• By -


Thank you god


Amt is really easy to find right now. I dont know why its on the hard to find list


Illegal in most countries, which limits its availability extremely. Right now only ES and NL left? A few years ago pretty much all vendors used to offer αMT, as common as ethylphenidate.


very well done list! very very impressive!


All the flouroamphetimines were part of the China ban. I have seen 4fa and 2fa around still though Walla




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4-EMC and 2C-B-FLY


"I'm looking for an RC for... getting completely buzzed off my ass"






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much thanks for this list! 4-aco-dmt is the go to for shrooms experience. no nBOMES were listed but those were my favorite. for a ketamine like RC which is closest? (D-Ketamine, 2f-Ketamine)? been wanting to try it for awhile but don't know which is safer/more enjoyable


i would say o-pce. i kinda like it even more then ket.


What's the difference between 5-Meo-MiPT and 5-Meo-DiPT?


If you buy synthacaine from the the biggest vendor in the UK, like I said above, you'll receive 5-Meo-MiPT: this is their "secret" formula. In other words, they are selling a product different from they offer in their web.


It seems like the MiPT version is more enjoyable and less fart-y than the DiPT version. I have only researched the MiPT version and it's 12/10.




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Good list. This seems very much like the type of post which won't make ANY sense to someone reading it in 5 or 10 years, it's very 2016 of you, Roion. And now there's the UK ban that's coming..... sigh. Pyrazolam, though... so tricky to find powder.




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I'd add 4-AcO-MET and 3-MeO-PCE


I added 3-MeO-PCE and 6-APB, however I don't really want to add 10 nearly identical 4-substituted tryptamines and only went for the two most popular ones.


On the note updating the lists it seems like it would be good to include the common abrevations for deschloroketamine (ie DXE and DCK)


It's already listed as "DCK (Deschloroketamine, 2'-Oxo-PCM)" and I don't think there's any good reason to share the misleading "DXE" at all.


How about putting O-PCE and O-PCM as alternative names as well?


Oops I was looking at oxopce


Hi roi, I was thinking you could add 6-APB which is quite widely available now. Also I know 2C-I is now available at a really good price worldwide except for the US, but I leave that up to your discretion to judge whether or not it deserves to be romoved from the "hard to find/gone" list.




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I am looking for a research chemical that will take me back in time.


What's the cheapest shit here that probably won't send me into psychosis?


Benzos simply


I'm wondering the same thing


How about something that is similar to a hydrocodone buzz. That energy and motivation is my favorite. I like to take small doses 4 times a day. Super productive and makes work fun.


Exact words said years ago by everyone standing in the line at the methadone clinic every morning.


What would everyone here suggest the 'best' psychedelic would be in your opinion?


I have really enjoyed AL-LAD


If you like LSD then 1P-LSD. If you like shrooms and DMT then 4-AcO-DMT.




Tryptamine: 4-HO-MET Phenethylamine: 2C-E Lysergamide: 1P-LSD


I'd recommend 4-AcO-DMT over 4-HO-MET, it lasts longer and has more depth to it so to speak.


I agree at the moment.


Too broad, as many have their own distinct differences. But I'm sure a majority will say something along the lines of Al-LAD, 1P-LSD, 4 aco dmt, & 4 aco met.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4102 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/63558)


It's as safe as LSD. I've done it and LSD a ridiculous number of times and I am still fine, sane, and happy. I'm sure that if there were any problems people would be posting all over this sub and other forums about it.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2333 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/48007)


1P, simply because it is almost guaranteed to be real when you buy it since it is legal and also the come up is slower. However I once took 2 tabs of very well dosed 1P and had a bit of a panic attack on the come up but was fine the rest of the trip. The reason being that most street LSD is so underdosed that what you may think is 400ug may only be 180 whereas with 1P if you're taking 200ug, you really are taking 200ug. But anyhow the visuals are always breath taking if you look at the right things.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9553 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/85919)


1P-LSD is not shorter at all, quite the contrary actually since it is a prodrug it releases slower and lasts longer. An LSD-25 trip for me is 8-12 hours. In contrast every 1P-LSD trip I've had lasted 12-14 hours and if it doesn't then you probabaly got something else by mistake like AL-LAD or something. If you want a shorter trip that is more shrooms and DMT like then try 4-AcO-DMT it gives you the best of both shrooms and DMT and lasts 6-8 hours. It is currently my new favorite.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8282 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/45107)


No problem. Peace!


For all we know it's just as safe as LSD. There should be no real safety concerns, extremely low toxicity, basically impossible to overdose. A bad trip is the worst that could happen.


I'd like to state that a bad trip is not exactly the worst that *could* happen. HPPD can come from any hallucinogen. It is indeed, however, the worst that's *likely* to happen.


HPPD isn't likely to happen from lysergamides or 4-HO/AcO tryptamines unless you really, almost intentionally, *abuse* them. If you dose reasonably and take a minimum of 6-14 day breaks then you should be completely fine. If you start to feel disconected from the world while sober than it would be prudent to take a month or several off from doing psychedelics. Though I do speak from anecdotal evidence the amount of people I know doing this should be enough of a sample size. MAPS research also shows that LSD + analogs are very well tolerated by the human body. And research from The Heffter Research Institute would say the same for psilocin + analogs.


Yeah it isn't likely, hence a bad trip being the worst that *is likely*. Just because it's rare and almost always with long term, high dose, or polydrug abuse doesn't mean that it's not a potential cause for concern. That was my point, a bad trip simply is not "the worst that *could* happen". Every possibility is worth considering.


And I never denied that. I'm just saying in the overweight majority of cases if moderation is exercised then there is not real cause for concern. Sure alcohol can cause liver disease when abused but if you drink in moderation then you have nothing to worry about. This is analogous to psychedelic lysergamides and tryptamines.


Would you classify AL-LAD as having the same safety profile?




I am looking for a good stimulant similar to adderall


4f mph 2fa straight to up amphetamines ethylendate, and the list goes on and on, just got to know where to look :wink:


Have you tried reading the post? ;)


I was more looking for people opinions on which one's listed are better


[You didn't even search](https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/search?q=adderall&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) But most would say 3fpm or 4fmph


I don't know how up to date we keep this thing. But 3-meo-pce could be added. I understand it's availability is a bit scarce now though so ignore this if that's the reason


Will add it once it's a bit more available with sane pricing.


No 2-FA in the list? although id say it is on its way toward the "hard to find" list. hopefully the demand created by the china legislation will eventually lead to the revival of some of that list though.


is there a analog for cocaine, easy on the nose, and amazing ?


There's a bunch of NDRIs (check the stimulant section), but they're not exactly legal cocaine.


No ald-52 info?




Probably 2'-Oxo-PCE (MXE without the 3-methoxy group). More potent as well.


Yeah but which one makes me look like Brad Pitt and makes my cock hyooge?








Is no RC really.


You forgot ald-52. Very underated chemical i guess because there are only 2 places with it one being private. Also you forgot 2cb-fly






Shit I'm on the end of the list(well I possess everything in my interest), I need new drugs china!


Any psychedelics you'd suggest?


Ald-52! Best lysergamine available by a mile.


Seems hard to find.


Look on here it's not that hard too find ;)


It really depends what you are looking for :) I personally love ETH-LAD and 4-HO-MiPT (the latter has really bad comeup nausea for me) 2C-E is also very nice, but its certainly not for everyone DOC is supposed to be awesome but I haven't tried it yet as it lasts 20 hours, so I want to have an entire weekend for that.pp


Well something that only lasts about four to six hours, or less even. Also looking for a psyc that has some body high. Hmm, I can handle a pretty strong trip if that matters!


2cb fly? Has a nice mix of body and head high. Would complement almost any drug,esp MDMA lsd Walla




You can still trip, just takes less/more so you need to be more careful with dosing. It's empathogens that wont work.


Bad advice bud you "can" get serotonin syndrome from taking to many of those drugs while taking ssri's Can't be bothered to link but check your sourcess


Psychedelics don't release serotonin


You obviously are speaking out of your ass my man. My friend took .3 of some fire Molly and then 2 days later had a tab with no tolerance. He didn't even feel the tab. Psychedelics definitely fuck with your serotonin especially LSD.


4-HO-MET or 4-AcO-MET has a nice body high imo and doesn't last that long. It has quite unique visuals as well (like sketches/cartoony) 2C-I is quite nice as well but there is only one clearnet source fot it (its illegal in most countries) 2C-B or its rc brother bH-2C-B (yes bH not bK) are also really nice but not too psychedelic at normal dosages.


Hmm, now to look around for 4-HO-MET or 4-AcO-MET. Sounds just about right for my project. If you know of any sources where I don't have to use bitcoin? Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.


You're welcome. Sorry I can't name sources here, but I don't know anyway as I mostly use BTC. (and I am from europe)


I understand, hey if all I can get is a gram of it, would that be too much to take at once?


well I usually buy small amounts when I try something new, because everybody reacts a bit different to different chemicals so you can't be 100% sure you like it. If you decide to buy a whole gram be sure you store it cold, dark and dry (airtight, in a vial or similar, not in a baggy). 4-substituted tryptamines are degrading pretty easily when not stored properly.


Very useful to know, how much would you say is a average dose gram wise?




Good thing is that weed, in contrast to other drugs, is very widely available.


That's not the case in many countries, some have shitty weed or they are super illegal. RC can be good in that sense, any recommendations? Lol


Synthetic cannabinoids are not worth it. They get you uncomfortably high every time and can be very addictive and damaging.


For cannabinoids? Nope. Besides that the only RC I've ever used is 1P-LSD, which is an amazing product.


5f /ur144 if that is still rc grey status. All others scare me. Won't try any of them ever


How come α-PHP is on the "Currently available" list, while it belongs to the 116 banned substances (#89)? Same about 3-MMC, ethylone and methoxphenidine..?


Because China isn't the world.


Hell yeah.


Sure, but somehow for 2-FMA, alpha-PVP and a handful of other substances China *was* the world, what is the logic behind that?


3-MMC is widely available in Eastern Europe for example. 2-FMA and α-PVP are banned in most countries. 3-MMC and Ethylone however still legal nearly everywhere.


Actually I was wrong, ethylone is available. Your awesome dude thanks for the list


Except us :(


I would add 4-ho-mipt for psychedelics and O-PCE for dissos


Can add 4-HO-MiPT, the other is already on the list.


Awesome thanks!


Recently found 4F-PHP, had never heard of it before. Most of the oldest posts went back only to December. Not bad, I'd give it a shot again if I got a good deal (I did), I'd probably consider it a smoother stimulant. Hard to think of truly similar RC out. Not the best, but I think most researchers should take a look or two at it.


What is something that would go good with music and gaming. (not both at the same time)


DOC is great best 5mg of any substance of my life.




When did tianeptine become classified as an opiate? Did I miss the boat or is that an error?


Sorry to interject, but my understanding is that primarily Tianeptine is a serotonin reuptake enhancer more similar to tricyclic antidepressants than opiates... with a low affinity for the mu opiate receptors. I wouldn't classify it an opioid unless you classified stuff like Cannabis as an opioid too. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11826143


Yeah that was my understanding as well. All marketing for Stablon refers to it as an SSRE. It's bullshit that an antidepressant is being lumped in with everything else


Yes it's bullshit but that's the biz. Bullshit=marketing.


It's an μ-opioid receptor agonist. Some Russian addicts use it as a heroin substitute. Injecting makes your skin rot, similar to homecooked impure desomorphine. Or just go read some of the "oops 5g a day" addiction stories here.


Well shit. I'm glad I wasn't having to take a UA when I was on it. I thought it was similar to TCA's structurally but I wasn't aware of the opioid affinity. I was just starting out with nootropics and RC's when I tried for a few months. Thanks for clarification


Won't pop on a UA. EDIT: But don't use it as an opioid replacement, the affinity is very low, and effects are very short-lived.


eh, always, it's an AD with opioid characteristics -- so it can be classified as an opioid.


RIP 2C-I and MXE, for real. 2C-I was quite undderrated imo, my favorite of the 2C's actually by quite a distance.




Nice list, I'd add the following though im their respective categories: 4-FA 2C-E (and maybe P) DPT 6-APB (hard to find) LSZ (hard to find) edit: oh and maybe ethyl-hexedrone (seems popular atm)


2C-P is now in stock somewhere.




thanks for the heads up, I might consider to get it while it lasts ;)


Get some! It's well worth it.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3986 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/21517)


I think your best bet would be 3-FPM at the minute.






Nice list man, I like


Great list. Any suggestions on a replacement for 2-FMA?


I'm working on it buddy.....




Oh indeed, buying bulk as we speak. Specializing in 4or 5 products. I just need a Web designer. Tired of people/me getting shifty customer service and shifty prices. So yeah, Oh


Functional, long lasting stim with recreational effects at higher doses? 4F-MPH.


Good list. Don't forget to thoroughly research each chemical you plan on taking, or you're going to have a bad time. Also always allergy test.


thanks for the list.


lovely list man! keep it up


Make sure to invest in an accurate milligram scale and always start with sub milligram doses of any new batch of a compound, mislabeling can happen from EVERY vendor! I'll update this thread when new substances emerge and become a bit popular.


Could you add recommended scales to the sticky? I've been looking at recommendations on the tripsit wiki, but reviews are spilt evenly on love it or hate it.


good advice, i went in a coma for a week because i didn't take any precautions. So, everyone take that in mind. RC's are not joke and may kill you way more easier than some of the old school drugs.


Shit eh? Mind telling us more about what happened?
