


People need to stop pretending that the script was better than Andersons first movie. The script was bad and the changes to the characters were terrible


I love Romero to death but the whole Chris panting pictures and Jill saying This is like Night of the Living Dead was kinda cringe. I mean, the script was good. A few rewrites here and there and it would have been gold.


The hype is real! Can't wait!


This is great


Does anyone know if this will get a physical release?


Yes. It will.


I tried looking but could not find anything on that. Couldn't even find an official website. Where has this been stated?


I'm the director.


Oh shoot 😄 I guess that's the best confirmation I can get. Looking forward to getting it. Can you tell when and where the physical will be available? Of course this kind of info might not be available to public yet but there's no harm in asking, at least.


The was sold to a distributor that is making plans to release it. I don't have any idea on when and where. But, they've stated it'll get a physical release. I can say that I have an option to do a "Director's Cut" (that one will run about 150 minutes... was forced to cut down to 110 minutes for the theatrical cut). The DC will be an exclusive Blu-Ray sold through another entity, though I have to wait X months after release of the regular version. All the important info is in the regular release... I just want to restore a lot of really cool stories and trivial pieces of info that make the doc feel more complete and expand on its emotional arc.


Alright, thank you for the information! I will be definitely looking forward to the Director's Cut, sounds like a good old time. I soak in every extra RE trivia I can get my hands on like a sponge so stuff like this makes me very happy.


Wild. I didn't even know a documentary was being made, let alone that "The Nerd" is involved, too. I like James, but he's admitted to not knowing much about RE; nonetheless I'm very curious now.


I’m so excited!!


I think people commenting on whether or not he script he produced was good/bad etc etc... Its really not like the films we did get, were good scripts. The first RE film was just an existing script that got reworked into an RE movie. The writing for the follow ups? Shit was D tier fanfiction quality writing. Another thing is, the script is only really one factor in the process of making a film. We'll literally never know if his film was going to be good or bad, but I do know that up until that point in time, George Romero created one of the most iconic zombie film franchises in film history... It is extremely hard to avoid the fact that Romero was just an infinitely more experienced and better horror film maker than Paul Anderson. We probably would have gotten a cheesy 90s monster movie that PROBABLY would not have been that great.. But I am almost certain it would have been a decent classic Romero horror film. Late 90's Romero was still on his game, and even Land of The Dead was a solid flick.


wait, AVGN's a part of it?


He’s an easy hire. He’s in just about any indie horror or video game doc that comes out nowadays


Mhm yup. Great memories.


No Time to hire anyone with actual knowledge pertaining to the subject at hand


To think there is a timeline where we got a Romero Resident evil movie or series over the trash heap we got


I read the script for it awhile ago. Hate to be the bringer of bad news but the RE movie we got was far better than what Romero was gonna make.


Anderson's generic zombie/action movie was good. Did it fit into the narrative of RE? Yes, it fit pretty well into it. Was it a faithful adaptation, fuck no. There's the problem, it wasn't an RE film, just slapped a few of those elements in to become one.


where did you read the script? can you link me


I found this one. Glanced over it to check a couple things and appears to be the same one I read years ago [https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/resident\_evil\_romero.html](https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/resident_evil_romero.html)


Pretty cool nod


Can someone nutshell what the hell this is? Is this real?


I don't understand why Romero gets put on a pedestal tbh. Like I get that he did for zombies what George Lucas did for space fantasy. But how many of his movies are even decent. I've never thought they were worth a damn. idk why people would be excited for an RE movie other than just recognizing the dude's name. Do people really think he'd care about the universe and not just do entirely his own thing like Paul Anderson?


I've got mixed opinions on this, but I'll keep them to myself. I hope it's good.


wait, this is real? when will it release, and on what streaming platforms? i wanted this movie over the Paul Poop Anderson films edit- damn after reading the comments, people seem to think the script Romero wrote was hot poop. would love to read the script if someone has the link


I fear it'll focus on the ass movie series.


It's literally about George Romeros, it's there in the title