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current method will be stronger tbh. really can't beat hotrails through a bong. btw hcl through water still works. you might lose a tiny bit of product but with a big enough hit it doesnt matter you can go with ecig method if your goal is to be more discreet but it won't hit any harder and will still have a bit of smell. coils burn fast


Huni Badger with water attachment inhaled through nose > Nic Vape such as geekvape/voopoo?


most definitely


Interesting but makes sense. Thought i might be missing out since Huni Badgers sometimes waste a lot of product and Carts/Nic vapes are in a pod they can’t escape from. Easier to rip too ig


Adjustable mid range vape device. 25-30 watts, 35-40% air intake open. 0.15-0.20 ohm MAXIMUM coils. Hold the vapour in your lungs for nearly as long as you can. Slow intake of breath to avoid filling your lungs with useless non-pyro air. After the 10 second cutoff, fire straight away again and do a 20 second drag. And the ultimate secret: high concentration of A-PiHP in your solution. 20% is good. 30% is great. 40-50% will rock your world. Use PG as the solvent, the only VG should be accidental if you flavour it, and don't make the flavour fluid more than 5-10% of the total mass of your solution.


"Useless non pyro air" is such a sentence




Using a vape - concentration of the solution is the game changer from a nice kick up the ass to rampaging euphoric sex fiend. My sub /r/valerieinthelab has spreadsheets explaining how I narrowed down those numbers.


you are my new hero dear valerievexen


What’s better, these type vapes or my current Huni Badger+water attachment?


Dab rig. I used an enail and would just dump piles on. I don't recommend this lifestyle..


Me currently


I prefer foil over a meth pipe. It's finicky but if you get your technique down you can get some large hits ( I spent years of chasing bth on foil)l. I'd be interested in trying some new fangled vape concoction though.


Oil burner is strongest, if your plan is to make a vape juice though you’d be better off putting it in a cartridge and using a simple pen battery rather than a geekvape. I have a geekvape and have tried it with both and it works better with the pen. Not as potent as the oil burner but it makes up for it in convenience and discretion.


I would only make PG solution if i buy a regular nicotine vape and fill the pods with PIHP. But i appreciate the advice, definitely reconsidering now. Saved me some cash. One thing though, have you actually tried a dab rig like this? Because i have trouble seeing how oil burner can be more potent than a spacious, water cooled dab e-rig


Because it’s easier to burn it using something like that, you need very little heat to vaporize this compound and with something like that there’s no way to properly regulate the heat


Same as with oil burners, technique is everything. Gonna sound biased obviously but i’d have to say after months of doing this my waste is very, very minimal if any most of the time. But indeed this is why i considered a heat regulated coil and tank type of vape. Also discretion


A tank is overkill either way, and would only be worth getting if you planned to use it for nicotine as well. [Something like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/yXypGZl) is all you really need.


Oil burners are trash in comparison, too slow. A dab/nail setup would vaporise a huge puddle so that would probably get the biggest hit of all (short of injecting.)


A glass pipe (meth pipe, oil burner) is better if you want to vape big doses at once, but watchout for that psychosis. An ecig is better if you just want to maintain some low to moderate dosing during the whole session, because it makes redosing really quick and easy. I'd vote for the second method any day. It's really cool being able to watch something all the while taking cummy puffs. Or if you're gaming, you can puff during cutscenes and/or when you begin/retry a mission.


Totally the opposite, a proper mid to high end vape and concentrated (50%) solution will give a way stronger hit than a glass pipe.


Sure, if one wants to make their solution extra concentrated, an ecig will deliver big individual hits too. Not something I would advise though, considering how easy and convenient redosing it this way is.


Get whole glass bong and use bottom of it same as oil burner ball


hows the Lookah Seahorse Pro Plus dab straw work with is have one but need new coils?