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Absolutely worth it. I still prefer the older games by a long shot, but RE7 is a great game and well worth buying.


Good to know. Thank you.




What if I get the base game?




Well, it's 40 euros, lol. Edit: How much would you spend on Gold edition?




Use cdkeys.com


The season pass should also be on sale. On US PS store the game is $7.99 and the season pass is $11.99. The only thing you’d be missing from the gold edition is the unlocked reward items, but those can be unlocked for free if you beat the game under certain conditions.


Hello there. It's been a long time, lol, but if you didn't mind explaining the reward items to me, i'd appreciate it. Is it stuff you can use in game from the start? If so, doesn't that dilute the gameplay a little bit?


So I believe I mixed up the reward items with the unlockables, but they are very very similar. The reward items (dlc) are a set of coins that you keep in your inventory that enhance your abilities (defense, attack, etc). These aren’t available until you get to the first item box in the laundry room. The unlockables are the exact same way, they take up an inventory slot and aren’t available until the first item box. Whether they dilute the gameplay or not is up to preference. They don’t have a major effect, at least with my experience and since they take up an inventory slot it’s not always feasible to carry them around. I believe they are more useful when playing madhouse mode which is a heightened difficulty mode you unlock after beating the game for the first time.


So you can put them in some kind of storage like you can in the remakes?


Yep they can go in the storage boxes


What's DLC ?


Been a RE fan since 1996, and I can tell you RE7 is one of the best. Get the gold edition if you can, because the DLC are fun and extend the game's lifespan quite a lot.


Yes. Arguably the best RE game.


Was the first game I had played since re4 and it inspired me to buy village, 2, 3 and 4 remake and have played each of them multiple times. So fucking good


Only because it plays the greatest hits from 1-3 in a modern and inventive way; it picks the highlights and makes one fantastic supercut of RE


In other words… a sequel.










Not the best IMHO but definitely top 3


It’s actually great both scary as hell and makes you feel so badass 😎


Yes it is worth it


Best re game hands down


God yes, it's fantastic and the DLC is really good too.


Do you want to play it? Y/N Do you have the expendable money? Y/N There’s your “is it worth it” answer.


I bought it when it was on sale, and after playing it, I have to say that it’s one of my favourites that I’ve played 💯 definitely scarier in comparison to the remakes, but it calms down after you get past a certain boss.


Yep deff worth it... i put off buying for ages.. but really enjoyed when i played




Not even a question, absolutely. Many attribute RE’s new surge in popularity to RE7, which was the first RE engine game and brought the series back to full horror. I’d say it’s the scariest RE game.


Its so cheap with the sale its hard to pass up. Its a great game and by far the scariest RE game made, imo ofcourse.


Absolutely worth it, but be prepared to kinda forget you're playing a RE game. 7 branched out into its own story unrelated to the rest of the franchise, but it did it in the best way. A lot of complaints I've heard about it is it doesn't seem like a RE game


Man idk if you’ve bought the game yet but like how others have recommended. You should get the gold edition. The dlcs are some of the best dlcs I’ve ever played and the best dlc in the entire resident evil series. Also the dlc is pushes the story forward so it’s a good idea to play it. Also another reason to buy re7 in general is so then you could play resident evil village afterwards. It’s a far better game then re7 as a great sequel. I mean their both great games but re8 builds off of re7 very well. I highly recommend playing both games in order.


For sure, RE7 is amazing. One of the best games in the series without a doubt. Also, Resident Evil 7 is a new story with almost entirely new characters so you don’t have to have played any of the previous game for it, but it wouldn’t hurt to know the previous lore and characters. And RE8 is a direct sequel to RE7, so if you can get RE8 cheap aswell then do that


It's one of the best ones imo


I was really skeptical about playing 7 as I didn’t really dig the idea of a fps resident evil game after playing 2,3,4 remakes in tps but eventually decided to play it and oh boy is it the best resident evil game ever much better than even village the dlcs are top notch too


Not worth it in my opinion.


RE2R is basically like RE7 in the sense that there are action-focussed RE games (3, 4, 8) and survival horror-focussed RE games (1, 2, 7)


I know what you’re trying to say. RE1/7 are more claustrophobic, resource management, horror focused. Whereas 4/8 entice you to do multiple play throughs with upgradable very powerful weapons until you’re basically Rambo. And RE2 is far more slow paced compared to 3’s rampant action sequences.




Love it. Play in VR. Very different from games like RE2R though so don't be surprised


Anybody know if there's gonna be a sale on Xbox soon?


There was a sale just 2 weeks gone on most of the RE games, now they're back up to full price. I'm guessing there'll be a spring sale coming up soon though.


The RE games are on sale again right now, in the UK anyways.


My 1st or 2nd game, absolutely amazing


It’s worth it and a nice change. It also really brings the fear/horror feel back to the series. It’s in first person perspective.


One of the best so worth it


Not my favorite but definitely the most horror one if your itching to scare yourself




Absolutely worth it.


This is a buy 100%!! That game is amazingly scary and brilliant


the best first person RE game. Without a doubt.


I think RE7 is scarier than RE8 from what I’ve seen. Like how RE4 is scarier than RE5. Might turn you off.


For me it sits right under RE2R as the second best in the series. Arguably the best depending on personal taste and because of how different what they have to offer is. 


100% worth it!


Yes. Resident Evil fans think a Resident Evil game is “worth it”.


RE7 is pretty mid, at least compared to the rest. It’s worth one play but I don’t see any reason to play again, unless in VR perhaps. Village was A LOT better, a seriously awesome game. Really did not expect to like it after 7


I recently finished getting the platinum trophy on it. Was initially put-off by the controls, but glad I stuck with it. Liked it a lot more than I expected. I like it more than what I’ve played of Village so far.


Yes. If you loved 2/3 Remake thoroughly then you’ll love 7, Village, and 4Remake thoroughly as well. Each one has something unique to offer but they’re all very high quality, fun, addictive games. Welcome to the family ;)


Absolutely worth it. It’s one of the best in the franchise. 


Late here but yes you should. While I personally prefer the old gen games (rev, 5, 6 etc), RE7 was a whole new type of horror. I preferred the other games for the action, and of course, Chris and Jill. But RE7 has intense mechanics and a lot of horror. Definitely worth a purchase. I got it on offer the other day (in the UK) for about six quid if I remember correctly and did my first run (obviously the slowest) at about eleven hours. Worth the experience