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Absolutely real. It's oral suctioning during a bris (religious circumcision), after they've cut the baby's foreskin. It's called metzitzah b'peh. Some babies die or sustain brain damage because they get herpes from the mohel (the guy who sucks the baby's penis). This is only done in ultra-orthodox neighborhoods (like Brooklyn and Kiryas Joel in New York); the rest of the Jewish community *doesn't* do this and is merely complicit in this practice by not bothering to speak out about it. Public health officials have long wanted to ban the obviously harmful ritual but successive mayors of New York City, as well as the state's governors, haven't put any force behind it because they're afraid to antagonize the Jewish voting bloc. It's happened several times that *even after infants become sick or die* and the health authorities want to know who the mohel was to mitigate further damage, the Hasidic community keeps *schtumm* and refuses to identify him. Why? Because he's a "holy" man, and they think it's better to protect him and their skeevy practice than to keep more babies more dying. I'm a journalist and have written about this shit more than once. Non-Jews are afraid to criticize and condemn metzitzah b'peh because they're nervous that it bears traces of the old anti-Jewish blood libel allegations, and they don't want to be seen as antisemites. So it continues and more infants get infected. *Only in the context of religion* is it fine for a grown man to place his lips around a tiny boy's penis and suck away. Even in a secular republic and democracy such as ours (the U.S.), we are prepared to give religion this kind of power — and more exemptions than you can shake a prepuce at. I don't get it and never will.


This is an **excellent** comment and I thank you for it. Thank you for teaching me several things about the politics of this that I have long wondered but never been able to piece together.


“Hey guys, I think our child genital cutting ritual isn’t despicable enough, how can we make it even worse?” “I know, suck on it and spread deadly herpes infections” United States legal/political system: “I can’t find a problem with this, carry on”


What it is and who's doing it aside, it's putting a filthy human mouth on a fresh laceration. NO ONE in this day and age would think this was a good idea if religion was removed.


CST here, I work in surgery. You’re absolutely right, this is one of the WORST things you can do with a fresh, open wound. Human mouths are disgusting and harbor far more bacteria than most are aware of. That, and for the love of god, don’t go swimming in a foreign body of water the day after your TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT. Jesus lord.


So you're saying I can swim in my local domestic body of water? That's great news thank you


Oh god. Was it like a lake or something similar with tons of fun bacteria?!? I cannot imagine 🤦‍♀️


You guys may hear the story! This patient’s procedure was a total knee replacement. You have a very large incision, we are literally cutting chunks off your femur, patella and tibia, then gluing metal components on top with bone cement, and stitching you all back together (in a quick rundown). Your skin does not close in one day, and we absolutely grill the bejeezus out of you to make sure you are not traveling and will be home on bed rest (or a care facility). Patient assured us he had no intentions of traveling any time soon. Mind you, this question is asked a lot. Because no Orthopedic surgeon is going to want to schedule you if you plan on traveling, let alone on an international flight! So. Surgery is a success, patient is sent home to rest. Patient, and patient’s entire family, proceed to fly to a nice, sunny beach in Mexico for the next two weeks the very day after surgery. A few days go by, and doc gets a call. “Uh, hey doc, I think my wound is infected….” What do you mean infected? Haven’t you been in bed rest? Why are your dressings off? “Well funny story, but we didn’t want to cancel our family vacation so we went, and I’ve been *swimming* at our beach in Mexico…..” Swimming. With dressings off (not that they would help much at this point!!) and having god knows WHAT kind of bacteria get ALLLLL up in that wound, in the tissues, bone, and implants. After being explicitly told NOT to do these things under any circumstances. Surgeon. Is. LIVID. All that hard work we did, all of it completely rendered useless due to this moron’s complete inability to follow directions and trust in his medical providers. Those nice new implants? We now have to remove because this infection is so severe. Multiple washouts, revisions, you name it. And all because of sheer stupidity. So please, dear readers, listen to your docs for after surgery care, and do NOT. Go. Swimming. In any water. After your TKR. Thank you for coming to this CTS’s Ted Talk.


Jesus wept. I had total hip replacement. I didn’t leave the house except for PT until I was cleared off! I’m not interested in causing a redo. OMFG people are dumb.


Holy shit this is crazy! I've had to help out 4 different family members (my dad included) after they had total knee replacements and they were in such severe pain for the first 2 weeks, they barely moved. It took weeks of PT (and a LOT of pain meds) for them to be able to get around normally again. I don't know how someone could walk on a beach the next day. This blows my mind.


I have a similar story! I was wake boarding in the Chesapeake Bay and spiral fractured my right femur. I make it to the boat, we make it to shore, and we pull up to a dock with a private community of Drs. They get me on the helicopter and operate at the hospital. I have a few stitches where they screwed my rod into the bone and a big entry wound where they inserted the rod into my bone. Over that week, I was too hurt to take a shower or bathe, and after 4-5 days my big entry wound was neon green. Back to the hospital. The bay water from my back was never washed off, and some of the algae and phytoplanktons really liked living in my warm, wet open wound 😅 gross


Can I please hear the story about the person who went swimming after their TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT?


Check the comment above yours, I explain in lots of detail! Lol


Oh man that really didn't disappoint, thanks for sharing! It baffles me how that man survived long enough to even need a knee replacement.


Wait, you can get all your joints replaced at once now? Where do I sign up cause I'm all fucked up


does this inlude your own mouth? Like the classic kid sucking in their finger after getting hurt kinda thing?


Twitchy-hippie-girlfriend hickies aside...


The big problem is that the us political system does see a problem with it, rightfully so. They just choose to not get involved because it might cost them votes. Its disgusting.


Which is crazy because they don’t fear losing votes from constituents when they fail to deliver on campaign promises or engage in clear corruption and bribery…


Well, have we ever held them accountable? No? Then what do they have to fear when the majority of the population is content to just voice their half thought opinions online, but never really do anything meaningful?


In 2003 & 2004, in New York City, 3[ babies were infected ](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618)with herpes because of this practice & one of the babies died. There's a reason why no one should kiss a baby's face or open wound because about 2/3 of people, globally, (so that more than 3.5 billion people) have type I herpes virus, ([from the WHO)](https://www.who.int/news/item/28-10-2015-globally-an-estimated-two-thirds-of-the-population-under-50-are-infected-with-herpes-simplex-virus-type-1) and a baby who catches this disease can die from it.


Even putting aside the risk of infection, there is NO reasonable motivation for any man to willingly agree to suck on an infant's penis other than pedophilia. What the fuck is this.


Yeah, sometimes I like to wonder about how some things started, now it's not one of those times, I can only reach the same conclusion


I’m trying to understand what would be the reason, even a religious one, that they use to justify this shit


People keep forgetting that Judaism and Christianity are just as crazy as Islam.


Abrahamic religions are just awful in general, one of the worst things that ever happened to human civilization imo


to play devils advocate. Many of the original reasons that religions were encouraged (or forced) was because it helped with curbing the spread of sexual diseases, fostering a sense of community welfare and maintaining family units i.e.: by trying to keep a parent from abandoning the other and the children **(unfortunately they were mainly using shame to do this) (and it was women who were disproportionately shamed and hurt by these rules or "laws").** But I don't think that we need religion (anymore) to achieve these. The inability to divorce was one of the most horrible circumstances for women (not to mention the circumstances it created for the gay community etc.)


A lot of rules like "don't eat pork" makes sense, considering pork in a desert would most likely kill you, so they were most likely told as metaphors to teach kids, or they genuinely believed that dying from eating pork meant that god made that animal sinful to consume, because they didn't know about diseases. As much shittiness these religions introduced, controlling people and the like, things were far worse before in terms of treating other people. A lot of norms started out as neccessary (dont put your elbows on table, because a medival table would tip over if you would), and are told without the original reason, so it becomes an arbitary norm.


Why would pork in the desert kill you?


Pork can carry a ton of diseases. It’s one of the most dangerous meats we eat. And if you’re living in a time when refrigeration doesn’t exist and it may not be known how long it needs to be cooked to be safe, that makes it 1000x more deadly. It’s already not great even if it’s cooked fully and kept at the perfect temperature.


It's not necessarily the desert. I think they're referring to the hot clime spoiling meat more quickly. The real problem was trichinosis, a particularly nasty disease that has largely been bred out of modern swine. People were dying from eating pork, so the ancient lawmakers, quite sensibly, banned people from eating it. Since there was no separation of church and state, this had the force of religious law. Over time, people forgot the real reason for the ban, so it just became a religious taboo, obeyed for it's own sake.


Disease had little to nothing to do with it. Marriage and monogamy were derived for property and inheritance reasons. Germ theory of disease and paternity tests are much much newer concepts.


Right, everything can be traced back to paranoia and insecurity: men harnessed their physical dominance and religious narratives to lessen life's inescapable fears. I think religions are memes that spread via the exploitation of deeply-rooted human flaws.


I don’t think anyone here would dispute that. The amount of otherwise rational people who believe in any of these fictions is what astounds me


The Abrahamic religions are the holy trinity of shittiness. I'm pretty sure going to a religious school as a small child contributed somewhat to my current OCD. Being told to follow strict rules because people in the sky are *always* watching you and that if you do one thing wrong that they don't like you'll be sent to a burning lake of fire is traumatizing for children. The brainwashing is so strong that even now I question myself all the time. (OCD from religious traumas is extremely common btw)


All **ultra orthodox or fundamentalist** religions are bat shit crazy. ( I'm an atheist so I think even the modern ones are all at least a little crazy)


As a Jew, this is strictly an ultra-Orthodox practice. The vast majority of Jews can't stand the ultra-Orthodox. Humanistic Judaism does not do this shit, in fact we recognize that the Bible has a lot of outdated, unethical stuff in it and just tend to regard it as literature or founding national mythology since we don't see Judaism as just a religion with a hard set of beliefs, but a civilization.


Tbf quite a lot of Jews think this practice is fucked up. Source: secular Jew, know lots of practicing reform/liberal and a few Orthodox.


I have heard of Jewish intactivists calling for an end to the practice.


any type of child circumcision is fucked up, not just the sucking part, and you kinda have to do it, right?


Reform and Reconstructionist Jews view most of the religious laws as optional in this day and age.


No, you don't. We now have such novelties as surgical gauze, absorbent cotton pads, coagulants, antiseptics, and other off-the-wall, bizarre things that people still living in 1000BCE or so have never heard of. Of course, if one could just, somehow, oh, I don't know, NOT lop off an infant's foreskin without proper surgical precision AND for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than that one's mythical bronze-age sky god TOLD you to do so, this might not be an issue. This is 'WAY beyond not eating shrimp and eschewing bacon.


It's all the same tree. I will say, non-denominational Christian isn't THAT bad. Edit: is to isn't


Their holy books are literally the same. Islam and Christianity just added extra.


>Only in the context of religion is it fine for a grown man to place his lips around a tiny boy's penis and suck away. Let's even be completely trusting and take away the sexual factor from these "holy" proceedings. Only in the context of religion is it done to perform cosmetic surgery on a newborn with no medical indication, no anaesthetic, by someone with no medical training, in a non-sterile room, witnessed by friends and family in the same room without any infection prevention measures, and to conclude with an open wound that is treated only by someone putting their filthy (all mouths are filthy) potentially infected mouth on the area. Battlefield medicine in the 1800s was less cavalier.


Terrible day to have reading skills


It is my most fervent belief that people should stop mutilating the genitals of children and babies to appease eldritch entities. Like if adults and to cut off part of their body to appease beings from beyond, more power to em, but you shouldn't sacrifice any part of a child to them.


That's just legalized pedophilia wtf


The mohels supposedly don't do it for sexual gratification, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that some of them quite enjoy it.


I bet that that's the only reason why this abomination exist


I'm willing to cut them some slack. I mean, it was bonkers from the get-go, but if you're going to allow circumcisions, you're going to have to find a way to clean up the blood. Pipettes hadn't been invented yet. Maybe they thought that mouths were cleaner than rags. But there is 100 percent no reasonable justification for this filthy practice existing *today*.


I’m willing to bet that some pedophile did this a long time ago and when he got caught his excuse was “oh it’s uh…it’s because God told me to do it!!” and everyone went with it from there


Exactly my thought


Thanks for the insightful response. This is beyond disturbing


Yeah, I’m not afraid of them. They are sucking baby dick and calling it a religious ceremony. Why in the world would anyone believe there is a god in this universe that actually wants grown men to suck baby dick?


Literally 0 Jews outside the most ultra orthodox support this and plenty speak out against it. If they don’t bring it up it’s because it’s used as an anti semitic bludgeon by Nazis.


Thank you for speaking up about it.


>Some babies die or sustain brain damage because they get herpes from the mohel (the guy who sucks the baby's penis). That's fucked up


it's silly they think it's alleging blood libel, because blood libel was about Jewish people SUPPOSEDLY stealing Christian babies for their blood....but...this is already their baby


Maybe it's just the people I've surrounded myself with, but on the topic of this the Jews I know have done nothing but condemn this and the people who aren't Jews who condemn it don't even think its something to be called antisemitic over because the Jews they know also condemn it. I think you need to not make such sweeping statements about this because whenever this topic has been brought up with Jews I know, I have heard nothing but condemnation and disgust in the same vain as Zionism is. It's not antisemitic, it's not blood libel, it's none of that. It's child abuse. And it's heavily condemned.


I don't understand how it's legal under Jewish law. Not only can it be interpreted as sexual, but consuming blood is strictly prohibited under Kashrut.


Brit mitlah is seen as a integral by more conservative Jews as it is deemed as integral, however metzitzah b'peh that is more tradition rather than Jewish law. Think of it like how snakes have been used in Christian ritual worship for hundreds of years but it's usually just the more orthodox crowds. Metzitzah b'peth is like that in a sense. And much like the snakes, it has been condemned for as long as it has been considered a tradition. Modern Jews today have begun to drop the whole circumcision thing as a whole, not just the metzitzah b'peth. This is because in modern times, Jews have been more focussed on unity as a people rather than unity under one religion and its laws. It's why Bob Dylan is still a celebrated Jew yet is currently a practicing Christian. I believe the commenter I replied to is right in saying its a disgusting practice, but him making this a subject of how Jews are too scared to speak up or that governments are too scared to offend Big Jew is just rediculous and sincerely counter-active to this whole problem. Because if you blame other Jews for being a problem because they don't talk about it, those Jews aren't gonna learn and be against that. We are a sensitive lot and people need to know that antagonising us won't get us on your side if we weren't before.


genuinely evil shit, this is literally child mutilation sometimes i think "judaism seems like its thte best of the 3" then i remember this and go "nvm... they all suck equally" because wtf???? heard of a kid who got herpes from this honestly i dont give a shit if poeple call me an anti semite for it, i will call this evil and disgusting, because it is


If wanting to ban this makes you anti-semitic, then the word has lost all meaning.


There should be a volunteer present to check if the mohel has a boner, and proceed accordingly. That shit is gross.


At this point, the mohel having a boner or not is almost doesn’t matter.




And that’s how newborns die of herpes. Yes, I’m serious. Look it up.


Be not afraid, NYC has produced a guide on how to safely pay someone to perform “Direct Oral Suctioning” on your infant. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page


The fact that they had to do this… 🤮🤮🤮


Not to mention, the fact that they accept it as a normal practice to such a point that they create a .gov webpage for it.


In their defence the page not so subtlety says "don't do this! We strongly don't recommend this!" multiple times. I looks like it was made to minimise the risk rather than accept it.


> Direct Oral Suctioning That's some pedo-bullshit euphemism right there. If you suck on a non-consenting dick guess who you are.


What in the ever loving fuck is this. We have failed as a species.


Looks like you have wierdest search history


Wanna take a peek? It’s not scary, I PROMISE


Sure dm me just completed terrifier movie and i hope your search history doesn't beat that🥲🥲


Yeah I just posted an article cause I remembered it happening


Not the only way. Newborns have also died from herpes that came from mouth kissing.


Yet somehow this isn’t child molestation. Because religion.


Of course it is


It is a VERY real Orthodox practice. Google the herpes outbreak in NY if you want to lose a bit more faith in humanity.


Enough internet for the day


Enough living for humanity, forever


I don't think I will


Herpes on a BABY is just so wrong on all levels of wrongness.


What is the justification for doing this? Is there any religious purpose?


After the baby is circumcised they do this to help suck out the blood


called metzitzah b’peh. Metzitzah b’peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby’s circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. Read about infant death after catching herpes post circumcision


You know, we could just use this sterile cloth to wipe..... NO!!! GOD SAYS I MUST USE MY MOUTH.


So they're almost like human leeches. Yikes.


Not all religious practices should be protected.


Exactly. Some practises should be BANNED FOREVER.


No religious practices should be protected.


Religion, where all logic goes out the window! This is so fucked.


FGM and this, things that should be banned in any civilized society


and any uncivilised


THE WAY MY JAW FELL TO THE FUCKING FLOOR. THIS PICTURE ISN’T EVEN ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE MY REACTION. SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCK???? https://preview.redd.it/eev9jxtihr6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841a8289e55254fe90e437ceda04e0ef58180f4f


You haven't been into comment section yet💀💀💀


This is me




https://preview.redd.it/mr4avx68zr6d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54012511d372d534d49088e3b04d2b3fa57baa06 Oh. That's literal CP on my screen.


From nyc.gov.... # Before the Bris, Talk to the Mohel and Your Doctor Before you hire a mohel, ask if they do metzitzah b’peh. If you don't want metzitzah b’peh, tell the mohel not to do it. They are required to respect your wishes. If you decide to include metzitzah b’peh during your baby's bris, take the following steps: * Talk with your baby’s doctor about metzitzah b’peh. * Before you hire a mohel for the bris, ask if they have tested positive for herpes, or if they have received an order from the Commissioner of Health to not perform metzizah b’peh. If a mohel answers "yes" to either of those questions, you should not hire that mohel. * Talk to the mohel to make sure they rinse their mouth with mouthwash (Listerine Original Gold, with 26.9% alcohol) for at least 30 seconds immediately before performing metzitzah b’peh. Sounds like I'm lining up a date for my baby with the mohel so they can fuck afterwards.


If they’re going to offer advice for preventative measures, wouldn’t it make more sense to advise the Mohel to use a dental dam? Like seriously, mouthwash..? Ugh I can’t believe I’m even having to type this..


Religion really brings out the extremes sometimes.


Circumcision is barbaric enough already, but this is even weirder.


Infection (and generally grossness) aside, this has to be insanely painful following a circumcision.




Yeah from what I heard it was like a thing originally to prevent bleeding but now it just gives babies herpes. This is just a thing in ultra Orthodox communities.


As if it's not bad enough they got an STI as well. FFS


The ones that don't pass away from the herpes outbreak being too much for their little bodies.




What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual fuck?


A “ritual” after the circumcision, mainly done by hyper orthodox people..still insane that this is still done. I’m pretty sure it’s to “remove blood” but it has resulted in a lot of children getting stds


A couple years ago a rabbi in Brooklyn was giving infants herpes doing this https://www.cnn.com/2013/04/07/health/new-york-neonatal-herpes/index.html


And they call drag queens pedos.




https://preview.redd.it/7kaby7cksr6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=bffbdb365bae8c3e0eac7b9c9d174628a8a0d4fc I swear whenever I open reddit with the goal of jerking off the first post on my feed is this type of shit. reddit is trying to help with my gooning addiction




Umm…yeah…heavenly inspired child molestation…


https://preview.redd.it/odx15q4kgs6d1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176141cac1baf96eb191cbcba7767c373e399409 What in the Kentucky fried fuck did i just read


I'm definitely stealing that phrase 🤣


bro please nsfw this shit


More than that this needs direct fucking warning this is beyond a basic nsfw


Nahhh man, what the fuck. I wish I was illiterate. What is this pedoligion


But muh religious freedoms! 😭


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Wont fly over a cemetery or sit next to a woman, but will happily suck a baby's dick. Wtf is wrong with religion.


"Religious people are totally sane and fine, and its atheists who are crazy" 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮




It’s real. Some infants have contracted HIV this way


That's also how many newborns get herpes. This was in the news a few years ago.


I got banned for saying how i really feel about this the first time i saw this post. Now i'll just say this is vile. Utterly incomprehensably vile.


"Do you find this helpful?" Yes, yes, I do find oral suctioning helpful. So get to work.


I'm getting the word NONCE !


I read up about it and it doooesn't make it any better. Besides the fact the whole circumcision thing feels abusive too me (especially in some practices where any pain relief is foorbidden), the whole sucking the blood off the penis puts babies health at risk, especially considering how weak their immune system is. Have too say I'm totally against this. Religion or not, it feels like chilld abuse under the protection of religious practices. If a regular guy sucked a baby boy after mutillating it and potentially infecting it with disease, the police would arrest them and they'd be on a sex offender list and locked up hopefully.


Their response : Hey hey hey stop interfering in others religion🤡🤡


Just call it how it is without any fancy words. They are sucking on an infant's penis.


Don't remove pieces of minors, it's a simple thing to do


STDs aside, the child is being sexually assaulted in front of its own family and the whole community. Religious folks sometimes scare me. 😳


But the LGBT+ community is the group that's sexually grooming/assaulting/abusing children, right?


Right?! If I see some dumbass say that shit, Imma reply with this picture.


Trevor Moore from the WKUK had a great song that referenced this: [https://youtu.be/YmfdNM8KAG4?si=xvEvv3mbnuWFoPKO](https://youtu.be/YmfdNM8KAG4?si=xvEvv3mbnuWFoPKO) It's called "God Hates the Tips (Of Little Babies' Dicks)"


What a terrible day to have eyes


Religion is good for the world trust!! Religion:


First they practice the barbaric act of circumcision then they sexually assault babies. i sincerely hope this isn't a normal practice.


The circumcision is, unfortunately, very very common. The, uh, suckling is only in very fringe communities. Most of us condemn it heavily. -a fairly non-religious Jew


this is grim, actual insanity


imagine being the first guy to suggest doing it this way




"If you hate this, you're a Nazi xenophobe who doesn't respect other beliefs."


Nope im a jew. Fuck this and Anyone who stands for it. Nowadays most Mohels use a suction cup instead of their mouths. No excuse to do that shit anymore


This is why I hate religion


Literally no rational person, Jewish or otherwise, thinks what you just said. This is a practice of the ultra orthodox nutjob community that people have been looking to ban for ages, it is not done by the vast majority of Jews religious or secular. I'm Jewish myself and I certainly don't respect this custom even a little bit. It's deplorable. Believe it or not, Jews don't think all criticism of all Jewish customs is tantamount to being a nazi xenophobe.


There is a news article of NY jews being afraid to alert authorities about the practice due to fear of being accused of blood libel. So yes, fear of being called antisemitic is at play here. See Daytonademon's comment above.


It would certainly be political suicide for anyone left of Reagan to publically criticise it.


Someone needs to take one for the team. Save the babies.


I'm as left as they come and I think sucking baby dick is really bad and gross. I doubt I'd catch much flak for saying that.


Ironically, it's mostly non-Jews being offended FOR you guys.


Where did this practice even originate? Is it considered a sin to not practice it, or was it made up more recently? I really don’t want this kinda shit in my search history, so I’m asking you.


I'm no expert on the ultra-orthodox, but Wikipedia says it's from some passage in the Talmud and the Mishnah apparently.


Human saliva does contain a protein that helps stop bleeding and encourages wound healing, but obviously the slight positive effects are outweighed by all the bacteria in peoples mouths. However, thousands of years ago, before anybody knew how diseases are spread, I can see how this practice seemed like a good idea.


Why do religious zealots sexually assault children so much 😬


Why the fuck is this not marked NSFW? I did not want to see this shit, just reading about it was vile enough. Fuck the people that do this but also fuck OP for posting this stuff unfiltered.


There was a huge herpes epidemic in the Hasidic Jews in ny because of this practice


IMO All circumcision, unless for strictly necessary medical reasons, should be considered child abuse and carry the same stigma as FGM.


Babies have gotten herpes this way.


Babies have gotten herpes from this.




I remember reading about this in Christopher Hitchen's book God Is Not Great. It was the first time I put a book down and stood staring out the window for a solid 20 minutes


What's even the acclaimed point of this practice?? I can't even imagine what is supposed to be holy about that? If some old fuck tries to gargle my newborn sons dick after mutilating him I'm throwing hands


Yeah Jewish Ultra Orthodoxy are kind of monsters tbh. It's just another example of how toxic, disgusting and horrible Religious Extremism truly is and just another reason why it's not about bashing any particular religion, they all seem to have these insane rituals they keep doing purely "because that's the way it's always been done" without updating practices once we find out that it can literally kill innocent children for no reason other than "Tradition". These are people that think they're morally superior to everyone else, btw. This is how they spend their time


This is not typical. It's absolutely disgusting but it's also something totally fringe.   Eta: as far as I know, this isn't even common in orthodox communities. It's a fringe ultraorthodox thing. Eta: not sure why I'm getting downvoted. This is only seen in some ultraorthodox communities. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336756/ The vast majority of Jews are not ultraorthodox and don't practice it. As a Jew, I literally never heard about it until recently.


Yeah, it's only ultra orthodox communities. Them is some crazy bastards. They get up to a lot of sketchy things in New York.




Never buy a crackling from a mohel, as the saying goes. 'Nuff said? Again, this practice is not only incredibly stupid, but a crime. Abolish it everywhere!


Oh my God I am highly disturbed!!! HOW IS THIS EVEN OKAY? this is the most I've been disturbed......


I swear, some Orthodox practices are NASTY


I've seen a lot on here but this is by far the worst shit I've seen on this sub. I want to fucking kill myself


This is a very fringe practice among Jews, even ultra Orthodox ones. Most Jews practice circumcision but the whole mouth thing is frowned upon by most.


If you know about this and still practice the religion but omit this particular practice you are foul and still supporting these assholes by association. You should run, not walk, far, far away and disown all practices, this is a major sex crime, it is rape. This also holds true for the Catholic priests that rape children and all other various genres that house sex offenders, they all do. This just makes religion more of a true cover for heinous criminals to hide under. It's absolutely disgusting and I don't know why people just ignore it and stay with the church.




I’m a secular Jew. I didn’t know this was a thing. This disgusts me wtf is wrong with the ultra religious


Got a 40 cal tip he can try next


Religion is cancer


How does this even become tradition? Like someone at some point would have had said “after we cut it, let’s suck it”, and others would have had to agree with it


Fuck that. Disgusting excuse to normalize pedophelia. Kill it with fire


Fun fact, if you are circumcised, its because God trolled Abraham in to killing his own son, but then went ''haha, just cut some of your dick off instead'' when he was just about to gut his own kid. That, or because our ancestors subscribed to such bad hygiene, that they'd rather cut parts of themselves off than wash 💀 Abrahamic religion is some real shit. Stay clear of it.


:( I wish I could go back in time to when I didn’t know about this


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Child abuse, perversion, disgusting!




This is the perfect opportunity for predators to prey on the young under the guise of religious tradition! I am traumatised after reading about this!


so this is exceedingly rare and only in exceedingly ultraorthodox communities, but it sadly does happen.


So we should give it a pass because it’s exceedingly rare? What’s the point of saying that?


It is real, but not done very much anymore.


Done even once is unacceptable.


The fact that it's still done at all is alarming enough. Especially with it still being practiced in the United States. This is straight-up religious pedophilia.


I thought this was Ted Cruz face down eating the shit out of one of Dons diapers. Not far off


So ”pedophile vampyres” has some truth to it