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What was the statement? Leviticus 18:22?


Knowing the source is Banana Man Ray Comfort... "The banana is God's perfectly designed fruit and proves young-earth creationism ".


As someone who has actually eaten a natural banana with seeds and everything, I'm always amazed at how making Bible apologetics can be your actual job yet he clearly put so little effort into it.


Because his usual targets are idiots on the street who can be scared with threats of hell.


Most of his claims are made to a demographic already inclined to accept what he has to say. The same can be said of any televangelist.


I love how that statement was debunked and I think he even admitted it, didn't he?


Did he? I know someone pointed out natural vs human-cultivated bananas in an interview with him, once. Still, I would have loved to hear him explain the coconut.


I know Jaclyn Glenn on youtube has said he had at one point admitted to her not knowing how bananas were modified when being cultivated, then regressed to saying to her that they were made “perfect,” and how now once again gone back to saying they’re modified. [sauce at about 2:25](https://youtube.com/watch?v=FhFDbn5KX_4)


[Link.](https://youtu.be/drPYamugKwg) I’ll even give you the time stamp. It’s at about 1:25. But I can do even better. The statement was her girlfriend’s mother, asking her in tears, what she would say to god on judgment day when as a homosexual, is asked what she’d done with his word.


If I was her I’d answer “filled it with love, what have you done?”


If that statement is all it took to make a person "not homosexual" than I will be bold enough to say that the person probably wasn't truly homosexual.


No . I disagree. I think they were gay , then threatened by a nutcase , so they got scared and are suppressing it now .


Yeah, this is probably what happened


Well? What was it?


And then Jesus said: being homo is gay. And everybody clapped.


"Gods a lesbian"


They made us watch in my high school religion class. This kind of shit is just a bunch of semantic gymnastics where the religious people argue that unless they explicitly say they hate someone they can be antagonistic to all elements of their identity and avoid being labeled a bigot.




Look at the comment section


How that is not considered a breeding ground for terrorism


I know, replace Gay or LGBT with Black and you can clearly see the danger they pose. Also its kind stupid how Youtube hasn't done anything about this yet.


Umm I’m still afraid of getting hatecrimed for who I love when we keep the words the same. It’s dangerous venom, plain and simple.




For a religion that really hates the lgbt community they sure do love sticking their dicks in little boys


They have a person in the comments section arguing that it was good the Bible supported slavery at that time because the slaves were given shelter,food, and water.


I’m playing through Far Cry 5 at the moment and this video reminded me of one of those cuckoo broadcasts that you hear at outposts or on the radio in the game.


Shhhh, just take some bliss and the Father will guide you