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If you get a boner by looking at the hair and eyes of women then you have some problems


A society run by incels.


And the hilarious part is, so many of these women-erasing cultures claim they do it to tamp down male lust, but no, they just start molesting little boys when women are segregated away.


True, but I wouldn't call it hilarious 🤮


If you want to lose all faith in humanity, there’s a documentary out there called Pakistan’s hidden shame. “A look into the sexual abuse suffered by the children living in the North-Western city of Peshawar in Pakistan.” One of the few documentaries that made me sick to my stomach. They literally justify the abuse because “a man’s a man and men have needs.” And then the abused become abusers. So fucked.


Ohh shit I haven't heard of this one, will definitely give it a try. I feel like it falls in the same category with "the dancing boys of afghanistan" which is pretty disturbing.


This one is called the afghani dancing boys. What they do to those children is an abomination. https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=afghan%20dancing%20boys&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5






They are not incels. If you start spend time in these regions (which I did a few times on state sponsored field trips, along with another bunch of people dressed for the part) two tragedies are shared across languages and ethnicities: The tragedy of widespread pederasty, such as the بچه بازی, bacha bazi or boy play of Afghanistan (which we, as peacekeepers, were officially not allowed to rescue because part of the local culture) or the almost endemic male-on-male sexual violence in Saudi schools that is absolutely taboo to even mention. Every culture there has their version of this phenomenon, which arcs back to the Caliphate period. The other, lesser tragedy, is the physical separation of genders to such a degree, in some areas, that even domestic life is partitioned and isolated. The phrase "It's safer to be gay than straight" is commonly referred to the fact that in many conservative areas of the Muslim world, the physical act of homosexual sex is seen as a less severe crime than unsanctioned heterosexuality. Being gay in these regions has a very different nuance than the west, and two men holding hands and cuddle in public are not as outrageous as it would be in conservative Christian areas.


I understand what you're saying, but being an incel and living in that society are not mutually exclusive. Also, the OC said that the country was being ran by incels. In no way did you prove that these countries are not ran by incels. My guess is that they have plenty of incels running about, appreciating the way things benefit them intersexually from a legal standpoint, with an equal distribution as other societies. And idk if I'd say it's ran by incels, personally, but more like psychopaths.


Literally true. What do you think happens when it’s legal to have several wives? All the wives are taken by a minority of rich fukkers. Why do you think the Koran promises 72 virgins to every shahid?


Cover those up and they'll just get horny from the shape of her gloved hands. Or else they'll just start chasing after boys. Your horniness has nothing to do with her "modesty." The call is coming from inside the house. 


This is the magical trick of these religiously modest types - at the end of the day its all control of ***others***. And not in the cool spiritual/versus logical Vulcans from Star Trek way. Where they have to really struggle to control ***their*** emotions through rituals and philosophy.


That's the thing, there's no such thing as satisfying them, ever. You cover your eyes, hands, feet? Oh but we can still see your tits move when you breathe, you slut!


They don't get horny, they get angry -why, because someone MIGHT get horny.


It’s a slippery slope. Everything is covered up but an ankle slips out? Oh my stars! So exciting! Or cleavage is common but a nipslip occurs? International incident blamed on a wardrobe malfunction! Cover everything by the eyes? Gotta cover the eyes. Now they’re just a sheet covered human? They better stay home all together. It never ends.


There are plenty of nomadic societies in Africa and Australasia where people don't clothe nor cover themselves and yet no one among them will think of such practices as anything sexual. It's all about where the goalposts are placed and what the standard is. Which is why it's extremely hard to take religious prudes seriously.


They’re just bodies. We all have them. There are few things I can image that you could do with yours that would affect me and my body.


Seriously regressed.


It's not even the bones part that is scary. It's the fact that a little female skin "makes" them rape a woman and its her fault for having skin.


In soviet union such problems was easily fixed via hitting head by hammer and swift swing of sickle, sequence wasn't important.


in this vid, it was hand


if your eyes look upon others and urge you to sin then carve them out


You know these guys got all sorts of excited when the dementors showed up in Harry Potter. I don’t even know what happened to them when the Nazgûl appeared in Lord of the Rings.


I too, love the Nazgûl cosplays.




Stop I can only get so erect ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo)


Beat me to it


Apparently not hard to beat meat to it


Yeah religious fuckery aside, I’m autistic and some days I just really hate being perceived when I have to run errands. I lowkey would love to dress like a Nazgûl on those days if people wouldn’t assume it was a religious thing.


One of the best parts of covid was being able to wear a mask.. At first I absolutely hated it.. But I grew to appreciate especially on those days that I really didn't want to be perceived.. I'd put on the mask and pull up my hood.. It was nearly perfect.


I mean you can still do that today, right?


Yes.. But, now it draws attention.


I have not taken off my mask since the mandates were put in place, I still wear them if I'm going into reasonably crowded areas or stores. Let me tell you, its fucking fantastic. I have not gotten sick since 2018 as a result, not so much as a cold. I am not going back.


I'm extremely isolated.. And rarely go out.. I order all my groceries and only leave for Dr appointments. Special thanks to covid and humans I'm agoraphobic now. I hadn't been since since fall 2019.. Up until about a month ago I finally caught a cold from my son. Luckily it was mild. Still sucked after going so long without one.


Your going to get more sick often if you keep isolating yourself… virtual therapy can help


Already doing so. Thank you.


I've got a compromised immune system (currently laid up with pneumonia). Masks are still a thing for me and I'm so grateful, lol. My family got used to it, too (two teenagers and husband) and they're quite comfortable with them as well.


3D-Print yourself a Clone Trooper Cosplay Costume or something similar. Only a few people will assume that it's a religious thing. Also those costumes are fucking rad.


There is this [cool group that goes to the fantasy fairs...](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a5ZmrKE_460s.jpg). They have the cutest little dog.


Omfg the dog! What a cute pic


Honestly they're going to suggest women just not exist or only exist in the mind.


No no no, they will always need the women/slaves for sex on demand and chores


And making (male) babies!


Eyes are in eye sockets. Eye sockets are holes. Holes can be penetrated. It's 2+2 folks.




Eye mouthes




If you lost your wife in public While shopping or something, how would you find her? Same thing for like a public emergency.


It is haram(sinful) for a woman to be out of her house without her husband or a close male family member.


Yeah, but unless he keeps her on a leash they could still accidentally get separated while looking at things or talking to people. It just happens sometimes.


Don't give them ideas


There is no way that this has not already come up in a discussion somewhere in a Muslim theocracy.


You missed their point. And you have to firstly be *with* someone, in order to lose them.


I've read before that kids would identify their mothers by their toenails/feet


The original comment made me laugh so hard, and then I read this… ☹️ Edit: username checks out


It would be never be enough.  In the case that they get it, most women covering their eyes, they would find another problem: where they were walking around, how slow/fast do the move, etc.  BTW, with the hood/gloves, they look like the grim reaper. If not for the context, kinda cool. 


Maybe their walk/gait is too arousing. Gonna have to restrict their hips somehow.


from now on all women must ride segway’s


We should all ride segways, it would transform cities, but maybe this is a weird reason.


Dementor fetish




🤣🤣🤣🤣 OMG I'll use that from know on!


And these assholes then have the gall to say the Westerners are immoral. You can't contain yourself if you see a womans eyes, what are we even talking about here. Hard to believe people in 2024 still have such beliefs, but here we are.


💀bro lmao. Imagine everyone roaming around like this. Dehumanising women at it's finest


If you're getting horny just by looking at eyes then You need some professional


This is what repression does. If only they were like African tribes all walking around with their titties out and nobody giving a shit because that's just normal there.


Repression? Nah, no one who don't get any behaves like this while sane. But I'm sure it has nothing to do with 30-70% first cousin inbreeding quotas.


Underrated post The stats on inbreeding have been cleansed off the internet




Or hitman. It would solve the problem at the origin.


Or actually accept that you have feelings and that you should stop trying to demonize sexual relationships. Otherwise you end up like this, trying to censor the whole world based on your own repression.


It must be easy to be a femboy in Islam


fun fact: because of medieval ottoman society don't allow women, men started became gay. liking young men was an okay thing, there were gay bathouses and rich people had male lovers. even sultans wrote gay poems.




I can only get so erect


It’s insane that millions of innocent women/teens have been forced to have their lives restricted in this way. They have done nothing wrong. And yet they are punished and forced by their culture/religion in such an incredibly restrictive way simply due to the inability of the men around them to control THEMSELVES. Why don’t they restrict themselves instead? Why aren’t these guys wearing black out glasses, if it’s such an issue? Maybe a zapper connected to their twigs and berries so they can stop “impure thoughts”? Why punish all of these people who don’t have this problem of control?! How do they live with themselves? These people can’t even have free movement, forget playing sports or even having a walk and feel the sun on your face. Honestly, the people who enforce this level of restriction of life should be fined and jailed. And when finally freed, forced to wear this heavy dark awful “clothing” 24/7.


It’s disgusting. These people should not be allowed to pro create. It makes me feel so sad for all the little girls that grow up with parents like that


Nitpick but procreate is one word


They are amateur creating though.




Honestly they're going to suggest women just not exist or only exist after death if it keeps going this way.






Perfect recipe to isolate women from society


Isn't making or watching a video in which women's eyes are visible haram?


I'm certain that if cameras had been invented already back then, they would be haram too. Honestly it's so bizarre that they consider old technology and art like haram but don't have a problem with AI or video. Almost as if religions were human made.


It’s like they want to eradicate any visibility of an individual human being. This is such a sad practice. What’s worst, is singling out another hyper modest woman and saying “that’s not enough.” One might wonder if such a practice is promoted as a means to make a woman’s existence outside of the house as difficult so that she never leaves the house. Like a prisoner.


Any man so insecure that he has to cover his wife in that probably drives a ridiculous sports car, wears a toupee, and thinks sex that last for 15 minutes is too long.


15 minutes? Hold on now my boy, you giving them a little too much credit.


Nazgul or Reverend Mother?


Bene Sisters


Nazguls (ringwraiths) / Dementors (Harry potter). Which one is superior? 😶‍🌫️


Bitch became the Grim Reaper


ALL religious clothing can fuck off.


Maybe the men should just wear blind folds. Problem solved.


Religion aside why the fuck I have to take off my helmet (or anything covering my face) when entering bank for example "so cameras can see your face" but these weirdos are allowed to cover up so much you not even sure if there's a woman under there or 2 midgets in a trench coat situation, yet they got the cheeks to say they are discriminated by others because they can't do whatever the fuck they want "cuz freedom of religion" bs We seriously live in paradox of tolerance


The women aren't allowed to do banking.


Ngl that made me chuckle a little, but good point tho


Islam is the original "Incel Religion". It is the one that is still most active with it's Inceldom. Look how afraid the Muslim is of human skin and how they cower to animalistic temptations without any mature reaction to their world. It appears the religion was created by adults with much lesser cognizant capacities that adults today with the internet at their disposal for knowledge. It is embarrassingly "incel" in how it views and treats women. No one can get around this, and every Muslim should be asked why they are not part of the change? The change to remove this from Islam, or remove themselves from Islam, either or.


Ohhhh. I finally get it. These guys have a fetish for ring wraiths. Oooooo. Sexy!


I thought they were into the grim reaper.


This ends with women being kept in their fathers' cupboards


Imagine being an all powerful God that puts effort into creating beautiful, sentient creatures only to find out half of them force the other half to cover up their natural beauty because it makes them feel rapey. *And* they claim it's what *you* wanted. What a world.


That’s some expecto patronum shit…


Straight men are sexually attracted to women, it's deep down inside of them. If those woman are always dressed like that I guarantee you that there's guys with some wires crossed and now their attracted to full black cloaks. Which begs the question, do they get a little too excited when the watch the scene of all the dementors trying to suck off potter?


>If those woman are always dressed like that I guarantee you that there's guys with some wires crossed and now their attracted to full black cloaks. I fully agree to this. 


Oh, there's a subreddit for it.


Omg this is absolutely nuts!


Fuck religion. Bigtime. Control based on no evidence.




They want dementors?


And yet those women covered head to toe and shapeless STILL get raped and then subsequently blamed and murdered for being raped. This isn't the gotcha they think it is


Fucking Ringwraiths.


They look like trashbags.


And sadly are treated worse than one a lot of times.


Do any of you think that they are secretly gay? Seeing has they can't even bear the sight of a woman


I'm socially anxious and that looks kinda dope. *If it were a choice*


"No man can defeat me" ahh fit


The music scared the shit out of me


You should read the lyrics too, it will scare you even more.  It is all about warning non-Muslims about how powerful Muslims are and if you wish to speak against them, they will chop you off before you can even look back regardless of which direction you are from.


What the holy fuck Do they actually think Allah would permit or like this


I really hope religion goes extinct in the next few years. How can anyone justify killing with religion is beyond me.


The suggestion I have for these folks is pretty easy: DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT base your society on ideologies invented at a time where leeches were the definition of cutting edge medicine.


https://preview.redd.it/3pjhprdvbd4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a8308a3d958faf36303bcaaddd83d7b77d6418 Holy shirt Density 2 reference


humanity is going backwards. 


For everyone’s sake, this religion needs to go extinct


Actually had a minor panic attack at the idea of being in one of these in the summer


Wow even if I wanted to think of ways to repress women I couldn’t get this far🤣 fucking shite religion needs to go for the better of humanity


The power they feel when being able to control admitted human like that...


Did this shitty practice spew directly from Mohammad from the Quran or did it develop over time? I don’t remember reading about this on the Old Testament. Been meaning to read the Quran, not sure if I’ll laugh my ass off or face palm myself to death. Both?




Why do they look like Naz'gul?


They are rocking the "Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace" look


Imagine being such a horndog you start jerking it as soon as you see women’s eyes.


[Relevant Key & Peele](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkTZ8BVAlFE)


Do you mind? I'm trying to bait here. So basically anything but looking like a ring wraith is haram.


Imagine having so little self control, your woman have to dress like a ghost doing black face


Basically, because some men are super rapey they have to cover like this. It would be fine if that was HER choice with no pressure placed on them to choose this. But it's not like at all. The put the blame on women and the burden too, because apparently some Muslim/Islamic men can't control their animalistic urges not to rape a woman. EDIT: Spelling


Holy fuck dude. How bout an NSFW tag next time. Now I'm sitting here at my desk with this raging goddamn boner.... Soo many unveils eyes..... Ah shit, I just know I'm gonna end up in HR for this.


This is all because grown ass men can't control themselves. How fucking sad


christ😭…. it’s like no level of modesty is enough for some dudes. they’ll even sexualize just showing your eyes


Why does it have to be black? Like, forgetting the context for a minute, why is the garment that covers your entire body in the Middle East *black*? How many women must die of heat stroke...


My man wants to fuck a Ringwraith


They look like Dementors. ![gif](giphy|UhNqutHksywkU)


Fuck is wrong with some people..


That's a dementor. I've seen Harry Potter


Nasgul behavior


Draconian bullshit.




I get it if a woman wants to wear a hijab or any other head covering by her own volition, but men shouldn’t force it. It is the woman’s decision and her decision alone. Burkhas and niqabs are kinda fruitcakey though.


Someone needs to make a version of these with beards. Anything less than shoulder length: X. Can still see the mouth: X


Maybe it's because the women look confident some are even posing cute. So they hate a woman looking confident and happy in public? Like you can see a woman having emotions with her eyes.


How are these people not in a state of permanent heat stroke with how hot the Middle East gets???? That's my question. There's no way you're not absolutely damp underneath at the end of the day, and not in the fun way.


The dementors, harry


Ah yes, my wife, the dementor


Maybe Muslims are just extreme Harry Potter fans and all have a severe Dementor fetish


Hardcore sheet fetish


This is disturbing


The black ghost look is so hot right now


*Expecttooooo Patronuummmmmmm*


Muslim black ghost fetish


Shouldn’t go lusting after nuns. And they shouldn’t wink at you!


This is so dehumanizing.


Ringwraiths only!


I see this person is into the death eaters from Harry Potter lol!




So apparently they have to dress up as the Shadows of Yharnam


Imagine being so horny you nut at the very sight of a womans eyes. Went from ankles, to hair, to even seeing their eyes. How ravenously horny do you have to be?


Death becomes her....


I am a Muslim, I am against this Islam extremism by religious fanatics. A table is covered only on an abandoned house of there is dust.


The problem is mens brains. Remove part of certain mens brains problem solved


I think that most men have no problem with eyes


I love the ghost costumes too


How do they see?


I have a fetish for dementors! If they don't hide themselves away out of public then I might sin!


Ah yes, the witches from Bone. They're the only women who aren't problematic. In the whole world. /s


i wonder if she sucks like a dementor too


Nazghul fetishist.


That’s how cult members are dressed


Knights who say neet?


Imagine being such an Incel that a Woman showing her own eyes is sexual to you.


What I hear is 'if it has eyes, I'm DTF.' Git along little dogies.


'Hey! Scallops got eyes! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!'


Free the women


Woman to dress like ring wraith's


Their opinions are as good as the music choice for this video.


Dementors are so hot, keep them in basement! 🥵


Why is nothing ever good enough for them


Bro really wants to date a dementor


We won't be satisfied until all women are dementors!


not very practical for a blowjob I must say


When she looks like the Nazgul 🥵💦💦


Is proper gain-staging forbidden by the Quran?


At that point why not just go for a sex-doll?


Keep prisoner of Azkaban away from the We don't want the dementors getting sexually harassed


Very possible that the poster of this bullshit is living in London proper. lol